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Hello and thank you for your submission to /r/AskRedditAfteDark. It's been removed for the following reason: This discussion, for whatever reason, is off the rails and may be receiving multiple reports. We're gonna shut it down now. It was fun while it lasted, though, yeah? If you have any questions or feel this was in error please reply to this comment (or send a us a modmail)


I've been there. I think we worry about it much more than they do


It's true. Y'all worry about it way more. I think the majority kinda like it.


It's where I rest my weary head.


I surely hope so!


Most guys have belly fat themselves, over 30% of US population is obese lol, not just average but obese and even average is not enough to have visible abs. Maybe a fit guy can afford to have that standard but not an average, let alone on obese one.


As a man with many many friends I can say that many men don't mind some stomach softness. There is a femininity and cuteness to it. It can feel good to touch and is great to feel and grab during sex. Sure if it gets excessive it can start to detract but when that happens is going to be a very personal preference for each guy. Pay attention to how he is responding to you physically, if he touches you there and is still as into you as ever you are good to go. Better yet talk to him about it. Communication is a powerful thing!






If it’s 10-15 pounds I don’t think anyone would mind. If it’s 100-150 pounds then I think people might start thinking it’s less attractive


If someone puts on 100 pounds that's not when you start being less attractive thats a serious health issue either mental or physical. On the BMI scale that's the difference between underweight and obese for women and obese women are not more attractive unless your in the minority who specifically like that.


it's more than that. for women of average height, the normal weight range is about 40 lbs. from overweight to obese is about another 30 lbs, and from obese to class II obese another 30 lbs. so... a 100 lb gain takes someone from underweight to class II obese, at 5'3''. for someone who's already average or over weight, it would probably but them into class III, which is considered severe obesity. so... that's a huge change, obviously, and usually when something like that happens the incompatibility extends to lifestyle choices, too, not just aesthetic-sexual attraction.


"Obese" people are not a monolith. I know women who are clinically obese but a size 2. The generalization that "obese women are not more attractive" is one that ignores both nuance and inherent bias of the BMI chart in general. That aside, I do agree that someone putting on 100 pounds is definitely concerning because there are very very few scenarios where that much weight gain is healthy.


Men aren't a monolith. Some won't find it attractive at all. Some will find it really attractive. And most people will be somewhere in the middle.


Thank you a lot of these posts should focus more on themselves being ok with their bodies instead of asking men if they would find them attractive.






I really like your line there! Thanks for giving me a smile tonight!




I came across a photo from many years ago when my wife was very big and I literally cannot remember her looking like that so........ apparently I don't.










































Considering I'm chunky and have at least 10-12 dudes message me a day about wanting to fuck some part of me or lick my asshole, I don't think they care lol


This is the true answer


Most won't care specially if it's just a few kilos, if you gain a lot then Yeh more are going to care. If you don't like it and feel self conscious about it, then it might be time to work on changing it.


As a woman with belly fat, can confirm, most men don’t care. Also most men have a little padding themselves. At least in the states. We a fat country.


Hahahaha…love your last comment, “We a fat country.” So true😂🤣😂.


I've always had a belly and I've never had any complaints, to the contrary actually. even if he notices the change, that doesn't mean he'll dislike it - it's just more softness 🧸


I take responsibility for feeding you too much and not heading out enough. It doesn’t turn me off but I want to help keep us both healthy, lets head out more :)


If the guy isn’t a dick he wouldn’t care tbh. Beside fat girlies are so underrated, they deserve all the love and praise




I mean you are not supposed to date someone just because of their looks. If you are dating someone and that person gains weight and it’s something you don’t find attractive you have to talk to about it with your partner. But dumping someone solely because they gained weight is a dick move tbh and your tone of “leaving someone for someone else who takes care of themselves” sounds pretty shallow.


You can date someone for any reason you'd like and you can dump them for any reason you want. If this guy deems 15lbs to make him unattracted to her, he should dump her.


If you date someone just for their looks you are shallow pos plain and simple


Are women pieces of shit who have a height requirement or dick size requirement?


Yes some women are shallow too is part of the spectrum of human personalities, but because there’s shallow women it doesn’t mean it’s ok to be one. Look man if you are a shallow pos just be upfront and honest about it. You don’t need to justify it just embrace it. If you feel the need to justify it it’s because deep down you know it’s a dick and shitty pov


I'm glad you have an objective point of view and appreciate that. Unfortunately the majority of the people on this sub don't share objectivity. I will disagree though and I don't think those women are shallow. Neither is a guy who dumps his girlfriend who is getting fat.


Idk man it’s whatever at this point 🤷‍♂️ like talking to a wall


I'm just disagreeing with you... people shouldn't be forced into relationships into people they aren't attracted to... It's lunacy. I appreciate you don't have double standards but disagree with you thinking it's shallow.


Height and dick size aren't usually able to change... I'm not arguing for or again those types of requirements, but I don't think they're comparable to weight.


Just because you can't change it, doesn't mean it's not comparable. If you get with a woman and she lets herself go, I think you're justified in dumping her. She's not exactly the same person you met. If you're in a relationship you kinda owe it to your partner to maintain yourself. I was with one woman who gained weight and she refused to change, so I dumped her. Yes, she became less attractive .


You keep going off about dick size and height so it seems like a personal problem


So he can’t make any comparisons whatsoever or else if he does, he is automatically guilty of such character flaws? What’s the point of even having this discussion if you’re just going to do that. “oh, you compared to something else you must have a TINY DICK” Where is that going to get this conversation?


That's what the women here do, they lack accountability and they don't want to admit they are wrong, hence why they scream and insult me rather than answer that question. What I am saying is accurate how people act here. Of course her only response is that I surely must have a tiny dick!! Nothing logical of course or something insightful, just personal attacks.


My dick is above average and my height is above average. Why do I have a problem when I point out the hypocrisy and double standards? Of course, no one can directly answer my question. It's no surprise as it's what I expected.


yeah, they are.


Having it as a requirement and only dating someone for it is completely different. I have a requirement that my partner isn't broke or homeless, but I don't date them just because they have a decent job. From my experience people who accuse others of being shallow are those who can't land a hot partner and are upset that some people can afford to have high standards in regards to their partner's physical appearance.


i mean... you can date or love someone for more than their looks but also not be attracted to a certain look-- and without sexual attraction the relationship is unlikely to succeed. granted, it's usually going to take more than 10 lbs to exceed someone's preference, but still, i'm replying to your comment and not just oop's post. having a physical preference doesn't make anyone a dick, treating people whose appearance is not your preference poorly does.


Don’t know how you were seen in the wrong majority of people date for looks and stay for the personality. Whether it be on dating apps, at a bar or during an event, people will interact with strangers they don’t know because they find them physically attractive. What you said was completely fair but because it doesn’t praise all body types you’re automatically in the wrong


Yes, body types are praised as long as it's towards women. There's a reason why short guys for instance aren't praised here. Women are empowered lady bosses for their preferences. "don't settle queen!" Men need to step out and not be guilt tripped. I see so many guys who are unhappy with their girlfriend or wife who is just letting herself go, is fat, or whatever. Men shouldn't feel bad for rejecting women based on any physical characteristics. If you want a fit woman, go for it! You're not a bad guy.


10 pounds is not “getting fat” What are you even going on about? Girls get criticized all the time for having preferences. If they like tall guys then there standards are “too high”, if they like bigger dicks than they are “sluts” or “loose”, if they prefer a guy to be muscular than they are “shallow” Seriously, you’re just imaging this in your head. There is criticizing on both sides. There is also encouragement on both sides as well It’s is NOT at all one sided.


Um… this isn’t about personal preference. As a girl I wouldn’t be that concerned about my sexual partner’s flab, and just a general rule of thumb in being a decent person is to not say mean things about others based on their appearance or other insecurities.


That's your preference. If a guy isn't attracted to his partner anymore, what should he do? Stay with her and be miserable? He doesn't have to call her fat. He can try to work with her if he's very invested or just dump her. Realistically it's not a big deal as weight can easily be changed and many men don't mind fat out of shape Women


You’re putting things way out of context… again, what u/ucantescapethegoose was saying is that if he’s a dick, he would say things that would make her feel insecure about her insecurity. So this isn’t about preference, just about people being people. Sure, your preference can be for skinny people. But don’t be a dick and make fun of someone who doesn’t fit that preference. That’s all this is.


Thank you


A fat stomach? Or a stomach that has fats? Those 2 are different.


So which one is the turn off?


It would be a turn off of tits aren’t present..


I don’t give one single fuck. If you’re a dude and scared of a little weight you’re honestly an asshole who doesn’t understand bodies and different changes woman’s bodies go through. Plus I like me some tummy, personally I think the tummy is one of the hottest parts on a woman. And I’m not just saying it because of the post I honestly truly believe it hahahah !!!


Girl, I’m learning to turn that into more lbs of confidence. Because there ain’t no way in hell I’m keeping SOME curves and getting lipo at 28 🤭 “if I’m too much GO FIND LESS.” 👏🏻


Absolutely, it's definitely a turn off when women let themselves go. And it is noticable when it increases over time. The theme of pleasing women and body positivity is draining especially since women can constantly criticize men and are praised for it. Raise your standards guys


10-15 pounds is really not a big change, and also women’s bodies are literally designed to store fat. I dont think a lot of guys know that but men’s and women’s hormones work in totally different ways, I’d read up on it before projecting a moral judgment


Hell no! not at all, that weight gain thickness that comes with getting in a relationship is bees knees!!


It’s among the biggest turnoffs. People like different things. Why would this be unique?


Personally I think I'd appreciate the extra boobs, butt and thighs. I doubt I'd notice the stomach.


I'm soooo sorry to say this... especially as a guy that likes thick women... but yeah... guys notice when then their women get bigger, and bigger women are seen as "easier" to get at the bar/club/grocery store, because they are "bigger" women, because men assume they are less desirable and therefore easier to have. No, men don't prefer it, but 100% yes they will take it if they care about you, love you, or... are jumping on a grenade for the night and just wanna get laid. Or they know they're not desirable themselves and have to take what they can get. But no guy, being honest, is like "I wanna f-k a fatty tonight.


Except plenty of men prefer a fatty


No, there is just more to love 🥵


Ppfftt 10-15 lbs? Nothing. 75 to 100 - issue.


Height and weight? There’s a difference between a few extra pounds and being morbidly obese, depends on your starting point.


I personally like a little belly. The only guys that really care about that are gym dudes and Andrew Tate incels.


"Relationship weight" 😂


Never mattered to me


What's "relationship weight"?


For me it's not a turn off if the overall figure has a good ratio . Belly bigger than boobs is a turn off for me for example


If you two still smash then it’s okay


Nothing wrong with a soft belly, and honestly looks hot...Im older, realize kids fuck up the belly, and really I just like the softness!


If it makes you self conscious, why don't you try lose it? Not for your man, but for yourself. As someone who put on weight due to a health problem about 5yrs ago, figured out how to fix said health problem, then proceeded to lose all the weight. It took me from 2021-now, because I preferred to take my time & eat well, instead of starve myself & lose it fast only to regain it when I began eating normal again. I feel amazing physically & mentally now. Highly recommend!


I’ve been thinking about this lately and have been changing a few things in my diet, so I might be heading in this direction! Just for the sake of my confidence


Nearly everyone has "stomach fat", but if what you really mean is noticeable pudge, then most people will find that less attractive than not having it.


Do we mind? I mean… put two exact copies of you side by side, and the only difference is one has stomach fat she’s self conscious about…which one would he prefer?


Is relationship weight similar to the freshman 15?


I love curvy women! Best way I can say it, do you like a flat highway or you like curvy back roads… I like 4 wheel drive back roads where I can get lost for an hour or two and watch the stars with the lady of the hour and not worry about any disturbances.


Fat women make me puke. I associate fat with being unhealthy and being dirty.


Ion know, ask your bf instead of internet strangers with various opinions.


If they do fuck em. Show me a perfect man! I sound like a feminist but hell we all are different. Women are so beautiful in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Being comfortable in your own skin is so sexy. To hell with any thing else


just saying if anyone dumps you for gaining just 10-15 lbs, then they weren’t ever worth it at all


We all have parts of our bodies that are t as firm as we’d like them to be and that’s okay. It’s part of what makes us who we are. I personally like women who have a few extra pounds. I think it’s sexy!


How much fat?


Me and the boys over at /r/mummytummies certainly have opinions.


Not at all




Nope. Not in the slightest. I prefer curvier women but that’s just my preference.


I prefer it, I love chubby girls


I don’t mind at all 😀


Not unless they're weirdos. I love a woman's body


Ofcourse we would. We love meaty chubby belly


A little bit of a belly is hot, ngl


As for your situation, nah you’re fine. If you’re self conscious it might affect your confidence and confidence is attractive.


Well for me it’s no for some it would be yes then for some the fatter the better everyone has there preference but I think most would take a chubby chick over a skinny pack of bones


Men and women aren’t that radically different. Id say it’s similar to whether you care. Some people do, most don’t.


That is not a problem for me


I don’t care at all, if anything I like a little bit of squish 🥰


That's fine, it makes her even MORE curvy. Personally, I LOVE it when a woman has a little more meat on her bones.


I am totally fine with some weight gain. Year over year of continuous gains would warrant a conversation about healthy choices


Nah I don’t care


Most men are happy to have someone notice them and want to spend time with them. Most men are super grateful you even touched them. So no Most men wouldn't care we are happy that we got chosen in the first place.




Nope i love them jiggle too 💖😌


I gained about 50-60 pounds since the pandemic and it also stresses me out, but I think it bothers me cause it feels physically uncomfortable for me when it's like... in the way?? and bloated?


I think that women usually care more about it on themselves than the man does. Also like a little tummy fat is cute. It’s nice to grab and also just makes many women look more natural and woman-like imo. But too much is not good too. Not a fan of obesity levels of tummy fat.


I love it.


Cant speak for all but i like chubby girls


Some men will definitely care, just like some women don't like men with bellies. Some men won't care and some men will absolutely prefer a women with a belly.


Nah. I feel like most of us don’t really care. Nothing to be ashamed or self-conscious about


I don’t mind. But everyone is different


Some do, some don't. This is the answer for almost all questions here...


I dont mind it


I love it, actively chase it on women. Not a fetish, or kink. More a comfort.


Most men love it


I think most men aren't going to mind a small to moderate amount of stomach fat. Having a small FUPA is not a big deal. Take a leaf out of Beyonce's book, and love the FUPA.


Do I mind? Do I what? I Fucken love that shit.


Depends on the man. For example I'm way more into chubby women than slim women. Belly fat is sexy.


Ask yourself do u care if men has a big belly? I think u got the answer


I like a flat stomach more than a chubby one, but that's not how "men" in general work. All like different things so there is not "one fits all". It also depends on how it looks on the woman. I would probably not break up with someone who gained 10-15 pounds, but help her get back in shape. But I myself have 15-20 pounds too much at the moment and I understand of women feel the same about belly fat. Live and let live.


There's something like too much fat ofcourse, but in most cases if the guy loves you he'll take you as you are, we like a little padding anywhere on your body and most likely you see more fat than actually is there, some women would consider just a normal healthy pouch to be fat when men barely notice.


I love my wife’s belly. She hates it and thinks men don’t like that. I tell her I love it and I truly do. I don’t want a super model, that’s not a way to live and be insecure about. If he doesn’t love you for you, then he’s not the one.


In my experience, most guys don’t. Even the guys who act like they haaaaaate fat women will frequently still smash if given the chance, as long as they don’t think anyone will find out. Source: fat and slutty


None of these answer can tell you what your partner likes/dislikes. If you are worried about him, ask him, not anonymous reddit users. Open communication is part of a healthy relationship


I’m bisexual, and have definitely been with more women than men, and I have never cared about a woman’s stomach fat. If anything, I like it more when there is more to grab onto and touch and kiss etc (on both men and women) I would not want to be having sex with anybody who has a problem with my huge belly and jiggly thighs🫶


They prefer it


A bit of fat is healthy. Don't starve yourself to look like a skinny Barbie doll. Fat on your ass, hips is perfectly normal. But don't be wider than your height. At that point it becomes pretty unhealthy for your heart, bones and organs to drag along the extra weight. So I don't mind at all, even jiggle little bits are fun. But their are limits to what I find attractive.


My wife and I both have put on some weight as we’ve drifted into middle age suburbia. I’m still super attracted to her but I worry over her feeling self conscious about the bit of belly she’s got now — while my hands roam over her during casual cuddling I typically avoid putting my hands over her stomach because I worry it might remind her that her body has changed in a way she’s not thrilled about. But maybe that’s just me getting in my own head about it, who knows, maybe my hands avoiding her belly makes her more self conscious than she’d otherwise be about it (I’m sure that if I asked her about it she’d tell me I’m overthinking things, as usual).


Men worry about stomach fat the same way women care about dick size. Do what you will with that info


>the stomach part makes me self conscious. If you were my girl (how to put this delicately)… unless there's another way for the mouth to travel from the breasts to the thighs… No trouble at all, ma'am, its right on my way, don't be silly…


Yeah, some absolutely do. I would wager to say a plurality of men do. Not all, though.


Men evolved into genetic diversity generating machines. We are sperm-armed cruise missiles seeking women of childbearing age who do not appear to be pregnant. Body fat that emulates pregnacy defeats our evolutionary radar. Sorry if anyone finds that offensive.


I don’t mind it.


Not in the slightest. Women worry so much about a little weight gain, when the majority of men just fancy them more for being a bit softer, having slightly bigger boobs/bum. For me it makes a woman way sexier and approachable. Makes them more human than someone with a super athletic body.


In general, I don’t think men care. I don’t! To me, it just means you are comfortable in your current relationship. What’s a few extra pounds?! And let’s face it, to have a flat stomach, you either have to work your tail off in the gym and stay on top of your nutrition all day long, or you are genetically made that way. Most of us aren’t going to go to those lengths. A few pounds and a little belly is common for most of the population. Just try not to stress over it and enjoy where you are in this season of life!


I’d say most guys can pretty much judge what they’re in for before you take your clothes off. So if they’re not into the belly, they won’t initiate with you. So unless you’re wearing like some SuperSpanx that completely hides your figure, you’ll be fine.


I believe all women are entitled to having all of their internal organs, whether they be digestive, reproductive, or… Oh wait. No! Hell no! It may be hard to believe, but we don’t even notice, especially if she has (no doubt) assets to draw our attention. Though not all of us are simple creatures, when “boobs” are involved or other similar assets, we become very simple creatures.


No not at all


I don't mind a BIT of stomach fat, but I mind the mindset behind "relationship weight". It just means you don't care about how you look, because you already have a partner. Thats a disrespect. I train even harder in a relationship because I want to be sexy for my partner.


I don’t mind if a woman has stomach fat


Nope. An older woman with a belly pouch is fucking hot!


Happened with my now wife. I like to think of it as snuggle weight. The hugs and cuddles are way nicer, and I love her more every day. We’re all human; love who you are, because I’m sure he does.


Time to hit the gym ✂️


We don't think anything of it unless the guy is an asshole and demands perfection. Don't be with "that guy". I love an amazing body, but if it's too perfect, I don't enjoy the sex as much. I find small imperfections to be attractive, especially when the person isnt insecure about them. Men are honestly more into enthusiasm than we are anything physical. Make us feel like you want us, and that will outweigh and physical insecurities you may have. I've dated women in all shapes and sizes. If I had to choose between a woman, people would consider a 10, and she made me feel like she was doing me a favor by just laying there; versus someone who isn't a 10 that straight up wanted it and let loose....I'd pass on the 10 all day long. Some of the best sex I've had was with women who were overweight in some degree but not insecure about it. Screw body image. Enthusiasm is what turns us on.


Most men do not mind at all. If they have a problem with it, to hell with em!


Couldn’t care less


I also had gained 5kg/10 lbs during my last relationship my bmi remained under 25 (not heavily muscular so it's a reliable standard for me) throughout all my weigh ins yet he still said I was dangerously gaining weight when we broke up lmao 🥴


Everyone hits that relationship weight. Your BF probably gained some too. Usually if he is still getting naked with you, then he doesn't mind!


Mind? Some of us prefer it.


Anyone guy in here who has dated a big big woman will say yes. I was so on love I guess I didn’t realize. I had to lift her stomach up to play with her….


Only if it's an unhealthy amount