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All of it. 32 days sober. 37 years old I made the decision, I love it.


It’s harder to get 30 days than it is to get 30 years.


Thanks bcat. I worked in breweries for 10 years. Restaurants for 20. Never drank in highschool. Honestly it was easy since it was my decision on my time. I didn't get a DUI, lose my job/girl/incident. I was crushing 60-70 a week plus half a bottle of tequila. I would show up to work drunk or hungover at my job but my boss didn't care because I was still putting out the same proformance every day as if I was sober. I didn't change my living, friends, places I go. I just quit drinking. I was sick of being sick. I also started an IG about my story and post every day.


Hows the IG going? My girl is interested in making one for her recovery. We've been clean off fentanyl for 7 months. She wants to share her story and help other people. Maybe make a few bucks along the way if possible? Would you mind messaging me and giving me some info on how that's going/how often you post/ what your engagement is?


I just do a quick selfie vid starting with X# day and say something how how im feeling. I usually do it first thing while waiting for my car to warm up on my way to work. It's a good way to start my day. It's not for money or anything. Makes me happy to say I'm still going first thing in the morning.


Also, congratulations, that's definitely something to be proud of. I wish my mother could try quitting drinking. Props to you tho


Nice!! Going on 9 months and I’m loving it! You for get all about and feel much better about yourself


Congrats dude. I’m 27 days. No idea how long I’m going. I just wake up and tell myself that today I’m not having a drink. Maybe tomorrow, but not today.


Keep going... Every day is a win. I have a lot of friends who are sober a few months to 10+ years. My sobriety is a small part of a big plan moving forward in my life. CDL truck school and job within a year. $100k I've already been driving a box for 9 years.


Hey I’m at 32 days too! I called it my birthday gift to myself (mind you a month late :-S )


Awesome. What made you quit?




Good for you! Hats off to you!!




Came here to say this one! One my 21st bday I drank a whole bottle of peppermint schnapps and chased it with Mountain Dew 🥴😝 I’m 36 and I’ve never touched it again since.


Oh man, that stuff is sooooo good in hot chocolate.


lol mine was peach schnapps!




Sneaky mother fuckers fo sure


And it’s never as good coming back up 🥴




It’s peach sister is bipolar in the same way. It runs in the family.


At some point, it occurred to me that the stuff tastes like mouthwash. I can’t drink it any more.


Still don’t like peppermint after getting drunk on it as a teen.


100 proof or gtfo


JESUS. yeah.


Rumple Minze is the devil at 50% abv


Mmmmm, toothpaste.


My mate and I were so into it in high school, before we knew our limits. I snarfed down about half a bottle of that delicious mouthwash-tasting shit and spent 30 mins dry retching on the lawn of a police citizen's youth club (PCYC) before an under-age punk show (Sydneysiders, Frenzal Rhomb at Hornsby PCYC c. 1996.) The cops came up to my friend and asked if I was OK and he was super calm "oh, she gets overwhelmed and needs to lie down sometimes" a full 20 years before autism was a known thing. I am not autistic BTW. Josh you were a genius and before your time.


Peach for me!!! 25 years ago. I can still taste it.


You forgot your poop turns green


for me its jäger...the smell haunts me every time


I never promised not to touch it again, but I can't even smell it. Now my body made that decision, not my voice.


Jagerbombs for me. Ruined jager and red bull.


POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNIGN I turned into a weeping drunk and almost uh...ended it all. Haven't touched Jager since new years 2017 I believe.


Glad you’re still here! You’re unfortunately not the first person I’ve heard with an experience like this.


Tequila. I had some again 3 years ago and it was just as big of a mess


Tequila is a dangerous mistress. It leads to the best of times and then immediately the worst of times.


Tequila has only ended my nights early. Its unpleasant to drink and hurts my stomach to the point I feel so sick I just want to go home.


Top 2 hangovers, easily. Tequila doesn't play. Yet I'm literally mixing margaritas right now. Take it slow. Water between. Quit when you're "feeling it".


Same. I think I've had less than 5 tequila drinks since that terrible night in 1989.


My first time with another guy involved a lot of tequila shots (nervous). I use the line "anything is possible with enough tequila" a lot, but only my wife (who set up the date) knows the origin. I could not stand even the smell of tequila for about 15 years. And it wasn't shame. I've had lots of sober gay sex since then.


Southern Comfort. Drank an entire bottle in one night. Never again.


Used it once to cure a toothache. 17 years later the smell still twists my stomach.


Same. 2024 - 1983 = Not f**king long enough!


Goldschlager. And yes.


Gin. Just Gin


At a frat party i did like 17 shots of peach schnapps, blacked out, had sex in a flower bed, scraped up my knee, threw up on the side of the freeway, and i don’t remember most of it. I’ve never had peach schnapps since. Was a wild Halloween.


Flowers? Fancyyy smancy


Jack Daniels and Mad Dog 20/20


Everclear and I refuse to even look at it.


This is mine. I did one shot and almost immediately curled up in the fetal position when my insides immediately protested. I literally thought how this was a stupid way to die.


This the one!


So what happened last night? 😂


Tequila. I'm still out on that one.


Fireball.. anything cinnamon fucks me up still


Rum caused my first ever blackout when I was 21. Swore not to have it ever again but had it just 2 months later 🤪😅


Bluesberry schnapps. Dear God...


Captain Morgan spiced rum. Haven’t touched it in 14yrs. Can do other rims but can’t even smell that one.


Jack Daniel’s. No


Mine is rumplemintz 🤢


Bourbon and bitters Now, I know that’s basically an Old Fashioned but this was in no way an Old Fashioned This was a heavy pour of bourbon and several shakes of bitters drank over ice. Repeat until half to two thirds of the bottle is gone That is both the worst hangover I’ve ever had and the most I have thrown up ever. It even popped a blood vessel in my eye and I had a bunch of red lines through it for days afterwards. Now I can’t stand the smell of bitters and shudder every time even though it was like 3 years ago now


Jack Daniels. Yes!


Captain Morgan... I've been able to enjoy a gentle glass again.. But never in over indulgence


I would have to go for Tequila and too much Vodka. The answer is no, but I managed to moderate my drinks well.


Jim Beam. Drank a fifth of it way too fast one evening. Blacked out. Woke up in the middle of the night and threw up all over a hotel bathroom. Then had to drive home the next day hung over/probably still drunk. Haven’t touched it since.


Oh man, I feel you. I had plans to pack up all my stuff one night in college so I could move house the next morning, and Jim Beam kept me company the whole evening. Never have I been so sick. Never talked to Jim again.


Vodka . Doesn't matter of I have a thimble or a pint of it I lose all memory of the night


It wipes my memory too. It's embarrassing!


Raspberry Smirnoff


Beer when I was like 16. I got so sick, the taste gave me horrible memories and I didn’t drink another for 15 years easily.


Not a specific alcohol but I’ll NEVER crossfade again. That’s 10-hrs of memory I’ll never get back.


Smirnoff ice 🤣🤣🤣 I was 19 and went to Salem, ma with a friend for Halloween. I thought I'd be smart and poured a few bottles of that into a water bottle I had and drank it pretty fast. I regretted that quite badly and had to sit down on the sidewalk for awhile.


Vodka and no…still drink it sometimes. An ice bucket for a cup and missed an entire Depeche Mode concert in Portland. Ended up on the floor of the detox area at the venue. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Not m but I had a buddy go blind temporarily from moonshine. Guy can't drink hard liquor (except southern comfort and spiced rum) anymore. Did not stop him at all


I was a pretty heavy drinker in 2018-19. I would drink two drinks that were 2shots of peppermint vodka mixed with 2shots of whipped cream vodka, all in a water bottle and then filled the rest with water. Tasted like liquid candycane basically. I would have one before and after dinner basically nightly. I was a housekeeper and it just “helped” me take the edge off. One evening I got a call that my last childhood dog had died and I had an additional 2 drinks so 16 shots in one night. Drunkest I had ever been. I just knew in my heart that if I kept drinking I was going to die, so I quit drinking the next morning (dangerous but it turned out okay in my case). I did end up swapping to weed, but I figured a couple puffs of weed was healthier than drinking 8 shots nightly. And since then I have had a shot here and there, usually like a celebration thing at a bar, it’s usually a lemon drop shot, but just one. I don’t really like how Drunk feels now that I’ve been a stoner for so long. And over the last two years I’ve smoked way less. Now it’s basically like 3 weed shred chunks and that’s all I smoke in the evening now. So that’s my alcohol story.


Straight Tequila, will still drink a margarita


I've never been in that situation. Yes, I've definitely overdone it, but it's not the alcohol's fault that I didn't pump the brakes on myself.




I used to mix that with Frïs vodka.


Jungle brewed rice alcohol in Burma. Nope nope nope


Blackberry brandy, but I was 16 and puked my guts up.


Hot Damn! Did it to impress a sexy senorita in high school. She drank me under the table and I couldn’t hold the liquor.


I was in Russia a handful of years ago. I was warned about drinking with Russians. I ignored the warnings. I haven't touched vodka since.


Southern comfort.


Wild Turkey. It's been 17yrs since I made that promise and I still can't look at a bottle without shuddering




Pink Whitney




Strawberry lemonade svedka 😭




Blackberry brandi and haven't touched it in 45 years.


Goldschlager......could chew Big Red gum for a solid decade after getting sick on this stuff


Tequila. Still hate it over 40 years later


Absinthe - whiskey mix. I am never going to drink that shit again. But I did managed to drink whiskey after a year...


Green apple pucker over 20 years ago. Never drank again. Anything green apple gives me the creeps.


Cognac 🤢




hennessy, nope lol


Yukon Jack


Ruddles , never touched again & never will .


Whatever the FUCK is in white russians. Mistakes were made on a long night in my very VERY early 20s (possibly earlier?) that I just...no. NO. Never again.


Victoria Bitter


Rye. OMFG rye. I have never touched it since because the smell just makes my throat tight.


Vodka. Haven't touched it in probably a decade.


Spiced rum. I've never been that drunk before that night and I will never be that drunk again. I downed half a bottle with little tolerance and an empty stomach. I don't really remember that night other than not being able to walk at all and consciously laying in the recovery position when my boyfriend at the time helped me get in bed. I didn't puke at all somehow but everything about it was terrible. I rarely even drink these days because of it.


Patron 😮‍💨


30 years ago, strawberry sisqo & tequila. 1st time I got drunk & I had football practice the next day. I've had tequila since then


Sambuca shots 🤢


Rum. That shit makes me manic.


Bacardi White with pineapple juice. I can still feel that hangover.


Vodka and it's been 15 yrs i didn't touch it ever.


Blueberry vodka we played beer pong with it and we all got super sick


Bailey's Irish cream. I was 16. It's been 10 years abd I still haven't touched it.


Blueberry vodka. Tastes too good, too easy to drink that whole bottle. Been over a decade and haven't touched any flavored vodkas, period.


Everclear. its how i discovered I was an emotional drunk drinking straight out of the bottle no chaser... turns out it doesnt solve my problems.


Vodka back in college and for the most part I dont drink it anymore


Vodka when I was 12 had me majorly hung over the next day. Even the thought of drinking more make me queasy for a few weeks. But those feelings passed and I was back at it again.


I guess Bailey or some Vodka, probably Peppermint Schnapps. It was my 21st birthday and my friends wanted me to get *wasted*. I was throwing in the towel and just needed water in my system. My “friend” said “Here bro I got you” and gave me a tall glass of clear liquid (the vodka) that I was led to believe was water. Took a big swig and realized what it was but it was too late. I don’t remember much after that but never again. Next morning was death.


Jäger! Haven’t touched it in almost 20 years


Gin. Even the smell of it makes me gag 28 years later.


Tequila... Years of getting completely wasted at the frat... Taking a shot now is like taking a strong laxative... And I love tequila.


Golden glow mixed with Jack Daniel's "Apple Jax" Makes for a not so good time stability wise in your legs and your belly


Malibu, just seeing the bottle makes me queasy 🤢


Vodka. Got absolutely written off on the stuff multiple times in my early 20s and can't touch it neat anymore as a result. I'll still drink it as part of a cocktail, though.


Bacardi 151 was my go to back in the day but now I’m 7 years sober so I’m never touching alcohol again


Blackberry Brandy and god yes wouldn’t touch a drop for $1M


Absinthe in the UK. Throat bled I vomited so much.


Some cheap ass huge ass bottle of whiskey that was super cheap. I had colitis after drinking it and vowed to never buy cheap whiskey again


I blacked out on Jameson lol. I can’t really drink it anymore. Somehow it makes me gag after 2 shots


Cherry brandy - once when I was 16 and absolutely never, ever, ever again


Tequila and whiskey make me mean spirited. Just super negative. I did not like who I was while drunk on those. Never touched it again because I just don’t want to be like that. Vodka makes me want to cuddle and love on my fiancé way more than normal lol


Peach schnapps


I tore through a bottle of absinthe in a single sitting. By all means I should've died of alcohol poisoning that night. Woke up on the bathroom floor leaning against the tub. Never again. Another was when I drank a large bottle of fireball, half a jar of moonshine, and had the brilliant idea of taking a red bull to stay awake for the rest of the party. I woke up in a Waffle House outside of town. Never again.


14 year old me had an argument with a bottle of malibu. Still haven't made up


My brother-in-law is Mexican. I went to his birthday party with like 120 other Mexicans. They don't know what water is, they do know what alcohol as a whole is though. I haven't drank since that party. That was 2 years ago this month. I have drank with people from Scotland, Australia, Ireland, and of course Americans. No group of people drink like Mexicans do. lol


Mike’s hard lemonade. Never again.


Tequila. It not only made me mean and want to fight everybody but it gave me the most vicious hangover I’ve ever had. No mas. LOL


Jose Cuervo


Tequila = weird fucking sex for me. I am loaded up tonight and hopefully it gets weird.


No hablo tequila




Jack Daniels and yes. Can't stand the smell. Ewweww


MD2020. Absolutely never will again.


Cisco Became a teenaged mom thanks to it


All alcohol. Turns out it didn't matter which one I drank, I just drank way too much and had to quit all of it.


Southern Comfort


Fireball whiskey. Never again. It’s been 2 years and I intend to keep that promise. I can’t drink anything with cinnamon anymore.


Vodka. Over 20yrs later I tried it again. Now it's one of my favorites


SoCo 19th birthday. I’m 64 now. Haven’t touched it since.


151 Rum


All the alcohols. Every time. I'm full of shit though lol


Tequila. And yes 🤢


Tequila and I kept that promise.




Shots of Tequila, yes!


Jack Daniels, June 1983...never touched a drop of It since that time.


Vex or cake vodka .. puked all over some guys bed lol never touched again


I once drank a whole fifth of gin, and when I got home I puked in the bushes and fell asleep in it. I never touched gin again.


Tequila. My parents let me go to Cancun in 1999 for Spring Break when I was still in high school. Booze cruise did me dirty. I can’t even smell tequila without getting nauseous.


I got throw up drunk on Jack Daniels when I was 17. To this day I can’t smell it without remembering that morning I spent with my head in the toilet.


An vodka but that's because my stomach doesn't like it. Even if I'm completely sober, one or two shots of vodka will have me running to the bathroom or grabbing a bucket. It's always been that way since I've had my first shot of it. Super weird is I can have it in mixed/fancy drinks and I'm fine. Also can have straight shots of any liquor just fine. P.S. I've said never again to many drinks/liquor but I've ended up having them again so it doesn't count. I've never blamed it on the alcohol, I just learned to know when to stop before I get that sick or hung over (gets harder with age).


Vodka. So many poor choices made after too much vodka.


Went to a kegger in high school. That was in 1988. I managed to make it home then set up shop in the downstairs bathroom and proceeded to vomit until I passed out. I've had alcohol since, even got a buzz on once or twice, but that was the last time I was ever drunk.


Cutwater - Mai Thai 1800 Tequila Silver


Grey goose vodka ruined me. I swore off the stuff for years


Everclear. Hell to the yes.


I can’t remember the name. But it was $5 bottle and I was so drunk me and brother got into fight cuz he said I wouldn’t stop bothering him. I was 16 at the time. He was 13. He didn’t tell on me but it was still funny for me that night and he enjoyed watching puke my guts out the next morning.


Vodka. Any brand. Something about it just makes me super emotional and then super sick


Mad Dog 2020


Tequila. Just the smell makes me nauseated.


I cant tolerate vodka, i can actually drink a lot, but not when it comes to vodka


I mix alcohols all the time so there’s never been a standout. I’ve never gotten that badly fucked up though and have only been hungover once, the first time I went out after covid. It took a LOT (like ten standard drinks, a lot for me at 5’1) and since cocktails where I live now are usually around $17, I don’t have the funds to drink like that regularly lmao


Rata con thinner


Yeager. Fuck that shit. Got completely destroyed on nonstop Yeager Bombs for basic and spent the whole night and day puking up pizza. I saw a cool bottle of Cinnamon spice holiday Yeager like 10 years ago and bought it, still haven't had the strength to open that mother fucker.


Peppermint Schnapps.


Southern Comfort! I can drink just about anything and in large amounts. But that shit I will never touch again. Don’t know what it is but just the smell makes me want to never drink again.


Jager. Never ever ever again


Black heart rum. Buddy and I took down a bottle of it on a night before we had work and went in absolutely sloshed the next day. I was sweating out rum all day.


Straight shots of tequila!


Mccormick apple vodka. You know the big plastic jugs? 19 year old me thought it was fun to slam about half that jug. Maybe more? I ended up throwing up in a guy's yard that was the towns "yard of the month" and burning a smiley face into it. I puked two piles then crawled as I puked the 3rd. It was all vodka and McDonald's fries and it killed the grass. First hangover I ever had. Took me 5 years to touch vodka again. Still not a huge fan. Never really messed with apple flavors since, not that it's a popular product.


Scotch, and yes. Never been more wasted/whiskey dicked in my life.


Never. No specific alcohol has ever put me off. I like it or I don’t.


Black Berry Brandy. Made me sick as a dog..just puked a lil thinking about it


Canadian whisky, and yes. My close friend and I had some, fooled around, almost killed our friendship. We recovered, but it wasn't cool. We're close friends again and she's married now.


Southern Comfort


Jägermeister. Yes.


Mad Dog and YES


Kraken and yeah, I'm never touching that stuff again.


Cazadores…….. the one with the deer 🦌 . That stuff is pure evil in a bottle


Wild Turkey




Fireball. I did not keep that promise. But I quit altogether 6 months ago. I regret nothing.