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I walk....my only exercise 🤣


If it works it works! Definitely better than nothing and it all depends on what you’re going for


Same. Not too much. But I want to at least increase the amount of time I do it for.


Pilates 3x/week, weights2-3x week , and running/sprints 2x week


I definitely need to add some sort of Pilates/yoga/stretching into my routine. I’m very tight all the time!


Your pics show it you look 🔥🔥🔥


I sit behind a computer for 12-14 hours per day for work so I need to follow this thread.


My job is similar. I had to start exercising in the morning before work because after sitting all day I couldn’t bring myself to do it.


Check out a book called 'Convict Conditioning'. The whole story and premise of the book is pure fiction but the exercises are a great start. It's basically all bodyweight exercises with minimal equipment. It starts *very* light on and goes towards movements well beyond the average gym goer. Best part is you can do 20min sessions and still get something out of it.


Marathon swimming twice a week and gym once a week lifting weights


I want to get into swimming😅


Its great, but lord it hurts after!


I have a giant lake by me so why not 🤷‍♂️


Diet and exercise. Not thrilling, but I don't know any other way


Yep. And the first part of that more than anything. It’s crazy how I can work out a ton but get zero results if I’m not fixing my diet.




Body weight exercises and ab wheel


I know something better.


Enlighten me please :)




I used to lift too and I’ve had a similar experience with bodyweight work. It’s better for me and I still am happy with the results.


I love my continuous bands. I use them as weight substitutes and also for one and three step movement drills


I try to go to the gym every day, take the stairs everywhere, play pickleball or go swimming, go for walks… just trying to stay active when I can!


Yep taking every chance to be active is a great approach for sure.


It's working. 😉




I’ve done one boxing workout and thought I was going to die. Way harder than expected.


Wait until you try sparring


dancing salsa and bachatta


Oh that sounds fun


I train regularly. Combination of explosive strength work, Bodybuilding style as well and functional training with sandbags, sledgehammers etc. (I also go crystal mining so that's a great workout 😂)


Jog, hike, and the occasional lift


I work out 3 times a week, play soccer twice, go running twice and the most important thing: have 3 to 4 times sex in the week.


I run. I used to run a lot (80km a week) These days a bit less, but defo want to get back into those numbers again. I lift, but am so inconsistent. Gotta get into the rhythm.


Yeah I have had the cyclical issue as well. I would sign up for a race, train for 3 months, then not run for months. I’ve done better about being consistent recently.


It's hard! It takes a lot of time. I picked up a horrific injury 15 months ago so that has been an ongoing issue. Did a fast 13k on Sunday - still sore!


Exercise everyday buy having a nice walk and push up and sit ups


Walks and hikes. Also use a Peloton bike as much as I can.


Squats, shoulder press, abs, walking


I lift weights 3-4 times a week and I have a physically demanding job.


I eat a lot of food that’s probably not good for you. But I do it to keep my shape


Lol round is a shape right?? 😂




Cardio a few times a week, lift weights at least twice a week, try to stay active and eat better


Morning walk, weights after work 


Cycling 2-3x/week, pilates 1-2x/week, pole dancing 1-2x/week and I live in a walkable city


Pole dancing seems like it would be a great workout


How did you got into pole dancing?


I've wanted to do it for many years and now that I have time and money, I indulge! It's one of the most beautiful athletic forms


That's great.


Work on my farm, walk and yoga.


I worked on a farm for a summer and that was definitely a workout lol


Gym hike kayak


Ooooh I bet kayaking is a big workout. I’ve never tried it but can imagine.


Depends I guess I don’t do rapids but I do get out in the river but def works the core and arms


Yeah I’ve rowed a canoe and found some muscles I didn’t know existed 😂


lol I’ve heard people say that before


Lift weights


I do cycling. Keeps the legs strong =)


I'm not able to drive a car, so walking and my bike keep me relatively in shape. Other than that, I do kid's yoga with my youngest lol.


Haha I have never even heard of kids yoga. Maybe that would be easier for me than regular. Although kids are usually more flexible than adults so maybe not.


There's a bunch of videos on YouTube from Cosmo Kids with different themes like Minecraft, Pokémon, Disney Princesses. All sorts of stuff really. It helps a lot with sensory issues from ADHD/Autism before bedtime and I always do it with him so I get the work out too. IMO, it's not super hard. I'm very flexible though, so I might be gauging it wrong


Pilates and trying to run but fuck I hate it


I learned to love running. I used to hate it and now it’s one of my favorite things to do. Do you run outside or on a treadmill?


I prefer outside and can go farther but, you know, summer


I can’t do a treadmill. Is it still hot really early? I usually run around 4:30 or 5 am.


Oh to be a man.


Regular workouts, play hockey, eat mostly clean, and outdoor activities.


Lift and play basketball but I work in a gym so that keeps me going too


That definitely helps lol…typed from my desk where I sit nearly all day


Oh it doesn't hurt. except when I take a day off then the cumulative Dom's take me out


I try not to get hot enough to become a liquid or a gas… that usually helps me stay in shape


Lifting weights at the gym as often as my profession allows, body weight exercise when not able to get to the gym


I work out at 9Round 3-5 days a week and I try to watch my diet. But I have a major sweet tooth, so I try to be carful to not eat too much.


Yeah the diet part gets me. I’ve been working on it lately.


It’s tough! Sad thing is working out is such a small part of fitness. Diet is everything! I do best when I count calories and macros. I have lost 9 lbs in the last 3 months just having more sex and literally thousands of orgasms 😄…best exercise routine ever!


Yeah I’ve just been tracking what I eat lately (not trying to intentionally change anything) and I find that I tend to make better choices. Easier to resist the Oreos if I know I have to log it and deal with that shame lol


So true!


Exercise Bands, at home for a full body workout. And some hand weights.


Cardio, casual sex, diet pills and good genes


Lol sounds like you’ve got it all figured out


Cardio, and some of the same strength and weight training I started doing years ago for Team Sport.


Weights and cardio 4-5x a week, nutrition plan, testosterone, peptides, and maybe something special every now and then.


Lift weights 5x a week


I’m still working on getting into shape, but I track calories and exercise daily


Oh wow I see your progress pics…that is impressive, excellent work!




I hike with a weighted pack 3-4 days a week and on the other days I go to the gym. Also, a lot of yard work and gardening.


I enjoy working out, so mainly weight lifting and workouts with resistance bands 3-5 times a week. Although I did have and buy more things during the pandemic, I'm planning on joining a gym again at some point in the not super distant future. Given the choice though I'd rather buy more equipment/weights for home, but I'm running out of space/room.


At least 90 mins of exercise each day, Run 20k each week (5x5k), Beat Saber, morning Bodyweight training consisting of kettlebell weighted leg lifts, crunches and pushups. Freeweights and occasionally stationary bike. Honestly the Apple Watch has kinda changed my life as far as fitness goes.


Walking, hand weights, stretches, and a balanced diet.


When I'm not in the middle of coaching 5 days a week like currently I workout 3-4 days a week. a set of weights then 1 mile on the treadmill. Then another set and another mile. Then a third set and a third mile. Plus I bike to work 4 days a week.


Eat healthy. Body weight exercises. Run.


This is my current status. I love it.


Peloton workouts!


no matter what i do, my shape stays round and soft. but i'm a vegan and i've been going to a gym 4 days a week for like 7 years now. spent most of that time just fast walking uphill on a treadmill. but now i have problems with my back. so the last 2 years have been more focused on weight training. i'm not seeing a difference. and the scale says i'm actually gaining weight.


I run 6 days a week and do body weight gym work 2 days a week


Pushups Plank Bicep curls And ride the bike/olyptical/treadmill I try to do a little bit every day


Hiking does wonders.


I go to the gym and run but I've been slacking lately


I eat healthy!! I am pretty slim already but I should probably workout more


I have learned through experience that the diet side of things is more important than the exercise.


I lift weights a few times per week, mostly barbell lifts, I train Jiu Jitsu maybe 3 days per week, and my dumb ass is entered in a marathon so I’m running like 4 days per week as well. Good on you for getting in shape dude! Keep it up.


Full marathon? I’m signed up for a half in a few months but I want to do the whole thing someday.


Yeah I’m doing a full. I wanna do it at least once. For some reason 😂


Oh I get it. Most people don’t haha


lol no they do not.


Weights and cable machines at the gym. 3-5x per week. Plus, some body weight exercises at home such as planks, crunches and pushups. I really should do more cardio.


i keep eating, ROUND is a shape!!!!


🤣 I feel this.


Walking is good, fighting is better, fucking is best.


Biking! It's great for the mental health too!


Sleep lots 😫


I mean it appears you’re doing fine on that front 😂


Heeh thanks babes🤪🤭


Of course, just calling it like I see it ☺️


Play basketball and/or tennis a few times times a week. I also have a 25 lb dumbbell I use for arms, shoulders, and sumo squats. Also, push ups and pulls ups help. Calisthenics is the way to go, as well.


I started lifting weights for the first time in my life a few years ago and it was the best thing i ever did. I lift 3x a week bright and early in the morning and my body and brain feel so much better. I love to eat good food and joke that i lift weights so that i can stay in the same suit size.


Litterally work a trade. Hard labor


Round is a shape


Walk 4 miles most mornings. Lift weights 4-5 days per week. Track my macros most days.


Weightlifting 5 days a week


I started working out in the beginning of the year and lost 45 pounds so far. I'm not normally someone who does exercise, but I care about my health enough to start working on my weight once it became a bit of a problem (in pictures lol). What I do is have an exercise schedule. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I go to the gym and use the treadmill to burn 250 calories. I try to push it to 300 sometimes if I can do it. Every single day I walk throughout town for at least a half hour to an hour. I've cut the size of my meals. One of my biggest issues was that I would eat too much at once, I had big portions for lunch and dinner, and I didn't eat breakfast. Instead of eating double Decker turkey sandwiches, I just ate small one. Instead of two chicken patties, I ate one. I've cut down the size of what I've been eating and I always check the calorie intake to determine, should I eat this right now? It's actually surprising how full you actually feel when your portions are cut. When I used to get hungry I would stuff my face until I was stuffed because I just felt that hungry to eat it all so I'd stack up my plate, but realistically you don't have to really do that to feel full. Feeling full really isn't the goal, just knowing something is in your stomach is good. That's how I've noticed it for me at least.


45 pounds is awesome, congrats! And yes, diet is huge. I’m working on that myself.


Honestly I've come to the understanding that actual diet diets don't do much. As long as you can burn off what you eat, you should be okay. Which is why I like to count the calories of say a chicken patty, and then I mean I can burn that off pretty easily. And there's only so many calories that you have to take throughout the day normally. Diet plans make things a lot more complicated than they need to be. I'm not a health expert or anything like that, I'm far beyond it, I'm just somebody who's starting new to this myself and this is just what has been working for me. One thing I should also mention is that I pretty much cut all snacks and desserts off my plate. I don't eat chips or ice cream anymore. Not like they were any good to be honest. I mean ice cream is good, but I could live without it. Unless it's a treat and my mom and I pass the local ice cream dairy. A little sweet treat wouldn't hurt anybody. I also don't know if this is a bit controversial or not, but I try my best to only eat two meals a day. That's how my diet has actually been even before exercising, so that's just something I'm used to.


I work out every single day. Last September I eclipsed 1,000 consecutive days. Do a minimum of 12,000 steps per day and lift three times per week. A lot of my steps are from the four-mile walk I begin each day with….also still play basketball two days per week.


Cardio, weights, yoga, swimming and lots of walking outside.


Pickleball! I sweat, laugh a lot, and make new friends.


I’ve been wanting to start playing pickleball but just don’t have time. I played once and it was a blast.


Fencing once a week Gym twice a week 30 minute walk every day


Sex all day with hot babes


The workout plan we all dream of


-Go to the gym 5x a week -Do yoga 3x a week -Swim 2x a week


Sounds like a pretty good routine with variety. Nice work!


Golf driving range Which basically only exercises my arms


Pick up and put down my 26 pound kid all day, everyday.. walk and Peloton


I bet your Peloton isn’t the only thing you ride


You’re not wrong 🤭


+1 for peloton! Naked ride sometime??


That would certainly my be a first for me


No time is a bad time to start. Add your plug too… Sent you a message


Lol I feel that. They get heavy!






Agreed. Love a good run.


I try to go to the gym atleast once a week, my actual goal is 3 since I'm trying to join the military, but I flop between home workout and gym a lot due to work being physically demanding (and tiring)


I have a treadmill and cycling machine in my flat which I use daily. I also do press-ups and lift weights


Mostly mace swings and walking/hiking these days. Bodyweight exercise is good stuff!


Oh and I stretch every morning too.


I do a 10-15 minutes of calisthenics every day to keep at a baseline. Three days per week I do an extensive set of calisthenics followed by weights, and three days per week I run. Also occasionally try to mix in VR workouts to keep entertained/limber; for awhile I would try to sprint through the entire lineup of Thrill of the Fight followed by a song or two in Beat Saber or Pistol Whip, but doing that much shadow boxing can be rough on the shoulders. Been rather thinking of getting a punching bag for that reason.


Starve myself? Haha


I don’t like that plan lol. I need my food.


You can’t share it??? 🥺🥺🥺


I would love to share…I don’t want you to starve yourself




Don’t do that. It’s horrible for you. Unless you’re taking nudes. If you’re taking nudes I’d recommend not eating all day just so you look skinny


"Getting back in shape". About 13kg less in 2+ years by just starting to play tennis. Love it.


My ass is pregnant and due any day! So nothing but eat cinnibon


Excellent. Congratulations!


I exercise three to four days a week for about 1.5-2hrs. I don’t lose any weight. I only do this so I can eat the things I want.


Lift weights. I go pretty much every day. Only miss 2-6 days a month.


Getting a VR headset has been one of the best things I've ever done for my weight loss, having something consistently fun to do that won't leave you focusing on the physical wear and tear is a god send


Running 🏃‍♂️


Go for a short walk/run as often as i can (usually 5x/week) Do some pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats every other night


Well bodyweight and some cardio consistently are the best things to do in my opinion, so good going. Emphasis on consistently as that is really the key so whatever gets you to be consistent is more important than what exactly it is. Maybe add some dumbbells and resistance bands if bodyweight gets too easy.


I'm a big dude @325lb. So in shape and fit are not the same. Round is a shape. 😆 but I'm a beast otherwise. HIIT. My mile time last week was 9:60. I'm 20 seconds slower than a month ago. However, I can permanently sustain a 11 minute mile. Military is 13:30 so I'm ok with that. Leg press is still 960lb on heavy days (3x body weight) 650 (x2 body weight) on light days. Bench is back to 200 after not being able to use my left arm fully for a couple years. Goal is body weight. I max out most machines so I don't use them besides calf raises. I do at least 3 to 5 miles a week. I work out to eat and keep my joints in place. I'm not fighting anymore.


Walking, biking, hiking, lifting, watching what I eat. Feeling pretty decent lately!


I’ve been able to lose weight pretty well postpartum by breastfeeding. But weight is no clear indicator for being “in shape” 😅 right now my shape is round and that’s okay


Absolutely. Breastfeeding is miraculous. And you’re looking great! Best of luck getting through to the end, I don’t have firsthand experience but I’ve heard it can be pretty rough.


Go to the gym twice a week.


Just put together some random exercises to do in my bedroom while I'm watching TV. Bought a few weights for strength exercises too. Treadmill is too spacey so I just run in place for almost 2 hours.


Over 30 years in martial arts, weights, running. Two to two and a half hrs a day at the gym I'm at retirement age.


I’m lucky that my job helps keep me in shape (lifting and counting physical inventory at 100-200lbs each for half an hour every morning) besides that I swim for an hour three times a week


Nothing.. some people always wonder what I do to look how I look and when I tell them nothing they think I’m lying.


Healthy mind, healthy soul leads to a healthy heart, healthy body


eat, gotta keep the round shape.... besides im 40 no use trying to loose weight anymore.... i tried lost about 80 lbs, covid hit and now im back at square zero..... my non existant dating life didnt change at all, still was looked like a fat slob so meh i gave up


Barely eat


Keto 44lbs in 4 months, didn’t cheat once.