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I read it as body decomposition and was like "Yeah, that's definitely a way to lose weight."


How does your mind work?




Ok thank you.


Recomposition because there can be extra skin after weight loss and gaining muscle can help fill that in. Also, lean muscle burns calories 24 hours a day.


That makes sense and I'm definitely nervous of lose skin.


As someone who lost a LOT of weight in a short amount of time: gain muscles! Loose skin is pretty annoying


Thank you


Depends on what your goal is. Some need to lose, some may want to shift things around.


Basically just look better overall so a little muscle along with weight loss would be good


It totally depends on the person and the goal. If you just want to lose weight and you are on the path to do that, you’re kicking ass and you should be proud. That shit is hard and it’s awesome you’re working on yourself like that. But personally strategic and specific muscle gain has been my goal since I started.


Honestly my main goal is just to look better and healthier and as a man I thought muscles would look nice along with that. Honestly saying that out loud I kinda feel shallow.


Don’t feel shallow. It’s totally cool that you’re trying to focus on your health and you want to get some muscles while you do it. Self improvement and working to make your body match the vision of yourself you want to reach is extremely admirable in my opinion.


Wow thank you man that makes me feel alot better. I'm still looking at YouTube videos as I still don't fully understand it but if I can lose weight and eventually look sexy with muscle at the same time I definitely want to try.


Always get basic lean first , as long as you’re overweight you’re better off taking walks , bike rides or doing light cardio. Activity rather than workout. Soon as you got to a basic level of leanness you can (should) incorporate strength work


I'm currently 238 what weight would you recommend I start lifting weights.


I’m no pro or coach but basic rule of thumb is is to start with something you can do about 8ish reps with , start from there and once you can do 10 -11 bump up the weight to start again from 8 etc etc ( does this answer your question ?)


It depends on the starting point and overall goals. Both can be really useful in a broad sense, and generally total mass loss is a reasonable goal for people who carry excess mass and want to make life easier with fewer health issues. Once total mass is in a reasonable range, building muscle and recomposition is a more achievable goal that is likely to yeuld better long term heath outcomes. In the end, either, both or neither might be the right choice for an individual.


I'm 238 and mainly just want to look better and be healthy and thought some muscles would be nice. Nothing really deep honestly.


I was 271lb and am now, after a long journey, 187lb, at 6ft tall. I did pure mass loss for 6 months, tight calorie control to 215lb. Then did maintainenece and heavy running for a year (50-80k a week). Then broke my leg and went back upto to 230lb. Started wegovy and dropped down to current weight. Recomp is incredibly hard. I did it during my year running, it was... so tough.


Thank you for the info I guess the best things worth having are harder to work for. Also congrats on your weightloss If I ever get back in the 100s I'll lose my mind


It has taken several years. The key difference between this time and others (I've been obese since I was a kid) was not giving up. Before, every time I slipped up in a major or minor way, I'd say fuck it. Thos time.. it doesn't matter. Just keep going.


Same I've been fat since I was a kid to and finally want to get rid of it for good. I've been sweating my ass off almost everyday for like 3 weeks exercising. Still finding healthy foods that taste good.


Body recomp. Especially if you are overweight. Gaining muscle means more calories can be burned on a daily basis, meaning you don't have to cut back as much. It's also better for your wellbeing and longevity to do some resistance training. Just losing weight can be pretty miserable.


Yeah I've tried losing weight in the past and it always felt miserable and I recently heard about body recomposition as it randomly popped on my phone so I guess I wanted to try that out.


Depends on your genetics. I turned 90kgs of fat into 80ks of muscle then dropped to 75kgs of lean because it's easier to maintain


Body recompensation is what I am going for. I would like to lose 25 pounds and get my body fat down below 25%. And I don't want to lose muscle in the process if I can help it.


Yeah I definitely do want to lose fat and gain muscle while doing it.


I'm discovering it takes a good balance of diet, exercise, and patience. Lots of patience.


Yeah I'm really struggling with the patience as that was always my failing in the past before giving up but I'm trying to see it through this time


Good luck and don't give up.


Thank you when I was a kid I always gave up after 2 weeks or a month and June will officially be one month, so far this is the best I've ever done I'm definitely sick of being fat and will see it through this time.


Body recomposition is only realistic in a few scenarios. 1: you're a newbie and you've just started lifting. Newbie gains are a real thing, and recomposition is easy, relatively easy. 2: you have taken several months or years off training. See scenario 1. 3: you're on exogenous testosterone and/or other "special supplements" Outside of these cases, recomposition is not a very achievable goal and you should focus on either building muscle, or losing fat. Cycling these two things with intermittent maintenance phases to break things up is almost always going to be the most effective strategy. [further information ](https://youtu.be/M4K0s792wAU?si=dEA8ohPxgNWMaIuz)


I'm new to lifting so luckily I fit into the first one and thank you for the information I appreciate it


Whichever leaves me feeling healthier and with a more flattering figure


That's fair


Recomp 100%. You get a better looking shape out of it. We usually keep fat the longest in the places we least want it. For dudes, the arms might go away before the belly fat does and for women, the glutes might disappear before the back fat does unless you try to build muscle in those areas. My most dramatic recomp, I only lost about 5 lbs but I ended up losing 4-5 inches in my waistline.


Yeah I'm not finished researching but I definitely want to comp for the better shape so instead of just being skinner I get some muscle out of it and really look better.


ive considered gaining muscle but i like being just thin




Recomp. I don't wanna fuck someone thats build like a Skeleton in a wetsuit.


That's definitely fair and I agree I couldn't imagine a skinny guy looking that attractive when someone with some meat on their bones is right there


The latter.


I agree


Haha. Lose the weight. Lift and maintain what you can. The gain the muscle. Recomp doesn’t work very well as you’re attempting to do two conflicting things.


Thank you


Good luck. It is very worth the effort.


Thank you I've been fat my whole life so I'm definitely looking forward to the results.


Depends on why. Are you overweight in a way that creates long term medical concerns? Probably should just try and knock a couple pounds off. Are you in a job that requires strength but not fitness? Probably add some muscle.


I'm only 238 so not dangerously overweight basically just want to be healthier and add some muscle while doing it to be attractive