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Step-sis/step-bro... Like, why... it's so fucking creepy.


Pornhub/xhamster puts it and mommy stuff right to the front of the cue - so annoying


I can't stand that clickbait garbage I really can't. We know they're not your Step-anything, just stop already.


Even step-ladders getting traction


Not to be mistaken for the ever so kinky step stool.


Well they feature what is most popular soo…


Because people interact with it 🙄


I do not get it AT ALL. Did that many people really grow up with step siblings to where this was such a common fantasy?


I have a step sibling and I view him as gross as any other little sister views her brother. Never grew out of it either. Yuck.


There has been much debate about this. I am of the opinion 99.99% of the audience for that stuff are not people who look on their actual siblings or blood relatives with lust. My theory is that in our fallen world, this is what became of what once had been called “a romantic comedy” and would have been PG-13 to R in a theater starring popularly attractive people acting as if they are in a loving relationship. Because those fell out of favor about ten or 15 years ago, I think this is what’s behind it. EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention the other part of my theory, which is that actually the step-sibling porn is just the “dark half” of what happened to the romcom, the “light half” is everything seen on the Hallmark Channel.


As someone who does watch simulated incest/step-incest, I’m not into it for the incest aspect of it; I like content where there is hesitance/reluctance, but also both people are into it. Incest scenarios have a lot of this, but if I could find more reluctance/talking-in-to-sex porn that wasn’t incest, I would consume that over incest porn.




I think it’s more of a fantasy for the people who have no siblings or are acquaintances/friends with people who have attractive step-siblings. I have a step-brother, a friend who’s into him and also has a step-brother, but she confessed to me that she’s into step-sibling porn. I think the parents/step-parents kink/porn is even more disgusting tbh.


I always thought it was less about being attracted to a person you grew up with and more about having no real relationship to them other than circumstance.


I do not. So I like it. I'm not going to lust over my sisters but step sister has so many hot roleplay scenarios. Mom is a turnoff for me but hot stepmom that doesn't act motherly is great.


I think the whole step thing is part of, and I use this term very loosely, a "regulatory" requirement porn sites adhere to now if I recall correctly🤔. Something to try avoid encouraging incestuous acts (like YouTube thinking they're doing good by demonising harmless words). I stand to be corrected. But I know back in the early to mid 2000s, you never saw the term step in any titles playing towards incest fantasies. It was straight up brother-sister, mother-son, father-daughter, and so on. Only relatively recently they started adding step to the title and now you will never find incest fantasy titles that do not specify step. Kinda like how anime tentacle porn was actually developed as a loophole around Japan's laws about censoring penises, the step title is really just a "loophole" to still produce incest fantasy porn. That's why I think it's a bit of a regulatory thing, but yea it's bizarre and also way over done. Although I quite liked the one title I saw about a twin step sister. That's one thing you have to love about porn, even the logic gets fucked 🤣


People get turned on by taboo stuff but in reality it isnt something that plays well in real life...


I enjoy the absurdity of the "what are you doing step whoever" memes but actually acting on that would be really fucked up to me


Blame game of thrones


Some of us just watch it for the storylines….


I refuse to believe people with step sister/bro kinks have siblings. I really want to believe that they don't


As someone wtih an actual step brother. I just can't consider it sexy at all. I gag at the thought of him and his wife having sex. He's a dweeb, the cringy older brother type.


The whole cucking thing that seems to be taking this place by storm


Guys calling themselves cucks and bulls is so goofy to me


There was definitely a Dr. Seuss story about this with stars and squares.


I never really understood what the whole cuck and bull stuff mean in the first place...


It's a complete load of cuck and bull 😂😂😂


"Cuck" the one whos parter is being fucked by the "bull". Im pretty sure they only refer to males but there a "cuckqueen" equivalent for females im not sure the bull equivalent tho (cant be cow lol)


cuckquean is the wife and cuckcake is the bull equivalent


Read that as “cuntcake.” I think I like that better.


It’s called a Unicorn lol cause it’s a lot more rare than finding a guy who wants to fuck someone else’s partner


No a Unicorn is a bi woman who sleeps with “straight” couples. The female equivalent of a bull is a cuckcake.


No. A unicorn is a woman that becomes sexually or romantically involved with BOTH members of an already established couple. Cuckquean isn’t that at all and focuses on the compersion she feels at seeing her male partner performing with someone else. There’s crossover for some couples sure, but they’re not the same thing


The woman "bull" is called a "cuckcake"


As a guy who could get down with a MFM with my partner, I just don't like the "tone" of cucking. I sometimes wonder if it's because I'm too insecure, or not insecure *enough*, as it seems like a lot of guy gets into by fetishizing moments of genuine sexual humiliation in their lives. Although maybe the backstory is part of the fantasy, idk. If a guy just wanted to watch, I could probably deal, but if I need to make fun of him while he's sitting in the corner jerking himself, I dunno if I have it in me, even armed with the knowledge that it's exactly what he wants. In a way the appeal isn't totally alien to me, it's just not for me.


That's where the difference between hotwifing and cuckolding is at. Unfortunately a lot of cuckold folks flood the hotwifing subreddits. There is an overlap but the humiliation aspect is a cuckold thing.


Another way to look at it is they're doing you a huge service by taking on all the macho big dick alpha dog type single men who are always circling the water. Those men get laid and can be their worst selves, and you have one less asshole in your inbox that night.


Hilarious, since OP is self-described cuck.


I agree. Cucking seems like emotional self harm.


I’m with you, but this made me laugh given OP’s user name.


I think the appeal is that there’s lots of places to put yourself in the fantasy. Some fantasize about being a fuck, others a bull, others the receiving partner who is experiencing a pleasure that is worth breaking societal and personal norms for.


It's just a very vocal minority trying to push this weird fetish across all the sex and dating subs. ENM, open relationships, hot wife, bulls, cuckolding... It's ridiculous. The best is that some of these people bragging about this "hot, crazy" lifestyle have their pictures on their profiles. Let's just say their tales are better left in the realm of fantasy and imagination, because... Wow 🤢


It's a bit funny to be honest.


Piss, scat, blood, vomit


I wouldn’t consider these popular though. Piss, maybe borderline common. The others are pretty fringe.


Piss would definitely be the most popular out of those. I suppose it depends which corner of reddit you find yourself in on the others 😅


piss is ridiculously common. I just started talking to people after a long relationship and every single person, save one or two, wanted me to piss on them, or to piss on me, or inside me. nah. I have talked to a bunch of people


Wasn’t that a Chilli Peppers album?


The Mt Rushmore of “What the hell did I click on?”


Piss is the o ly one I've seen a whole lot about. Most people actually have the other three as limits.


I have been into fisting for a couple decades now and for some reason, pissing and fisting was always together in videos and categories. I hated seeing pissing…….. Until one day. I saw a video somewhere and it immediately turned me into fisting. Told my wife, we played with the idea for MONTHS, and then one day in a drunken mess, we tried it and both fell in love. It’s kinda hilarious because 2 years ago, my wife hated the idea of piss and now she swallows it straight from my cock. It’s the hottest level of submission in my eyes.








Any kind of race play


*being asian in a predominantly white country* 🥴


I've known some Asian American women who stopped dating White men *not* because there are zero White men who can ever be good partners, but just because it was exhausting to weed out the fetishizers. Like, they didn't want to go on 5 first dates where 4 of the guys were fetishizing creeps just to find the one good White dude who genuinely thought of Asian women as individual, normal human beings. I don't blame them -- and I say this as a White dude myself.


The odds there say the fetishists are working way overtime to make those numbers happen, which I 100% fully believe.


Yeah, the numbers can be fudged here somewhat, and inflated by the incredible persistence of the fetishizer types. Another complicating factor is that while *some* fetishizers make themselves known immediately -- like, dudes who say "I've never been with an Asian woman before, you're so exotic" during the first message -- other guys are savvy enough to keep it bottled up, and in some ways that's *worse,* because then Asian women may not even realize it until they've been dating for a while. Like, imagine dating a guy for weeks, he seems normal and nice, you become "official" and make it exclusive, but then you start having sex and the guy immediately starts going "yeah, you like that big white cock don't you, you little Asian slut?" If I were an Asian woman in that situation, I'd be like "God damnit, I just wasted a month of my life on this asshole."


It’s actually shudder inducing. Imagine them with a strategy to get an Asian girl, who they assume will then stay with them because racism. Spending the whole first date reminding themselves not to mention hentai, or any of their favourite cultural material. Ugh.


I was once friends with an Asian woman from Arkansas who moved to NYC and was surprised with how much trouble she had on dating apps. After a few months of failed matches, she admitted she had an easy time getting boyfriends in Arkansas because most of them liked her for being Asian, but she wasn’t special enough in NYC because she wasn’t the only Asian woman anymore. I still can’t believe she admitted to missing the Asian fetishists


Yeah it definitely freaks me out how normalised this one is.


Agree. BBC, QOS, wtf?


As the white guy in this scenario, I'm amazed how often I've encountered it as I'm never the one to bring it up, but I have a guy I top who wants me to call him n****r during the act. It is incredibly weird and it took him a few times asking before I finally sat him down outside the bedroom to ask about it.




It's crazy how normalised it is on reddit. I came across a profile recently full of images of black women tied up, all captioned "reparations", all posted by a white guy. I can't comprehend that. "It's jsut a kinky fantasy" isn't an excuse at the best of times, but it's definitely not an excuse when you post that stuff on the internet for the world. That's not your fantasy, it's your content.


I hate the term breeding. And I don't like the idea behind it either.


The whole fetishizing pregnancy thing is super ick to me. When guys online tell me they want to breed me - I just want to throw up 🤣


It's not hot at all to be pregnant! But as soon as I'm already 'in the mood' and my partner tells me he wants to put a baby in me I practically start drooling. Then I panic as soon as my period is late because a baby is the last thing I want right now.


Lol I got pregnant with an IUD a few years back and immediately terminated it for a bunch of reasons. To me that just sounds like a threat 🤣🤣🤣


I have an implant and still regularly take pregnancy tests and would get a termination asap if I was pregnant, but it just gets me going for some reason. Although I admit I also really enjoy creampies and the promise of that is probably a huge draw 🫣


Breeding and the term bussy need to fall off the face of the world


Oh God yes bussy. Hate it.


*nervous laugh* 😅, maybe it’s because I eventually do want children. So I think a breeding kink is kinda natural- we are animals after all. And I mean don’t you have the urge to be pumped full of cum until his balls are empty and he can’t go anymore. 🤤, Welp, I guess not lol 🤣🤣


While I get the general appeal, the second a baby is mentioned, it makes me want to detach my snatch and throw the whole thing away.


DD/lg. Generally anything daddy related weirds me out


I agree! I am active in BDSM and have been for years, and it’s part of our marriage. I understand that many have Daddy issues, but I can’t imagine using that term! Nor Mommy when talking to a Domme! The little girl thing is disgusting too. Maybe because we have kids and they call us Mommy and Daddy, I find it even more distasteful. I don’t normally kink shame, but I do for that!


Cheating kink. Your partner trusts you and you are destroying their life and trust?


I honestly didn’t realize cheating was a kink.


For some people it is.


Count me out.


Spit in the mouth. Shit’s gross


Oh this one does something for me 😅


You are now a mod of r/SwallowMySpit, r/SwallowHisSpit, r/SwallowHerSpit lol


So... Are mod spots still available for r/..our spit, their spit, everybody's spit, the Pope's spit, yer mom's spit, or...? Oof. Tried to make funny comment, grossed myself out


A lot of people do agree with you! I was rather surprised and freaked out by the idea the first time a partner asked this of me (in the 80s... indeed, I'm an Old lol) when I was a newb dom trying to figure out why I'm wired that way. So surprised that my mouth went totally dry haha! I think that most people are (at first, at least) kinda freaked out about pretty much *everything* sexual that involves fluid exchange. And the act of spitting on someone/being spit on is obv seen as *so* disrespectful that our brains can easily flip that into *I want want want this*, right? At least in my experiences, those intense feelings about, well, anything can *really* easily turn from utter disgust to intense desire and extreme pleasure. Being 'disrespected' by someone we trust-- *only when we want it and consent to it of course!*- can be just. so. hot. It's the taboo, the intensity of 'meaning', the forbidden essence that can make our brains go ZING! Our brains are complicated and will often surprise us haha! But for real fellas (yes I'm looking particular at us) please don't spit on/in someone unless they ask, obvs!




My cat has a foot fetish and constantly snuggles my feet. 🤷‍♀️


My dog is obsessed with women's feet. He is a creep about it, too. He will sneak like a pervert getting closer and closer, and just when he thinks no one is paying attention, sneak in to lick their toes.


Your dog is definitely some guy who reincarnated


I don’t have a foot fetish but the power of having a footboy worship at your feet just hits different. Also I can have as many shoes as I want and not hear “OMG, more shoes, you only have two feet.” ….. 🙄


I’m not “totally against it”, I just don’t understand it.


Weird fact about this is it’s actually a development thing. When you’re young your brain can wire itself to think feet are genitalia.


This is what I was waiting for!!!


All of the other stuff I totally agree with, but when I hadn’t see this I was mind blown dude. I will never understand the attraction to feet.


I’m a foot guy, and I don’t know how to explain it, either. Something about the shape and curvature of the female foot just activates my neurons. When they look smooth, they are symmetrical, and things like pedicures, nail polish, toe rings, and anklets are just extra icing on the cake. Nice soles, arches also help as well. Please don't judge me. 🫣


No judgement from me! It just doesn’t do it for me. Having this fetish isn’t hurting anybody, so no harm no foul.






Immediately turn off


I love it. Then again, I am a submissive in a dynamic with my wife. I love it. I think it helps that she loves and respects me in actuality and it’s an element of play, but degradation, humiliation and punishment are all important elements in BDSM/Femdom and even FLRs.


First of all, in my opinion, kink can only happen between consenting adults. Which rules out some of the things other people mention in this thread. Secondly, my answer is what I personally wouldn't do, not that I'm against other people doing it. Consenting adults can do whatever they want. Female degradation and humiliation is just not for me. Especially if it's an older man and a younger woman. It just turns me right off.


I completely understand that’s


The correct answer. It's weird to be "against" a kink (assuming safety, sanity, legality, and consenting adults). I think all a person should say is "not my cup of tea" to stuff they aren't into


Obligatory no scat answer


Obviously. I don’t get it.


I ... I..... No, I can't understand it either. Why!


Some of you people have never heard Ella Fitzgerald and it shows


Incest, Rape-Fantasys, Everything involving animals or Kids, everything that happens non-consentual-


I was raped and abused by multiple men when I was younger. I’ve got a rape kink now. It lets me be in charge, ultimately, in a situation where control was previously taken from me. I’ve met others with the kink and they’ve all also been victims. It’s hard to understand from the outside I’m sure. But, it’s a pretty common thing for people with that history. ETA since I can't comment. I'm obviously talking about CNC kink which involves two consenting adults. Those accusing me below of wanting yk victimize someone are obviously vet naive about kinks. I didn't think I'd have to give a kink lecture to explain this. Also, my kink is to be the victim for those that want to say horrible things about me


Non-consensual doesn’t deserve to be called a kink. It’s objectively wrong on every level.


Many of us have CNC kinks. It’s an activity between two consenting adults. How is that wrong on every level?




Sadly all too common in a lot of quite mainstream porn where the man is very aggressive during sex including choking. Really not a turn on for me or many people.


Yeah way too common and I remember seeing a post somewhere basically calling it a very vanilla kink, and I got downvoted for saying it can be dangerous and shouldn’t be assumed to be ok. It needs consent! I had an ex who was into it and I hated it. Even more after he ignored me saying I wasn’t into it. I don’t trust you with my life man.




I definitely get that. Although, I enjoy being degraded




I couldn’t myself degrade a woman though so I get where you’re coming from.


I typed in to reddit "dia-..". for diary and before I found what I was looking for I saw a Subreddit of "Diapers +18". Never in my life had I seen this kink. Women with diapers sexualized. The most disgusting thing I have ever seen. I am traumatized, not to be too dramatic.


Yeah diapers and shit like that is the worst.


Furries. That shit is just low key bestiality.




Incest and stepcest are a big no for me. I know too many people abused by family or step family to be comfortable fetishizing it, even if they try to make it seem consensual. While I'm not totally against it, I don't like cuckolding. It's often too focused on degrading and humiliating the husband. I like the idea of MFM threesomes or group play but I like when it's with a loving, secure relationship where the man just wants to share his wife and enjoy her being pleasured


I believe what you described in the second paragraph is considered hot wifing. Basically cuckold without the degradation stuff


The MFM and wife sharing stuff you mention is called hotwifing as someone else pointed out. My wife is a hotwife. I enjoy sharing her with other guys but we are absolutely not into the humiliation, cuckolding, degrading the husband stuff. I can’t wrap my mind around that at all.


Extreme degradation: I just feel bad for the women, especially when they look sad or are crying. Albiet if they are into it cool, but it’s a boner killer for me, sad girls don’t turn me on


Yeah I can agree with that!


Every once in a while there’s a scene - even a consensual rough scene - where you can tell the girl is not really into it, and the minute I see her face drop, I’m out of it completely. There’s a difference between ugly-cum-face and oh-no-don’t-do-that.


I'm feeling personally attacked...


Anything that requires actual physical harm. I don't like causing serious pain.


Could never do CNC. I don't trust anyone enough to not change their mind and send me up the river.


Men should absolutely NEVER do it. It could possibly be a trap. Also there is no such thing as CNC, you are just changing the safe word from no to something else.


Eating ass. Sounding rods for the urethra. Vomit, poop, blood, needles, etc.


Littles, pre pubescent sex fantasies, rape fetish, scat.


NTR and fecies stuff




Is that like NPR but dirtier?


*All* Things Considered


Things getting fucking hot in Lake Wobegon.


It's cheating. Like a chick or guy cheating on their s/o and sending a video or picture to show it. Usually with black dudes but it can be anyone


watersports, it's way too common


nooo it’s so fun though :(


I know it's a kink for some folk but definitely not for me, giving or receiving it. 🤢


Foot fetish. I don't have a problem with the fetish itself. It's the people. They think just because it's not nudity they can go around, staring at people's feet. Taking pics, making others uncomfortable. Obviously that's not everyone. Just enough to sour the whole batch though


Pissing on someone is not for me


I’ve obliged someone that asked for it and it felt gross. Never did it again.


Anything involving degradation of any kind.


Queen of spades and their “preference” for BBC. It’s literally the fetishization of black men. Gotta call a spade a spade. Pun intended




Sounding. No.


Human waste products, spitting in the mouth, degradation


Hate this whole cuckold thing, but irony is my ex's husband wants me to do that to my ex and I've said yes. I was in total dilemma you can check on my profile when I asked this.


I don't kink shame. As long as everyone is a consenting adult, the closest it comes to being my business is that I hope everyone is risk-aware, so I think education should be free and available. (That said, if ppl wanna dive in blind, it's not on me to stop them. Adults have the right to harm themselves.) My no-go is scat, tho. Not for me, ever, not even to please a partner.


anything relating to incest - mommy doms, daddy doms, step-siblings. rape play is also a hard no. how anybody can find rape 'sexy' is beyond me.


Breeding.... 🤢


Calling a guy daddy while you’re having sex. It creeps me out.


What about grampa




Spitting on me/in me. Like if you need spit for lube or something lick me. Don’t spit on me. It even kills the mood in porn for me.


I hate anything to do with breeding. Maybe cuz I'm a mom but when somebody flirts like " want me to get you pregnant" um no that shits uncomfortable as fuck.


Not a fan of whipped cream, myself! Body heat warms it up and it smells awful.


A bit like soiled milk.


Feet. Like why…?


Huge dicks, and boob implants are the first that come to mind. Like a good looking penis doesn’t have to be big, and usually the big ones I see in porn just aren’t appealing. And pretty similar with breast implants. I love me some big boobs but sometimes the implants are just so obvious like it looks like it hurts for anyone to play with them 💀








As long as it’s not illegal and it’s consensual between two ADULTS whatever makes you happy is fine by me.


Anything to do with my poop shoot…lol. I am a nurse and I have seen some things. Cuck and bull stuff. I don’t get it.




Cucking. Makes no sense to me how watching someone else fuck your wife can get you off.


Trans. Nothing against trans people but I don’t want to be constantly exposed to them sexually. I’m not interested.




Butt stuff and feet.


Littles...but more so the people who are into people acting like Littles. Like it's one thing to act like a baby but if you are sexually into people dressing/acting like toddlers...yea I'm gonna mark you down as a pseudo-pedo.




Why would you lick asses??


I can’t stand the term “Daddy” to describe a sex partner. And I say this as someone who has been into BDSM for many years and I am extremely kinky-friendly. Being a father of kids who call me Daddy, I can’t imagine wanting to hear this. I am a sub and I feel the same about using “Mommy”’when referring to a Domme. Disgusting! These terms take “Daddy issues” to a whole new level.


Cucking and anal!


Cheating & dating unhealthy people: everyone is going to deal with harm one way or another that will spiral into a deep depression


All that choking stuff. Totally turns me off. I'd never do that a partner, even if they wish for it. Sure, Sex can be rough but that's a no go from me.


Huge cocks. I've never encountered a woman who wanted or desired a larger dick than mine. Most fear them.


Eating ass


Urine is a no-go for me but others like it and I don’t judge.


I wouldn’t say it’s popular, but the thought of Sounding makes me shiver. In a bad way. Also, any dick piercings.


The word "daddy" during sex. What the fuck?




Getting pegged by a woman. Nope, no thank you.


It’s not really popular outside Reddit but anything cuck related. If I could I’d ban them from using any social media so I don’t have to hear about it ever again. They’re worse than vegans 😂


Bodily excretions not normally used during sex. I have no issue with what others are doing, but please don't poo, pee, or bleed on me in bed.


Being involved in or watching rimming makes me cringe, I can’t stop thinking about E. coli and that shuts down my sexual arousal. I’m fine with others doing it consensually. I know it’s possible to do it safely. It’s just a popular kink that I can’t get into.


Pup play with those leather masks is pretty cringe imo


Poop stuff... why....