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Unapologetically yes. It's just sex and we're consenting adults. I (40m) started dating my wife (25f) when we were 36 and 21. It's the biggest age gap I've ever had downwards and we were both a touch unsure about that difference at first, but it ended up working out. As long as communication is equal and on point, and as long as both parties are enthusiastically consenting, there is no problem.


The irony of just basic sex with an age disparity being the one thing no man wants to admit to. Of all the things said here. Edit for clarity


Nice point without stating anything tangible. Well done.


I was agreeing with you, though apparently not clearly enough. Also stated my opinion individually.


My bad - erasing my post. Actually, I'll leave it up because I'm an ass.


All good, I had a typo in there so not my best point.


No worries mate


Hey guys this is Reddit no apologizing or being nice. Now please if you would revert back to insulting each other.


šŸ”Ŗ šŸ˜”


Thatā€™s better thank you.


Omg I needed to hear this thanks !! šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


ā€œas long as both parties are enthusiastically consentingā€ Simple as that āœ…


Hooray! Accountability šŸ„‡ (not said sarcastically)




The Montgomery Burns award for outstanding achievement in the field of excellence


41, and also yes. The largest age gap I've ever had was <1 year, but yeah, I would. It's not like I go around hitting on young women at the mall, but like you said, consenting adults. I'm not the type to take advantage of anyone's naĆÆvete or lack of experience, if I got the impression that's what was inadvertently happening, I'd be inclined to bow out with some parting advice so she doesn't get taken advantage of by the next guy, who might not share my reservations. That's the other thing, if a woman is into older guys, that's not gonna change if I'm out of the picture. Not that I'm some knight in shining armour, but I'm *safe*. That's not always a given. I just don't see the big deal tbh. Like I said, I'm not going around leching at high school graduations or anything, but I don't any man or woman should have to apologize for being attracted to young *adults*.


> 41, and also yes. The largest age gap I've ever had was <1 year, but yeah, I would. > It's not like I go around hitting on young women at the mall, but like you said, consenting adults. I'm not the type to take advantage of anyone's naĆÆvete or lack of experience. This. I'm more or less agnostic about age, but I do find some degree of (mental and emotional) maturity to be important. I've met 20-year-olds who acted like they were over 30 in terms of being a sensible adult, and I've also met 35-year-olds who still acted like teenagers. I have zero interest in actively chasing teens or early 20-somethings as a 40-year-old person, because it feels gross to be preying on women that could have been my kid, but if I happen to meet someone in that age bracket and we click on an emotional level, the age gap by itself is not going to nope me out.


My parents also had an 11 year age gap and no one ever questioned it, this generation just has a problem in general..


My wife and I have a 10.5 year gap and I couldn't have met a better partner


Age gaps can work is the gap isnt to great. Ive had a few exs that were nearly ten years younger, some that were nearly ten years older. My wife and i are six years apart and weve been together for 23 years and counting


No. Women that young look like children to me. Iā€™m way more attracted to women in their 30s and 40s. Iā€™m in my 40s.


I appreciate this. I'm almost 40 and 20 year olds look like children to me. Men that are into them are a red flag to me


And then you find out that the ones who you thought weren't like this, also are.




Yeah I was going to say I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever met a middle aged man who didnā€™t think a woman close to my age was hot if he saw one. But I wanna say the same goes for women, I work at a bar and get hit on constantly by older women.


is it the age gap or the fact they are in their 20's that makes it a red flag? would you consider any of the following to be acceptable or do you consider these all disgusting perverts and red flags as well? - Chris Pratt (45) & Katherine Schwarzenegger (34) - 10 Year age gap (older guy) - Ryan Reynolds (47) and Blake Lively (36) - 11 year age gap (older guy) - Jay-Z (54) and BeyoncƩ (42) - 12 Year age gap (older guy) - Deborra Lee-Furness (68) & Hugh Jackman (55) - 13 Year age gap (older woman) - Ellen DeGeneres (66) & Portia de Rossi (51) - 15 Year age gap (older woman, F/F) - Jeffrey Dean Morgan (58) & Hilarie Burton (41) - 16 Year age gap (older guy) - Heidi Klum (51) & Tom Kaulitz (34) - 16 Year age gap (older woman) - George Clooney (62) and Amal Clooney (45) - 17 year age gap (older guy) - Eddie Murphy (63) & Paige Butcher (44) - 19 Year age gap (older guy) - Jason Statham (56) & Rosie-Huntington-Whiteley (36) - 20 Year age gap (older guy) - Harrison Ford (81) & Calista Flockhart (59) - 22 Year age gap (older guy) - Samantha Taylor-Johnson (57) & Aaron Taylor-Johnson (34) -(older woman) 23 Year age gap - Bruce Willis (69) & Emma Heming Willis (46) - 23 Year age gap (older guy) - Leonardo DiCaprio (42) & Camila Morrone (22) - 23 year age gap (older guy) - Michael Douglas (79) & Catherine Zeta-Jones (54) - 25 Year age gap (older guy) - Alec Baldwin (66) & Hilaria Baldwin (40) - 26 Year age gap (older guy) - Rod Stewart (79) & Penny Lancaster (53) - 27 Year age gap (older guy) - Jeff Goldblum (71) & Emilie Livingston (41) - 30 Year age gap (older guy) - Stephen Fry (66) & Elliott Spencer (37) - 30 Year age gap (older guy, M/M) - Holland Taylor (81) & Sarah Paulson (49) - 31 Year age gap (older woman, F/F) - Dennis Quaid (70) & Laura Savoie (31) - 39 Year age gap (older guy) Thats just a handful of celebrity couples; personally some of them particularly lower in the list make me yikes; but the question is; at what point is an age gap considered acceptable? or is it actually that you are considering more than just the age gap and that you are perhaps even subconsiously assigning a power dynamic to the scenario OP suggested; in which the 20 year old (woman) is somehow being taken advantage of despite being a grown adult and knowing what they are doing; and you are automatically assuming that the older (man) in the scenario is automatically a predator and thus red flags just because he's a man so he MUST be a predator to find someone younger attractive.


I wonā€™t argue with the validity of your facts and figures. But using Hollywood as a baseline for morality is probably not the way to go. So many pedorings sexual assault, etc. I wouldnā€™t use Hollywood at all


This is ridiculous. For one thing, the entertainment world is not the world most people live in. For another, the gap is less important than the age of the younger individual when they met. A 15 year (or more) age gap between two people who met when the younger one was over 35 is way different than one where the younger person is 20. It all comes down to the sort of power/agency that the two have. This is why entertainers are such bad examples. Is there a gap between Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively? Yes, but Blake Lively was a successful actress to the degree that he, as a man 11 years her elder, wouldnā€™t be using the weight of his lived experience to create a power imbalance in his favor. Thereā€™s an argument to be made that BeyoncĆ© is the bigger star between her and Jay-Z so the power dynamics are way more equal. Etc, etc. Some of them were gross and predatory but not by default because the entertainment world is different. By contrast, your average 35+ man is going to rent or own his own place vs a 20 year old who wonā€™t, heā€™s likely to have a nicer car than a 20 year old, heā€™ll have more disposable income, probably be more educated or, at the very least, have more lived experiences. That translates to a host of imbalances in his favor. Which would also be true if the older person was a woman, regardless of whether younger was male, female or nonbinary save for one singular element: *We live in a patriarchy that, at best, passively facilitates the imbalances for men and, at worst, outright promotes them*. So those gaps you named will all be gross, regardless of the gender/orientation of the parties involved when weā€™re talking about average people where the younger individual is a 20 year old.


Exactly! The age of the younger person when the relationship started is highly relevant. For example, BeyoncĆ© may be the bigger star now, but she wasnā€™t when they started dating when she was barely in her 20s.


For me, itā€™s the actual ages, not the age gap. I think how much I changed and grew up between 18 & 25/26. Dating someone in their 30s, people are at such different points in life and the power imbalance can be tricky I actually met SO when I was 21/22, he was 27/28. We were together close to a year, but really weā€™re just at such different points, we broke up. We did get back together a few years later and have been together over 15 years now, but I donā€™t think it would have worked if we havenā€™t called it off. Iā€™m glad I had that time to grow, have fun, explore the world, other partnersā€¦.im glad I didnā€™t miss out on any of it


Whatā€™s interesting about this is people seem to adore and praise Sarah Paulson & Holland Taylor for their ā€œbraveā€ and ā€œamazingā€ lesbian relationship. No one seems to care that they have a 30 year+ age gap. But Leo D. dates someone in their 20s and people are up in arms. Itā€™s very interesting what people decide to be upset about and what they choose to accept.


People are up in arms about Leo because he serially does this and then dumps them when they turn 25


You mean... the girls know *exactly* what they're getting into when they agree to get involved with him of their own volition?


omg noooo you're too young when you're in your 20's, you don't understand he wants you for your youth and looks; whats worse is that all you're going to get out of it is being famous, having red carpet experiences, dining at the finest resturants, having sex with someone largely regarded as one of the sexiest men alive and you'll end up living the rest of your life as a miillionaire once he dumps you oh noooooooo. /s what a terrible world we live in where being pretty works to your financial advantage its so terrible xD screams in terror - "PLEASE WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE ADULT WOMEN"


These statistics are irrelevant in regards to the original question. The question is not "are age gaps inappropriate", the question is "would you, as a person who has had a fully developed frontal lobe for at least a decade, be willing to sleep with a person whose frontal lobe will not be fully developed for another 5 years?" All of the people in your list are in their 30s.


People often forget this, but 20-somethings who are trying to hook up with a guy twice their age are a red flag, too. Whatever she's after, it's not what she says it is, and unless you're so immature yourself that you didn't grow at all for your entire adult life, it can't possibly be you, either. She's not going to be able to fully appreciate what you've got to offer. Guys who go after girls young enough to be their daughters are going to end up with a child on their hands no matter how many rubbers they put on.


> Men that are into them are a red flag to me I don't know how you felt about dating older men when you were in your 20s but I have female friends who dated older guys at that age because _they are so much mature_ while nowadays they call this type of dude _immature_.


Kek. Seethe. Cope.


imo it depends a lot on the actual appearance and attitude of that girl. I know 20 year old that seem very mature. And I know same age as me (39) women that are still as stupid and childish. A 20 year old is not what I "want" and look out for though. But today...3 years after my divorce and almost 5 years after my last enjoyable sexual experience I changed my attitude and standards and would not say ā€œno" to a chance with a 20 year old tbh. Doesn't mean I have to marry her or spend the rest of my life with her. I swore to myself that my old me is dead and my new me will not deny any not dangerous/risky chances that present themselves. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø But I have also to say that I never had my "wild times" in my youth or general past. Always have been looking out "for the one" which dumped me after some covid pandemic cabin fever for some guy from the internet after 11 years of relationship šŸ˜µ Bring on any legal girl that seems mature and feisty enough and I will have no problem. But I will not do anything with one that seems insecure about her actions


WhatĀ“s next, they canĀ“t vote or drive or drink because they look like children to you? I know older women canĀ“t compete with younger ones but then older women sound like they think the younger ones are stupid.


I myself am dating a younger woman. I call her young and beautiful every day. We live together and couldnā€™t be more happier. Iā€™m 45 and she is 44. We grew up listening to the same music, same era of tv, etcā€¦ I love the fact that we have so much in common in life. As far as a 20 year old. Thatā€™s younger than my oldest. I wouldnā€™t know what kind of conversation we would have besides life lessons. Never mind a relationship. Thatā€™s a kid. Yes, adult in the eyes of the law, but in real life thatā€™s a kid in the eyes of someone in their 40s.


I relate to this so much. I have kids around that age and they're definitely kids in terms of what you can discuss with them. They have ideas and their own life experiences but their lack of experiences in life definitely shows.


Not only do they look like children, they act like children. Hard pass here. Also, being a dad of only girls really skews my perception.


Yeah, Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m moral enough to push one out of bed, but I really prefer Women.Ā  The young ones are just so stupid. Worse, they donā€™t know their bodies or their sexuality, so theyā€™re bad in bed. Itā€™s awkward knowing that theyā€™re doing stuff because they think thatā€™s what theyā€™re supposed to do.Ā  The upside for many men, is that theyā€™re SO stupid theyā€™re easy to impress. When I see ā€œmenā€ who say they love the young ones, I assume that 1) they have creepy daddy/pedo tendencies, and 2) they really enjoy a girl who is too dumb to know how bad he is in bed. Edit: oh wait, I HAVE pushed one away. 20ish, canā€™t remember.Ā 


Agreed. Im 38 and think my cut off would be 30. Definitely attracted to people around my age. And older.


This is the same for me, Iā€™m 38 and I cannot imagine going younger than 30


This is where I am as well.


Iā€™m attracted to women in their 30s too but Iā€™m 19 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Your preference but a hard "no" is hard to believe


Thankfully Im 34 and don't qualify to answer




Or am I a rule follower?


I know categorically that you are not šŸ˜‚


Well now Im very curious. How do you know?


iā€™m also very curious


Well, I guess we'll never know... What a coward


Perhaps the 34m sent the 27f a nude when she explicitly states on her page not to send nudes? Purely speculative, but itā€™s the only thing that makes sense to me right now based on the limited info I have.


He did not. I want it on record that u/whiskeysour112 is a gentleman and has never sent me an unsolicited nude


Thank you for saying this


You two should go on a date and find out.


Also 34, also unqualified.


Also 34. A shame, really.


Hey, I heard the 34 year old meeting was here?


Imagine being one of those old 35 year olds. Fuckin ancients, amirite?


Torn between "Haha, look at those fucking dinosaurs" and looking in to the abyss of becoming one in a year.


A year? Nah it's still 2016, we got plenty of time.


Iā€™m only 31 but can I please join? My 32yr old baby daddy started banging a 19yr old and I need somewhere to belong šŸ„ŗ


Wouldn't it be disqualified?


I think it's antiqualified


Deep down yes. But rationally no.


Why is it irrational to have sex with 20 yr old girl as a 35+ yr old man? To date maybe, but a quick fuck wont hurt anyone (as long as theirs consent both sides of course)


See though, when does a 20y girl become old enough in your eyes to be named a woman? It rubs me the wrong way how ā€œgirl ā€œ is so easily used as opposed to ā€œwoman ā€œ for adults.. in this thread no less.


Agreed. The answers saying "yes" but saying "20 year old girl" instead of "20 year old woman" give ick vibes.


I use woman and girl (and even female) interchangeably. I think a lot of people do. There is subtext there, but I don't think it's as deep as you're making it out to be.


Yeah, I think those two went out of their way to be offended.


I think the difference between those two words doesn't really exists in many non english languages. Or at least the implications of using one against the other. And there are a lot of non natives on reddit. As the old saying goes, assume ignorance before malice


20 year old "GIRL"??? Yikes.


Iā€™m 88. Of course I will.


You go, grandpa!


This is his make a wish


Average r/manhands poster.


Aww, you checking me out?


Can we get someone over here for a fellow king?


This guy fucks


Name checks out


We gotta Dirty De Niro ova heaar!


username checks out


Whoā€™s gonna be brave and go first? šŸ‘€


Buuuuut none of us are that old. Haha. *hurriedly messes up hair*


Yea you do that..... *starts covering bald spots around my already thinning hairline*


48. fuck yeah i would this generation has devloped weird hangups


Lol..... Not me!!!!


As long as it's consensual, yes. Why not? Edit: I'm 59, so I say "yes," because I know it would never happen. The question was about sex, not about developing a long-term relationship. So if she so desires, I am more than willing. Does that make me a creepy old man? Perhaps. But who is anyone in the sexual deviance world, to judge? Do sex workers only start in that field when they turn 21? 25?30?


Coming from a woman in her 20s, i wouldnā€™t suggest youā€™re a creepy old man just bc youā€™re willing to have CONSENSUAL sex with someone of the same age group. Sheā€™s an adult, youā€™re an adult and like you said, who is anyone to judge?? Just donā€™t go out preying on younger women


I'll tell you this for free I'm 30 and I would not have sex with a 20 year old, that's virtually a highschool student to me


How is 20 a high school student?


I'm 57 and there's no difference between an 18 year old and a 20 year old from my perspective. I have a niece who was held back a year because of undiagnosed dyslexia. She will be 19 and a few months away from 20 when she graduates high school. The comment you are replying to said "that's virtually a highschool student to me". That does not mean they are a high school student. It means there is virtually no difference to someone older if you are about to graduate high school or if you graduated less than 2 years prior. The comment did not say 20 *is* a high school student like your reply states. You are arguing semantics and completely missed the point of the comment you are replying to.


I get what they're saying. The age gap and maturity at that age. I'm 26, and I wouldn't have sex with someone that age.


Iā€™m not who you asked but I was friends with multiple 20 year olds who were *literally* still in high school my senior year. I know a 19 year old that will be 20 before he graduates this year *right now.* Theyā€™re essentially high school students because they can *literally* still be high school students. I donā€™t care what the law says, thatā€™s still a child. Issa no from me.


why is everyone saying nošŸ˜­


i think they feel guilty. when i was 20, i had multiple boyfriends that were pushing 50. none of them cared about my personality or maturity level.


>none of them cared about my personality or maturity level.


if you look at the other comments, thatā€™s what guys keep mentioning and thatā€™s the only reason i brought it up. idgafos that they didnā€™t care about those things, honestly.


I understand why you brought it up, it's just quite telling. Red flag imo. >idgafos that they didnā€™t care about those things, honestly. Can't be bothered for you lol, just my opinion is all.


i suppose youā€™re right. it would be a red flag for some women, i just didnā€™t care at the time.


I could never date someone that much younger than me. But that wasn't the question. The question was about sex.


believe it or not, some women have sex with their boyfriends.. so it kinda seemed related here.


If your boyfriends "didn't care about your personality", then surely they were really just fuck buddies?


i suppose thatā€™s how it started out, but it changed once we started living together.


Its still reddit. Even if its a deranged sub, everyone is still trying to be politically correct somewhat


Because theyā€™re lying.


because people are conformists


Not everyone is saying no šŸ¤Ø


yes but mostly


Yeah, I see thatā€™s the trend here. Iā€™m not among that trend and I donā€™t have a problem saying so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Virgins on Reddit


The older you get the harder it is to see people under the age of 25 as anything but kids. It's not even if they are "mature" or not, I'm pushing 40 and am still an immature shitbag at times, but a lack of life experience. That being said, if it's just sex and everyone is consenting then I'd say yes. 20 is old enough to know what is happening and the consequences, but I don't know if I'd be able to to do anything beyond just sex with someone under 25.


Delusional. The answer is yes.


Because theyā€™re chicken shits and afraid to give the real answer.


35 here. Mutual attraction, interests, and vibes? Yes! One sided attraction, no common interests, not vibing? No thank you.


Even just for one off sex?


At 35 and married, one off sex is as appealing as joyriding in a rental car: could be fun, but it would have to be a supercar otherwise the amazing daily driver at home is more than capable. If I were single, the confidence boost of a ONS/joyride makes the age gap kinda sexy though.


No, it would be weird. My daughter is older than 20


Nope. Zero interest. Yes, technically theyā€™re adults. They still seem like children to me.


31 and I wouldn't. Not to overly generalize, but I'm not sure how much in common I could have with a college sophomore.


Ummm well one of you is getting fucked by calculus and the other by a 31 year old. So you can share how you're both getting fucked šŸ˜‚


36 here, my cutoff these days is a hard 25. It's not for a lack of physical attraction, it's more of a maturity thing.


You're like Reverse DiCaprio




Iā€™m 28 and I have noticed a massive difference between your typical 23/24 year old and 25+. Honestly itā€™s for both men and women.


Sure. Why not.


I'm 50 and I wouldn't touch anyone under 40. Give me an older woman every time.


Iā€™m only 28 and thatā€™s a no for me


Why can't this be open to women wanting to date a 20 year old guy? Or gay/lesbian relationships?




I hate this double standard. My mother (45) cheated on my father with a 19 year old. Of course everyone was mad about her cheating (rightfully so) but nobody pointed out how awful it was she was screwing a 19 year old


"Girl" being the key word in this question: no... I'm damn near 45, and it feels kinda sorta icky thinking about banging a 30 year old. No hate or judgement for those who would though. It's perfectly legal. Do your thing. I would totally bang a 30 year old by the way.


1. She wouldnā€™t be a girl, she would be a woman. 2. Yes I would. Actually, I dated and had sex with a woman that was 10 years younger than I. Oh man, she was a freak šŸ˜‰.


My ex was 21 and I was 35, together for 3 years before we figured out the only thing we had to bond over was sex




I wouldnā€™t call it delusional. Iā€™m sorry though, but when your dating a hot young 20ā€™s cuckquean that is down for anything you want to do, chick never said no or used the safe word, down for whatever. itā€™s not easy to stop.


I'm 37 and I think the answer, as with all things, is that it depends on the specific person. Some 20 year olds are very mature for their age and you'd never know they were that young. Others are little more than children (I was very much in the latter category). As a general rule I think 20 is too young for me personally, but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with an age gap between adults.


Have done. Not as great as y'all think. Would I do it again..... probably yeah.


Iā€™m not even 35 and to me I think it would just feel too icky even entertaining the thought in a serious way.


had a girl who was 23 message me a while ago on RAOBJ, took me a minute to decide where I stood. But she wanted it and it was a sexual, non emotional thing. It didn't end up working out due to logistics, but I would have done it.


Is the Ocean deep?


45 year old male here and Iā€™ve slept with women in their 20s 30s 40s 50s and a 62 year old. All were fun and everything was enjoyed by all. Itā€™s a mentality not an age thing. Sex in all forms is fun and people should have more of it.


Absolutely not. Everyone under 30 looks like a child to me.


At 50, hard pass. As Iā€™ve gotten older, Iā€™ve come to appreciate more mature women and really appreciate their perfect imperfections. Half your age, plus seven has generally been my rule of thumb.


I'm married, so nah, but even if I weren't, no. I'm 40. Old enough to be your da. That's fucking weird.


Nope. My daughter is older.


I'm not quite 30 yet and I already think 20's too young.


Eh, maybe. If circumstances were right. Most girls that age are too immature for me to be interested, but I wouldn't rule it out.


Depends on the girl, if there's chemistry then yes, if not no. Gotta be attracted that that brain first yo


If the opportunity comes up naturally, sure. But I'm not pursuing it and wouldn't make it a regular thing. I'm not chasing after 20 year olds anymore, but if they chase me, I can't run that fast


Just sex? Sure. If it somehow was a ons/hook up that happened I wouldnā€™t say no.


Married an monogamous so no. Also, how would I even connect to her? I'm a family man, married, I own property, have a career, goals, everything. Like what would we connect on? Do I just buy her a Happy Meal or something?


I did when I was about 33 and she was 21. Had a great time.


No. I just canā€™t get over the idea of them still being children. Iā€™m 38 and 26 I think may be the cut off for me.


would absolutely love to haha




Hell yeah. I did it with an 18 year old when I was 36. Twenty years old would be good too.


I mean, if it was just a physical thing, sure. I don't think I could handle a relationship with a 20-year old anymore.


I have several times and honestly Iā€™m kind of into it. Both of the women had an age gap kink and it was fun being the object of their kink.


Iā€™m 43, and although 23 is the youngest, Iā€™d consider 20.


A one night stand or a brief fling? Abso-fucking-lutely. Only real exception would be not from.my (or families) work. Not really against work things, but not something like that. After a quick meet in a bar or something? Hot and heavy for a night, or a couple of weeks? That'd be the dream!


If I was single and she was the initiator and understood it would be casual only. I wouldn't be hitting on 20 year olds and I don't see myself having a relationship with that age gap.


As a 35 year old, possibly? I don't think I'd go below 20 and I definitely wouldn't have a relationship with anyone that young. If she was coming on to me, I'd reciprocate but I don't think I would initiate.


32 so Iā€™m disqualified, but here to see the answers šŸ‘€


36. Half my age plus 7. Nope. Lowest is 25. Honestly I have to deal with kids in their 20s for work sometimes and they do seem like kids, children, to me. Remember house phones? They don't.


Half your age, plus 7 is the only rule.




Absolutely! I think they should be allowed to experience what all those years of experience can offerā€¦. The last time I fucked a younger 20 year old she had never been able to orgasm from intercourse before and I blew her mindā€¦ā€¦ so now I think of myself as some sort of Knight in shining armor, giving orgasms to the orgasmless


Yeah, probably. I'm sort of seeing someone whose 20 but nothing's happened other than a few kinda nice dates and it's not the age that bugs me as much as the generational gap. Even there it's more of a social thing, like how would others react if things did escalate with her? I already got kind of a weird reaction from a coworker who doesn't even know we've been dating (she used to work here too).Ā  I really don't understand this overly negative view on age-gap dating here on reddit. It seems like everyone believes if a man is into younger women (regardless of how young) it automatically makes them a dangerous pervert who'd have sex with just about any age if it were legal. I read that elsewhere and sort of let it marinate in my mind for a while and I still don't get it. Even for me, there's a limit even if it were legal toĀ have sex with someone younger and I'm actually kinda feeling like 20 is just barely at the edge of that limit.Ā  I've also seen the odd comment that "men like me" only want power and control and I kinda of don't want either, so that just seems like a really weird assumption to make. I'm actually kinda more on the submissive side lol


Consent and enthusiasm is everything.


Probably not Iā€™d feel guilty


Reverse the question and the age difference becomes moot




I'm over 50. I would. But with a caveat. Not just any 20 year old. There would have to be something between us besides just physical attraction and sex. I learned the hard way, you have no control over who you fall in love with. As long as everybody involved is of legal age and at a maturity level to understand completely what is happening, I say go for it.


If an attractive 20 year old messaged or started talking to me Iā€™d see how it played out and I probably wouldnā€™t turn her down. My answer varies based on the individual though and I canā€™t see me making the first move with someone that young


I would. But I would be scared.


Truthfully? Well some women can look appealing at that age. Every time they have no substance or looking to be a sugar baby. With a broad stroke?


At this age it has been a honour to sleep with a twenty year old.


Did/would again, but not many. She was quite rare.


Iā€™m 49 and donā€™t think I could handle listening to a 20 yo long enough to get her cloths off. Doesnā€™t help that I have 18 and 19yo kids. To weird for me.


I doubt it.


If she clearly approached or something for sure why not? Set up a date, meet, chat, and understand what's the driver behind older guys. No red flags then an adult convo about sex, consent, etc.






Yes most definitely.


Why not?


No. They're young enough to be my daughter (if I had kids).


Are you bull shitting me on here? In a heartbeat I would fuck the ever loving Goo Goo outta her.




I have. Weā€™re still good friends years later.


If she's willing and interested absolutely. I'm not pursuing in any manner, but if that situation arose...


As a one night stand, maybe? Might be fun, but I'd have to be talked into it because I don't generally do them Dating? Absolutely not.


36. Depends, I guess lol