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I don't think I have but I'm also kinda too dumb to notice 😅


I can relate. I've been hit on several times by women, and I needed to be hit on the head by a friend with a clue by four to realize, always too late, what was happening.




Lol * I love your sketches*


Heh it me


More sketches! More pics!


A dude at a networking event walked up, introduced himself, and called me the "beariest bear in the city". I blushed.


Yes, but it was either super creepy or I thought the person was just being nice to me until further inflection.


It’s okay. I’ve been told I’m very oblivious to that kind of thing as well


Quite a few times at various locations


My most memorable one was probably when I worked as a cook at a gay bar and literally the first customer I had asked me if I wanted a sugar daddy and said he'd buy me a car and take me on vacations lol


Sounds tempting even for straight people


I wouldn’t say tempting. Even if it was a woman, that’s driving a little too strong to the hoop for my liking lol. But I mean I guess I took it as a compliment.


So I have a few local coffee shops that I go to frequently (Coffee makes me happy), and I'm a chronic yapper so I love making small talk. I was talking to one of the regular baristas about going to the gym more often since I've hit 30, and she replies by telling me that I shouldn't worry too much because I look like I could easily lift her up and hold her, all while maintaining heavy eye contact.


That is only *slightly* suggestive. I like it. As a smut writer I feel like I could work with this as an idea/concept.


I agree, and I applaud her for going with that one. I think it would be a hell of a start!


The corset vendor at my local Renaissance Festival. I was looking at them and considering getting fitted, but I was a broke 20 yr old so I had to just dream about it and go. Started to leave and vendor calls out to me, “…you’ve got an hourglass figure most women only dream of, beautiful!” Before that they were playing it up on how sad they were I was leaving, because I had a ‘great figure’ for a fitting. I’m sure it was only to get a purchase out of me, but it actually ended up getting me to buy my first two-piece swimsuit later that year.


Once a drunk chick brazenly grabbed my beard and said she wanted to lick it off my face at a bar. I politely declined, my wife wasn't too thrilled 😅


A good amount. Sometimes it's tactful and nice. Most times it's fuckin annoying and demeaning.


Yes too many times to explain the story of lol


Any of them ones that you’ll never forget?


yes every time all the time .. i lost count of incidents lol


Any interesting stories that stand out?




DM's overflowing for you? Lol


Siempre lol


Only few times in my life. All happened in bars or night clubs.


Not in a long longggg time


Do you miss it and do you have any interesting stories?


Having taken a quick peek at your profile… I find that extremely hard to believe.


My job is to be hit on.


What’s your job?




Constantly. But also there's been hundreds of times I didn't notice until a friend pointed it out after the conversation ended.


No. I have been hit before though. Does that count?


At work a couple times. Shits weird to me


Here and there. Nothing too crazy.


I think I have? Idk I don’t really pay attention and only find out 5 years later when I’m at some random location and think back on it


Honestly, not really


I can only recall a couple of times right now. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ One as an adult and a couple as a teenager. As an adult, a guy asked me to dance at a club. So that wasn't even full hitting on. 🌸🌈🦄🌟🎉🦖☀️❤️


I get hit on all the time. Honestly, too many stories to count. From stares from men and women, to men showing off their erect cocks or giving me all their sweet nothings, being cat called, being pursued at the bar....all the time. The stares/eye contact the most.


Twice that I remember. One I accepted. The other I tactfully rejected because she was clearly too drunk to know what she was doing.




No I don’t think 🤔


Rarely. And not usually people I want hitting on me


Not once. :(


Nope, never




I did when I was younger a lot but now not so much as far as I can tell




Legitimately we pulled up to a red light, i look to my left and see an old truck. Think nothing of it, soon i hear “HEY- HEY YOUNG LADY!”. I look over and in that truck it’s an older gentleman in his 70s-80s, I say “Yes sir??” he responds with “YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS, STUNNING HAIR!! DON’T EVER CUT IT YOU HEAR ME? YOU ARE JUST SO PRETTY!” and basically continues on while I just say thank yous and yes sir’s. Funny enough my dad was in his car ahead of me, he didn’t see it but I thought it was hilarious. Made my day, was having an awful day that day. But was slightly uncomfortable since he was just at this red light screaming how gorgeous I am😂😂😂😂


I probably been hit on before without ever realizing it tbh. I must be dense or simply fail social cues of being hit on tssssk


Uh, 2 at least IRL since my divorce, multiple online. I was outside a cheap motel smoking a little weed, and some dude came up asking for change, seeing someone in a hoodie smoking weed. I say “naw dude, sorry”, he does a double take, asked for my number. Other was at a laundromat, some guy started chatting, basic small talk. He asks if I’m single, I say no, and point to the ring I have on my necklace( chronic hand washer, rings get in the way). He asked a few questions about my SO, I’m guessing to verify. Yeah he asked if I wanted a side dude.


A lot. But it’s usually “I wanna fuck you” and never “I wanna get to know you” 🙃


My self esteem is low... I probably wouldn't have noticed


Yes. Most recently at a Stag and Doe. The organizers had a designated DD/quasi-taxi driver to give people a lift if needed. As I'm standing with my brother, a very attractive blonde, with blue eyes and large breasts (just my type,) walks up to us inquiring about this service and who the driver is. She puts her hand on my shoulder, looks straight into my eyes and says, "I sure hope it's this guy." I was that guy for her.


I got cat called walking in a small rural town.


If I ever do I don't ever noticed or if I do noticed I'm not great at talking so I typically avoid the situation from there.


idk maybe like once. some dude stepped out in front of me at the bar and smiled real big at me. introduced himself and shit. may have been reading into it too much tho and maybe he wasn't.




By a car? Yes


Only twice and both were before I turned 20. So, uh, it’s been awhile. Which is cool, cool cool


Several. The wildest was getting hit on by a Divorce Attorney while being married. Wondering if she just needed business.


Yes and the poor unknowing girl had no clue my gf was right on the other side of the room. She flew in like a hawk.😬


College restroom. There were no walls between the urinals. Older guy walks up to the one next to mine as I'm finishing. I pack everything away and he pats my crotch and compliments the equipment. I was too young and in too conservative a state to have any idea what I should do so I quickly washed my hands and left.


No and I’d honestly have no clue how to react if it did happen


I find it very hard to believe that you haven’t been hit on before. You seem way too cool and beautiful for men not to take notice and shoot their shot. (This is me hitting on you btw. Curious how you’ll react 😉)


Oh thank you! First time for everything I guess lol


Multiple times. At clubs, concerts, at work. But it’s been awhile.


Yes, but I didn’t exactly realize I was being hit on until his hand was squeezing my cock.


I think this bass player at a bar hit on me once, but I was so drunk I could be misremembering… but I’m also not very “hit on-able” 🫣🫣🫣


Only online, and only by dudes.


Many times. Including the day I got married 😂 Same day we got married, we had our holiday party at the company I work for. A bunch of us went out after and I was waiting for my husband to finish in the bathroom when a guy (who I had seen at the bar earlier) approached me and started talking to me. Asking me my name, etc. Asked what I was doing (something along those lines) and I said waiting for my husband to get out of the bathroom. He was like oh and made his exit. Note: we didn't have a wedding. We got married by a civil celebrant in his living room and went and got a cupcake after.


I mean, it's statistically likely that it's happened but I'm sure I was completely unaware of it.


Maybe, I am not sure.


I had this girl walk in front of me like 10 times when at a bar. After the 11th time she actually stopped by me and asked "how many times do I have to pass by for you to stop me?". My answer? "Just keep walking by". She was ugly, no thanks. Also, I was looking at the girl pole dancing.


Idk. I'm an oblivious dude


Yeah in my school days, a girl once texted me on Instagram saying I looked like this movie actor she would always come to my class, smile at me, and follow me around, another classmate used to spam me with messages, trying to flirt. I wasn't interested in any of it back then, so I just politely replied to their texts, and they eventually stopped.


I don’t know unless they tell me, “I was hitting on you” 🧍‍♂️


Once and it was kinda funny to me because I started to laugh/giggle


Honestly I don’t think so lol




Ew - work of all places is a no go in my opinion


no :(