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A swastika


Swastika is a holy symbol for Hindus that an idiot stole and made it into something evil


100% correct but that doesn't change it's association with hate organizations. If I walk into a hindu's home and see it that's one thing. Any one else's and I'm leaving.


I went to Nepal, which shares a border with India, they mostly use cooking oil from India. It's what we call "canola" in the west, because Rape (seed) Oil doesn't sell well in english language markets. The logo of the largest brand is an Indian Swastika, so it is incredibly common to see swastika branded cans of rape oil all over the country. Took some getting used to.


I'm in the west in an english speaking country and we call it rapeseed oil. Canola oil is purely north american I believe


Canola name comes from CANadian Oil, Low Acid and was originally bred from specific rapeseed strains. Now it is the generic name for edible rapeseed strains in many places around the world.


Because rap seed oil isn't marketable.


Yo man wtf don't go dissin my rap seed oil!


I'm Jewish and was traveling through Japan when I saw swastika earrings being openly displayed and sold in a local shop. I was shocked- how could they sell this, especially so OPENLY? Then I remembered that I'm in Japan, not in Europe, and the swastika is a holy symbol that had nothing to do with nazis or antisemitism over here




I mean its not like they werent dripped tf out


Context is everything..


It depends because the one used by the nazis was turned on a 45 degree angle and yet another. Not the one that lays flat used my Buddhism. And yet turned backwards it’s called manji meaning something different


Fun fact, if it looks like a swastika but reversed (counter clockwise), it's a different symbol with different meanings. Called the sauvastika. Also, I think it could be understood the difference between the Nazi Germany version (slightly rotated with a white circle and red background) as compared to a more original version where it was like etched into a statue or stone or whatever figuring. One would be an immediate nope - turning around and walking out. The other would be "wow! What an interesting piece, what does it mean?"


In India you will find both variations, although usually not at a 45º angle, often it will be thinner with little dots in the middle or with a curve on the outside of the arms, but sometimes they will be flat and blocky like the Nazi version. Sometimes they are very similar to the Nazi version. And they are everywhere, it’s probably the most common symbol seen over there. But if you see it in the west it should be pretty obvious from context clues if they are a Hindu, Buddhist or fascist.


Native Americans as well.


We all fucking know they meant the Nazi flag and not some other folk art


Still a red flag, especially when it's someone not from those cultures trying to excuse it with that reasoning.


Yeah I'd be uncomfortable. Im not smart like these guys here, i only know it from one thing


Or it's modern equivalent, the Maga hat.


“If a girl sees a guy’s Nazi memorabilia, she’s gonna be like, ‘I gotta get the hell out of here.’ If a guy sees a girl’s Nazi memorabilia, he’s gonna be like ‘I gotta bang her and get the hell out of here.’” - Mark Normand


If it’s just a hookup then I’d still do the deed and won’t come back again. Fuck the haters!


that's what you'd literally be doing, fucking a hater


A friend of mine found herself in this situation. She went through with the hookup… because of the implication.


I mean actually though, in a situation like that… what else can you do as a woman? you’re already in this (potentially violent) dudes house alone


Just choke her with her nazi flag while you destroy her asshole.


She wasn’t a 10/10, but when I went to pick up a woman for our first date, she literally had a black-and-white picture of her grandfather in full, not the uniform above the fireplace in the family room. Apparently he was an officer.🤷🏼‍♂️ I told her it wasn’t going to work out and left


I'd still smash


Floor to ceiling Polaroid photos of me.


That's a good one. I would prepare myself to run or fight, tho


Baby reindeer 🥹 Sent from my iPhon




Eh fuck it, if I die after I die happy


What if was just one large cork board?


Are the pictures connected with string like an elaborate evidence board? If so, then I'm in!


Ya, that'd be weird... it's weird enough seeing that when I come home... I don't know why I did that... 😂


Flattering though


Maga merch would do it


Somebody already mentioned swastika.


If it’s a 10 I think I could deal with it


True that


Extreme dirt and filth. Piles of trash, mess on the toilet seat, stained sheets, etc.


Man did a full house inspection there


*Takes out clipboard, starts checking off boxes* Sorry ma'am, this is a no-go. But here's the card of a guy who can fix it up for a reasonable fee. You can ring me back up after that if you'd like to get a re-check.


I actually had this happen to me. Long fucking time ago (like 25 years ago). I was visiting a college buddy in Portland Maine. A group of us went to a club, I met this smoking hot girl. We were making out on the dance floor and she asked me to go back to her place. Being young, drunk and horny I agreed. Got to her place, which was at least 20 minutes outside this city, and it was like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre house. Clothes everywhere, dishes piling in the sink, ants crawling around, the whole caboodle. Now, I should have left, but remember, she was smoking hot, and I was young drunk and horny as I said earlier. We just threw some shit off her bed and fucked all night. Still, til this day, easily a top 3 encounter. Well morning comes, we wake up, and I am like I have to get back to my friends place. However, being 25 years ago, I didn’t have a cell phone, and had absolutely no clue where I was. I basically had this girl drive me back to the club and from there, using some landmarks I was able to guess my way back, which was nothing short of miraculous to be honest. Anyway, went back up like a month later, go to the same club, guess who is there? So not only did I not leave, I repeated the adventure a few weeks later. And that’s the last I ever saw her. No idea what her name was but her tits are forever embedded in my memory.


So, are you a Virgo?


A 10/10 I would have dipped way before I would be pretty sure they just wanted my organs and not in the way I would want.


When I say a 10/10, I mean a person you really like personnaly, it doesn't have to be a model


Ever seen the movie Hostel?


Live Laugh Love


Two years ago, a pipe burst in my house and caused enough damage that I had to move out for 3 months while the repairs happened. My realtor helped me find the rental house. I told him he couldn't show me anything that had "Live Laugh Love" anywhere in the house. It took a bit, but we finally found a house that fit in my budget. There were a lot of things around the house that I thought were odd: a pair of wooden clogs, lots of photos of tulips and tulip fields, little ceramic houses that looked like the ones you see in The Netherlands. I asked about those things and the realtor told me the owner was Dutch. So, on the first morning that I was there, I sat down on the toilet and staring right back at me from a shelf under the sink was a wood plaque that said "Leef Lach Lief". GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I did not know that they translated it. Never seen one of those anywhere.


Liefde? I think in that context love would translate to Liefde I think


I may have gotten the translation wrong. But it was definitely 'Live Laugh Love' in Dutch! Argh!!!!!


this is fucking hysterical


This took me out! I joke with my friends all the time that this is one of the 2000s cardinal sins of decorating.


It's terrible honestly. That and the current trend of crushed silver velvet 🤢


Can’t say I’ve seen that one yet, actually. Thank goodness.


Hahaha. Liar… you’d totally still hit


You know....that's a good one because.....what the hell does that even mean


Probably anything racism, sexist, or homophobic. Oh or a surgical table.


You have two kidneys. Stop being greedy.


Don't make assumptions.


Sorry, I thought it was an easy chance to make a joke. I didn't intend to mock an actual medical problem if that's what happened.


I should have put /s at the end of that. lol I could have like 10 kidneys and am extremely greedy. I worked hard to get them.


Fair. I have to respect the hustle! 😂


Sounds like something that someone being greedy with their kidneys would say 🤔


Hey I worked hard for those kidneys! Plus I need them so I can get my own surgical table. 😤


They don’t want your kidneys. They want your gold crusted ass.


They can have my gold crusted ass.


Aside from hate group paraphernalia.... honestly let them design how they want 🤷


Mmmh, what about an extensive collection of vintage dolls ?


As long as Chucky isn't there , I don't mind a deadeyed audience 😅


You've got better nerves than me lol


Okay, the original Annabelle is there, not a copy or other Raggedy Anne doll, but the haunted one.


As a teenager I collected porcelain dolls and all kinds of clowns. I wonder what my boyfriends thought back then. Ha


And you kept him ?? I guess it's proof that you're a 10/10 lol


Haha I definitely wasn’t a 10. But looking back I was definitely attractive but didn’t think I was. And there were a few boyfriends! None of them mentioned it. And I’m not talking just a few dolls and clowns. It was the whole room. The walls were covered in those porcelain clown masks that were popular in the 90s. The whole dresser top had dolls and clowns. A full book shelf. And an entertainment center with a tv and the rest of the shelves were clowns and dolls. Even the top shelf of the closet. And a couple clowns sitting on swings hanging from the ceiling. A fraction of this stuff is now in my daughter’s room. Some of it got lost or broken and when I was married some of it went to my step daughters. And I sent a clown home with my niece. She was like 4 and loved it. I did it on purpose because my sister says she’s afraid of clowns. But idk if she really is. She never said anything when she was little.


A whole room?😱 I'm sorry, to say, but you couldn't have me


😂 I think I did alright without ya 😉


Haha, your loss, I think I bring a lot to the table. At least a 3/4 full bag of chips and two whole travel cases of emotional baggage 🙃


Well fuck. I don’t have the dolls anymore. Bring on the chips! I have all the emotional baggage!


Maybe if one looked like my mother


A wife


But whatvif she is into it? And she is also a 10/10?


You're taking my attempt at humor way too seriously


Oh, no, don't take me for anything close to serious. I'm merely "yes, and"-ing you


Really puts the trophy part into perspective aaaaa


A decent human being. I applaud you!


The pile of dead bodies


Yeah I try to keep my pile hidden at least until I know them a bit better


But what if it's a very neat pile of dead bodies ? Gotta admire the handywork


Bring out your dead


A lack of books. If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em! – John Waters


But what if they read ln kindle?


Or listen to them!?


That’s not reading, that’s listening to a scripted podcast.


Someone with zero physical books is sus


If they read on kindle they’ll still have *one* book. If they don’t have a single physical book in the entire joint… They don’t read on kindle, they *have* a kindle.


Futon or mattress on the floor. I’m 42 the bare minimum is a real fucking bed with a bed frame.


A fucking bed in addition to another sleeping bed


Damn I've only got a fucking futon and a regular sleeping bed


Man I've had hookups when my bed was on the floor of the house I owned. I'm going all in if I see that. I can't be about double standards.


A mural of Patrick Bateman


all you cucks take a lesson here. The girls lineup for the Patrick Bateman of the world not for the soy boys that wear a mask when they protest.


What’s sad is when I was younger the bad boy was my type. Patrick Bateman. Derek Vineyard. Todd Alquist. Ramsey Bolton. I would have drooled over any of them (some more than others). When I say my exes are crazy, it’s 100% true, but the common denominator was definitely me. I’m so glad I’ve gotten over my “I can fix them” mentality.


The sigma male man cave


I had someone leave because my books for work scared him and I've never stopped thinking it was hilarious. (Public health, so a lot of things about diseases, but just like on a shelf he looked at not open so he had to see the pics or anything.)


It is funny and I can only imagine his reaction 🤣


cigarette smoke


Confederate flag


A jar with a MLP figure


An empty jar, right ? Right ??!




Only time I've walked away from a situation like that was when I got to hers and their were family photos of her, the husband, and their kids... Wouldn't wanna be a homewrecker with kids involved. Without kids I probably would've though, she was crazy hot.


MAGA merch/rope & needle


So, no conservative shibari enthousiasts who also like embroidery for you ? 🙃


You lost me at conservative.


Yeah, I lost myself at conservative, too. But shibari is cool, tho


What a bitch


The suction cup black 15 inch dildo on their coffee table. Have some decorum. Hide that in your bed side table


reminds me of that scene in fight club "it's not a threat to you" 😆


Anything political in nature. Someone who decorates their house with that crap has mental issues.


I once walked into a guys house and he had a life size Freddie Krueger in his living room and didn’t warn me..


What's really terrifying is when he tells you later that he doesn't own a life size Freddy Krueger


😳 dear god..


Red Sox flag 🤮


What are you, some kind of Yankees fan?


Communist or Che Guevara flag/shirt


Hard drug paraphernalia Unsecured weapons that are placed casually or lackadaisical indicate a lack of respect for life & death safety Needles It's clearly a shared bedroom, and there are guys' clothes in the closet (I'm not going to be party to cheating) Any of those things, and I'm out of there. Political stuff will cause me to ghost afterward, but probably not "mission abort" I might say, "Hey, I just don't see it working" if pushed.


The last guy she brought home from the bar, encased in resin and screaming an eternal, silent scream.


So no? https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/star-wars-han-solo-in-carbonite-sideshow-collectibles-100310


A n*** flag


You can type Nazi on Reddit. Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi See no one banned me? This isn’t TikTok


Whats a n*** flag? Nigera? Native? I dont get it.


I think he meant 'Naggers'


They annoy me.


Ive been programmed by the internet to see the letter “n” with asterisks after it as the N word, and was wondering when we got our own flag.


Dead decomposing grandmother


Other relatives are fine though


A wall of porcelain dolls


I once hooked up with a really attractive white girl (I’m black) and she had a confederate flag hanging over her bed. I still hooked up but I was 22 at the time. Now that I’m 33 I would more than likely just dip in that situation


Oof ,she must have been stunning for you to still go for it


She was a true “southern belle” type 100%


So I have a story here. I met this girl on OKCupid a long time ago, this would have been like... 07ish, 08ish? She seemed fun, cool, generally my type, we chatted for a bit and seemed to be hitting it off really well. She mentioned she was a Disney fan which I'm kinda meh about, but, you know, people like things and it seems harmless, so, whatever. We meet up for a drink and get to know each other, and she mentions that she's got her house to herself that night, and would I like to come back there for a little fun and games, which I am definitely down for, good chemistry so far and the vibe is a little weird but not *bad.* We get back to her place which is a kinda run down house out in the country, it feels a little off but not horrible so I follow her in, it seems pretty normal if a bit hoarder-ey, but fuck it, I'm horny and I brought protection. Then we get into her room and it's... just a wall of Mickey Mouse. Like every direction you look there's at least a hundred Mickey Mouse faces staring back at you. I tried, I really did, but every direction I looked while she was going down on me those big cartoon eyes just stared... and judged. I just couldn't do it, no amount of horny could get me past all those dolls and figures and pictures staring back at me.


Hmm any racist propaganda, a giant butcher knife on her night stand or some other deadly weapon…..also if the room is covered in plastic I am running.


Human skin lampshdes


A life size cardboard cutout of Hitler.


What about a 1:2 scale cutout? Just a little 'Dolf in the corner.


Fascist iconography, hate group paraphernalia, an angry significant other that they failed to mention, or fecal matter somewhere it's not supposed to be


Live, laugh, love Ick.


I prefer "Live, Laugh, Toaster Bath"!


A blue 55 Gallon drum in the bedroom corner and poltergeist playing on the TV.


Any sort of far-right flag/item.


Remember Ross and the hot professor? Mess. Not a bit of clutter. Mess.


Her husband


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. If she’s a 10/10 and wild in bed I could walk in and see a pile of the corpses of her ex lovers and I would still stick around. I can fix her.




Turd encrusted dildo


😆 I have encountered this scenario but it was in the shower and I didn't see it until I had to piss after banging like a screen door in a hurricane.


The litter box overflowing with cat turds


I've never noticed what's on any woman's walls when I went home with her for a one night stand. You usually have leave the lights off so you don't wake the kids. Them little bastards wake up and you'll never get laid .


Severed head in the fridge


I know, right? Who puts a fridge in their room ?,


Hentai posters


How many body pillows is too many body pillows ? 🤔


Anything to do with furries


A confederate flag l


A taylor swift poster


A bathtub filled with ice


Any obvious hate symbols


A bong or other drug stuff blatantly on display. I mean, fine if you want to get high, but if you think you're a cool kid or really want to get high together, you're not the person for me.


Username doesn’t match up 😭


Lmaoooo agree




Definitely the swastika, but any object or symbol that (to my knowledge) supports or represents racism and/or white supremacy would be an instant red flag and my cue to leave immediately.


Carpet in the bathroom


Most drug related things, or Nazi stuff


A detached body part.


MLM stuff, I don’t want to go there and then be given a 2 hour lecture why I should join…


Funko Pops


Mattress on the floor. I'm way past this stage in my life.


Lots of political paraphernalia. Doesn't matter what party


A photo of me


Shelf full of dicks in jars, or cloneawillies.


Thinking back to my 20s before I was with my wife! Had I been in this situation, there is no such decor. There are things that might keep me from coming back or calling back, but there would've been no stopping 23 year old me. Swastikas and Hitler portraits? Weird but let's fuck.


Outside the usual (hate group paraphernalia, trash, etc) scrubs. I've come to the conclusion that if they're hot and a nurse, they are certifiably insane


Ok, I have an actual story here. About ten years ago, I was working for a radio station down in Florida. I was working at a big festival, handing out tshirts and just trying to do some public relations for the station. We were set up next to the tent of another station, a top-40 station that was known for having attractive female talent on the air. I bumped into one of their DJ's that I had met at some social events in the past. She was gorgeous. We had shared a drink in the past, so I asked if she wanted to grab another and listen to a band that was playing in the evening. She said yes, we talked and had a great time, and she asked if I wanted to continue the night at her place. I was dumb, horny, and single, so I said yes. We showed up to her place, had a nice time, and she eventually kissed me. We made out for a few minutes, she stood up and walked me to her room .... ... where I was greeted by a life-sized oil painting of her dressed as a hippie standing in the road. Just, her, barefooted, head held back like she was in pure ecstasy. I have no idea why, and after a decade I still can't elaborate: it completely ruined the moment for me. Like, I don't know what I was feeling, but whatever I was feeling, it was no longer arousal. It was just an immediate car wreck to my bonk brain. I told her that I was very sorry, but that I couldn't go through with it. She asked why. I lied, and said that I was recently out of a relationship (true,) and that I knew I would end up getting attached to her emotionally, and I wasn't ready for that. She accepted it and was very gracious. I tried for a few days to get over it and ask her out again, but all I could see was that picture in my mind every time I thought about her. It's really stupid. She might've been the greatest relationship of my life. But man, that picture just haunted me. I can't explain it. I try to be a better person than that. But it just .... I don't even know.


A large St. Andrew's Cross.....


That's how you get to 11!


True story and it happened to me years ago in Toronto. Christian lady on a blind date from my local church....happens to be a Domme. Kept her secret and declined. ha ha You just can't make this stuff up. We'd see each other in church service later on...just a nod and smile from her....YIKES! lol




Any drugs


A Dallas Cowboy jersey😒


Bathtub full of ice


A vote Tory poster.


At that point there's nothing that's going to make me turn back short of me getting the vibe I'm in actual physical danger. I don't care what they have for decor it's a hookup so I won't be around long term.


A Victorian doll of a sad little boy propped up on a chair whose eyes follow you around the room.