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Nobody can do the math because it's not a linear difference - it seems to be variable. If it was a measurable difference, then people wouldn't say "time is funny" and trail off when trying to calculate it, they'd instead say "time goes 5 times faster on this planet" or something else to differentiate the difference. At one point the difference could be seconds elsewhere turning into weeks on Sakaar, while in other moments it's equally possible that days on Sakaar turn out to be the blink of an eye elsewhere. Certainly, Thor was capable of communicating from Sakaar with Heimdall on Asgard without a time difference causing one or the other to sound like a tape being played on fast-forward, but they may have talked during a period where Sakaar's weird time was semi in-sync with the rest of the universe's. Having said that, it is certainly very possible that Hulk was there for a lot longer than 2 years. Five? Ten? It's unlikely to be a lot more than that, as Banner still ages even when he's the Hulk (there's been a continuity or two set in the future where the Hulk knows he can't revert to Banner because Banner would die of old age instantly). If it was thousands of years, Banner would have turned to dust when the Hulk let him out to play.


TLDR - Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey


good point, ty :)


that´s not how hulks transformation works -.- one would assume because hulk is kinda immortal so one would assume he doesn't age normally neither, and hulk reverting back to banner he would literally REVERT to his original form, so what ever genetics is going on there.


I'd debate you, but you're posting a comment to something I posted in 2017, which indicates a level of fan "I must be right on the internet!" that I have no desire to interact with. I don't care whether you're right or I am on a 4 year old post.


Maybe I'm misreading this, but on the Grandmaster's tower, there are several faces made from scrap metal. To me, it looks like there are 4-5 complete ones, and then a new one of the Hulk is under construction. It looks like a Mount Rushmore of great fighters, with the Hulk as the new guy. Plus, the quinjet is sitting there with the back door open, and it hasn't been stripped or buried in garbage, and it still has power. To me, that suggests the "two years" is within an order of magnitude. Like, maybe it was three years, but it probably wasn't 300 years.


Loki was kicked out of the transmission beam several seconds before Thor, meaning that several weeks passed in the seconds between when Loki was kicked out and when Thor was kicked out. Considering the distance the Odinsons were trying to cross, they were moving at *beyond* the speed of light in the beam. Their sudden exit from the reality warping beam resulted in the collision of two states-of-being, causing a time warp. tl;dr it wasn't Asgard, it was a sudden deceleration from Warp 9 to normal speed that caused the time dilation.


excellent response


As I was watching the movie again just now, this thought occurred to me too, and so I did some rough math, before thinking to look online to see what others thought and found this post. Making a rough estimation that Loki and Thor were thrown off the Bifraust 30 seconds apart, and that Loki landed on Sakaar 3 weeks before Thor (since he said "I've been here for weeks", and yes I know that could mean two, or four or five, it's just a rough assumption), that would mean 10 seconds Earth time = 1 week Sakaar time. (Also assuming the time flow on Sakaar is not in fact wibbly wobbly) Going from that crude assumption, even allowing for a couple of weeks Earth time from when Hulk disappeared until he got sucked into a portal to Sakaar, that means Hulk would have to have been on Sakaar for somewhere near 850,000 years. Comics have suggested that's possible for Hulk, that he may even be immortal as long as he *stays* Hulk, but I somehow doubt that was their intent for this movie.


In the movie he says about 3 years


Thor says it's been a couple of years - Banner had no clue but took Thor at his word, as Banner didn't seem to remember anything of that time as the Hulk beyond vague 'you seem familiar, Valkyrie' vibes. It could have been a lot longer for Banner thanks to Sakaar's weird wonky time.