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What? Why are you giving away your password, gonna be a bit rude for a moment, but that's stupid. Change your password and stop giving it away, you do not owe people your privacy.


If I change my password I have a feeling she'll tell me that i dont trust her or how bestfriends know each other's passwords..... I seem like a pushover but I really dont know how to put it


You are being a pushover, you should set boundaries instead. Just because someone is a friend, doesn't mean you should let them do whatever they want.


I think I needed to hear this to be honest. That im being dumb for letting this go . Thank you


Do not give ppl ur password, change it now and don't let them do that


Yes.. thanks man i dont want to ruin our friendship as she's a nice person but its just this i can't seem to ignore


She should be able to acceot not snooping afpund your phone


Yes youre right she should . Thanks a lot :D




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