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On what planet can only one type of pride be allowed and only one type of pride be offensive?


Been that way on this planet for far too long now, you're no longer allowed to be proud to be straight, white, male, female, smart, healthy, rich or normal. You are, however, allowed to be proud to be gay, black, brown, trans, stupid, fat, living off gov, and crazy. Anything that propelled this country forward or is viewed as traditional is not allowed, hope this helps.


Pretty much nailed it right on the head with this comment.


For the sake of our children, we have to become better than that. šŸ˜†


As a father I could not agree more. We have to push back harder than we have been for sure.


šŸ‘‹ Waves šŸ‘‹ at woke person humping the down vote button. šŸ˜†


Would like to see what HR said was the reason for termination. 20 years, and they treat her like trash.


I'm sure it will all come out in the lawsuit. šŸ˜†


"WFMJ is committed to serving our entire community with the respect we believe all people deserve." Total Bull$hit... they just disrespected the majority of the planet. šŸ˜†


Iā€™m as sympathetic to LGTBQ+ as anyone, but I believe that firing that woman for that inoffensive post on her PERSONAL FACEBOOK PAGE is outrageous. Sue the hell out of them!


Do you support the LGTBQ+ community or the gay community? There is a major difference as most around here support one but not the other for the very reason this post is happening One group just wants to live their lives and equality under the law, the other wants special privileges and ability to force their ideology onto others via government, corporate, and social pressures I'll let you guess which is which and which group most are good with


Leftist insanity and denial of reality. They will never learn. The most stupid thing a person can do is deny reality.


"WFMJ is committed to serving our entire community with the respect we believe people deserve, as long as you only speak and think the way we tell you" There, WFMJ, I fixed it for you.


Iā€™m surprised Reddit admins have left this post alone. They are very trigger-happy as of late.