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Brought to you by the “No Shit, Sherlock” Foundation.


That's one of my favorite foundations... 😆


This is one of the most obvious No Shit moments there is. We've been saying it for years.




There is no AI needed to know that Wikipedia is run by rabid leftists. Useless for anything even slightly political. Even more moderate leftists, with any shred of integrity, will fully admit this.


Bias case in point... Notice the difference in search results. They even removed the men in space page. I know because I added it years ago when they first created the women in space page. 😆 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Men+in+space&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&ns0=1 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Women+in+space&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&ns0=1 You would think by the search results no men have gone into space. This is how our children are force fed their bullshit bias. 😆


Quality comment backed up information there's no question about it there's an edit war behind the scenes on Wikipedia. It is still a useful tool as a starting off point. Good work keep at it Interesting aspect recently came across when talking about marxism. Corporatism is a direct response to maxism. Several words are trying to be written they're actually trying to take humans out of the whole context of sexual diamorphism. While also stating it exists in the animal Kingdom. Baathist progressive and independent hold true. https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1dla46g/comment/l9wgh7s/ SeawolfEmeralds 2 months ago +1 / -1  There are several terms that have attempts at being rewritten.  Recently corporatism. Corporatism and corporatocracy. Sorry its still corporatism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatism >Corporatism does not refer to a political system dominated by large business interests, even though the latter are commonly referred to as "corporations" in modern American vernacular and legal parlance; instead, the correct term for this theoretical system would be corporatocracy. >Corporatism is not government corruption in politics or the use of bribery by corporate interest groups. The terms 'corporatocracy' and 'corporatism' are often confused due to their name and the use of corporations as organs of the state. That opener, then deflecting but not making a direct accusation. Might want to check the Wikipedia edit history on that entry pushed all the way to the top. >Corporations are good, except when we say they're not


They went out of their way to creat a page for a specific group and willfully removed the complementarity page of another group this is nothing less than blatant and systemic sexist bias. 😆


Space is important NASA used to travel to classrooms across America and speak to the students. The places would be filled teachers would come in, parents of the students would come in.  The same group that had the all hail! This is a single-sex space walk. Then uh hoh we left a toolbox out there, you can see it from Earth.  NASA used to be America's crowning achievement after successfully bailing out Earth from the World War. America fought and won the World War on 2 fronts across earth's 2 largest oceans. Saved Britain's ass Assassinated JFK. Did the moon dance then no comment.  Begin a series of bullshit maneuvers to waste money and fund their project. They've had to bring in people from the 80s to restart their programs and move forward because they just don't have the talent. people don't understand and they take offense to this when it's stated > H1B visas are holding American infrastructure and cutting edge technology together. >America does not produce the talent necessary. Simply put America was not the only country with its own version of operation paper clip and it never ended. Then NASA tried to put a teacher in space blew her to pieces in front of everyone never attempted it again.  couldn't even get a telescope up until 2022? They said it would be up in 2007.  They relied solely on Russia time-tested standard of excellence in getting people to space.  Until an African American came along. The All female spacewalk lost the toolbox. The stray tool bag will float around our planet for a few months, until tendrils of Earth's atmosphere pull it back for a safe burn-up high above the surface at roughly 70 miles (113 kilometers) in altitude. The bag was roughly 258 miles (415 kilometers) above Earth as of last week. For now, the tool bag has a U.S. Space Force designation 58229/1998–067WC in its cataloging system for artificial objects, Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics astronomer Jonathan McDowell (who also tracks space launches, landings and re-entries) shared on X, formerly Twitter. >estimated that the bag will remain in orbit until spring to midsummer 2024 and disintegrate when it reaches 70 miles above the Earth's surface.Dec 2, 2023 https://www.space.com/international-space-station-spacewalk-lost-tool-bag-photo Who was the first all female spacewalk? NASA plans to put the first woman on the moon by 2024. Two astronauts made history Friday morning as the first women to participate in an all-female spacewalk. Christina Koch and Jessica Meir ventured outside the International Space Station at about 7:50 a.m. to make an urgent repair to its power system.Oct 18, 2019 NASA astronauts make history with first all-female spacewalk - NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/watch-nasa-s-first-all-female-spacewalk-ncna1068526 >Spring  2024 A chunk of metal that tore through a Florida home definitely came from the ISS "I don't think I've seen or heard, after my own research, any of these events occurring." NASA has confirmed that the object that fell into a Florida home last month was part of a battery pack released from the International Space Station. https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/04/florida-man-tells-ars-about-his-encounter-with-something-that-fell-from-space/ NASA confirms space station debris hit Florida man's home


Color me not surprised one tiny little bit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Not exactly rocket surgery




Someone thought they needed an official “study” to figure that out???


The entire thing is a leftist propaganda tool. Everyone knows that.


We interrupt this story on Wikipedia leftist bias to bring you this breaking news: Following an extensive, $2 billion study, funded by the National Science Foundation, top scientists have determined that water can make things wet. Film at 11.


Amazing... 😆


In other news, water is wet.


On both the inside and outside. 😆


I feel shocked.


That's a real 'Well, no shit!' headline right there!


If it's another psychological study, then no shit.


Wikipedia is good it two areas: Hard science and plot summaries of TV shows. Other than that, it's heavily biased.