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Yes, also KFC. New Year 2022, we had KFC in the evening. My fiancée doesn’t eat chicken off the bone so played it safe with a boneless banquet, however I went gravy burger meal and 2 pieces of chicken. I was fine in the evening and the following morning. In the afternoon however, we went for a walk in some woods about 25 minutes away from where we live, and I was meeting a friend of my fiancée’s for the first time. The idea was to walk the friend’s dog; friend in front with fiancée, me trailing behind. About 40 minutes into the walk I went instantly cold and started sweating. My stomach dropped and I felt like I had to fart, so I had to clench. I did not trust this fart. I also stopped contributing to the conversation, prompting my fiancée to look back every now again to me giving a pathetic thumbs up. It went away and came back in waves for the next 20 minutes, and it got to a point where I had to grab my fiancée, turn her around, hide behind her so her friend didn’t see my pleading eyes, hoping she had tissues on her because I was going to shit in the woods. My fiancée thought I was joking but I was on the verge of tears, mid-way into a lower abdominal and sphincter muscle workout I didn’t plan to do that day. My fiancée announces I’m feeling unwell and the friend confirms the car park is 5 minutes around the corner. I confirm I can probably make it to the car and that sitting down might help. Get to the car and spend another 10 minutes saying goodbye because girls do be chattin’, and then we get in the car and I announced the full extent of what atrocities were going on in my body at that present time. Fiancée thinks she can get us home in time so I clench, and off we go. The waves continue until I cross a line I hadn’t breached before and I announced, with unintentional venom in my voice, mixed with a bit of sorrow and desperation, that I am going to shit. I tell her to pull over and I dart for a tree that looked okay, but was in fact similar to that of an axe handle once I got up close. I pulled my shorts down, clung to the tree and ejected - what was pretty much - KFC gravy from my arsehole. It came out at such force that I felt as though I could levitate like David Blaine. It was constant for about 3 minutes, during which made eye contact with my fiancée. I then realised I was a mere 5 feet from the road, other cars were driving past and could see me, sweating, almost crying, with my cock and balls swaying in the wind, releasing what seemed to be water from the River Trent from my starfish. What topped it off was a cyclist slowed down to empathise with “been there before mate”, before sucking on his energy gel and continuing on his way. I shat a few more times that day and couldn’t eat anything but I was fine the following morning. My fiancée still agreed to marry me the following year.


You tell it so well though 🏆


My go-to story when I’ve had a few to drink because I act it out and everything. Minus the actual poo, of course. I have another story involving urinating after a night out but I’m yet to find a post that would allow me to share it.


"What's your wildest night out story involving bodily fluids?" There you go, you can share it now! Hahaha


‘Tell us a story about urination which you have yet to find an outlet to share into’. Double dare you.


I once came back to clean up and everything


I did that once after wrongly trusting a fart while out for a walk in the bush, I had no bag or anything with me not even pockets so I hid the soiled undies and went back home to retrieve a plastic bag


I think right here would be an appropriate place now that you've mentioned it!


I’m so sorry this happened, but holy god please write a book. That was one of the most beautifully written, hilarious things I’ve ever read in my life, it really made my weekend. Thanks mate


Thank you for the kind words! It’s on my bucket list but I’d clutching at straws (or axe handles) to stretch this story out to book length.


One day, when I was five, I never imagined I would be on Reddit years later (I hope) telling the kfc story and the people actually wanted *more*…


Failing the book thing, send it in to Shagged, Married, Annoyed. It’s right up their street & you’d make a comedian laugh which is always great & might make you feel better about the whole shitting by a road thing.


I agree, I’d finished reading before I realised it was such a long comment and usually I’d get bored half way through! Do you write as a hobby?


So I don’t write as a hobby but I do occasionally write short stories within the horror genre, mostly for fun. I’ve posted a couple of stories to r/nosleep but some of my stories don’t fit into their rules so they just stay in my notes app! I read a lot as well so I think that helps when it comes to sharing a life experience.


Exactly this, I’m saving it for the next time I need a good laugh. In the folder with the infamous Amazon sugar-free gummy bears reviews 😂


Honestly the cyclist would have calmed me down if anything 😆


I was smiling the entire way through this, the cyclist made me actually laugh out loud. Congrats on the wedding, this story made my day :)


Reminds me of the time I got caught out in the a595 in Cumbria, no toilets for miles, so i stopped the car, ran out, jumped over a stone wall into a empty field, dropped kegs and let loose. After i turned around to see a single sheep having a good sniff.


Stories like this are why I believe KFC sells chicken in a bucket as they will come in handy shortly after finishing the meal.


As someone who has IBS, this is beautifully written


Wow. This was a ride and genuinely made me laugh out loud.


I had KFC twice in my life and each time I had food poisoning. Never again.


KFC are bad offenders, ive had food poison from them x 3 at 3 diffrent outlets so now i avoid.


It's sushi for me. It sucks because I enjoy it but 2/3 times I've had it? A day or so later and I'm kneeling before the porcelain throne. I've had KFC before with no issues but I'm gonna add it to my list now (I very rarely do fast food anyway but still)


On the flip. I've had KFC literally hundreds of times in several different countries and never had an issue.


Same with subway. Subway hurt my soul.


>My fiancée still agreed to marry me the following year. Of course she did! Holding back the forces of evil for as long as you did is a sign of real inner strength, who wouldn't want some of that in their life?


"I did not trust this fart" had me absolutely *hollering*. Exceptional.


You definitely missed a career in writing.


You sir are a bard, a skald, an orator. I've not laughed like this for quite some time, well played.


This is the funniest most well told story I've heard in a long time... I truly hope you're able to laugh about it now.


The first Reddit comment that's made me giggle in a while 😂 thank you


Titanic couldn’t rival this beautiful tale.


Brilliantly written. I chuckled a lot reading this.


Brilliant hahaha


🥹Beautifully written. Bravo sir. Bravo! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Tell me this story didn’t come up in yours or your best man’s speech !!


The cyclist bit has me absolutely howling 😭😭😭😭




NHS nurses left me with faeces leaking out of my abdominal surgical wound as they didn’t believe how much pain I was in, insisted it was wind & tried to force me to drink camomile tea when I was in too much pain to breathe properly.


Nursing care has nosedived since degree level nurses became a thing. Simple things like keeping your patients hydrated,fed,clean,pressure area care,mouthcare,bowels,are no longer a priority.


My wife has just resigned from the NHS. She has got a job in the Private sector with a Charity, 25% less hours and 22% more pay.




What charity? I am desperately trying to leave the nhs


A local one, they operate a large care home in Cornwall.


I had similar after gallbladder removal - it was a repeat occurrence of severe pancreatitis and they insisted it was gas. I was begging for pain relief (and then to be knocked out),  sweating through my clothes, and they were telling me it was gas and I should drink peppermint tea. Promptly puked up the tea and spent the night rocking myself to try and stop the pain a bit. I was basically told to stop overreacting until the next day, when an MRI confirmed that I was right, it was severe pancreatitis, and I got morphine through an IV.


When I worked on a mental health ward where the patients had very high needs including personal care needs, we were so vigilant with changing and repositioning patients that stuff like that never happened. One patient had to spend a week in a general hospital after getting pneumonia and he came back with a bedsore like 2 inches deep. He hadn't had a bedsore in 25 *years* on our ward.


Can confirm as a MH patient, that staff in a MH hospital are all amazing humans who go above and beyond. MH nurses are amazing human beings and Ive never ever had a bad experience with one. Meanwhile, I go to a physical hospital and due to bipolar am on anti psychotics and despite the fact I went there for a physical issue, they feel the need to comment on my anti psychotics with lines such as "I cant believe youre not dead being on those" and such like. Im here like how you going to tell someone with bipolar that? Thats a bit risky isnt is lmao.


If it makes you feel any better, I’m American and had to clean my mum’s arse (and other areas) while she was in hospital dying because the nurses didn’t have time to care for her and would have let her sit in a nappy full of poo for hours on end. AND WE PAY OUT THE NOSE FOR MEDICAL CARE. The nurses told me that my mum was “lucky” I was there to advocate for her, because otherwise she would have basically been ignored.




My mom was elderly so she had no “potential income” lost during her illness. I was basically told it wasn’t worth a lawyer’s time suing because elderly patients don’t have any income potential so their suffering doesn’t matter in the eyes if they law because she was going to die soon anyway.


Omg this is awful 😣


I'm sorry you had to go through this, and it's exactly the level of care I've witnessed first hand from the NHS. No idea what all the praise is about that is commonly seen in this sub, its abysmal. Loads of other countries in Europe have far better universal healthcare


I got a box of chicken from one of these cheap fried chicken places, my wife said it tasted funny and didn't want it but I didn't notice anything so more for me. Vomited for one day, the world fell out of my arse for 3 days and I also couldn't eat again for over a week afterwards, almost ended up in hospital from dehydration. My wife had about half a piece of chicken and ended up with a bit of diarrhoea and belly ache


My partner had that from undercooked sainsbury’s chicken. I tried a bite and had the runs for an afternoon. He was sick as a dog for a week.


Same experience with chicken from Tesco (when they had the hot counter). Couldn’t keep anything down and was certain I’d have the runs forever. I’ve been too traumatised to get meat from any hot counters ever since.


I've not been able to eat fried chicken since (5 and a half years ago now), just smelling the place when i walk past it makes my guts tie itself into knots.


Ditto! If anything, it’s a bonus given the price and poor quality of most fast food anyway


There’s a reason you rarely see supermarket staff buying anything from the hot counter.


I love those places. They put the cooked chicken under the glass with lamps above it which are *just* warm enough to dry it out and give the salmonella a tan before you consume it.


I remember as a student my flatmate coming back with fried chicken that was cold and pink inside. Absolutely disgusting Thankfully she threw it out as soon as she noticed


There *is* a thing going around that's similar to this that isn't food poisoning related – I've had it recently and it went around my friend's workplace. Worst of it lasted about a day or so, with my insides not really recovering for a few days. So it might not necessarily be the KFC.


Agreed - my household are all recovering from this after my little one caught it at school. The chills, aches and headache on top of everything else is not nice at all.


Noro is doing the rounds. Both my kids had it last week. 


Yup same here. Husband was puking his guts out on Monday then bad diarrhoea. Then it hit my daughter who is 3, she only puked once and was fine. Despite that we were incredibly careful, hand washing vigilantly, wiping down with clinell wipes etc because we have a newborn. I thought I had dodged it and then started feeling a bit shit on Wednesday, started puking Wednesday night. Was crying yesterday because I felt so shit but still had to breastfeed my newborn because he won’t take a bottle. Thankfully the newborn dodged it. We all feel exhausted, the house looks like a bomb has hit it but at least we can stand now and will slowly but surely catch up. My cousin also had something a few weeks ago. It came on just after we went out for food. She said it was good poisoning but we all shared the food and nobody else was ill. Wouldn’t trust me when I said it was probably norovirus.


Three of my colleagues at work have been off with symptoms similar to food poisoning, so id think it was that more so that the KFC.


Ive just had this....unless the kebab i had on Wednesday night was bad!


Norovirus. It destroyed me; 8lbs lost in 3 days!


Not to defend KFC but there is a horrendous sickness bug doing the rounds. My wife had it a couple of weeks back.


Okay well here's my KFC story: my husband and I were each eating a chicken fillet burger, and he suddenly frowned and reached into his mouth. He extracted a long, sharp ribbon of steel about two inches long which had been embedded in his "fillet". He took it to the counter to let them know - thinking they might want to flag it with their supply chain, as clearly something was very wrong - and the manager just said "Cheers mate" and threw the metal in the bin. So I don't eat at KFC anymore, and we can't blame that one on norovirus!


That’s it, I’m not leaving my house.


There's always a sickness bug going around. It doesn't take a break then just come back.


I lost half a stone overnight with it a couple of weeks ago. Still traumatised!


Got salmonella from a Chinese takeaway once and it was the worst week of my life. Spent almost every waking moment sat on the loo with my head in the sink. The only upside was it was taken very seriously by the local authorities and the restaurant itself was closed for weeks.


Got food poisoning from a vegan sausage roll the same week Piers Morgan went off about them, ended up buying more so I don’t have to admit Piers Morgan being right


That’s odd, greggs vegan sausage roll is Quorn in pastry. Don’t know how they could get that wrong.


That’s the core of most ‘I had food poisoning’ stories. Chain places selling millions of meals a year across hundreds of outlets, regularly inspected and with company-wide health standards to keep on top of tend to be some of the safest food venues.  I know someone who insisted the norovirus they had must have been food poisoning from… a bottle of mineral water purchased from our gyms vending machine. 


I have the FEAR about food poisoning, so much so I've gone vegan (had some bad meat experiences) and this comment has ruined my life 😭


I'm also vegan with a borderline phobia of food poisoning and can safely say I've eaten an embarrassingly high number of greggs sausage rolls without issue. I have, however, been very poorly from eating bagged salad, which I've since learned is often a culprit for listeria 🫠


I used to work in a lab that did quality control on products, so we were basically swabbing the inside of packaged food and seeing what grew out of it. Mars bars, meat, etc, you'd get almost empty agar. But packaged salad agar plates would be developing their own cultured society within three days and the plates would be overflowing


I've read before that food poisoning from salad is actually quite common and must say I was surprised considering I thought it was more meat type foods that caused it


Me too, it wasn't immediately after any bad instances but has just spiralled over time and now I struggle to enjoy food 🙁 does washing the salad help prevent it or nah? I'm not getting any fresh vegetables at the moment, just scorching the shit out of frozen veg before eating, pretty sure I'm deficient which is pretty peak


I mostly grow my own vegetables, and I rinse all salad in a water/white vinegar dilution (I don't know how much this actually helps but in my head it does)


I ended up with food poisoning from the vegan burger from McDonald’s Christmas before last. I have eaten so much questionable stuff over the years with the excuse of it being vegan and how dangerous can it really be when it’s not meat, but alas I shit myself twice and vomited with every step on the way up the staircase trying to get to the loo lol I am MUCH more careful with what I eat now!


Thank you for your service.


KFC - last piece of chicken in bucket had centre not properly cooked; spat it out immediately and washed mouth out. Didn't feel brilliant for a few days, sort of went away for a bit but came back with a vengeance. Took too long to consider saving poo sample or chicken remnants. Ended up with chronic colon pain, seems to have precipitated diverticulitis that led to months of horribleness, a few trips to a&e, several rounds of antibiotics including a 12h session on drip bags of a range of antibiotics, and fluids; this was from huge spike in white blood cell count that they said was probably start of perforated colon (or more likely diverticular pocket). Lots of fun later and NHS kept putting my urgent scans and surgery back, had private surgery to remove about a foot of colon including sigmoid colon area. Despite many diagnostic scans, size of affected area was larger than surgeon had accounted for so assisted keyhole surgery was abandoned for full open surgery - apparently the colon was 'sticky' and had adhered to various internal viscera including the spleen and pelvis. Have a large scar, but luckily avoided stoma bag. Mmmm, finger lickin' good 👍


Umm, did you inform KFC of this?


Good lord, that's horrendous




It would be daft to assume one or the other to be honest as it's hard to tell. These days I'd put my money on norovirus if it was lab tested. These bugs spread like fire.


We had norovirus two weeks ago, only lasted a few hours but was awful, it went through me my husband 2 kids and parents all in 48 hours


Found an entire rubber glove in my spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's. I asked for no mayo, saw something white in it so started to get pissed off then realised...it wasn't mayo.


Catering gloves are supposed to be blue for safety


Is there Wendy’s in the UK?!


Yes for years


This is the first I'm hearing of a Wendy's in the UK and it's not exactly a good way.


Yes in Oxford.


The only food poisoning I’ve ever had was by my own fair and stupid 16 year old hand. I had a frozen veggie lasagna. I was running late to go round my friends house so stupidly only cooked it for half the time. It was lukewarm in the middle, but as it was veggie I didn’t think it would matter. Turns out it mattered a lot. About 6 hours later I vomited my innards up, and for the next 24 hours the world fell out of my bum. It’s only the last few years I’ve been able to stomach eating lasagna again.


Also food poisoning from KFC. I was hospitalised by it. Genuinely the worst I've ever felt, and for 48hrs.


An early date with my partner we went to the Chinese Buffet. Never had food poisoning like it. It was a bonding experience that night I tell you!


Wasn't the one in blackpool was it.


No although not too far from there


As others have said, it's likely norovirus and not KFC. Most people tend to assume norovirus is food poisoning, they also tend to trust their own food so will blame wherever they most recently ate out. If more than one place, they'll blame the cheapest.


Okay not fast food and I've had far worse poisoning but I don't play by the rules 😂 I bought a prawn mayo sandwich from co-op. It smelt fishy, but it's hard to tell what's *too* fishy. I ate half of one of the triangles. The next day I got on the train to go to an interview, I was walking around Media City in Salford and my stomach DROPPED. I was trying to locate the building which the interview was in, but had to switch up real quick to just finding a toilet. A security guard directed me to a cafeteria and I had to scurry to the disabled toilet (it would have been offensive to unleash my bowels in the regular ones). Was in there for 10 minutes and in significant pain. I miraculously managed to do the interview (ft. touching cloth) which was in two parts, in the interim I had to make a second dash and then come back in like I hadn't just obliterated their toilet. Had to get my mum to pick me up afterwards as public transport was a no-go. It was a rough next 3 days. Didn't get the job 😂


Not a fast food place, but the Ritz. There was charity event for kids on council estates to go meet the then cast of EastEnders, and have some lunch. I wasn't originally ment to go, but a space came available at the last minute. I went along to kill some time, and got horrible food poisoning. The only time I've ever had it. The food was your bog standard chicken nuggets and chips shite, the caterers probably saw who the event was for, and didn't bother to meet their usual standards


I can't remember what i ate to cause it, but once i was projectile vomiting into my sink and projectile shitting into a bucket at the same time, which i didn't believe was physically possible. Brexshit is the cause of the current rise in food poisoning cases in the UK. The UK has literally only just started checks on foods coming into the UK and the last time a spot check of lorries was initiated, 21 out of 22 lorries had rotten and improperly stored foodstuffs. Do you think food processing companies throw the shitty food away or slip it into ultra processed foods hoping that the production process will kill any bacteria? Any foreign wholesaler or farmer with a dodgy crop knows that the UK is a great place to offload it without consequences. The cnuts that are in charge of these things don't give a flying fuck about biosecurity or the nation's health because they are incompetent free market fundamentalists who don't want barriers to free trade and can afford really good quality food. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/06/people-in-england-facing-food-poisoning-russian-roulette-as-illnesses-soar https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/port-officials-siezed-illegal-products-maggot-meat-dover-raid-b1033827.html It's only a matter of time before we have another outbreak of something like foot and mouth disease that devastated the farming industry over 20 years ago.




50% of all instances of food poisoning I've had have come off the back of having a KFC. Service stations seem to be the worst in my experience.




I don't. I had it three times as a kid and got food poisoning twice, I tried it again roughly 15 years later and had a few before the world ended up falling out of my arse again and I won't have it again if I can help it.


Sounds awful OP. Not fast food but on holiday I had pizza at the hotel restaurant, an hour or so later I was vomiting. Doctor had to come and give me an injection as I couldn’t even keep water down. Felt rough for days and ruined the holiday for me. Drink water and electrolyte drinks if you have one - you need to replace fluids!


About 20 years ago, three of us had a McDonalds. Only my two of us, including myself, had a bounty McFlurry, and we were both had horrendous food poisoning whilst the 3rd one of us was perfectly fine. Put my off McFlurries for life...


Sounds like KFC gravy and McFlurries are to be avoided.


Soft serve ice cream is apparently one of the most common sources of listeria! Pregnant women are advised against eating it for this reason


It's rumoured that the McFlurry machines are a PITA to clean and so often are not cleaned properly. Some branches just label them 'out of order' so they don't have to bother.


KFC is bad enough without food poisoning!


I don’t think it’s the fast food. I had the same symptoms and turns out it’s a stomach virus/norovirus that everyone from work is getting.


Worth noting though that norovirus can be food poisoning - if someone with norovirus/who has recently had norovirus is preparing the food then it can very easily be the source of your infection and is considered food poisoning.




Usually the drive through moves otherwise they queue cars in the parking bay The only time I've seen McDonald's drive through cause traffic issues was lockdown with people getting their last McDonald's til who knew when, there is one near a busy junction in Belfast (Broadway) and it was queued all the way out onto the road 


My brother once got food poisoning from Burger King. Went back and ordered the exact same meal the next day… 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


I once got KFC food poisoning and ruined a swimming pool during a swimming gala. But my worst ever food poisoning was when I got botulism from a jacket potato and was violently ill on stage at a dance recital. The potato incident I was about 8, the KFC was about age 12. Deeply humiliating.


Pretty sure if you keep a poo sample from afterwards and send it to the correct authority you can get a fair bit of compensation, in the £1,000s usually. Especially if you also have some of the chicken left too.


Yep. My GP advised shitting on cling film if ur not producing solids. Found that out courtesy of a nandos. Chicken seemed fine but we both had salad too somit cldve been either


Wahaca in London. Went one evening then the next day at work I suddenly became very very ill. Turns out I contracted Norovirus…. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-37857215.amp


An Indian lunch place near my new work which dished up food from the counter onto a plate for you, then microwaved it and gave it to you, you could sit down and eat there. I ate a couple bites that didn't seem piping hot, but I figured it was a professional place. So I ate a few more mouthfuls. Until getting to some meat that was blatantly cold and I decided I had to go ask for it to be heated. Unfortunately, it turned out the following morning, I'd eaten too much of it. Thankfully I found a cafe that would led me use their staff toilet, but it took a long time to clean up - I was very grateful they had all cleaning materials stored in there! The place was closed down a couple weeks later. I've only ever eaten KFC once, and it all tasted of gone-off grease, so never wanted to repeat the experience.


Three times in a row, McDonald's made me ill with basic offerings I'd been eating for years prior. The incidents happened in different branches. Long story short, I've now not had a McDonald's in 28 years and am totally cool with that.


Popped into the local chippy near my Airbnb while on holiday in Peterborough. The carnage in those poor buggers bathroom the next morning was horrific. At least I returned it to its pristine state when I felt better.


> on holiday in Peterborough


I'm a huge archeology nerd. I follow Francis Pryor pretty seriously and went there to see Flag Fen and the tomb of Katherine of Aragon in the Cathedral. It's more or less on the way to York. I've been worse places.


Not fast food, I actually got food poisoning off the tapas I had for my graduation meal with my parents. Only me affected luckily, as we were sharing a hotel room. This was a long time ago but I remember mostly vomiting all night, and then I had to get in a taxi and go to the airport for a flight. I was sat on the plane clasping the vomit bag but luckily calmed down at that point but still felt like 🤢


Also KFC. It was when i was about 8, got their little kid meal. Was bed ridden for a whole week. Absolutely awful. I also choked on a chicken peice when i was like 6 at one of their restaurants, mom had to do the heimlich on me


I had a very similar experience with my local KFC. Reported it to environmental health, only to be told that they had had no similar reports and there was nothing they could do. Haven't had a KFC for probably 10 yrs as a result.


It’s basically impossible to isolate the source of food poisoning to one source unless you have a lot of people contact environmental health.


Never from fast food. But I did get crazy food poisoning from Hawksmoor. I believe the lobster we had to start as we shared it and both got so ill a few hours after (was a bf that I didn't live with so was the only meal we'd both had the same). That was about 7 years ago and I'm still unable to eat shellfish as it gives me the shits now every time, it was my absolute favourite food before that and never had that issue. We did email them to let them know as it could be just one dodgy lobster or an issue in their kitchen, but they were so arsey about it and insisted it couldn't be from them. Never again.


I used to take days off school weekly. Forge a note and get away with it. One time in 7 years of secondary school I was genuinely ill. I’d ordered some sweet and sour chicken balls from a local Chinese takeaway. It was horrendous. Very similar. Anything that went in was out within minutes. Body rejected everything. It was also the first day of two weeks off school. Typical.


I love KFC, but the places at least public side are always absolutely filthy. I’m sure someone on here posted once about working there and that the out the front area isn’t a priority or told it isn’t. Comparison to McDonalds which seems to have staff paid to literally clean the tables away and keep the customer facing side clean. But then I still visit KFC so what does that make me? I never eat in though. It’s full of litter, empty trays, half eaten food all the time. Can’t imagine being a manager and allowing that to happen


Taco Bell. Omg


Starbucks (fast food ish) raspberry and white chocolate bar gave me the worst food poisoning of my life when I was about 10. I had to cancel my birthday party because of it. The taste of raspberry with cream/chocolate still makes me ill.


I had the exact same as you from service station KFC a few Christmases ago. It took me ages to feel normal and totally ruined NYE. Woke up with intense stomach pain, then it was like that episode of South Park where they are nose bleeding, vomiting and shitting all at once. I have never been able to touch KFC again which sucks.


Back in the '80s, stopped at an A&W for burgers the night before doing the Grand Canyon mule ride. I got a Mama Burger, which had bacon on it; noticed the texture of the bacon was a bit suspect but didn't think much of it. However, I woke up at 2am spewing from both ends. This continued for a few hours non-stop; I got a couple hours of sleep then it was time to leave for the ride. I decided to go, since it seemed I'd be miserable whether I stayed or went, and we'd been looking forward to this for months. The ride was mostly okay, though I was pretty wiped out (no pun intended). I drank water, at least. And the scenery was breathtaking. When we stopped for lunch, I ran for the restrooms, making it just in time to expel whatever was left in my digestive system, mostly water by then. I sat around semi-comatose while others were eating. When I got back on my mule after "lunch", I simultaneously felt like I was going to puke, shit, and pass out, but somehow through superhuman effort managed to avoid all 3. I made the rest of the trip without incident. Thank you, A&W, for providing indelible memories of that trip.


I was once so sick from a maccy d I upchucked a half digested chip through my nostril.


My worst ever was the campylobacteriosis I got from KFC. I was off work for two weeks. Vomit and horrendous diarrhea for a week. I thought I was going to die. At the end I shat out some blood. Surprisingly I've not had KFC since.


I stopped eating at KFC when I got a free Kentucky Fried Scouring Pad with my chicken. It was definitely theirs - it was fried to the chicken. Gave me a refund and have never eaten in one again. I follow all takeaways with *saccharomyces boulardii* and 2 probiotic capsules. Keeps me regular.


Did it only last one night?


Mild food poisoning from Pizza Go-Go. I only threw up once but I was shitting gravy for ages. My mate had it much worse than I did (he also had a different pizza).


Wasn't from a fast food place and ordered a carvery from a hotel to be delivered.It tasted fine that night both my husband and I were sick and had diarrhea .I was worse because I normally suffer from constipation so the power of having diarrhea was so painful was ill for three days.Was lucky because at that time we had two toilets.Complained to the hotel but they fobbed me off but according to Facebook posts quite a few people was ill as well so we called environmental health at the council.Apparently wasn't the only one who complained they haven't been on Just Eat since and the locals tell others to avoid them.Dont even know what we had because was too ill to go to the doctor's my daughter had to grab a prescription for anti sickness for us both.It must have been bad because unless I've been drunk I'm never sick.


Have you reported this to your local environmental health?


I did, yes!


You don’t get the box meals in a box anymore. Says everything.


Popeyes , fed me pink chicken then told me it was cooked because it was fried. It was not cooked. I have the picture still and i shudder everytime I look at it


KFC is a horrid shithole of a restaurant. Have you seen their kitchens??


At this point, I just consider food poisoning from KFC as part of the experience.


Five Guys. Just opened on the high street, went along to see what all the fuss was about. What followed was a week of the most foul smelling, liquid diarrhea you could ever wish on your worst enemy. And the burger wasn't even nice.


Had a meatball sub from my local Subway and spent an entire weekend living on the toilet. That branch has since closed - after my experience, it was funny how many horror stories I heard about the place from other people - but you'll never get me eating from any Subway again.


Also KFC!! Bit of a worrying trend


Worth reporting to your local food standards agency.


Food poisoning from a restaurant (seafood) that's caused irreversible damage.


Oddly enough food poisoning from KFC. Ranch dressing was off.


Kfc I had a big massive long hair in my chicken once, haven’t been back since.


A coronation chicken sandwich about 20 years ago, don’t know if it was the chicken or the mayo but safe to say never ate coronation chicken again.


Also KFC. The symptoms weren't terrible, but the fact that I had them at Alton Towers made it pretty horrific


Years ago, I went to WingYip buffet in Birmingham for my mate's birthday. We ate some sushi that was gave us all food poisoning. Never thought that I would have crap and vomit at the same time! Went to the doctors and took a stool sample. Turns out it was salmonella. I was a teen at the time and my mum was pretty furious and called the Foods Standard Agency as she worked in the food industry herself. Apparently, it's not only our circle of friends who got food poisoning but 30 others, including a pregnant woman. They closed the place down for 1 week for inspection. Wing wah compensated us with 2 free buffet tickets which honestly felt like a slap in the face. But anyways, at least they got closed down and the whole thing went to court and they had to pay a fine.


I once got food poisoning from a Knickerbocker Glory in Wimpy, and was too ill to go to a ELO Part 2 gig (which was the reason myself and my father were out in the first place, and due to start an hour or so afterwards).


A burger in a fancy hotel in rep of Ireland. 3am I woke up, ran to the bathroom but unfortunately was too slow and was sick on the floor. Had to clean it up (smelled really horrible and meaty). Was sharing a room with my sister who's nhs staff now but was entirely unsympathetic and told me off harshly for not cleaning up well enough and to get back in and fix it. Missed out on the luxury buffet the next day ☹️


Was it the Bodmin one?


Haha no, this one was in Warwickshire.


Once ate a bread roll that I’d bought that day. Didn’t realise the bottom of the roll was mouldy until it was too late! Literally lost two stone in 24hours


I guess I'm relatively lucky, worst I've had is a hair baked within the bread of a subway I did say to subway they said the bread is made at a central bakery and shipped out to stores, so it was likely there, and offered a voucher for a free sub, but it put me off for a while


Had exactly the same experience with kfc once,,I swore it was the gravy and not the chicken though


McChicken sandwich. It was awful.


Mine was a kebab..ate from there few times had no complaints but this time..woke up after 5 hrs sleep and didn't leave bathroom for a hr ..cold sweats shivering was bad for 2 days ..found out I wasn't the only one who fell ill .


I pretty much get food poisoning 50-70% of the time eating out. So I stopped. Seriously, most people in the kitchens these days are teens with microwaves using the same utensils picking up raw meat with cooked. I have seen some shit.


That honestly sounds more like you're the issue then. I've never had food poisoning in my life and have eaten a whole load of fast food. Sounds like you have some kind of intolerance to something you would be eating. 50-70% is just not likely whatsoever.


lovely weather ?? .. wrong sub mate


You should report this to your local authority (you may not be the only person suffering).


My ex found a mop string in the middle of her McDonald's burger. She said they took it away for "examination". I told he she should have kept it as proof.


Meatball sub from subway, gave me full on running the loo for 2 days… about a year later had same sub again for the first time, same result… I have no allergies or intolerances either, it was def food poisoning twice. Not good.


Fancy burger place in Camden town. Ruined our trip to London. Not funny to have diarrhea on the train lol


KFC adverts (here in the UK) are horrible. It’s like they have intended to put you off eating from them. I’d rather not see chicken cartoon legs and chicken noises thanks…


I used to really like KFC but a year or two ago I had one that gave me food poisoning so bad, I've not been able to face it since.


Egypt....hands down


Broke a tooth from an over cooked kfc order. Never ever order food at a drive through ! It's the food equivalent of online shopping. You get all three old.stale good given as your too far away afterwards to complain


About 2 years ago I was eating at kfc, fucking pidegon flew inside! Worst experience I'd probably say it being fucking freezing inside the mcdonalds but they kept the door propped open wirh nowhere to hide. Waited 40 minutes for some fries and nuggets while the staff fucked around. Jesus Christ that was hell.


[This podcast springs to mind, "how's your asshole Rosie Waterland ?"](https://podtail.com/en/podcast/it-s-a-lot-with-abbie-chatfield/how-s-your-asshole-rosie-waterland/)


Donate blood to the nhs, its stocks are low!


A local chicken shop within a 5 minute walk, got the shits and I haven't been back in 2 years. It's changed owners and people now recommend it again, but I don't think I'll be going back.


Chinese takeaway away many years ago , my girlfriend at the time had fish curry and I had something chicken. Why does deadly food always taste delicious Anyway 3 am comes and I'm talking to God on the big white telephone and GF , I think , shit the bed Not her fault but she did napalm the mattress Had to have 2 days off work I did loose some weight though so every cloud


Dominoes pepperoni pizza 2021. Gave me gastroenteritis which took me out for 7 days, couldn’t keep in any food, I lost half a stone. Never eating there again


My brother has always had terrible hygiene habits, partly due to mental handicaps but also due to a combination of laziness and reflexive contrarianism. We used to go to a pizza buffet chain when we were kids and one time he went to the bathroom. Almost certain he didn't wash his hands (because my parents didn't go with him to force him to do it). He gave the whole family shagella. Worst I've ever been sick, couldn't leave the house for two weeks because I couldn't risk getting more than about 2 minutes from the toilet.