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I’ve seen every episode of Friends about 3 times. I don’t like Friends.


Could it *be* any more lame?


Of course you like friends - you've seen every episode about 3 times!


Classic knope


I would rather she was into pegging


I think that happens in The One Where Ross Gets His Asshole Stuffed


Pivot! Pivot!


You most certainly would


You should take a break


Same, but with Gavin & Stacey, and due to only a few seasons it's signifcantly more than 3 times


Have you tried pointing out that all of the character drama gets resolved off screen? That's what made me realise I was only ever rewatching it to remember how certain characters got past major issues - turns out that we don't actually see it. It's just a lot better by the start of the next episode...


You’re her lobster!


It gets better after the 4th watch. You just need to grind through 😀


I've taken to putting that on if I fancy a nap.


Many nights I have fallen asleep to Melvyn Bragg whispering in my ear. In Our Time is so gentle on the ear but informative if you stay awake.


I know 7-8 minutes worth of information on so many subjects.


Yeah but you do that so you don’t get your third divorce


Lying in for hours! My husband likes to spend weekend mornings in bed cuddling/scrolling/dozing. I get fidgety and like I want to do stuff around the house and get on with things but I hang around sometimes because I know he views it as quality time


This is us! I cannot stand laying in bed once I’m up it’s not relaxing to me I just feel like I’m just doing nothing


I wish this was me. I get sidetracked by my phone for hours. Stupid ADHD


Fellow ADHD person here, I’ve been using an app called Wellspent to regulate my doomscrolling. My settings are: 1. It interrupts my scrolling with a 10 second ‘block’ every 10 mins. Usually this is enough to make me check the time, decide if I want to keep scrolling etc. 2. I completely blocked all social media between the hours of 6am-11am and then again after 9pm. Stops me doomscrolling when I’m meant to be getting up and ready for the day, and when I’m meant to be preparing for sleep.


Hate to break it to you but everybody doom scrolls. Social media addiction effects everyone. You don't need to have ADHD or any other condition for it to get you.


The ADHD content that pops up on my social media is bonkers. They think that people without ADHD are perfect robots who are never late, messy or forgetful. And then there's the "you might be neurodivergent if.... you like yogurt!" type content which is _horrifyingly_ harmful. Especially when coupled with the "self diagnosis is valid because colonialism" discourse.


This app sounds perfect for what I need but I just looked it up and it doesn't seem to be available on android 😫 for some reason all the good screen limiting apps only seem to be on apple, idk why!


There's one called [Freedom](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=to.freedom.android2) available on Android and PC!


I feel your pain


I wish my bf did this just a little bit! Like, I want to be up and getting on with things too, but at least cuddle me for 2 mins please and give me the chance to initiate sex!


AH yes this is me and my girlfriend - when the weekend rolls in I just want to chill and my girlfriend want to get up and put a wash on and do admin. We have definitely learned a lot from each other in terms of seeing how both ways have their benefits. She understands that taking time to relax is necessary, and i've learned that just because its the weekend it doesnt mean that life stops - there is always something to do


I'm exactly the same with my wife, but on the other side of the fence. Sometimes I'll be up at 06.00 on a Sunday morning rearranging furniture because she had an overnight epiphany about the placement of a dresser or painting. Equally, there are other Sundays I know she's lying in bed being patient as a saint while I doze until 09.00 despite her thinking of it as unproductive time, and an "absolute waste of a nice morning for cleaning"


That’s us but I could loll in bed till around 11 but once he is awake he’s up


My girlfriend's the same, she's learned to get up now and crack on with her morning


Visiting the In-Laws.


I'm sick of having a perfectly intelligent conversation that is then ruined by the latest daily mail/GB News drivel. I've started writing happy holidays in their Christmas card because it upsets them.


You need to up the ante and start writing "Winterval Greetings!" ...or send them a second card for Kwanzaa.


I need a winterval banner for the living room and tell them I got it from Birmingham. FIL would have a stroke.


May I suggest next spring buying them a ‘Gesture Egg’


My wife put her foot down when I tried to present for Eid


We went to visit my in-laws a few weeks ago and they sent a message to both my husband and my phone asking to pick up a daily mail on the way. I'm so thankful that I can read a message without actually clicking on it! Husband had the excuse he was driving so couldn't see the message and I said I never saw it until we pulled up at theirs because I don't read my phone while travelling because it makes me travel sick! It won't change them, but there's no way I'm feeding it!


Was gonna say the same. They're perfectly nice people for the most part, but we have to see her parents 1-2 times per week and I'm not really sure why. The conversation is always quite surface level and I'm never really sure what we're doing there as they don't really seem very interested in either of us.


1-2 times a week...! How do you manage to get through the "which roads did you take to get here?" chat that often?




Thanks for the advice. As I mentioned in another comment, my wife is fantastic in dealing with my awful family and makes so much effort that I feel it's only fair I do the same. I don't have to go with her every time and they only live about 20 minutes away so it's not too much of a time sink. When I go through super busy periods at work I do often just have to sack it off, but yeah I try to keep somewhat of a balance.


I was thinking of this. Not so much all of my in-laws as I get on really well with them and they always treat me with respect, but one of her brother’s really annoys the shit out of me. Just such a know it all, always tries to get involved in our relationship, tells her what she should and shouldn’t do in life, won’t ever take “no” for an answer, and overall wants favours off her constantly but whenever we need him he’ll let us down.


I'd like it more if I wasn't lambasted every time I elect not to go. Guilt tripping me causes resentment. Also, I have stuff to do. how often does she come with me to my dad's? Once every few years, when he does a bonfire I actually like them, but you have to catch them on the right day. otherwise I get dismissive comments about any life choice. If he's mardy, it's a fucking slog.


Honestly - it’s preparing and eating food. 47 year old married father of two here. It’s very important to my wife and I want my kids to grow up understanding the importance of sitting down together at a table to eat… but I’ve just never been interested in food. Preparing it is a chore I don’t enjoy. I don’t really get a great deal of pleasure from eating (even more so since COVID took my sense of smell a few years ago). As I’m getting older, I find it a real struggle to eat after about 7pm and that’s the time we’ll usually eat, because jobs and kids. Thing is though - as I’ve said - my wife loves everything to do with food a preparing, eating, planning and because of that, I join in and make an effort. Her enjoyment is much greater than my inconvenience, so it makes sense. I know a lot of people really do live for cooking and eating… I’ve just always felt eating is a bit of a chore, but the needs of my family outweigh my silliness. All the best from Newcastle Upon Tyne.


Bless you, well done for doing that for your family. I hope your wife appreciates you!


That’s kind of you to say - but my family do similar things for me too - my wife, for example, knows I need occasional quiet time and will just let me sit quietly for an hour or so here and there, even though she’s quite extroverted - she does that for me and it’s something I really appreciate. We all make an effort to respect the other’s needs - we don’t always succeed, but jt’s important to us.


Sounds like a very healthy relationship!


You’re like me! I can’t stand cooking and have no real interest in eating except out of necessity, but as a single parent I have to model a healthy relationship with food, how to cook and so on! God, it’s tedious lol


Bro you're so adorable <3


Sound like my brother! Calls food a waste of time.




Massive pain in the arse that is!


Depends whether you are the pegger or the peggee


Oh Al - peggee


Don't lie you fucking love it 😅


I'm starting to regret asking this question now. Good on you though for doing something for your partner though.


Camping can be rough without a good pegging 


Is it the harness you're using? Does it chaffe?


Going to the zoo every time we go on holiday. I don't dislike it, but it's not something I go out of my way to do. Kind of just became tradition. Prague, Budapest, Chicago, wandering round in a torrential tropical storm at New Orleans zoo.. ..I don't mind, she'll go round a transport museum with me.


I absolutely loved Prague zoo was completely unexpected how good it was


Prague zoo is brilliant. New York zoo on the other hand is the most depressing place I've ever been! I can see why they all wanted to break out and go to Madagascar because every single animal in that place looked sad!


Snap, went there just this Tuesday and it was great


Going to the Beach. Never liked it, never will.


I don't mind a walk on the beach or whatever, but going on holiday with the express purpose of laying on a beach for a week would do my nut in - I'd want to go off exploring every day.


This used to be me. But after the last few years without a proper break and 2 kids who are finally a bit more independent; we're planning our first ever 'sit by the pool/beach' holiday. Hopefully, it will be an aberrant holiday, though.


Sitting by the pool is lovely but i fucking hate a beach, especially a sandy one, there’s a big difference between the two!


Same, takes 200 years to get the sand out yer crack even though all you did was walk a bit + swimming in ocean water isn't as fun as it looks. Hotel pools all the way


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.


You’re about three beach visits away from killing younglings.


This is where the fun begins


Is it the sand? Or other people?


Sand people?


They're easily startled.




Bit they'll soon return, and in greater numbers.


I'm a beach hater and it's mostly the sand itself that's the issue. I don't like walking on it, I don't like it on me, I don't like it in all my things. The worst is if I go in the sea, the sand then clings to my feet/legs and feels like it won't ever come off with the towel.


Use talc.


Visiting IKEA. I fecking hate that shop, everyone in it, and everything they sell. I long for the day they clear off back to Sweden.


You should use this excuse next time: https://youtu.be/UuANJFhNZcI?si=orji3nYlH2qpNkTr


The people that bring their kids to IKEA and then get pissed off when their kids are bored at IKEA do my head in. It's not the 90s they've got a website for you to see what you want, you don't need to walk round anymore and traipse your entire family with you, it's a shop not a jolly day out.


Not sure I’d buy Ikea furniture without giving it a good wobble in the shop first


I watch a lot of DIY on YouTube and I'm so sick of it trying to feed me "IKEEEYA HACKS"


Going clothes shopping. I hate going to shops with loud trashy music, busy, and just an endless selection of clothes.


Parties. Would much prefer a nice bar with some mellow jazz or a cozy corner by the fire in the local with a couple of fine folk but all her friends seem to prefer getting hammered to the sound of a DJ pumping \*dumpf dumpf\* music all night long in some sterile hotel bar. I'm pretty much the taxi-driver-in-residence at these things anyway but gotta put in an appearance for her sake.


Fishing. Bloody fishing. But the joy on his face when I agree to go and the fact he has a picture of me holding a ghost carp as his phone background makes me love it in a way. But yeah. Bloody fishing 🎣


I felt like this when I went fishing with my dad when I was younger. At the time I hated it because it was summer and we spent all day from 8am to 6pm just fishing, the highlight was going home to watch dr who at the end of the day. I only did it because I felt he needed it more than me. Looking back I wish we could do it again. He's not dead, we just don't talk anymore.


Is it too late to try to reconnect?


This is unbelievably sweet. An exact example of doing something you hate because it makes someone you love well happy. I wish many more happy years to the two of you x


You sound like a good sport


*laughs in single*


😂😂😭😭😭 hey atleast we don’t have to force ourselves


Lasting longer than 5 minutes


Woah now loverboy


Watch football. (Don't tell him, but I pretend to watch whilst staring blankly at the screen)


I'm extremely short-sighted and need to wear glasses 24/7. If I don't like watching something on TV, usually horror films, I take off my glasses so I can't see it and just stare in the direction of the TV. I say I have contact lenses in, but I've never worn contacts and probably never will.


This is a good tip! Sadly I don't need glasses. With football, I almost wish my hearing was impaired, given the chanting and annoying commentators


This is hilarious. Doesn't your partner get suspicious? The only time you 'wear contacts' is when you're watching TV?!


If she does know she's keeping that to herself.


I always feel like there's a definite divide about this subject. I know blokes who want their wives/girlfriends to sit and watch and be interested in football, even if they're not. But as a woman who is into football, married to a bloke who doesn't give a shit about football, we're just OK that he goes off and does something else while I watch the match, my other female friends who are into football are exactly the same. My husband will listen to me witter on, he knows enough to say something about the manager, but I know deep down he's only humouring me because he knows I need to have a bit of a rant after a match. I would never expect him to sit and watch a match though!


I'd like to clarify my partner doesn't expect/force me to sit and watch football with him! The teams he wants to watch are often playing when we are eating, so I tolerate it for 30 mins or so whilst we eat, before we do our own thing. But those 30 minutes involve me making the right noises to pretend I understand his evaluation on the match (I'm certain he knows this and like you, he just needs a rant)!


Cutting pizza into eight bits. I prefer four but she likes eight so I do it.


Try six


The obvious standard


Cut one half into two and the other half into four. Hardly takes a genius to figure that out...


I was in a restaurant with my kids last week and the waitress asked how many slices we wanted our pizza cut into. I'd never considered this or been offered it before and was taken by suprise. As was the waitress when I requested 7 slices.


Just cut into 4 and tell her you weren't feeling hungry enough for 8 pieces.


Can't you just not cut your slices less? That's what I do.


I would but it’s like an OCD thing so has to be the whole thing.


Eating tuna pasta. Vile stuff.


Hey watch your mouth, this is my desert island meal


I'm the same about cauliflower cheese.


Watch Marvel movies. I enjoy them, but they all blur into one after a while.


I've seen all of them and couldnt tell you 1 thing that happens in any of them.


Oh that's easy. One fella punches the other guy.


That's because the plot is always: Hero established. Some evil thing rises and fights the hero. Hero loses and has a confidence crisis. Something happens that gives the Hero their confidence back. Hero fights evil and wins, by the skin of their teeth. The huge amounts of death and destruction that happened to the normies is glossed over.


It really is just the same thing in most of them. At the start of lockdown I subscribed to Disney plus, and because I hadn't seen many Marvel films I decided to go through them all in release order. At first it was fine, but after a few it became really obvious how they are the same set of tropes and story arcs just with a different hero each time. Eventually I gave up because there just didn't seem any point watching more of them. The only one which felt a bit different was Deadpool, but then that's a bit of a satire on that genre anyway.


Got us tickets to see Scooter


“Are you ready?!”


The painted cow?




Are they still active?


Somehow, yeah


Do they figured out how much is the fish?


XD have fun.


I knew nothing about football when me and my boyfriend started dating. Fast forward 10 months later, I've been to almost all home games and 4 away games for this season. I used to not like it but I started enjoying it recently. My boyfriend makes me feel included and I really appreciate it.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


Is the team in question any good? I wonder how this'll change if they go from being functional to shite, or vice versa. My partner hates football but likes coming along on away days to have a look around a new city while I'm at the football. And we always go out somewhere for a meal and a few drinks, to make a weekend of it.


Keeping chocolate in the fridge. I prefer it room temp, but I'm happy to sacrifice a little of the quality for her enjoyment!


I don't want to rock the 6 could you not just buy 2 chocolate bars? 1 in the fridge for the demon, and one in a cupboard for you?


This is such a wholesome answer


Tabletop wargaming. I loved it in my teens and 20s, cooled off in my 30s, and am SO fucking over it in my 40s. But he loves it, so, make another fucking armour check I guess




Comedy.. I absolutely hate standup or open mic or improv or anything like that, mostly because I have a reaaaally low tolerance for second hand embarrassment. If someone bombed on stage I think I'd vomit. He absolutely loves it though..


The dishes.


Dressing up for Halloween.


I do now but only cause we have kids.


Clubbing on her birthday. Fucking hate it, but I’ll do it on her birthday.


Try taking ecstacy next time.. it really makes a big difference


Can’t because of my job (random drug tests) unfortunately 🥲


Many conversations about anything, everything, a lot of the time. Sometimes, I need quiet in my life.


Stuff on holiday. My partner would like to do things. Museums, attractions, things. You know the sort. I would like to do nothing. As a compromise, we sightsee for a few days, then lay on a beach / drink / read for a few days. It's nice. Comprise is nice. I love my partner.


Going to Musicals


BJs but he seems to like them


Heard someone once say that not everything you do with your partner is always going to be your favourite thing, and yeah, that rings true to me. Obviously, there are hard No's, but relationships are give and take, and sometimes you just gotta take a mouth full of dick.


I did not like bjs from my ex, but that's because I kept on feeling her teeth. Not easy to relax when I keep thinking she's about to bite off my little man.


What a champ!


Visiting family and friends. Hers/mine I just can't be arsed any more. Before anyone starts I like my family and don't mind the wife's just rather be doing something else.


And friends?!


The dishes. My partner enjoys it when I do the dishes. God I hate doing the dishes. My contribution to the pile is only ever one cup and one teaspoon yet somehow 9 cups, 4 glasses, all the plates and cutlery are inevitably tossed across the kitchen side. Oh and don’t get me started on the covert teabags hiding in the dishes.


I used to not mind doing the dishes in exchange for getting out of laundry duties. Then one day I did my own laundry and now I find folding t shirts and pairing socks oddly therapeutic.


Watching my better half play cricket. Christ knows I love the bones of him, but 6-8 hours of complete confusion at the perils of (northern) British weather is honestly something else. Good bloody lass me


I don't always dislike it...but we go to more museums than I would go to personally. I like natural history and ancient history but there's only so much you can see, a lot of the museums repeat themselves. I hate war or more recent history museums, and sometimes when we are on holiday it feels like we go to a museum for the sake of going to a museum.


I think this might be mine, too. I’m like you, I enjoy ancient history and natural museums, but I’m bored stiff by industrial history, more recent history, etc., which my husband loves. I definitely spend a bit more time in museums than I would otherwise for his sake.


Awesome, let's send them both off together haha.


Divorce. (Serious answer: energetic, activity-laden holidays.)


Watching silly cartoons. Never been a big fan, but my husband likes them in the evening when we're chilling out after work. My husband tolerates going to the theatre for me, so I owe it to him.


Going to random wanky gigs full of pretentious chin stroking men with pink mullets and screeching abrasive music


Watching ridiculous Instagram reels that he finds funny - think cats with those miniature human hands just sitting there.. he will constantly interrupt me to show me something. But the smile on his face is priceless and he always says I love you at the end of each barrage. It makes him so happy.




Must be a thriving marriage


Going to her sisters house




Talking about Airsoft.


Live comedians, hate them at the best of times. Live is another level of hell.


Standing at gigs. Yes it’s often cheaper, and I loved it when I was a younger man but one knee operation and several years later, I’d just rather pay a bit extra for decent seats and appreciate the atmosphere from that seat. Standing for 2 hours plus before the headliner is even on, then getting sweatily boxed in and knocked into, often dodging some intoxicated idiots’ puke pile isn’t my idea of a good time. However, my partner loves standing and it makes her feel old to even consider seats. We have two gigs booked, we’re standing.


Spanish holidays......I love the holiday.......hate the traveling.


Eating coriander. I know...


Slightly different to your question sorry OP. My partner wanted to go down to a new choir that was all about singing songs from musicals, but she was nervous about meeting so many new people so I went with her to help her feel more confident. Ended up really enjoying it myself, met a great bunch of people who are friendly and funny. They sing some Disney tunes, things from the likes of Grease and Hamilton, and I learnt there's musicals for the songs of David Bowie and Green Day so their songs too. Now I'm learning to read music for the first time in my life and having a blast with it. Sometimes we sound crap and we all just laugh about it. But sometimes we sound pretty decent. I was worried it might be quite strict and stuffy, but instead they're a laugh.


Boring sex.


You could spice it up


Holidays, she loves a do nothing holiday but it bores me to tears


I've never understood the appeal of doing nothing on holiday. I can do that at home. When I'm away on holiday, I want to do things that I can't or won't normally do.


A lot of people can’t do nothing at home tbf though. It’s rare at home you get an entire week of sun, no housework, and relaxation reading a book.


Leaving my home


Spending money. I’m really tight but my Mrs loves spending money. I’m Scottish and half Yorkshire if that helps explain it.


Going to garden centres for the wife


I hate watching movies but take my wife to cinemas every sunday.


Playing Scrabble. It takes forrrrrrrreverrrr


My ex-wife decided all-inclusive holidays, sitting around a pool, drinking from 10am were the thing. Really fucking hated them, mostly as she'd be hammered around lunchtime. Not good.


I’ve scrolled to the bottom, pardon the pun, and it’s 11 hours old with nobody mentioning anal. Redditors are better than I thought.


Listen to westlife


Talking about engines


Watching a tv series, i dont mind it but there’s a lot of other things I’d rather be doing with him. Although if he thinks I’m really uninterested he’ll pick something else


Cuckolding. I let her do it and just pretend I like it


Fancy dress parties (forced fun), beaches (im pale&ginger and my piles require comfy seats), pools/swimming (humans dont have gills so never seen the appeal) Then again i drag her to craft beer bars and she only drinks fruit cider


Fishing. I wouldn’t say I dislike it—but not an activity I plan to do when I have spare time.


Putting the toilet seat back down


Musicals, plays, art museums.. I'm a heathen I know, but my wife loves it ams her friend isn't always able to go with her so of course I'll go. I get to see her smile! It's worth it alone.


Watching football !! I find it so boring!! .. but my hubby loves it! So I pretend I'm interested .. so he is happy 😂.. he even wanted me to go watch the spurs women's finals .. I politely declined.. and said it would be a fab a day out for him and our youngest daughter .. thank fk he agreed !!! 😆 🤣 😂.. watching it is bad enuff xx


Listen to him tell me about martial arts and stuff. I got no interest in it but he does and loves to talk about it so I listen.


Letting him play Xbox for hours on a Sunday. I also used to be a big gamer, but... kids and lack of time. I watch him play, but some games, I get bored easily. He works hard 5 days a week with every other Saturday on. Our kids are old enough to occupy themselves now for a while. He gets to play a few games, and in return, I get to nap for a couple of hours. Win win, right?


Chess. Would hate to upset him.


Be tidy!!!


I used to help my ex boyfriend carry his guitar and sound equipment and go to all his gigs his band used to play at. It got so tiring and I never enjoyed it as much as I pretended to just because I loved him. I put up with alot of crap for him




Watching films and going to the cinema. I have never enjoyed watching films but she does, and to be honest it is nice to sit on the sofa with her and zone out. She is happy because she always gets to pick the film!


Driving range. I would never consider going by myself. I have a terrible swing and if I hit a ball more than 5m, I felt like tiger woods. Used to enjoy going with my ex though, he was quite good and used to whack the ball miles away. Was a good laugh and enjoyed him teaching me how to do it.