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**[OP or Mod marked this as the best answer](/r/AskUK/comments/1ctzxfp/what_ruins_something_perfect_for_you/l4fhn2r/), given by u/occasionalrant414** My kids. I love them to bits, but sometimes they just ruin stuff. > >My favourite thing to do when it's sunny in the early morning is make a double espresso in my favourite cup, take it into the garden and sit at the bistro set we have in the sun. Its normally still a little bit chilly (about 7am) but the sun is warm. I can sit there, sip my coffee (and water) and feel the sun warm me up in the quiet, lsten to the birds maybe or just pretend I am on a balcony in a foreign country. > >Last Sunday when the weather was nice I did this. It was perfect. All of a sudden, my 4yo was behind me, playing her recroder as loud as she could. Ruined the moment. --- [_^What ^is ^this?_](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/jjrte1/askuk_hits_200k_new_feature_mark_an_answer/)


Beautiful day outside and some fuckwit smothers the tranquility with EDM or boomy talk radio


I genuinely hate the thought of other people having to listen to what I'm listening to. It's so viscerally embarrassing for me, I don't even like having the car window open with the radio on at the traffic lights.


You listen to the Daily Stormer Radio too?


I love hearing people's music either as I walk past open windows or as people drive past mine. Makes me feel much more connected to the area I'm in rather than just everybody being very quiet and mousing around. Its the sights sounds and smells of the city that make it what it is. There's one guy who drives past my flat at about 4pm every weekday who's got an absolutely insane soundsystem in the back of his hatchback, and he's always playing reggae at full volume that starts shaking the flat with sub-base before he's even round the corner, and then it sounds like a carnival float once he actually starts driving past. I enjoy it but I understand why its not for everyone - would probably feel different if he woke up my young baby every day, for example.


I live next to a cut through road in London and the amount of people speeding down here or with extra loud/modded vehicles is daily. I don't get how anyone could possibly like this. Moving to a house that is in a U bend away from the roads and can't wait, considering I need the windows open in summer


Exactly, I want to say that I agree with feeling connected/community, but I prefer birds chirping. Maybe it's a london thing


Im a singer, karaoke, in the shower, anywhere. If one of my favourite songs is on the radio in the car im turning it up full blast and singing at the top of my lungs in my own little cocoon. One day i was on my way to work, sitting at a motorway roundabout junction, waiting on long traffic lights, fully rocking out to Scorpions Still lovin you. The car in the lane next to me saw i was lovin it and rolled down his window to show he was listening to the same station. We had a little solidarity moment until the lights changed.


I agree, tbh. Last weekend, I'd just woken up and was lying in bed when someone outside turned their car on and their radio started BLASTING. They rapidly turned it down, but not quick enough for a couple of folk to start singing along with it, dissolving into fits of giggles as the music faded back out. I don't remember the song, some Tom Walker or Lewis Capaldi kind of overly intense male singer. But it was just really funny hearing it while lying in bed. Felt good, you know?


Then the shouting and swearing starts.


I believe that is what's referred to these days as 'Council FM' šŸ˜‚


Or my neighbours kids having meltdowns every 5 minutes, or the fact that they communicate solely by shouting


You must live on the other side of my neighbours!




Or lets their screaming kids out to play


At the beach in Europe early doors and Euros decide to smash out the trance on boom boxes.


When youā€™re enjoying a quiet morning at work and then you get a teams call


I always have a meeting with myself, which puts me 'in a call' status to avoid others contacting me


I manage Teams in my organisation, and have reports on calls. Calls with self is fairly easy to see. I don't send the reports anywhere as I'm only looking for suspicious behaviour that could indicate abuse of the international calls. But if your IT management are on the ball, they could send this to your manager fairly easily.


I am the IT management


Are you on the ball?


Ha no chance


Managers Hate This Guy!


Happy days!


Are IT departments that jobsworthy? Iā€™d assume most dont give a shit if john the accounts assistant isnt in a call with himself from 8:30-10:00 on a Monday morning


Often not, no. But if a manager elsewhere thought it was unusual that some of their staff were always on calls and asked for a report, it'd be provided. It's taken me a long time to work my way up to senior IT Infrastructure management and I wouldn't doctor a report to cover for somebody risking my job.


Absolutely just wondering whether it would be like a ā€˜hey manager weā€™ve notice X person is Y every N timesā€™ kinda thing.


Nah. As long as they're not doing anything illegal or dangerous to my network it's NOMFUP.


Malcolm is that you


It might be. At times of stress, I make jokes!


We'd only do this kind of work if HR get involved and ask us for login times, Teams behaviour etc. Other then that we don't give a damn


Free for a quick call?


Absolutely fucking not.


"Hi...." "...How are you?" Just. Fucking. Tell. Me. What. You. Want.


I have a colleague who will ring me at any opportunity but she'll start every call by urgently saying my name at least 4 times without giving me a chance to even say hello. I very rarely answer her calls


Fuck that. You need some attempt at humanity in the workplace.


I think people who just. Want. To. Know. Have one particular colleague who calls most days to tell you stuff that's not really that important, but also not exactly irrelevant. And then take 30 mins to tell you. And will repeat their opinions/experience EVERY time it's slightly relevant. And call you every single working day. So you just start hating everyone. Or maybe it's just my workplace.


Yep you hit the nail on the head


With quick meaning half an hour or more.


Last week i had a colleague ring me 3 times in an hour and every chat could of been a message, on the 4th attempt i just said ā€œno sorry.ā€ Ridiculous.


I work with a woman who just sends "Busy?" when she wants a call, drives me mad.


Someone I work with literally prefers a call to answer my questions than writing down the answers on Slack


My favourite is when they say ā€œcan i call itā€™s quicker to explain itā€ then say during the call ā€œiā€™ll send an email after this confirming everything we just discussedā€ ā€¦


Maybe I'm a millennial but usually we call on WhatsApp/ slack/ discord and type at the same time. But then again that's between friends not work


I rejected a Teams call this morning from my manager and just answered her questions via chat, saying my Teams wouldn't let me accept calls. I'll happily accept calls from some people who I know will ask a question and go but my manager calls me to think out loud and major cba being on a call for half an hour.


When I see that people do things like this, I'm less worried about my own job security lol


In 2 years, it has gone from her calling me twice a day, every day to her mainly asking me things via chat. Think she's cottoning on that I don't like her calls šŸ¤£ She's a lovely woman and very good at her job but Christ, she can talk.


Worse, a message just saying "hi HotWing19" and no additional context. Not only do you know they're going to get into it about something, but I'm being forced to make the mental effort to tease it out. Just get to the point please and get on with ruining my day.


I had a colleague who would always do that. She was really lovely and I'd happily spend twenty minutes or however long helping her out on chat or a call if I knew what she wanted but getting a message like that always frustrated me. Eventually I'd just leave her 'Hi [name]' on unread so she'd follow up with a second message with details of what she was actually after.


When Asha from Project Management decides to book 15minute long 9am meetings every single day for 3 weeks. It's going to be to tell us how hung over she is and for Andrew to tell us about "his" football team (he doesn't own it or play for them).


I used to work somewhere that had a big culture of impromptu calls. I'd be minding my business and then Teams would go off. It really got to me in the end, constantly waiting for the next interruption. Luckily my current company is 100% remote so people know you can't just randomly call whenever you need something, else no one would ever get anything done. Meetings are scheduled, and if something comes up a call is put into the calendar so you have time to get ready.


ā€œGot 5 mins?ā€


No, fuck off


People. I still think the most perfect evening I had was with my wife last year. We went down to Dorest to go camping. The campsite was next to a pebble beach, and as such not many people seemed to be on it. We were about 3 or 4 feet away from the edge of the water, it was the perfect place to go after 6 hours of driving. There were cows mooing on the hills in the distance, sound of gentle waves in front of us, the sun slowly setting, a gentle breeze, and the beach was practically empty; there were a few other people there, but all just as quiet as we were, using inside voices, as there was no noise to compete with. And then the children came. They weren't too loud, and honestly I don't mind the sound of kids laughing and having fun. They were standing on the edge of the water playing with the waves. But the parents shouting to them... UGH! Way to ruin a peaceful atmosphere.


All parents do this, they have to make you notice they have children. They do it in buses and in shopping centres, anywhere another adult might notice how clever they are having children. I always want to shout at them "yes I can see you have children, stop shouting at them to get my attention I DON'T CARE".


>All parents do this, they have to make you notice they have children. That's quite a take. Don't you think it's more likely they are focusing on their children?


No we don't


When youā€™ve spent a while making a delectable curry, only to realise after all that effort, you forgot to salt the rice, so now itā€™s all a waste of time. When you think youā€™re about to sneeze then it just disappears. When you pluck 1 eyebrow that looks out of place but turns out it was a key hair and now youā€™re missing half an eyebrow When Im mass frying eggs at work for the breakfast shift and one has the prefect yolk, try to take it out the pan but accidentally flip it onto its front, now making it look like a sad, overcooked egg that you know will be picked last.


I have thisā€thing ā€œ. I never sneeze just once. Always at least 10x. And usually a couple of times a day. Something to do with the way the light hits my eyes. Itā€™s an odd thing but surprisingly not uncomfortable. Unless Iā€™m driving. Then itā€™s a lesson in ā€œhow to keep your eyes open when you sneezeā€.


My husband sneezes like that. I like to count them. The record is 18, the least is 2. Average I'd say is about 8.Ā 


I do that too. Been told its like listening to a hamster sneeze šŸ¤£ If i can just do a proper sneeze it's gone in 1 go


What happens when you have a cold? Do you sneeze normally or 10x still?


Yes. It gets messy sometimes. But removes a lot of mucous. I get through a lot of tissues and Iā€™m never without them.


Thats really funny, that must make your colds debilitating haha, sorry


I do the same, and my wife actively encourages more. It's so annoying. You're on sneeze 5 or 6, it's starting to hurt your head, and they're just there going "Come on, one more" >\_>


My mum also does this and we love to wind her up. The first one or two get her a ā€œbless youā€, the next couple get ā€œoh, and againā€ then after that itā€™s normally ā€œwell now youā€™re just getting greedyā€. By sneeze number 8 you can say ā€˜noā€™ right before she does it and normally it will be enough to stop her, but she gets grumpy as she hates the feeling of a suddenly stopped sneeze


Wait, people salt rice?!


You dont? Unsalted rice is the epitome of sad


It's never occurred to me, whenever I cook rice it's to go in a stir fry or with something in a sauce like curry or chilli (although having said that I *do* usually salt pasta and I have that with sauce.... ). I use pilau seasoning sometimes which is probably 50% salt. Had no idea my rice game was sad!


A side note, the salt also helps rice stop sticking together, although apparently your approach is common in east Asia.


As an Asian, unless the dish incorporates rice, Iā€™ve never salted my rice nor do I know anyone to have ever done so.


In a similar vein, when you're eating something, like a nice curry, and you've really enjoyed it. Then, for your last mouthful, you get a bit of gristle or the stray cardamom pod that you hadn't fished out. Ruined.


I hate biting into the missed cardamom pod or finding the bay leaf in my mouth


The missed cardamom always ends up in my plate, usually I've half chewed it when I realised so I just continue and swallow


Oh no, I know it's rude, but that thing is getting spat out!


My husband will spit it out which is fair as it shouldn't be in the final served dish anyway. I don't mind the taste so just eat it.


I made paella the other day with wedges of lemon in. I tried to avoid giving the kids any lemon slices but I told them to keep an eye out just incase. My eldest couldn't work out why it was so bad that he chomp on a bit of lemon rind but I was like trust me, it'll ruin your day.


An unexpected call or knock at the door. I was having a nice tea yesterday and my neighbour rang the doorbell mid-bite to give me the new bin rota, something he could have just put through the letterbox instead. Yes, he is a retired middle manager who misses feeling important.


Add to this whenever someone or something interrupts your lunch/dinner. Unless youā€™re interrupting to tell me Iā€™ve won the lottery, do one.


My gran, sending me an email at 8pm: "We tried ringing, were you not in? Anyway...can you reset my iPad password?" So, no need to ring anyway, and yeah, I was in. I was busy eating dinner. Answering a phone is optional.




And how sad of you, to make such an assumption. You know nothing of this persons family dynamics.


I meant tea as in dinner.


I will admit to pretending not to be in at moments like this. But then, I have a baby, so if I get found out, I can always claim, "Oh well, something something baby...!"


I managed to get both my kids down for a nap at the same time yesterday. Just as Iā€™m transferring the baby to the cot, someone comes to the door. Clearly sees the ā€˜baby sleeping - do not disturbā€™ sign, and hangs around long enough to nose in the window & set off the dogs.




My dogs bark when people are at the door - itā€™s a security thing, theyā€™re far from unruly šŸ˜‚ Instead of reading the sign and walking away, he came up to the windowā€¦ ETA: He had to come off the path and go out of his way to reach the window.


My kids. I love them to bits, but sometimes they just ruin stuff. My favourite thing to do when it's sunny in the early morning is make a double espresso in my favourite cup, take it into the garden and sit at the bistro set we have in the sun. Its normally still a little bit chilly (about 7am) but the sun is warm. I can sit there, sip my coffee (and water) and feel the sun warm me up in the quiet, lsten to the birds maybe or just pretend I am on a balcony in a foreign country. Last Sunday when the weather was nice I did this. It was perfect. All of a sudden, my 4yo was behind me, playing her recroder as loud as she could. Ruined the moment.


Recorders ruin everything.




That reminds me, I need to mow the meadow, might as well take the dog


Pretty sure that ruined the neighbours morning too.


We are lucky that she is (genuinely) deaf as a post. She is lovely and a brilliant neighbour. She has 6 grandchildren and bbqs are hers are loud as fuck šŸ˜†


Hide it. She could play the recorder for the next 20 years and it'll never sound good.


I did. It went in the boot of the car and she has forgotten about it. The MIL thinks it's hilarious to buy her stuff like this. Normally I intercept the stupidly noisy things but a managed to miss this somehow. Lesson learnt.


When you wake up and remember you're an adult that had to go to work


I had a daydream a couple of weeks ago during the huge thunder storms at around 6am, that hopefully it was Godzilla coming out of the ocean and wreaking havoc because at least I wouldn't have to go to work!


Omg yes!!!!! Sometimes I walk past people and think....cmon mate...please start a fight with me. I'll take the day off saying I was too shook up from being assaulted


You could always beat yourself up like Jim Carrey in Liar Liar?


I'm kicking my ass šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Dā€™ya mind?!


When I'm making something with a fried egg in/on it and the yolk breaks.


That is the WORST, especially if it breaks in the frying pan and the yolk starts cooking immediately - there's no rescue from there


Just put the lid on the frying pan for a little bit. This cooks the top of the egg without quickly cooking the yolk, along with no risk of breakage. You can also salt and pepper it before you put the lid onā€¦


Wasting calories on treat food that ends up tasting like shit.


I keep going to Maccy Dā€™s thinking that itā€™ll be better next time. It never is. Except the milkshake, of course.


The cats all lined up by their bowls telling me there is no cat food. All 3 just sitting there like a silent judgy panel.


I am surprised at their silence


Me too. Little wierdos.


Amazing how loud a stare can be. I had one that would do the same. Just stare. If it was serious, sheā€™d bring back up and the two would bore holes in the side of my head until I got up to feed them.


They practice that stare when we aren't looking I'm sure of it.


Having to get out of a shower when the water temperature is just perfect.


Enjoying a cup of coffee, everything perfect, got to the last drop and there was a dirty ,great bluebottle. at the bottom. Why didn't it float to the top? Sodding thing


I had that with a spider once. It definitely wasn't there when I poured it.


I regularly flashback to A level English and Shakespeareā€™s Winterā€™s Tale. Our teacher used to go to town on the line ā€œI have drunk and seen the spiderā€- essentially, ā€I thought everything was great and it turns out it wasnā€™tā€.Ā  I canā€™t tell you how many cups of tea since then Iā€™ve wondered if Iā€™ll find a spider in the last mouthful.Ā 


Frasier: Yes, but think of it this way, Niles. What is the one thing better than an exquisite meal? An exquisite meal with one tiny flaw we can pick at all night.


I made a steak sandwich last night, with homemade chips and coleslaw. Nothing individually was *ruined*, but I managed to ever so slightly mess up every individual part, making the entire meal disappointing. Steak - too much salt in the seasoning. Cooked perfectly, but ruined by being *ever* so slightly too salty. Chips - slightly over done, maybe 30% of them were a little bit burnt. The rest were good, but I was hungry, so had to eat them all. Coleslaw - I used a grater that was labelled "coarse", but it turned everything into wet mush. Far too small a grate. Also, put too much mustard in. Pickles - recipe said to use 5g of dill. I used about 3g, and it was far too much. One of these things would have been fine to deal with. Two things wrong, annoying, but acceptable. I managed to make a meal that added up to disappointment, from some great ingredients. That really pissed me off.


I feel your pain


When the tin foil rips as your serving up and sticks to the food so you have to try and peal foil of hot food, and then the baking tray gets covered in sauce, and they are such a pain to clean.


I think I've just figured out why so many people I know don't drink the last mouthful of tea. That kinda thing causes life-long trauma.


We never drank the bottom bit because it was full of limescale from the kettle. You only do that once if youā€™re sensible.


Free calcium supplements! Crunchy! (yeurgk)


I rectified that by buying a water filter. Maybe I need to get better teabags šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Back in the day before teabags, loose tea used to be poured through a strainer and thereā€™d usually be some tea leaves at the end, I guess the cheap tea leaves were smaller? Idk. Theyā€™re the tea leaves people used to ā€œreadā€ to tell fortunes. Anyway I think thereā€™s a bit of a throwback to that going on sometimes.Ā 


I am guilty of doing this if a tea bag breaks. Its nice to swirl it around and see what patterns your brain can parse. But the straight walls of a mug don't work as well as the nice sloping gradient of an old style tea cup.


I never drink the last drop. I wasn't sure why. I guess I must have been traumatised by it one time and buried the memory.


People burning stuff in their gardens. ( I don't mean small fires/barbeques, I mean the purpose is just to burn stuff). It not only makes everywhere smokey. It means I can't have the windows open to cool off. Take it to the tip like a normal person.


God, I fucking hate this as well. My neighbour loves burning the random, useless shit he piles his garden full of, and usually only does it when the weatherā€™s nice. Even aside from it being massively inconsiderate to everyone else, what kind of freak wants to sit around a bonfire in 20+ degree weather? No wonder he and his family are constantly coughing their lungs up.


Hopefully, heā€™s inhaling a greater volume of carcinogens than you are šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


My thoughts generally. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the ultimate insignificance of everything. Sometimes this frees me up and I can enjoy my life more. Often though it consumes me and inevitably leads to a dark, seemingly unrelenting spiral of doom and anguish.


Thinking I've found the perfect wild camping spot. Only to realise it is a hidden secret for midges.


Aka anywhere in Scotland


And Northumberland for me.


One is too many!


We live in a rural village. I wouldn't say it's quiet - anyone who lives near farms knows what it's like to have tractors rattling by all the time. And that's fine, I like the sounds of the country. But even so. It can be bliss. Sat on the garden bench, listening to the birdsong, the gentle distant pootle of a prop plane high above, the bleating of sheep, an occasional moo, the wind through the trees. And then the cunt over the road decides once again this is the ideal time to start cutting up a trailer full of logs with his circular saw.


Spending a good chunk of time cooking your favourite meal and then biting your tongue / lip / inside of cheek on the first bite.


When you go to your favourite coffee shop for a take out hot drink (which the barista always makes good) and then you get handed your drink without a sleeve for the cup (they've run out). The drink is hot and you've got to walk with it in your hand without protection.


People being inconsiderate, usually. I've a housemate who occasionally leaves our front door wide open. People who insist that the whole tube carriage needs to hear their crap music. The latest is idiots at the park with their drones. I like to read in the park but on occasion, that gets ruined.


Coriander. Especially when they garnish the meal with when you're bot expecting it.


I like it. I'll eat a strand from the bunch as I'm cooking.


Dishoom have a drink with coriander in it, once I finish my drink I top up with water and enjoy my coriander water


Reminds me of all the worst hangovers I ever had. We would go out drinking and end up in a local curry house every week, it's all I could ever taste in the morning.


>Reminds me of all the worst hangovers I ever had. That's the smell of cigars for me. šŸ¤®


Screaming children. I live near a park with a play area. I love the sound of kids playing, laughing and having fun but there's a local girl who screams at the top of her lungs all the time. We're not just talking an excited squeak either, it's a blood curdling "oh my god I'm being murdered" type scream. All the fucking time.


My neighbour has her grandkids round all the time and one of them does this. It makes my body HURT when she does it. One day her grandma even gave her a whistle to play with. Worst day ever.


Yes! Exactly this, I physically wince every time she does it, it goes through me.


A hair in my food. Or anything else I'm eating for that matter.


A lovely white sandy beach on a summers day...and then sunburnt Dave, his wife Sharron and their kids Tyler and Stacie turn up drunk, talking as loud as possible so you can hear them half a mile away down the beach.


Same as OP but instead of tea leaves it was quite a big House spider. Spat it out as soon as i felt it touching my tongue and lip, shocked to see what it was, pretty big one too. I guess it was thirsty , fell in, drowned and sunk to the bottom of the cup. These days i am quite nervous when drinking tea.


Cigarette smoke. Sitting at the park with my dog (he's old and likes rests) and some fucker sits down next to me and lights up. Every other bench in the park is empty.


I made a wonderful cup of tea this morning... then stirred it with a spoon covered in azera coffee powder šŸ„ŗ the resulting teaffee was less than the sum of its parts.


Sticking to the tea theme.. Milk in tea, especially when I specifically asked for black tea. Also not putting a splash of cold water in after asking, resulting in me stripping away a layer of gums thanks to boiling hot tea.


I have never actually recieved my requested black tea when someone else is making tea. I think force of habit makes them put milk in, no matter how often you ask for black. "I accidentally put milk in, is that ok?" Well, no. But I of course am going to drink it. Just like every other tea with milk I've drank against my will in this exact scenario.


NGL this would be me. Husband regularly asks for a half cup, I ALWAYS fill to the top. Dad loves a miniscule amount of milk, I like a lot of milk (but nicely brewed so not an anaemic tea, also I have soya milk which you need to add more of Vs his more standard dairy) - number of sheepish cups I've given him far outnumbers the ones I get right. Something about tea making makes me go into autopilot.


That is the reason I always leave the last couple of mouthfuls of whatever hot drink Iā€™m drinking, getting a mouth full of tea leaves puts me right off


If I can hear your music playing in public I will immediately counterattack with Metallica or iron Maiden. It hasn't failed me yet. The most recent guy was playing the worst, twangiest, cringiest country music loudly and singing along as if he had a good voice. He didn't. I fired up some Metallica and cranked up the volume, and waited for the magic to happen. About 10 seconds in, he began swearing and angrily packing up his stuff. He left and I turned off my music. Problem solved.


I approve of your response, but canā€™t help thinking you ruined his ā€œsomething perfectā€ šŸ‘šŸ˜


play lulu for the best results


When you accidentally eat the green crisp without realising Or the manky pistachio


Egg shell in scrambled eggs.








Any place which has just become too popular. Long list of cafes and tea rooms we just don't go to any more as you can't get a table.


When someone who's too up themselves and going off on one can spoil many moments...... Just chilling in the sun with something to eat or drink sat in town over hearing arguing neighbours in your back garden to mother in law getting pissed off at the way a nurse looked at her and spoiling the magical day of your 1st baby being born..... Yeah I haven't forgotten Julia, feckin cow.....


You think that's bad? I had exactly the same experience, apart from instead of tea leaves at the bottom of my mug, on the last mouthful, a housespider went into my mouth. I didn't realise until I spat it out after thinking "hmm, I didn't have any biscuits with this. Why are there lumps??"


Sleeping at night and then my alarm goes off for me to start work.


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BĆ©chamel sauce




Itā€™s simple pleasure in life, not a euromillions win šŸ˜‰


One bad chip ruins the whole portion for me and I can't eat anymore.


I had a split teabag when I was about 6. I have not drank the last sip of tea since then. I absolutely refuse to


When I was younger - the first drag on the first cigarette of the day. Addict's bliss ruined by the hacking cough that would have me close to vomiting.


That is horrible


Oh dear.


Any kind of hair in my food. Instant turn off


Enjoying time in the evening out in the garden with my partner. Toddler is in bed, have a fire going, talking about meaningless crap Then we start hearing loud and shit dubstep music. The young gentleman a couple doors down likes to hold a garden party and play crap music when the weather is nice. Iā€™m just glad you canā€™t hear the music from my toddlers room otherwise thereā€™d be hell to pay


My husband used to make fun of my mum for never drinking the last bit of a cup of tea, but she was on to something. The worst that ever happened to me, shortly after moving from a soft water to hard water area, was swigging a chunk of limescale at the end of my cuppa. That's when I learned about descaling the kettle. Still gives me a shiver.


Well when I grew up, Mum only used loose leaf and no strainer. You just didnā€™t drink the last bit.


Why did I read this in the voice of Patrick Stewart?


Because weā€™re all going to the dog and duck afterwardsā€¦.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜


Day off, I could sleep in and then I wake up at 6.30 because I need to take a leak.


Last Sunday I had a glass of white wine that tasted soapy. My Saturday night guests had kindly washed up. I'll never trust them or that glass again.


I read a really good comic book run with Gambit and one issue had them invading latervia to steal doom's time machine .They made a huge deal about it and then after his adventre is concluded they never showed how he got back from the 1800s?? He just pops up in the present on a plane??? Laziest fucking writing i've ever seen


Finding skin in fish and chips. I know thereā€™s actually nothing wrong with that but it has always inexplicably freaked me out and I canā€™t eat any more if I see any skin. I choose my chip shops based on which ones I know fully skin the fish because it just bothers me so much.


"An old man turned ninety-eight He won the lottery and died the next day It's a black fly in your Chardonnay It's a death row pardon two minutes too late Isn't it ironic, don't you think? It's like rain on your wedding day It's a free ride when you've already paid It's the good advice that you just didn't take And who would've thought, it figures Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids good-bye He waited his whole damn life to take that flight And as the plane crashed down, he thought Well, isn't this nice And isn't it ironic, don't you think? It's like rain on your wedding day It's a free ride when you've already paid It's the good advice that you just didn't take And who would've thought, it figures Well, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you When you think everything's okay and everything's going right And life has a funny way of helping you out When you think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up in your face A traffic jam when you're already late A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife It's meeting the man of my dreams And then meeting his beautiful wife And isn't it ironic, don't you think? A little too ironic, and, yeah, I really do think It's like rain on your wedding day It's a free ride when you've already paid It's the good advice that you just didn't take And who would've thought, it figures Well, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you And life has a funny, funny way of helping you out Helping you out." Or something like that....


I hate how most of these aren't ironic, they are just annoying things. A traffic jam when you're already late isn't ironic? Rain on your way wedding day, just one of those things. Though I guess that's not a great song title.


And some smug bastard always says "that's why the song's ironic, because none of the things in it are ironic" and you have to break your vow never to murder again.