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A media outlet that shall remain nameless has decided to publish uncensored drone footage of Michael Mosley's body.  It is clear that he died several days ago.  I don't think anyone needed to see that tbh. 


It's utterly ghoulish and unnecessary. Treat any deceased person and their family with respect and decency.


You’d be surprised how quickly the phones come out to try and get footage of dead/dying people. When you ask people to put their phones away you get all the standard auditor waffle. Some people are cretins mate.


Like those two policemen who did [this](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/06/two-met-police-officers-jailed-photos-murdered-sisters-deniz-jaffer-jamie-lewis-nicole-smallman-bibaa-henry) - absolutely abhorrent and they should’ve known better and unbelievably did that. Shocking


0% surprised that they were Met officers.


Getting photos of dead / dying people predates mobile phones by decades. Just look at Bonnie and Clyde, WW2 etc. There’s even old film of executions by guillotine in France online. Big difference now is that just about everyone carries a camera (phone) and can share them worldwide instantly (www). Macabre human interest in death.


Capturing moments of historic significance or such like, yes it’s happened for decades. Whipping out the mobile phone to get photos of a man as he lays dying with his family around him completely distraught, just for the benefit of tiktok, that’s quite a recent phenomenon mate, it’s utterly disgusting and insensitive.


You think people went to public executions or bought scandal rags with photos of the Bonnie and Clyde death car because they thought it was important to stay abreast of developments of historical significance? Technology changes, human nature doesn't.


I think it's the modern equivalent of going to an execution and trying to get a bit of the executed's blood or hair as a personal memento.


Fun fact, the last guillotine execution in France was only in 1977!


I see you cut straight to the point with that fact.


Let's give the rubbish puns the chop!


Not a fan of the old rotten.com days?


Newbies to the web ruin it.


I watched a video because it had a headline of Interpol hunting for a man because of an incident in a night club. A very popular news organisation had CCTV footage. At no point was I ever warned that the autoplay video was of a man who had his throat cut and died minutes later. The fact of how ordinary it looks was utterly disturbing. I'm shocked that footage of a man being murdered is not only available, but there is very little preventing me form accidentally viewing it.


Jesus that’s just horrible


What was the news outlet? Surely they need named and shamed (and avoided permanently too)


No because I'm not giving directions to ghouls. 


Fair play. Definitely safer that way.


Haha, nice save.


Was it actually him? The image I saw was an injured rescue worker being taken away on a stretcher after a fall and he was also wearing blue.


I was driving home from university once, I took some back roads through Wales as I enjoyed them, having grown up in the countryside. In the middle of nowhere, I rounded a bend and saw a car with a motorbike-shaped gap in the front. Significant damage, and there were bits of motorbike everywhere. I slowed to a stop as I heard the ambulance close by. No sign of the rider until I looked up and saw red and white in a tree. It was biker leathers. The rider had been launched around 15-20 feet up and had been impaled on a branch about 4-5 inches in diameter. They had travelled several feet along it from the tip before they stopped. They were still alive. I've seen some shit, but that moment has stayed with me for 25 years now.


That really puts OP's into context as the 'worst thing you've ever seen'.


It was fucking grim, I'm not going to lie. Poor bugger.


What do you even do after seeing that? Did you ring 999? Has it affected you since?


They had already been called, the ambulance was close. I also saw an air ambulance circling to land as I left the scene. I didn't run away, and was already reaching for my phone as I stopped, but there were several other cars stopped there already and I didn't want to clutter the scene. I was 19, and had no experience or kit that could help. I'm more experienced now and carry probably too much stuff in all my vehicles, which I think may have stemmed from things like this. Edit, I carry an 'EDC' bag in all my vehicles now, with first aid/trauma kit, and a pile of other stuff. None of that would have helped this biker though, nobody could have reached him without a massive ladder. It did affect me as I'd never seen anything like that before. Hard to describe, but I don't recall it too often now. I think that's due to time passing, and also experiences of other horrible shit in the 20 years since. I don't know, I've never really sat down and tried to process it. I'm rambling a bit now as a result, sorry. The memory is still as crystal clear as it ever was, though. That hasn't faded one bit. I can still see the leaves fluttering around him in the light breeze that was blowing. Eerily silent as well, apart from the ambulance siren.


Fucking hell man. So sad.


"Organ donors" I've seen them called somewhere on Reddit. Young men on motorbikes.


I’ve worked in emergency and the staff call them organ donors. We would get a call of a motorbike rider with head injuries coming in, the transplant team would be notified. Not sure if it’s still that way ?


I think OP's example was very tame, though, no?


To answer, yes it is. But if that's the worst thing OP has seen, then their post is justified. My comment is horrible, but it's not a competition. Seeing a girl snapping photos of her muff whilst sat on the floor of a public bog really is nasty.


Tbh I wish I actually had seen what OP described.


Aaaand that's my wish to get a motorbike over.


I don't know who was at fault here. From the damage to the car, speed was likely the main factor. Almost everyone I've known who has been injured on a bike has been injured through no fault of their own, though. Your body is the crumple zone on a bike.


I saw a motorbike overtake me on a blind corner, hit an oncoming car headon, fly over the top of the car and tumble like a rag doll about for about twenty yards down the road. I thought I’d seen somebody die, but he survived with multiple fractures. I’d played a lot of rugby and I thought if ever I was in a motorcycle accident I’d know how to be able to fall in a way to minimise injury. To see the way that rider was thrown with arms and legs being bashed about changed my mind pretty quick.


My girlfriend has expressed liking bikes and I've always said it's a deal breaker for me. You hear stories all the time if guys killed or seriously injured by drivers who are an "experienced biker" with "20+ years experience". You can be an Isle of Mann TT level rider and one distracted driver at a crossroads can end you.


Correct. You can be the best rider in the world, but you can't compensate for someone's incompetence. Too many people are just shit at driving.


I have the opposite experience, where most of the bikers I know who crashed, it was all their fault. Mainly speeding and reckless driving. I drove a lot for work, and I came across a few motorbike accidents. All of them were the biker lost control of the bike on a country lane. I once had two in a row on the same stretch of road in North Wales, three hours I was stuck behind them. The second guy who crashed, over took at speed and had been stuck in the queue with me at the last crash. He crashed ten minutes down the road.


My grandad used to be a motorcycle police officer. the only thing he has ever expressly forbidden me from doing is getting a motorbike whilst he is still alive. He saw his partner taken out by a lorry less than six feet in front of him on the back of his bike.


I was working in india, commuting to the office was a rare experience at hte best of time but one morning I saw a young man make a mistake trying to get round some traffic. He went over and head first under the wheels of a truck and very clearly saw his head pop like a melon. We carried on to the office and got on with a days work, it was just some weird thing that I saw until I mentioned it to my fiancé ~18 years later who pointed out just how fucked up a thing that is to have seen.


Any idea what happened to the biker? Edit: as in, did they survive?


I have no idea. I couldn't bring myself to find out at the time. It was in the late 90s, so I couldn't just Google it and get an answer. I thought about calling local papers, but then I thought that would be morbid. To be perfectly selfish, I'm not actually sure I want to know. I know that that is a horrible thing to type.




Thanks. That actually does help.


Nah that makes sense. If it helps, my cousin fell from a second floor window whilst trying to climb on drunk and impaled himself on a spiked fence. Just missed his kidney or liver (or maybe both, can’t remember). He was like that for 4 hours until someone found him, and he survived. All down to whether it punctures a vital organ, so there’s a chance the biker survived too. Here’s hoping


Glad your cousin is OK after that, bloody hell. I can't lie, it didn't look good for the biker, though. He was impaled in the abdomen, through the back to the front. Huge trauma to a lot of internal organs and muscle groups. He would have had all sorts of debris forced inside him from the branch and his leathers which would further complicate things, and that's added on to a high velocity impact. It was also in a very rural spot, so trumpton would have been a long way out. It's crazy what people can endure, though, so hopefully he made it.


Abdomen's a good place to get impaled by and large. Yes you need most of what's in there but not like, right now. Generally speaking the stuff in the ribcage is protected by a cage of bone for a good reason and pushing a 5 inch branch through it is even less good for you than the abdomen. I really liked how Carl Jung said "abdomen" once. He said it in that German accent with the stress on the 2nd syllable, ab-*doh*-men. Very pleasing and I think of it every time I hear the word.


I know someone who did exactly that about 10 years ago. He was a friends with a group of people I knew. Lost his key on a night out and instead of waiting decided to climb through the window and fell on the the railings below. I’ve not seen him for years but last time I did he’s was in good health but still walking with a bit of a limp. From what I got told he had no life altering damage.


Could well be the same person, as my cousins a he, timeline checks out and walks with a limp (although a lot less obvious than it used to be). No real life altering damage either, that I’m aware of anyway.


When I was 14 I did my school work experience with a medical physics lab at a hospital. 2nd day in, had to go collect a broken machine from the ICU. The tech that was with me when in, came back and said to me "what you are away to see is difficult. The patient is in a medical coma following a motorbike accident, take a moment to take it in, but don't stare for long, it's not polite even if he is in a coma." We went into the ICU bay and there was this guy, missing 3 limbs and half his face. Literally, like half his jaw no longer existed. I can get a fairly good sense of what you must have felt. Oddly, I did come across that guy a number of years later, living life the best he could at that moment.


Being subjected to that at 14 is bloody cruel. I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm not one to wrap people in cotton wool, but what you experienced could have waited until you were older. Hope it didn't mess you up too much, bud.


Thank you for asking. I feel the guy with me at the time made a good judgement call about me. I grew up with my mum working in A&E and close family who were an amputee. It's an image that has stuck with me most of my life but not in a bad way and certainly not the worst thing I've seen. That would come a few years later when I witnessed a young man decapitate himself in an RTA with a truck. Don't race on the open streets kids!


Just wanted to say reading your replies you seems like a top bloke. I’m sorry you had to experience that but glad it didn’t mess you up too much/too long. Best of luck to you friend!


I've seen a few people killed. I saw a motorcyclist in the Isle of Man hit a stone wall at about 140mph. He was left lying in a field while they sorted out a way to remove him in the middle of a live road race over a 37 mile circuit. Also saw a young guy hit and thrown 15ft into the air by a car as he tried to cross a road outside my friend's house. We were first on the scene but he was beyond help.


I'm guessing the TT for the first one? That makes no difference, though, really. Sorry. Hope you're managing with what you've seen. Observing people expire first hand is brutal.


Manx Grand Prix, but yes, TT course at Barregarrow. I was a kid, on holiday there with my folks (my dad was a bike racer in his youth). I was luckily too young to be very badly affected by it but I know my mum was really broken up, the poor guy was only in his early 20s. The car accident guy was more upsetting personally - I was a similar age, maybe late teens or early 20s, and he was on the way to the pub with his mate for last orders. The mate saw the car coming and made a grab for him but the lad was wearing a leather jacket and the mate couldn't get a grip. It really brought home how easily things can go tits up when you least expect it.


Sounds like an episode right out of Greys Anatomy. Honestly i hope you're okay from seeing that as it would likely give me sleepless nights.


About 10 seconds of Mrs Brown's Boys...


9 seconds too much…


10 seconds too much


Hahaha my grandad used to love that show. It’s utter shite. But reminds me of him laughing.


Then at least one good thing came from it!


Mrs Browns Boys has been voted the No. 1 Sitcom of the 21st Century, awards include 5 BAFTAs, 4 National Television Awards, 3 TV Choice Awards, 4 IFTA awards, 3 TV Times Awards as well as RTS, TRIC and National Comedy Awards. BBC ONE series All Round to Mrs. Brown's continues to achieve record breaking viewing figures. I couldn’t believe it when I read it either!


I’m glad other ppl feel this way about it. It’s just awful!!


Woman shaving her legs and vagina whilst on train to work. Doing it openly. Inspector just skipped asking her for her ticket for some reason.


> Inspector just skipped asking her for her ticket for some reason.  Might give that a try, ticket prices are crazy atm.


"How much is the ticket sir, hopefully not too expensive?" "A Brazilian pounds"


Just spat out my tea




That'll only get you a single with prices as they are.


You can't say this and give no specifics. Just naked from the waist down, or what? Stood with one foot up on a seat to get a good angle? Electric razor or nah?


Oh God I'd repressed this memory. but here we go: Dry shaving. With what looked like a blue-handled disposable razor. Wearing a "side split" skirt where she'd 'rotated' the split around so her entire lower area was exposed to everyone. Legs akimbo but not on the opposite seat. other passengers were pretending this just *isn't happening* because WTF do you do? ask her to close her legs? suggest a brand of shaving foam?


Dry shaving??


Asking the important questions!


I can only imagine the pain 😣


You. Are. Joking. Where was this??


Asking to make sure it wasn't you who got caught? :P


I saw a shit on the floor of a club toilet once. Weirdly, there was toilet paper underneath it. So somebody had decided they were going to shit on the floor, but also that they would take a moment to put down toilet paper first. Always been fascinated by the thought process.


I've seen exactly the same thing and had exactly the same thought process!! It was in the corner of a cubicle... The toilet was right there!!!!!?!


It's not about convenience. It's about sending a message.


He didnt give a shit… wait


There’s a podcast about another example of this called “Who shat on the floor at my wedding?”. This shit was on the floor of a toilet cubicle on a ship a couple were getting married on. So it’s either a friend, relative, or someone they hired for the wedding. Edit: It’s a kind of ‘whodunnit’ detective mystery about the shitter (shittee?)


There's a lovely children's book "did you do this poo?" Overly informative, but poo is hilarious to children.


Hopefully Hercule Poorot will get to the bottom of it.


Well they arent fucking barbarians


They clearly shat into a paper lined hand then placed it in the desired location Don’t ask, but this is how


You havent asked but this is how i know. Someone was doing it when I worked admin at my local council years ago. It was eventually discovered to be one of the cleaners. She was shitting it into the paper at home and then bringing it to work in her bag!


This happened to my sister when they got on a train. Kids were asking what the smell was they assumed it was coming from the toilet. My sister captured the moment on my nephew's face when he realised the offending item was under the seat in front of him. 😱🤣


I had to deal with an baby death at work once. It’s something that doesn’t leave you. I’ve seen other horrific things that also won’t ever leave me but the baby death is the thing that haunts me the most. People that work in maternity units or paediatrics have my unwavering respect. I also intercepted a child abduction once(by pure luck), the child was only eleven and the adult had been grooming them for quite some time, there was a rape kit in the boot of the car and that has always bothered me. It took everything in my power to remain calm and professional with that beast.


Child death was my biggest fear when I joined up, I was a new parent at the time. I got 'lucky', and all the sudden deaths I attended were adults. As for your second scenario, I'm genuinely not sure I could have shown restraint. Hope you're doing ok, along with the abductee.


At the time my own child was still really young, he’d had a bit of a touch and go start to life. In truth my heart was ever so slightly ripped out by the whole thing. Was a while ago now so I’m much better. I try to be philosophical about it, someone in society has to do. The poor lassie that was being groomed is doing okay now, as far as I know. I’m not 100% convinced she’d fully appreciated that she was a victim during the time I interacted with her.


Same. In no way am I trying to compete, mine also had a rough start. I nearly lost him and my wife during the birth. I only say this to show I know those feelings you have. I'm glad you're coping.


Honestly same, it doesn’t seem like you’re competing at all. I appreciate your kindness.


You're welcome. It's a hell of a thing to go through. This was 10 years ago now, and it all came flooding back. I just wanted to say that you aren't alone. I've never sought help, I probably should have. Hearing similar experiences from others has always helped me a bit, though, so hopefully I can pay that forward.


I'm glad you were there to help! I'm wondering though, what is a rape kit?


In this context a series of items an abuser will use to force sex upon their victim if coercion fails. Ropes, gags and so on.


I had to attend a lot of “sudden deaths” in a previous line of work so a lot of shit would be the short answer. One that stuck with me that I didn’t much like was a 16 year old boy who had committed suicide by placing a plastic bag on his head and shoving a pipe attached to a helium canister you buy from a party shop in his mouth. I’ve been to more gruesome ones but something about his mum finding him deceased in his fitted wardrobe first thing in the morning was very upsetting for me. I got there shortly after and seeing a mother go through that grief in front of me as well being the one that has to take the bag off the boys head is something I won’t forget. I found the note first as well. He did it because he was getting bullied for being overweight, ginger and a homosexual. Awful.


This is fucking awful. 😔 All those people who think it's hilarious to rip the shit out of someone for having a slightly different hair colour to yours, or being a bit chubbier than you, or fancying blokes, please read this. Bullies are loathsome.


As someone who’s been considering checking out early, thank you. You’ve made me reconsider for the sake of whoever had to find me.


Hey. Friend. Firstly: I’d be sad if you left us. Secondly, even if you don’t know it right now, there are others who’d be sad too. Thirdly, (and this is the most important one), future you would be so very sad that your potential self was gone. You have so much to give to the world, be it a gesture of kindness or a helping hand to someone who needs it. But the first kindness you have to give is one to yourself. Change your environment. Talk to someone. It gets better. Reach out to me, or to anyone you trust, but know that things can, and (if you let them) will, get better. Seriously.


Ah, thanks man. Don’t think a lot of the stuff I’m dealing with health-wise can really get better, but I appreciate the thought. Gonna stick around a bit longer at any rate, see what happens; shit’s gotten randomly better before, so it could again I guess. Really tired right now sorry, so not able to respond to you with as much clarity as I should, but I want you to know I do really appreciate you reaching out. Gives me back a bit of hope I was sorely lacking. Thank you.


Got it. I’m going to bed because life is hard enough without sleep, but would you be open to me sending you a dm tomorrow?


Sure thing. I might not get it until tomorrow because it’s 6am where I am and I haven’t been to bed yet, but I’ll get back to you when I can. Again, I appreciate it.


I get these urges regularly. Let’s stick around, it feels like a long time but it’s not. Fate will take us one day x


That is truly heartbreaking


As a mother of a very young ginger child, this stuff keeps me awake at night. People can be so cruel. I’m so sorry you had to see that.


Was on the way home from a night out and had to get cash from an ATM. It was inside the branch, but in a part accessible after hours. There was a homeless guy inside who had obviously taken shelter from the cold winter night. No bother, I thought. But then i noticed he was furiously masturbating. He was mid-tug when I walked in and didn’t care enough to stop when he saw me. This was back in the days when you could only pay taxis in cash and the driver was waiting outside for me to get the money. I didn’t want the driver to think I was doing a runner so quickly got my cash out before my new acquaintance completed his own particular money shot. I refused to ever use that bank again. Even in the daytime it gave me horrible flashbacks whenever I walked past.


Not changing the channel quick enough after the Simpsons and catching a glimpse of hollyoaks


I saw a cyclist go through a red light and get ploughed into by a car that had no time to stop. The cyclist had no helmet either, so it was instant game over.


My husbands best friend rode into the back of a car (80’s proper glass) and bled out in front of him.. brutal. Sad too, he was a young man with a daughter, wife never remarried.


I also came across a bad car accident which resulted in fatalities. The one I encountered was 20 years ago, but I still think about it often.


Also in a student bar, some guy kept setting fire to his pubes with a lighter for a laugh. The smell was just… well, it smelt like singed pubes!


Hilarious and gross at the same time


I worked in a nightclub and somehow a frog got in. No idea how. I was approaching it with a pint glass and a piece of card to remove it when a drunk guy was like LOOK A FROG and full on stamped on it. It was absolutely horrible and I felt a mixture of upset, angry, disappointed. Urgh. It was 16 years ago and still makes me feel sick.


Ngl anybody hurting kids, the elderly, disabled, homeless or animals absolutely boils my piss. Just something about hurting a being unable to defend themselves that sends me flying off the handle. It sounds a bit silly but if I experienced that firsthand- Especially when being so close to saving it- I'd have a hard time not starting a fight with that dickhead. I'd be absolutely raging.


ESPECIALLY if I already had a glass in my hand, I might have just lunged before I could think about it


Just want to add sorry you experienced that by the way. Ik it may not seem like a huge thing to some but it encapsulates a disgusting lack of empathy that many people have. Fucking animals. Would definitely stick with me too man


I was in Chester with my family, having a drink in a pub by the canal. There was a mother duck SQUARKING like nothing I'd ever heard. Someone had smashed all her eggs and she was trying to tell us all. Oh my god. This was 16 years ago and it still makes me cry and rage. How can people be so NEEDLESSLY cruel?!


That turned my stomach, wtf is wrong with people 😣


I saw some pictures and footage of dead kids in Gaza, truly disturbing.


So many stand out as an image I never imagined that I didn’t want to see. A new “Napalm girl” every week. So heartbreaking 💔


I've seen a few of them cradling their deceased child and the premature babies who were abandoned. It's heartbreaking. 😭😭😭


So, back in the pre-social media, pre-google days of the internet, around the early 00s, there was briefly a website that exploited a loophole whereby it was somehow able to scrape every image uploaded to unlocked livejournal accounts in virtual real time. You could refresh it over and over and see an extraordinary and eclectic slice of the - not entirely pornographic - personal blogging content. it was super fun right up until the day the lead image was a series of photographs of an attractive Japanese woman playing wiht, and then killing, a small ginger kitten. I don't know why it stuck with me more than all the stupid gore sites, or the actual human autopsy and other gross stuff I've dealt with, but it just got to me really bad.


That would upset me more than anything human


There was an anthology film called ABC of death or similar, 5-10 minutes long, p was Pressure. Some African lady (country not specified, but was in Africa) wanted to get her kid a bike, ended up in the dark and seedy path of prostitution and it eventually progressed to the camera going dark as a kitten mews. Then cuts to the kid riding her bike happy and blissfully unaware of how her mother paid for it. Edit hit send too soon. Out of all clips that was the most uncomfortable to watch. Though there was another IIR in the same film, that also went dark for a different reason.


About 2am after a series of pubs and bars - I was in the back of a cab with 2 of my flatmates, all of us completely smashed. Then the projectile vomiting began. Unfortunately, it was contagious.


Like that [scene in Family Guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHUMaJphBdE)


Watched a bloke neck a pint glass full of piss in a club toilet for a tenner… haunts me to this day


I remember when I was about 18/19, and one of our school mates had joined the army. Whenever he came home from leave he was an absolute nightmare. All he wanted to do on a day out was for us to piss in pint glasses for him to drink it, then try and fight us, or keep saying we should buy a cooked rotisserie chicken, wrap it in a towel and place it under a toilet seat before fucking it. We were honestly at a loss as to what the fuck had happened to him. Probably not the maturist response but we felt the easiest option was to phase him out of the group.


Sounds like a serious case of PTSD


Sounds like a serious case of hanging out with squaddies too much.


I got a tenner out of it though!


I was working on a university essay about human-made disasters and had decided to write mine about Hillsborough. I wasn’t a Liverpool fan or even really a football fan and I was too young to remember it myself, so I decided to watch the live tv footage and read the survivor stories in tandem to get an idea of what happened. It sounds tame compared to the other stories on here but when you understand what those fans went through as they were crushed to death on live tv… I can still picture the moment when the policeman on the horse trots past them as they’re dying and just ignores them. Or how the victims had all wet themselves. Lots of them were young. And the absolute injustice that followed afterwards too. Brings tears to my eyes even thinking about it.


And The Sun is still in business. No fucking justice.


I have a family member who was at Hillsborough. He has PTSD from it


Jury service. I was on a child r-word case a week ago. Not only will I never forget the evidence I saw, but considering the verdict we reached, fucking hell. I've been having such bad nightmares about it


Unfortunately they've not rolled out the mental health support for jurors yet as far as I know. It'd be worth speaking to your GP about it if you keep having nightmares, get the ball rolling on some support. Sorry you had to go through that.


This might sound weird, but since it’s only been a week, [play Tetris to help combat the trauma](https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/news/tetris-used-to-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms) and nightmares.


She was sitting on the toilet floor? That is grim.


🤢 why couldnt she just put one foot on the lid and take a pic of her beaver?


She obviously didn't give a dam!


Probably too pished to manage that manoeuvre.


That reminds me of being a student in the 90s and trying to get a body done up again.


well its got nothing on your story,,, but i was in a groupchat full of random ravers id met, and one guy posted in a video of someone raping a hamster. i think thats the worst thing ive ever seen, ive watched those old cartel liveleaks with blokes getting their heads chainsawed off, people getting shot in the head and dismembered, but this particular video really got me upset. humans are scum.


Ugh that’s disgusting here’s the classic “thats enough Reddit for today post.”


Fucking hell!


Reading these, I realised that there is an entire side of the internet that i did not know existed. My algorithm is obviously very biased towards kittens and puppies videos.


You may not need to hear this but I strongly suggest you stay away from these things. I went through a period in my teens (2016-2018) of becoming very morbidly interested in gruesome things despite how sick many of them made me feel. Lots of r\watchpeopledie before it got removed. I very much regret it. I respect my mortality more than I did but that's about the only benefit I can think of


I've always thought it's better not to see something rather than wish you could unsee it later. I know that horrible things happen in this world, but I don't need to look at them all.


Once serving in Iraq, and while on patrol, we saw a you lad kicking a football in some overgrown wasteland he must have been no older than 10 years old. Next thing there was a big explosion dust and sand everywhere. Once clear, the boy was on the ground motionless. He must have stood on a land mine or and old bomb detonated we want to go give him aid but with the chance it could have been a minefield all we could do was report it. I know have 2 boys and one is 10 and loves football. I think of that little kid often. Thinking how different a child's life is growing up in a war torn country to one like the UK.


Came out a toilet cubicle in work to see a group of managers standing at another cubicle's door looking in (long bathroom, many cubicles). Curiosity got the better of me so I had a peak. Someone had defecated all over the closed toilet lid bowl and then smeared it all over the walls. I'm guessing it was someone's last day in the job and they wanted to make their opinion known. I don't think it was the first time either as I remember they sent an email to everyone as someone (or two or three) was making things miserable for the cleaners. Edit: adding to this. I regret that day going back to my desk and making a crap joke that "it looked like someone had flushed a chocolate gateux down the toilet!" without adding any additional context. Today, several years after the fact, I'm mortified by the thought that my colleagues may have beleived I was talking about my own toilet adventures and maybe that I was responsible for the toilet armageddon. I supppose messaging them on social media "Hi. Just to let you know I was never the toilet monster five years ago" is out of the question.


Such a shitty (pun intended) way to get back at the company on your last day. The cleaners will take the brunt of it and I doubt it was their fault that the company sucked (or fired the person). They need to at least shit of the managers desk!


My sister, watching a concert we'd bought tickets for years in advance, over the internet, because her OCD said she couldn't go outside while the neighbours' bins were that close to the car. Seeing her literally stand in front of the front door for 45 minutes, trying to will herself to touch the handle, and then eventually just give up, fucked me up forever. My life sucks, but compared to that it's a fucking cakewalk. If a motherfucker tells you they have OCD, like, _diagnosed_ OCD, you fuckin' well bend over backwards to accommodate them.


The inside of my own arm. That includes the bones and my wrist sticking out the skin.


When I was a teenager I stumbled across my great aunt and uncles swinging pics on a website, couldn't kiss her on the cheek since then.


A women casually dropping her trackies and squatting in the middle of the path and having a massive shit while I was sat at traffic lights one morning


Stopped in a tight village street one sunny day to let a car pass by. I looked to the right as I waited and saw a happy little pigeon going about his day. Without a blink the car passed by, and I, still looking right, saw the same little pigeon splattered all over the road, as the car had ran right over the top of its body. Head fully in tact long enough to squawk its last breath of life, as it saw itself burst open like a cracked egg.


Not the worst thing I've seen but I was driving to work about 25 years ago on a 30mph road in the rain.  Up ahead I saw a squirrel in the middle of the road. I braked hard and stopped just before the squirrel, which then turned and ran away from me along the middle of the road for a few seconds... I was so happy I avoided it until a car coming from the other direction ran it straight over. I was so upset - we were the only two cars on the road, the other car had more time to react, and didn't even try to slow down. 


That drug addict injecting heroin directly into her necrotic head/brain.


In my local town a heroin addict whipped his socks and shoes off to inject in his clearly necrotic, black stinky asf toe.


This thread. Horrific. I wasn't prepared for some of these stories. Also OP, probably going out to places where people get drunk isn't for you anymore.


Most things don't shock me, I've seen my share of accidents work related or otherwise Not good with death though. Its one thing to see a loved one pass when you know its on the cards for example late/final stage illness etc Whole other beast when its sudden/unexpected because your mind doesn't have the chance to prepare you psychologically for it, and it really does stay with you. I have another for the list of nasty stuff people do on public transport Some years back when I was a bus wanker an intoxicated lady made number 2 over the "periscope" hole thing the driver would look up to view the top of the double decker with the mirrors I feel like every blockbuster had a "shit" story as well


Most of the stuff I saw on the early 00s internet, was an unregulated hellhole and my 15 year old brain saw some stuff that never really left me 🤢 clicking links wouldn't know if you would get the linkin park music video you wanted or some mexican cartels going all chainsaw massacre


Somebody burning to alive to death. My neighbours from down the street had a tumultuous relationship, and one night he drunkenly covered himself petrol and lit himself on fire outside my bedroom window at like 3am. My mum claims that *she* saw and heard those screams and I didn’t vehemently, but I am sure I did and she ran to tear me from the window. I am convinced she’s wrong considering her proven poor track record on childhood memory discussions, but even if she’s correct, my brain has that memory and it’s true and recalled by me. I remember it - it affects me. That’s all that really matters as long as I’m aware of the potentiality.


I saw video of the US Air Force guy setting fire to himself the other week. It looked as if he was pouring water over himself and then took three attempts to get the lighter to strike. As soon as the flames started the video blurred, but you could see that he stood for a good few seconds before falling to his knees and then onto his side. I genuinely thought it was a comedy sketch at first.


It is/was horrifying to witness. I’m sorry you had to watch that, even blurred. I hope they muted it. I really struggle with shows that show death by fire for this reason. Probably explains why I’m scared of fire and petrol and jump starting cars (even though I know fine well it’s safe).


I watched a dog get hit by a car once, on a family trip to the beach (I was about 10). It was on a leash but jumped forward and yanked the owner's arm enough, just at the wrong time, to jump in front of a car. I can't forget the owner's screams, or the way the dog shook it's head in such a panicked way and sprayed blood everywhere until it just lay down. Later, we even saw the owner sadly walking home through a different part of town, with the body wrapped in a blanket. I thought that was so upsetting, like at least an ambulance should take the body away so she wasn't forced to carry it home.


I was at the beach and a man ran up from the sea carrying what looked like a very fat, old Jack Russell terrier that seemed to have drowned. He was really crying. He looked to be there on holiday with his elderly parents who had another younger Jack Russel with them, who was running about yapping. A crowd gathered and people tried to do CPR on the dog, really just as a token gesture. Someone had run for a car and was asking how far it was to the nearest vets. The whole scene was bizarre. It was obvious to me that nothing could be done for the dog. The poor guy was sobbing while being comforted by the woman I took to be his mother. I thought about it a lot that summer and how that family’s holiday had been ruined.


My dog has 'jumped' like that a few times when he spotted a family member on the other side of the street. Thankfully the collar was secure and my reaction was quick. It still makes me shudder about what could have been.


My mum's last 24 hours as cancer did what cancer does.


I’ve been through that with both parents. I now know the meaning of “blessed relief”, both for the deceased, and for the family left behind.


My nan passed away from cancer a couple of months ago, and I helped take care of her for a little while last year whilst waiting for a place in a hospice to open up. She had a commode that she would use to go to the toilet that I'd have to empty on the regular. That's not what I regret seeing, though. Shit is shit. One day, I heard her calling out my name and her voice sounded a bit meek. I thought something bad had happened. I rushed into her room and she'd just been to the toilet, but she was struggling to pull her knickers up because she couldn't bend over. I didn't want to embarrass her in any way or take away any more of her dignity, so I obliged. As I was bending down and lifting her knickers up she lifted up her nightie a bit too high and gave me a ringside view of her 84-year old vagina. It was just for a split second, but it was enough time for the visual to register in my mind and scar me for life. I shouldn't have used the word scar. Anyway... I told that story at her wake, thinking it would get a laugh, but to say it went down like a lead balloon is an understatement. I fear I will he haunted by both memories as I lay trying to sleep, for the rest of my life.


I saw a stabbing in broad daylight in Birmingham when I was about 17. I was on my way to college to collect a knife set (lol) ready to start my new college course. There was so much blood all over the pavements, the guy was wearing a white tshirt that soon turned blood red. I also witnessed a really bad car crash once when I was leaving work. That situation truly taught me how useless people are, about 10 people ran over and yet I was the only person to check on both drivers, call the ambulance and do what I could to provide first aid. Everyone else just stood around watching, taking photos or shouting down my ear hole for the ambulance to hurry up because they are too dumb to understand it’s dispatched before they ask 100 questions.


My husband and I went out last night to grab a burger from a really awesome place in our town. We sat down with a pint to peruse the menu and some extraordinarily good looking guy started setting up a camera tripod on the table next to ours. Turns out he was a very well known YouTube competitive eater and was there to eat not one but 2 (!!) of their burger challenges. We thought it would be quite entertaining to watch but it was actually deeply upsetting. The guy was clearly in ridiculous amounts of pain, I would class it in the same category as torture porn


Myself and my friend both 19yrs old at the time, came across whilst driving a tied up naked body along the roadside. Learned later it was an execution by the IRA on an alleged tout. It was along a fairly quiet country road and had to take a few slow drive bys to make sure what we were looking at was what we thought it was. Not a nice image, naked,tied up and blood all over his head and back.


A picture of my grandma dying, my aunt thought it was appropriate to post on Facebook


I saw a documentary about the meat and fur industry that had workers ripping animal skins off living foxes, before leaving them to stagger about, in shock and agony, as they slowly died. I'm not averse to killing animals for food, but have some respect and kill it humanely first. The profit motive has people abandon their humanity because efficiency is more important than dignity and decency.


My best friend collapsed one night while I was with her - vomiting (and choking on it), seizures, claw hands, totally unconscious. Turns out she had an aneurysm that ruptured. It was bloody terrifying, I thought she was going to die. When she eventually came round in the hospital she was behaving and speaking like a toddler, so then I was worried she'd had some pretty serious brain damage, it was a bleed on the brain. She's absolutely fine now, and I will always be grateful she wasn't on her own and that she didn't have any memory of it - doesn't bear thinking about.


Driving home one night then back if midnight, I got stopped at a set of lights. A gang of kids were harassing a couple in their early 30's. Next thing the woman is getting dragged around by the hair and the guy got a pint glass smashed into his face. I ran the lights to get them into the car, the little shits done a runner as I got to them. Next thing 3 police cars pull up some of them coming running to my car and the rest chase the kids. It turns out the boy that glasses the guy was 11 years old and well known, the police had been watching them on CCTV. I never found out what happened to any of them but the guys gave was a right mess


I've seen three motorbike deaths. The first two were Norman Brown and Peter Huber at Silverstone in 1983. Brown was partially decapitated, and Huber went flying. He must have been 20 feet up, and he was rotating. Intact limbs don't flap like that. The third was 13 years ago, guy hit a road sign. His chest was completely crushed. What sticks in your head is the way the human body shouldn't look like that.


Someone dead under a foil blanket at a local festival when I was 17, didn’t realise it at the time obviously.


One night I was working in a country park, it was my duty to close the park up that day, I had to drive around and tell all the people we were closing the gates so they didn’t get locked in, all cars had left apart from one, I went to the car and noticed drops of blood leading from the car to the nearby lake, when I noticed the blood stopped at the lake edge I rang the police then rang my boss to tell him to get to work Turns out it was an elderly man who was depressed that he had hurt his hand and could no longer play bowls, we were there for hours with the police, eventually they found his body, he had slit his wrists and stomach open and jumped in to the lake, despite his injuries that wasn’t the worst thing I saw that night, when the police eventually let us leave we had to walk past the man’s family and seeing the state they were in was horrible


When I was a student nurse back in the 80's I did a stint on a gynaecology ward and under the sink in the sluice were containers with specimens of babies in different stages of development from about 8 weeks gestation to about 20 weeks gestation. I was freaked out every time I had to go in that cupboard. Obviously the babies had originally been miscarriages or perhaps abortions but I often wondered if their parents knew they were kept. I had a strong urge to remove them from their life under the sink and give them a burial.


I was at my friend's house and he was sleeping on a chair in the living room and I was on the couch and his sister came downstairs naked and tried to have sex with him. He told her to fuck off but it didn't seem like the first time that happened. They thought I was sleeping. I never went back there since.


Once on a stag do I witnessed a severely hungover guy throw up without taking his helmet off whilst go-karting. It quickly filled up the helmet, into the visa & out of his neck at high pressure whilst he furiously tried & failed to undo his seatbelt and take his helmet off in time. Probably the funniest thing I’ve ever seen but also I wish I’d never seen it.


I found the the body of my best friend that died of an OD and had lain undiscovered for almost a week because I was out of town for Christmas, visiting my parents and so wasn't there to check on her. No one else in the B&B where we lived thought to check on her until i let myself into her room, we were both 17 at the time.


2 girls one cup


The day I moved out of my flat on Electric Avenue, Brixton (20+ years ago) there were two women having a fight. As I I put the last box in the van and was getting my bike to finally leave it got really nasty. One of them grabbed a bottle and smashed the end off and was stabbing it into the other woman. There was blood everywhere. A big circle of people. Some were on phones trying to get the police there. I got on my bike and got out of there.


Now in the street, there is violence


Once saw an ex sailor dipping chicken drumsticks in a glass of sick and eating them. He thought the sight of people wretching was hilarious.


I was cycling to work for my 5:30am shift, so was about 4am, heard a scream from a bush on the cycle path, went to check, some guy was trying to bum a a small tree stump. Asked if everything was alright and he said yes, I called my boyfriend to ask if that's something men do normally, he said no, reported to 101 and went on my way.


Hard to pick to be a specific one. At 18 I was with my friend, we had gone to pick up a puppy. We we sitting in traffic going in our direction but the other side of the road was free flowing. At a distance, as I sit with his puppy on my lap I see a man walking a lovely golden retriever but I noticed and commented that it was not on a lead. As we sit there stationary I see a raised tail going in front of our car, wagging as it went right in front of us. We didn't have time to say a word as it walked into the fast traffic. I remember clearly as it entered the wheel well of a bug 4x4 landrover for a moment the wheel changed colour from black to blonde as the dog was wrapped around it and essteially exploded. We would hear screams of "oh God no". I held onto the little puppy. When we arrived home we had to clean remains from the back side of the car. I've seen some fucked up shit including dead people. But exploding dog just gets to me more.


I am really weirded out by OP having conniptions over inadvertently seeing a random bird taking a pic of her minge in a nightclub lavvy. I've seen many a thing that I wish I never had, including a guy's intestines spilling out of his belly onto the floor in front of him, but never have I felt so disturbed by someone taking a picture of their own privates.


Which bar was this?


Are you asking for a friend?