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Mild discomfort yes. Actual pain no.


I was expecting some level of discomfort but I all I was got intense pain. It felt like a knife turning in my colon every time the tube was moved.


Sounds almost like the gas and air didn't quite do it for you, that's awful OP, and I'm sorry you experienced that. I went in with no pain relief and aside from a few moments of that kind of pain that you described, most of the time it was completely bearable and only uncomfortable. When painful moments came up, the person performing my colonoscopy actually anticipated it and warned me, he said it was due to going through a particularly tight bend.


What they give you is gas and air?? I thought you're supposed to be like literally unconscious.


I was given three options: sedation, gas and air, or nothing. I went with nothing, figured since that was an option that meant it must not be that bad hahaha, and it wasn't in my experience, but where I did it, they said for those who don't want to deal with the potential pain at all, sedation is an option too. I know OP called what they had sedation, but given they were conscious it sounds more like just gas and air


>I was given three options: sedation, gas and air, or nothing. I went with nothing You, sir, are either a macho man or a masochist. I would be like "Which is the one with no pain?"


Sedation carries risk of death however.


win win! Oh wait this isn't 2meirl4meirl or one of those subs....


I have sedation every time. Never had a problem "yet". I wouldn't dream of going in with nothing!


He's lying to you. It's agony. It's trapped wind pain. For your whole bowel. That's why they sedated you or gave you gas and air


I had one last year with nothing and only suffered mild discomfort so I guess I was lucky but it was easily bearable and I didn't want sedation as I had to drive home.


Damn man. Iron guts over here. Did you fart the whole way through. That reduces the pain. Otherwise it's agony. Because it's trapped wind and a metal tube wriggling through your guts and taking biopsies 


I've had 4 colonoscpies, and one of them was absolute agony to the point that THEY wanted to stop. I told them to keep going because I wouldn't be scheduling another one. This one was at a private hospital. The pain was horrific. A few years later, I had to have another one anyway. It was a completely different experience, mild discomfort, but that's about it. NHS hospital, I had sedation (was fully awake) and gas and air.


Sorry about your horrible experience. Mine was with NHS. I usually tolerate pain just fine, but it was absolutely unbearable. I have it rescheduled for next month, this time with general anaesthesia.


That's good. I hope all goes well for you!


that sounds really dreadful. i felt nothing. had sedation but was awakish. really nothing uncomfortable at all. fingers crossed your next one is better. make sure to tell them at the time how bad this one was


Work on an endoscopy unit - some people just find it insanely painful and have to stop. It happens unfortunately, even with sedation. Also depends how much sedation they actually gave you (some people are more generous than others!).


Wrong end mate


Endoscopy is the general term for the flexible tube imaging from either end: it's known as gastroscopy from the mouth (and down the gullet) and colonoscopy up the colon, but it's the same camera


Hope you give it a rinse between uses then.


Well no it’s a different camera, there are gastroscopes, colonoscopes, bronchoscopes, cystoscopes, but all are used in different types of endoscopy


I might have said, it's the same type of camera


What do they call it when it goes up the nose? I've had more than my share of those in my time.


Trans nasal endoscopy I think? TNE for short


I had one last year. the prep was awful - awful. Lying-on-the-bathroom-floor-exhausted-and-barely-able-to-move awful. not to mention the prep tastes disgusting But the procedure was a breeze. I had gas-and-air and had to be told a couple of times not to drift off to sleep it was a tiny bit uncomfortable at times, but that was all


Yeah that was my experience as well. Prep was horrible (but I didn't vomit so I was okay with the rest of it) but then the actual procedure was gas, night night and then recovery.


As a repeat customer, I find the pain is from the air they pump in. You gotta fart like there's no tomorrow, then it won't be so bad. My second was agony though until they told me this. Not sure why they don't make it more clear beforehand.




I had endoscopy on the same day and I don’t even remember any of it. I guess some people’s colons are more sensitive than others.


It didn’t hurt that much, but it’s something I don’t want to experience again. The prep was very unpleasant.


The prep was nasty. I have to do it again but I don’t mind. I’m glad yours went well.


I told hospital I will never again drink the 'summer fruits' or whatever codename they give it. I hate marzipan taste and that muck has strong flavour of it, I gagged on it anyway and the pain from colon problem made me vomit it up that I had to re-swallow. Grim. The research was apparently having two separate flavours was more likely people would drink both sets of fluids and have more successful procedures. Told them next time 2x orange and they can throw the other flavour one in the bin. I got 2x orange flavour next time around.


My husband had one recently, said not painful. NHS


Yeah I had an awful time, very painful, was in tears, absolutely horrific. I’ve had them in other countries too and they just fully sedate me, whereas in the UK they say sedation is dangerous and make us attempt it without or with a small dose of diazepam or gas. I don’t understand why in other countries like the US or Germany they give full sedation if it’s apparently so dangerous? I think it’s the NHS trying to save costs at the patients expense. I struggled so much with my sigmoidoscopy that when I came back for the full colonoscopy they gave me enough sedation that I was out of it. It’s like some weird test to see if we can handle it or not.


I had an NHS endoscopy where they told me the procedure would be easy and I could have sedation if I wanted but most people don’t need it. Heavily implied I shouldn’t have it. So I didn’t and massively regretted it. Felt like I was drowning, my body wouldn’t let me breathe and I had zero control over it no matter that I knew what was really happening. Thrashed all over the place which made the pipe bruise/scratch my oesophagus, which turned into infected ulcers afterwards. Could’ve all been avoided if they didn’t act like sedation was for sissies.


It’s awful isn’t it! They really do play it down. I had a similar experience with my endoscopy, drowning feeling and my strong gag reflex made it very uncomfortable. It’s traumatising and I point blank refuse to do these things without sedation now and they hate it when I put up a fight.


I would never go without sedation if it’s available for anything now, and I always advise others the same


That's ridiculous. I've never had one but if I ever do, I feel like I'd want to present the doctor with a contract and say "Sign this saying I will not experience much pain, or knock me out. Your choice".


My Dad and my partner had endoscopys without sedation. My partner had 2. The doctors said it eas easier to do without. They said they were fine. My friends Mum had one, though, and said it was awful. I think I'd probably plump for sedation.


Everybody’s different, I’ve had three gastroscopies and been fine with no sedation. It lets you leave quicker and drive home too!


Yeah it must be something like that. Maybe I am a sissy, statistically speaking. It just felt like such a shock, like they didn’t even hint that some people find it really unpleasant. Now I’m a bit older and wiser I would probably have read between the lines and thought, “it wouldn’t be available if there was no reason”. But at the time I was in my early twenties, poorly and anxious as hell. I needed someone to spell it out for me


You’re not a sissy! It’s just individual, my brother had one with sedation and said it was the worst day of his life. I hate the idea of sedation, I want my full faculties and to be alert so that I can be rational and calmly breathe my way through it, lots of people just want to be as unaware as possible, it’s just personal preference.


Aw thanks, yeah good way of putting it. Wish someone like you had been my nurse that day. I’m definitely more of a give me all the drugs person haha


Why did they not knock you out? I had a sigmoidoscopy which is less invasive and I was given general anesthesia. No way I could of done it awake


They didn’t give me any options. Just some sedation that is supposed to make you relaxed, which clearly didn’t do its work.


If they can avoid general anesthesia they will. There’s always a risk of it going bad, even if it’s a small one. Better to avoid it if possible.


I had a colonoscopy. I refused being knocked out because I wanted to drive home. Was so tense that it was going to hurt, didn't hurt one bit, just remember the probe getting warm around my ring piece.


That’s very unusual


Sorry you had such a bad time. I had no sedation at all and it was fine. Some gripey feelings as the fibre wound around the gut - mine, it turns out, is quite convoluted, so lots of turns - but that was reassuring in a way as it was similar to the symptoms that took me there, so showed it was the right test. It was also good to watch on the screen and see nothing but healthy pink.  The worst moment was when he got to the top and said with another eight feet he could go up through the stomach, throat and mouth and tie the ends together. That and seeing the probe approaching your own backside on screen while half a dozen students look on. Fast forward a few years and I had a total meltdown with an endoscopy. You'd think if you can do one end you can do the other.


> Fast forward a few years and I had a total meltdown with an endoscopy. You'd think if you can do one end you can do the other. Weird. I've yet to have the joys of a colonoscopy but I had an endoscopy a year or two ago and it was totally fine. Left with a strong sense of guilt towards all the women in my life but I'd have another one tomorrow if the doc suggested it.


*ALL* of the women in your life?


You know what I mean


What can I say? Strong gag reflex.


Hmm thinking about it, if I hadn't of had 2 nurses stroking my forehead and holding my hand (literally), telling me what a good job I was doing, it might have been a different story. I won't forget the nasal anaesthetic in a hurry though.


It was agony for me too, it was the first time in my life that I’ve uncontrollably screamed out in pain. They stopped and gave me midazolam, which basically knocked me out and I came to once it was finished. I had to go for a second colonoscopy in a different hospital and I asked for the drugs upfront, but unfortunately they didn’t work at all. I was fully conscious, and it was incredibly painful once again. Makes me wonder if different hospitals provide different amounts/types of drugs.


Are you me ? You are describing my experience exactly, had 2 recently, same both times.


Uncomfortable sure, but no pain, either from the colonoscopy nor the follow-up sigmoidoscopy.


That’s good to hear. I only had the pain during the procedure but thankfully all good now.


Shame - I hope it doesn't put you off any future explorations. They found & removed a polyp in my c/oscopy, & the s/oscopy was to confifm no regrowth so, while not pleasant, it's definitely worth the discomfort IMO.


As much as I hated it, I already booked another one for next month with general anaesthesia. It is definitely worth it. Happy to hear it went well for you.


Had two. Mild discomfort but not pain pain. I don't have any known conditions and coloncopies were clear though.   What you describe sounds like something I occasionally just before I need to 'go', like being stabbed in the stomach doubled over blood draining from your face pain for a few seconds.  No idea what causes it but it most often happens when I'm generally stressed.


Good to hear there wasn’t anything serious!


If it was anything serious, they wouldn't have let you leave. That's the advantage of colonoscopies, they can literally see what they are doing and assess for damage etc. Mine was fine and I didn't bother with the gas and air. Until they had to navigate a corner, at which point I was huffing like my life depended on it. The worst part was actually the trapped air for a few days afterwards, offset by the inevitable satisfying long and surprisingly tunefull relief.


It's agony


I've had two now (one single colonoscopy, the 2nd mixed with an endoscopy). They were vaguely uncomfortable and I was sedated for both. I've never heard of anyone having such an adverse reaction. This doesn't bring piece of mind for when I might need one again...


Mine was fine until he reached one particular bend (I think my sigmoid colon) and then it was agony !  I had mine with lots of happy drugs 


I have to have a colonoscopy every 18 months because of a genetic predisposition to colorectal cancer. Last year was my seventh. It’s uncomfortable and there is sometimes a twinge of pain when the camera rounds a corner, but for the most part it’s just a weird sensation. I have only had one with no sedation, because I didn’t have anyone to come collect me afterwards, and it was unpleasant, but manageable. I would definitely always opt for the sedation. The combination of Midazolam and Fentanyl makes me very chilled-out and chatty.


I think for some people it will be agony, regardless of pain relief and sedation, which is really unfortunate. I had sedation for mine. I remember the drugs going in, then the next thing I knew I was in recovery. Apparently I sang Zombie by The Cranberries during the procedure. The prep was the most agonising part for me. I was on an evening list so had to start taking it the night before and morning of. Utterly terrible time.


Most people, no. But I have a friend who has a really twisty gut so she needs all the sedation.


I was extremely nervous about the potential results of mine but tried to relax. I was sedated and tried to zone out as much as I possibly could. They’d made it to my appendix before I felt anything and all I felt was a slight motion of the tube. My first upper endoscopy was the worst experience of my life (so far). I was strong armed into having it without sedation and found it very traumatic. When I was told I needed a second, I was very clear that I would not consent without sedation. I walked into the room and cried before they got near me. The sedation did help. I was aware of what was happening but I didn’t feel like I was choking this time.


In Australia they put everyone to sleep for this. I wish the UK did the same!


They put you to sleep in the US, too, but I kind of wish they didn't. I have a fear of being put under and not waking up. :( It'd be nice if everyone had an option, whatever country they're in.


I had a sigmoidoscopy and I ticked the pre op / consent form for sedation, the nurse outright told me no one needs sedation it’s completely fine, you only need sedation for colonoscopy. It felt like I was being ripped apart, 6 months prior I’d had a second c-section and quite honestly it was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced because it felt like they were opening my scar the entire time. I contacted PALS afterwards and said maybe they shouldn’t try and talk people out of it sedation wise. I wasn’t nervous or anything going in either. I cried the entire way through the procedure and just stared into space not saying a word for about 6 hours afterwards. I won’t ever have another one.


So sorry to hear that. I can’t imagine doing it after a c-section. I was hysterically crying even after it was done. They should take into account that some people can’t tolerate things the same way as others. Hopefully you are better now.


My friend had one under general anaesthetic, on the NHS. They tried to put her off, saying "Ooh, you might have to wait YEARS" but this was a lie. Sounds like you need general anaesthetic next time, and you'll get it if you insist. Sorry to hear you had such a painful experience. You deserve better. Everyone does.


Mine had to be stopped halfway through, but they were diagnosing the extent of a colon problem (acute diverticular disease - ended up having a huge chunk chopped out; sigmoid colon and a fair amount of descending colon). Even with strong sedation with a concoction including fentanyl, and the consultant getting me to get into some quite revealing positions the pain was fucking awful and relentless, consultant was very apologetic and scheduled a special mri to do the colonoscopy virtually. Had to have a follow up colonoscopy a few weeks after the colon resection; a big brash Australian nurse came into the pre-op room I was in and tried taking the piss for me being a wuss for ticking the general anaesthetic box. I took no shit and let her know the reason and that she could fuck off with her judgmental attitude, she was rightfully super apologetic afterwards. With the problem area chopped out the colonoscopy would probably have been painless (and a lot quicker since there is a lot less to check out now), but psychologically I wasn't ready for it whilst being 'awake'. Having said that the worst thing was having the strong laxative concoction before the colonoscopy - the summer fruits flavour that I had was just the worst and tasted strongly of marzipan. With the constriction in my colon that was super painful to pass anything solid suddenly having to deal with a turbo charged cargo fed back pain to my brain that meant every sip of marzipan cordial was making both jets of diarrhoea and vomit at the same time, but I had to then re-swallow the drink to ensure sparking pipework for the procedure the next day - took over 12h to get the nasty muck all drunk. Didn't sleep at all, and just as I finished cleaning up after the goop had done its work I was straight off to get a bus to the hospital praying that I wasn't going to shit myself on the bus. Makes me feel sick to think about it even now.


It's pretty painful going round the bends. I'm used to pain so manage it OK, but for those who might not be I bet it's difficult, particularly as you hadn't expected pain. They should give you gas and air and often painkillers too. Sedation doesn't always work on everyone. Since it seems to not have on you this time, bear that in mind if you ever have an upper endoscopy. Those are pretty shitty experiences, especially if you're not expecting it.


I actually had 2 endoscopy done, and they were far less traumatising than the colonoscopy.


Oh really? I've had a few and they're, for me, 30 minutes of non stop vomiting, gets very painful quickly. But if the sedation worked on you for those, it is strange that it didn't for you this time.


That sounds terrible. First one I had, I was gagging so much and couldn’t wait for it to be over. The second one, which was on the same day as this colonoscopy, last thing I remember was the doctor administering the sedation. It went fairly smooth until I was woken up to intense pain from the colonoscopy. They even increased the dose and I was still suffering. I guess it is different with everyone.


Hey OP, sorry you had a bad time! I hope it's routine, and not anything sinister! I'm not a doctor, but a clinical coder, and I have a LOT of colonoscopies that cross my desk (the last couple of weeks have been VERY rectal, in fact!), and, whilst it's not the norm, it's not totally uncommon to see the procedure abandoned due to poor tolerance (and plenty scuppered by poor prep! If you don't clean yourself out, I see a lot of yellow slime inside you!). If there's real concerns, they might be able to attempt it again with a paediatric scope, or otherwise it's likely a consultant will discuss other options with you. Fingers crossed that whatever the reason for the scope, that we can code you as normal, and remember that there could well be some internet oddball out there looking at photos of your colon during a working lunch!


Some have mentioned the prep bowel cleansing drinks. In my limited experience, some are not as bad as others. The last one I got down to within a centimetre of finishing and after 10 minutes' contemplation thought *sod it, how much difference can it make?* and poured it down the sink. As for the procedure itself: neutral and perhaps even mildly pleasurable most of the time but with occasional desperate need to lunge for the gas-and-air. I'm not sure if it is better to watch the screen showing your insides or stare at a nurse's midriff.


Prep was awful, but the procedure was fine. Slept right through it because of the sedation


I had partial sedation so I was awake but very floaty and happy, I had no pain at all. Mine was for IBD investigation and it turns out my inflammation is higher up than a colonoscopy reaches so I guess not being inflamed where it went probably helped! From what I've seen on the CCUK forum page the majority of people don't find it painful but there are definitely a few people out there who do. I think some hospitals will do a full sedation if you need one so that may be an option if you need another one.


It really varies, some people are unbothered some find it agony. It doesn’t seem to be related to usual pain threshold as far as I can tell either. I’m sorry you had a tough time with it.


I had an endoscopy with nothing; never doing that again! So when I also needed a colonoscopy I went for the full ride and it was great- they pissed themselves laughing as I sang the Dr Who theme tune while watching my guts on the screen whooshing in and out. It was as much fun as an unpleasant procedure could be. My friend had one years ago and they could barely get it past the ‘entrance’ before she was in agony. When they got her back for a full GA, turns out she had ulcers all the way through her bowel and her pain was explained So no, it shouldn’t feel that bad but there may be a reason why it did


I had the same experience. I’m so sorry it happened to you.


I also screamed and cried in pain… 😞


Had one recently and weirdly felt very little, not even mild discomfort just the odd pokey feeling. I’d been given sedation but I felt completely alert, was very surprised. I must just have a massive colon. Moviprep sucked though.


Not had a colonoscopy but having a sigmoidoscopy was quite painful I had gas, but should have had sedation, had a great team it was cool looking at the images on the screen. Prep was awful I was tapping out that I have been put in the ankle lock


I've had one and I can honestly say there was no pain at all. The sedation definitely helped. The worst bit was the prep the night before. Treated myself to some moist toilet wipes to cool the ring of fire 🔥. Hope everything goes well xx


I think if you go private they give you poppers...


Did they give you any muscle relaxants? Usually for mine they give me mid way through if they feel things are a bit tight. I usually go for the laughing gas since sedation doesn't allow you to go home yourself/drive. Had probably 3 or 4 and only had discomfort but no agonizing pain. The prep is far worse than the procedure. The gastroscopy however was a lot more painful.


My father had it, and the pain from wind completely debilitated him for over 24 hours. Being a man of a certain generation he only likes to go at home, so after hours at the hospital he still couldn't pass wind and just had to go home and rest until he felt better.


It can do. I was in pain and puking during mine so they did it another under GA a few months later. Still no full diagnosis though. Think my future holds more of them unfortunately...


Had an endo without sedation because under sedation I get punchy, apparently. Have to have a colonoscopy now and not sure that I can forgo sedation, wish me luck!


I’m hope you will be like the majority of people and not feel pain. If for any reason you feel pain, be vocal. Tell them to stop if it is too much. Good luck!


Have you had previous abdominal surgery? Adhesions from scarring can make colonoscopy more painful. 


No surgeries


I’ve only had one but have a family history of issues and everyone has said same as me, prep was awful but the procedure was a breeze. Had sedation and gas and air and didn’t even feel the gas they pump in. Sorry to hear yours was bad ☹️


My experience was not painful like you are describing. I've only done it without sedation but with gas and air, and that was just for the part where they're inflating the colon. It was unpleasant but not agony. That sounds awful.


First one was, but there was a trick to it. You need to not tense up down there and let the gas come out constantly. If you tense you fill up and it hurts like hell.


I hated mine and was offered gas and air


That doesn't sound good. I had one and I definitely thought the prep was the worst part of it. Just taking on all that fluid was horrendous. As for the colonoscopy itself.. no pain apart from massive cramp feeling when they started going back out again.


Had one aged 18, it was easily the worst experience of my life until that point, and probably now. I was sedated, twice, but I was not in a happy place. Wasn't helpful for me to see the previous patient quit half way through, not the best frame of mind going in. During it I had no real idea what was going on because it was so dark. The poor nurse with me was trying to get me to breathe regularly to help things, whilst doing whatever it was she was meant to be doing. It was like I was suddenly giving birth or something. *in...and....out.... in....and...out* I was thinking all sorts of foul language come the end, thinking this sedation nonsense is crap, a load of crap. Then I tried to lift my neck to look around as I was coming out. My neck point blank refused to function. Took a while to wear off. What I will say is that it clearly interfered with my memory, as although I know with absolute certainty it was extremely painful at the time, I couldn't recall the pain once the sedation wore off, which I guess is the point? I honestly thought sedation was being knocked out, until I went through all this, so at least I learned something. I had no problem with the prep though, was half the reason I was needing the procedure, because it was actually better than what I was already going through.


Gastroscopy hurt, colonoscopy didn't. Sounds like it's definitely a Your Mileage May Vary one.


90% of it was fine, the last 10% had me screaming. hadn't used the gas and air until this point and started sucking on it like a madman held it away from me and said "is this thing fucking working?" after its over and im laying in the fetal position gently weeping this polish nurse - who had said nothing during the exam - suddenly went "so... do you have any brothers and sisters?" errr wtf. this is a sore point - will probably need another soon, had some fresh blood on a turd and now on the 2 week cancer test pathway. not too worried atm - might be related to the blood thinners I'm on. as for pain wise - bad but not as bad as having a leg wound manually debrided on the ward - whilst only on fucking paracetomol. and they had to do it twice. everybody got treated to my collection of swear words and screaming that day.


The only one i’ve had pain with was on the NHS years ago. I thought that scope was going to bust out from under my rib cage on my left side. I was trying to move and straighten out and they were yelling at me to stay still. Honestly I was terrified of them for years after. All my others have been in the US, totally knocked out, i’ve never felt a thing.


US here. I just had a colonoscopy last Friday and I was totally out. I don’t think I could have it just sedated a bit. I would probably completely freak out.


Try having two in one day, the first up the ass to check a sealed blind end and the second in a stoma hole. Now that is uncomfortable.


First time, I chose to forgo the Sedation as I had to drive that afternoon, biggest mistake I ever made, though it wasn't painful, just extreme discomfort. Second time I only needed a Sigmoidoscopy, and was told it was no where near as deep as the Colonoscopy. So again went without sedation, which was very very uncomfortable. Take the sedation!


Mine was SO so so painful, they had to switch to a kids scope. They told me my colon was just spastic. I don't think it's meant to hurt that much though. 


Didn't hurt at all no


I guess it depends on your pain tolerance. I've had multiple, and combine gastroscopy / colonoscopy in the same session and never even had sedation - just given the entonox which I've never needed. Sure, it's uncomfortable and at some points there's mild pain but it's a medical procedure not getting a relaxing massage.


You sound like your pain threshold is really low. It's a wee bit of discomfort but that's all.