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I find it interesting that you say "more power to them." They should absolutely be able to make decisions about their own body, but the exponential rise of plastic surgery is something to be lamented. We are not making decisions about our bodies in silos, so for every woman that elects for this kind of modification, it sends a message to other women and also to young women, teenagers and little girls. This is why cosmetic procedures are on the rise, it has become normalised and is a problem. We are sending the message that aging is not OK. Having frown lines or crows feet is not OK. Everyone who gets cosmetic procedures is contributing to this problem and this messaging. Edit: Of course I do not include medically necessary procedures in the above. Also, severe burns which are disfiguring - cosmetic procedures can improve quality of life significantly for such people so hopefully it's clear that we are talking about procedures purely for vanity.


And the irony is that these 20 something girls are looking 40 something because of these anti aging procedures.


I'm sure the bubble has to burst soon, it just looks so so bad, when I see people in real life with the ridiculous lip filler, I feel its rude to stare, but can't help glancing out of curiosity like a morbid freak show attraction.


To add to this, possibly not thier fault, they grew up playing with Bratz dolls, and now seem to all want to look like one, with the incredibly weird proportions. Hopefully the next generation won't be affected in the same way.


The irony that's the beast doll was marketed as a better example than Barbie because it wasn't stick thin and now that all want to look like beach side characture drawings


They'll be having their noses taken of next!


It's Hollywood's fault for parading babes like Voldemort in front of our impressionable youth.


I saw a mum and daughter combo the other day in the shop , unreal they both looked 200 x worse than if they were normal, I’ve no idea how someone looks I the mirror and thinks yeah it’s looking good this let alone two of them, it actually shows people are that desperate it makes them blind to reality


I don't think people can judge their looks accurately. There's something that makes it objectively difficult, maybe impossible, to do. I put on 2st and I couldn't notice a difference in the mirror, when I lost it again, I still couldn't notice it. I felt I looked the same, but I definitely didn't. It's so weird.


Women seem to base their looks and fashion on other women, which men find bewildering when they want to be orange oompa loompas with gigantic eyelashes and eyebrows that would give pause to ming the merciless. No men find a lot of this stuff attractive but women of the going out demographic seem to feel that it's a good look for some reason.


Women dress for other women, not for men.


Im a woman and I use to dress to make myself feel better, especially when going out. I wanted to look and feel amazing. I never dressed for anyone.


Well if the fashion is to look like a porn star you need to not be a sheep.




Yeah I get the punk and fashion vibe, music is the same, but getting a woman from basically down the salon to inject shit into your lips , enough for you to join the circus , is a whole different level of fkin simple . I get I’m not the target , instagram , hiyaaaaaa do you like my lips audience 😂 still it’s always and always will be a wtf moment to me


The plastic surgeon should not perform an operation on these ladies. The government should introduce strict guidelines for plastic surgeons. But this is not done.


The government can't do anything because it all happens in Turkey.


When it comes to injectables, there's actually no legislation in the UK so anyone can administer botox and fillers. That's something the Government could definitely change.


That alone is mental , along with yeah Julie I’ll just let you inject that stuff, thingy in the syringe into my face , are you medically qualified by the way? Fk no , happy days carry on 😂


It’s not like they’re being forced. There are plenty of nurses and doctors who do this kind of stuff who do know what they’re doing with needles and have done all the training. But they tend to charge more. Many people will still go to whoever is doing it for the least amount of money.


Of course people will generally go for the cheaper option but that just further highlights the need for regulation really


I know many women who get a bit and its fine, plumps it up but looks natural and stuff, but there are some I've seen I just can't fathom who looks at it and goes "yeah I think that looks really good and it's what I'd like"


>I know many women who get a bit and its fine, plumps it up but looks natural and stuff, Same in that everyone I know started like that, but every single one eventually goes overboard. They either get addicted to it, or absolute relentless pressure, usually from their own social media algorithm/sponsored ads get pressured into thinking they need it. I used to work in/next to the hair & beauty industry and the "aesthetics" practitioners are their own special breed of parasitic, insecurity harvesting cunts. You could take 1,000 of them, line them up and I honestly wouldn't be able to tell the fucking difference between any of them beyond hair colour.


Are the long term effects even known?


From what I've seen, they're finding that some of these fillers never actually dissolve fully as thought; they migrate and remain behind. It probably wasn't as much of an issue when people were starting to have occasional mild fillers in their late 40s and over, but people are having regular treatments of huge doses from their teens now. It's going to be interesting to see what people look like in 20 years. And then there are things like buccal fat removal and sunbed use from early 20s that are going to need serious medical intervention later and will prematurely age people. I've seen people in the canteen at work whose lips are so full and disfigured that they can't even speak properly, and their lips are sticking out further than their nose. The whole philtrum area is filled. I feel bad for staring sometimes. I don't know how those are ever going to look okay again if they keep adding more filler.


Who is interested in 'long term' effects nowadays?? So many things have to be done immediately today ...so who cares? The time we are living in is very superficial.


I'm with you. I think it's borderline unsightly. It seems face altering plastic surgery is in the same envelope as having a tattoo or piercing these days.


I can’t help but look and when I get caught, I wonder if they think I’m looking because they look good…?


Irony is lost on most of them




The clip that everyone's referring to the girls look middle-aged due to the ridiculous old-fashioned makeup they've been put in. Alongside the cheek and lip filler gore it really doesn't help them.


True, however, when they get older they’ll look younger. Some of them. Beyonce, Aguilera, Salma Hayek all have had procedures and don’t look like the average women in their 40’s / 50’s.


Yes, but they dont get their work done in turkey...


They paid a lot more for theirs, and thus got higher quality modifications.


>I find it interesting that you say "more power to them." They should absolutely be able to make decisions about their own body, but the exponential rise of plastic surgery is something to be lamented.  I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought the inclusion of that phrase was iffy. It's incredibly sad. These procedures do not come without risks and the potential for things going horribly wrong, not just in terms of patient safety, but disfigurement and / or the need for corrective procedures. It isn't some kind of empowering thing in the least.


I dare say OP included to get ahead of the Reddit hive mind, where judging someones actions / looks is extremely verboten 


It's not even Reddit. We have to pretend nowadays that objectively bad cosmetic surgery decisions look amazing and are a beautiful form of self-expression.


I don’t know what reddit you guys live on but I’ve seriously never seen a thread about a woman’s plastic surgery (especially a public figure) where most of the top comments WEREN’T calling her dumb/shallow/ugly and lambasting her (and everyone else agreeing.) Just look at what people are saying about Erin Moriarty from The Boys over on r/television. It’s a shame, as the top comment above us makes some really valid points about people not making these decisions in a silo. It’s not as if these young women woke up one morning and said “based on absolutely nothing apart from me being a dumb bitch, I’m going to get some over the top work done!” I think we can say it doesn’t look good and still have some grace towards girls who grow up under ridiculous pressure to look good and fit in, and make decisions we don’t agree with in order to feel as though they’re complying with increasingly impossible beauty standards.


Then go to R/fauxmoi or r/popculturechat (albeit saner than faux moi) r/twoxchromosones r/trueoffmychest, those are full of people supporting surgeries


I'm not talking about Reddit (who cares what anyone on Reddit says), I'm talking about mainstream media breathlessly praising 'slebs who have clearly had serious work done. A lot of the time it's kind of double-speak - the Daily Mail will post an "article" with a celeb looking horrendous in the full knowledge anyone seeing it will think they look terrible, but the article will say "[celebrity] stepped out for an early-morning yoga session and fans were quick to take to social media to praise their glowing appearance." Another common one is "[celeb] hit back hilariously at trolls who accused her of having had surgery."


Some poor women get pressured by their wealthy husbands to look young and 'beautiful'. I would leave such a husband at once.


That Erin Moriarty situation is really sad to me. The fact that she must have had some serious insecurities or self loathing with how she looked, despite being very pretty, and then to get a surgery that makes her just look like shes been starved for days and can no longer move her face to make expressions and now actually does look bad is just upsetting


True true, else it is shaming, and shame is a no no feeling


There's a pressure in modern feminism to basically never criticise other women's actions because it's "feminist" to make your own decisions. A lot of the time you feel the need to say "oh but it's their choice at the end of the day" so you don't get people jumping down your throat. But I completely agree, cosmetic surgery is not something we should have normalised and encourage as a society, it's incredibly damaging to young women (and I'm sure men as well), and the risks and costs are high.


Choice feminism - it's problematic.


It also pisses me off when people get these procedures and justify it by saying they were 'sooo self conscious' of their smile lines/crow's feet/whatever. Bitch, so am I but I don't have thousands of pounds to fix my insecurities


I don't think not having the money should stop anyone else doing it if they can. Surely the better way is to learn to care less about aging?


Everyone should care about aging. Just that the care should be focused on aging healthily. Can have all the filler you want but but poor mobility and mental health going to make those fillers sour no matter what.


Feminism is good. It shows a number of women that there is something else than enduring submission by men in various aspects of life.


People making choices for themselves are problematic?


Women making choices out of internalised misogyny which are detrimental to the overall goal of feminism is problematic. Choices are not made in a vacuum.


I see what you've tried to disingenously do there!


In my travels across reddit, I came across a link to a sub, can't remember the name but something like r/hyaluronidase or similar about people who'd used the touted filler dissolver that ended up dissolving connective tissue in their face (or wherever it was applied) causing sagging and appearance of rapid ageing. I've never had any cosmetic procedures, but am aware of hyaluronidase being touted as the magic cure for filler issues. I'd never seen anything anywhere about the potential side effects, which seem to be fairly severe. So if someone gets filler, it's either going to be in their body forever (and potentially migrate) or an attempt at correction could cause issues that are even worse. But no one really seems to be talking about that. Dissolving filler always seems to be presented as the end of the story. Filler's dissolved = everything's fine now. It gives the impression that filler isn't a big deal and can be reversed at any point.


The photos I've seen of the people who have had that reaction are a horror show. These people are already insecure about their looks and aging in general, and the reversal for the procedure just ages them 20+ years overnight while making their skin look like it's melting and fucking with their connective tissues and giving them joint pain and a ton of other problems. I feel like fillers will eventually be banned when it becomes common knowledge just how much they never really dissolve, only migrate around the body's tissues.


Word , I think it looks demented


Ultimately a lot of these younger women who have had tens of procedures probably have severe cases of body dysmorphia. A good plastic surgeon will refuse to operate if they suspect that is the case, but less well-regarded ones (and ones in Turkey) won’t. And thus, not only are these women ruining their faces, but it’s exacerbated by the fact that the surgeons are sub-par. Fillers and Botox is a whole other story - they don’t even have to be put in by a medical professional… If someone has had good surgery, you shouldn’t be able to tell.


This is the sad part and the reason shows like this should not be on the air I'm way too old to be interested in young women, and thankfully I've never been a predator or ever had the urge to use women When I see young women with these "mods" its instantly clear that they have huge self image issues deep down, that means if I was "one of those guys" I could easily drop the right words in their ears and bingo, she's all mine to control and abuse Encouraging cartoon lips and such via mainstream TV, is just abusing these women and those that follow in their footsteps thinking this is "normal" I'd ban LI today if I could, or any other show that puts women up front that are clearly making really poor choices through lack of self worth and low intelligence


They do the show, but bar people who've had work done.


A lot of this work isn't plastic surgery, it's just some unlicensed beautician injecting hyaluronic acid (best case) into the face of anyone who asks for it.


People have to say 'more power to them' because they're absolutely terrified of an online lynch mob attacking them for having a very fair opinion


Fuck those people, say what you want


The message is also that having normal, natural sized lips and cheekbones is not okay. It's not just aging, it's basically everything about someone's face.


... and exaggerated 'plastic surgery thingy' came over from the US and swamps the UK and Europe.


It’s madness. The number of mums at the school gates who have this stuff is insane. Good looking women who suddenly have lips like a rubber dinghy.


I like crows feet. I call them laugh lines


> Everyone who gets cosmetic procedures is contributing to this problem and this messaging. The irony here is that apparently we must think it looks good. For me, trout lips, Ming the Merciless eyebrows and Widow Twanky makeup just looks ridiculous and unappealing.


Another comment noted that actually this rise is largely due to falls during covid than rises. (approx) by year it was 28k, 29k, covid 15k, 32k So still a rise, but not ridiculous


I had a female colleague. She was just 18, and already went for lipfillers and was planning to do botox as well. In 20 years shell look like a sack of potatoes


just wait till its normalised for men, already seeing jawline and cheek injections and this is for straight men too...


Yep, much the same way that steroid use amongst young men has skyrocketed due to concerns over their body image and being bombarded in the media (Marvel films, social media, etc) by images of very muscular men.


Exactly exactly exactly. So well said


Thank you! First it's an option, then it's widely accessible, then it's normal, then it's obligatory. Is this the message we want to send to girls? You are an infinitely improvable object, never good enough as you are?


Yeh, I don’t get that part. ‘More power to you’ doesn’t mean what OP thinks it means. They probably think it means ‘personal choice I disagree with’.


Love Island UK is not an accurate depiction of anything in the UK. They pick the most image conscious, attention starved people with an already established social media following. Source: Friend is a producer for Love Island UK, and in charge of finding the “weirdos”. Her words.


They do the same thing for The Apprentice and Dragons Den. A friend of mine was approached because he invented some new audiology related device. He just told them he's already making a shit ton of money why would he want a partnership and make less money.


I don't watch much Dragon's Den but I do feel a good chunk of people go on the show, just do it to advertise their product/company to viewers. Not even bothered about getting the investment. That way they can slap 'As seen on Dragon's Den' when marketing.


Bizarrely two of my friends have been on it separately, both viewed it as a slim chance of investment meaning they could grow the business to the point of being sellable and effectively retire off the royalties. But a large chance that it would just be a good chance to advertise


Plus apparently they sabotage the contestants - i.e. Change the design and complain about the changes, restrict the colours they're allowed to use and cut all mention of the restrictions so the audience thinks they just chose ugly colours.


You can really see this on Love Island too There are always some contestants who get the "Ghost Edit" - where you'll barely see them. Like sure, there might be others who are currently involved in more drama and there will therefore be episodes covering that drama, but even on the "quiet" days there are people who barely get a single shot of them Things like the timing of recoupling and eviction events might make sense in terms of "this will create drama and entertainment", but are also used by the producers to remove contestants they don't want. For example I'm sure there are cases where they decide beforehand "If X, Y, or Z person is the un-chosen islander in the recoupling, send the text that they've been booted from the island, but if person A is the one left over then leave them in because that'll create loads of drama"


I had no idea this was a thing


Lol yup thats why they always end up with ridiculous logos and names as they get tight timelines and heavily restricted in what they can actually do that it ends up being the worst idea that they have to go with.


Yeah, Dragons Den always seems to absolutely rinse the people that are on for whatever they’re worth. The deals all seem horribly stacked in the dragons’ favour, and they make it out as if they’re doing a charitable thing by investing


All arseholes they don’t want anything unless its pretty much a 100% finished product where they just jump in to give the company media attention and in return they want half the company 🤣


[Relevant Mitchell and Webb.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ss-59fi4nM&list=FLyECGJZyr4Q_70t0vzCjvDA)


My wife watches it and my mate told me to watch it for the memes and I have tried but they all have absolutely nothing interesting to say, or if they do it's edited out but I suspect it's the former. Every conversation is like this, "you alright?" "yeah" "so where's your head at" "still open to getting to know people i'm in a couple with dave" yawn.


Lol such a great synopsis!😂


Basically if you take big brother and remove the 'being stuck together' element, and fill the cast with fake dumb beautiful people, they just sit around and mumble pointless shit at each other until they get bored and start shagging


I watched a fair bit of it one year when I was doing an agricultural placement and would get home in the evenings too physically drained to think. It was vaguely interesting from an anthropological perspective. But yeah, for a reality show format centred on the contestants having "conversations" with each other, they aren't half *shit* conversationalists.


WhATs yOuR FaVouRiTE cOlOUr?


> Love Island UK is not an accurate depiction of anything in the UK. It is undeniably an accurate depiction of what a lot of the UK likes to watch on TV.


Very clever!


Same for all TV. Characters are what sell shows and what creates interest.


It’s seen as super chavvy, common amongst a certain demographic - social media pushes these looks.   However, I agree with you, people should be free to express themselves as they like. *31,057 cosmetic procedures took place in 2022, up 102% from the previous year.* - BAAPs (lol)


>31,057 cosmetic procedures took place in 2022, up 102% from the previous year For context, the figures for 2019 were 29,000 and the figures for 2023 are 25,972. 2022 was particularly high due to the bounce back following the height of covid in 2020-21. The figures were only 15,405 during that period.


I was just about to mention that comparing the amount of surgeries in 2022 to 2021 isn't going to yield truly accurate results due to covid. Many medical-based practices were only **allowed** to stay open for essential/emergency care. And I don't think rhinoplasty's and boob jobs generally qualified as either of those things.


Seen ages of a few of the girls on love island who have had work done and they are all 22-26 and they all genuinely look like they’re pushing 40. These cosmetic procedures (Botox, lip fillers etc) were popularised by older women, probably in Hollywood/LA when they were ageing to cling onto their youthful looks. So now when people <35 get this stuff done it ages them horrifically and adds about 10 years to them.


There's no way those stats are including botox/fillers. I think procedures is operations only, not injections.


you can get qualified to do injections in a 2 week course, theres no way all those people are reporting every injection they do.


Even the ones being reported would be WAY more than 30k pa. Injectables are super common.


Yes BAAPS are surgeons, they'll be talking about major/invasive procedures done under anaesthetic - not injections that you don't even need to be in Plastics to do 🤷🏼‍♀️


Crazy how much it ages them.


yeah my friends wife has had quite a few procedures now. shes 35 and although it looked decent at first to give herself fuller lips, the upkeep and then eventual need to fiddle with the rest of her face has now made her look like an aged italian woman


It's not actually that common considering that's procedures not individuals having procedures


Not sure if this is accounted for here but a lot of cosmetic surgery is done to correct actual problems. My sister had a deviated septum and needed surgery for it which was seen as a cosmetic procedure even though it was to fix a medical problem that meant she was having recurrent sinus infections. I have a squint and my eye wanders. I had surgery to save my eye sight when I was 5. It corrected the squint in a lot of ways but not completely. Unfortunately I am functionally blind in that eye unless my other eye is covered and even then despite the vision in my bad eye being quite good I don’t see well with it as my brain doesn’t process what it sees properly. Because my brain doesn’t process the images any further surgery would not help my eye sight so it is counted as a cosmetic procedure to fix. It’s a bit annoying as I’ve had people start on me when I was younger in nightclubs for “staring at them” when my eye has just been there doing it’s own thing and not processing a damn thing it’s been staring at.


The reason we (healthcare workers) always send certain things to plastics is because appearance *is* so important. Not in the sense of being stunningly beautiful, just the life impact of being *normal-looking* and fitting in. Face injuries always go to plastics because having major scarring or deformities has such a profound psychological impact on someone's life that it's seen as ethically necessary to send them to the most specialist area for treatment. The other one plastics always get is hands, because of the amount of movement and stretching required for them to function correctly. Scar tissue cannot stretch - this won't matter if it's a cut on your shin, but might seriously restrict your ability to use your hands. I wouldn't see either of your personal examples as just cosmetic if they are treating an actual problem. Celebrities have given the 'deviated septum' excuse for nose jobs for decades, and you sister's procedure may also have altered her appearance, but that wasn't the sole (or even primary) reason she had it done. Your desire to have an eye that merely *fits in* with expected norms and prevents people harassing you isn't remotely unreasonable, and not at all comparable to the examples seen on many LI contestants. My FIL lost his sight in one eye from an accident (severed optic nerve) and was left with a permanently cross eyed appearance, which I know impacted him mentally although he could function fine with one working eye. TBH it sounds like you aren't hugely bothered about your sight loss, but don't let anyone tell you that means that it's vain/unnecessary to want to change it. I have Botox in my jaw, which is technically cosmetic especially as I got it done at a clinic - but I actually grind my teeth and clench my jaw really badly, which has resulted in many four figure dental bills and years of headaches. These injections stop me doing both of these things, but do also slim my jaw. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the cosmetic effect of the latter, but I'd get it done even if my appearance wasn't affected. Note - hospital lingo always uses 'plastics' for the specialty, and cosmetic surgery is a subset of this group. Most 'plastic surgery' is not done solely for cosmetic reasons.


I actually have a facial scar as well and a gonky eye, super lucky right!! I am jesting a little. I’m quite lucky that I got my scar when I was 8 so it’s faded a lot over the years and had the happy result of a mini facelift on one side of my face as the stitches pulled the skin tighter than my other side. I am lopsided though. I am 40 now though and realised my scar is becoming more prominent again now that wrinkles are setting in on that side of my face. So my scar is wrinkling. I actually have another facial issue which is causing me a lot of distress at the moment. I have severe rosacea and I am having to fight tooth and nail to even get a dermatologist referral despite none of the treatments my doctor has given me working. I completely feel like my looks have been ruined in the last year and a half by what’s happening to my face and I completely understand why people do have procedures. For me with my eye, well I wish it worked but nothing is ever going to make it work and I’ve lived with it my whole life so I guess I’m used to it. For me the cosmetic aspect of looking like I’m eyeballing people is more of a problem than not being able to see. But I have noticed that at times when my “good eye” gets really tired my brain has a go at trying to use my left eye but it actually makes things far worse as it’s a bit like having double vision which leads to me having really upset stomach and feeling like I am about to pass out it’s a really odd feeling that I’m not even really describing properly but this is about as close as I can explain what it’s like. My left eye will also automatically close itself in bright lights so I guess people wonder why I have one eye closed a lot. If I close my right eye my left eye also wants to close and only way I can really keep it open is by holding down my right eyelid but good god the vision I see with that eye is just odd even though in terms of a prescription my left wonky eye has better vision. I just can’t actually use it. It’s just a whole really odd situation. If I could have my vision fixed that would be amazing but I’ve been told that will never happen they can only fix what I look like. And because it’s deemed cosmetic I have to pay privately which is thousands I don’t have.


If you haven't tried it, I really recommend SVR Sensifine AR Cream (non SPF) for rosacea. It has a patented ingredient called Endotheylol that you can literally feel cooling your face after you put it on. I have Rosacea and when it flares up this is my favourite for instant relief. It's not cheap (try places like Notino that will ship internationally) but worth it IMO.


Thank you for the recommendation, sounds great. The burning is so painful when it’s in full swing. Will have a look for it


I think OP is referring more to 'tweakments' like fillers, brow lifts, lash lifts, which are done for aesthetic reasons only rather than to correct a medical problem


I know op is. the comment I am replying to mentioned the figures for plastic surgery. My point is that not all plastic surgery, in-fact an awful lot of plastic surgery is actually to correct medical issues. Like me or my sister or burn victims or hare lips etc. a lot of the rise in figures is stuff not getting done during Covid. A lot of things considered plastic surgery are life altering for people but they aren’t necessarily life saving so it counts as a cosmetic procedure rather than a medical one even if it is for s medical issue. I hope I am making sense. Personally I don’t see any issue with people choosing to have plastic surgery. I am just trying to highlight the fact that not everyone in the statistic who has a “plastic” procedure is having it out of pure vanity. I also as a 40 year old woman with gravity stating to impact my face and body completely understand vanity procedures. I do think there are young women destroying their beautiful faces which is sad that they feel they have to to succeed


Would you say someone who wanted to carve "FUCK" into their forehead was expressing themselves? Or perhaps someone who felt like they didn't need their left hand, and wanted to get rid of it? That isn't self expression, it's self mutilation, and a sign of a serious mental health issue. Personally I dont see much difference between the above or wanting to inject chemicals into ones face or arse, or have bone structure permanently altered. I think a hell of alot of people "expressing themselves" with plastic surgery/self mutilation should perhaps go to therapy first to assess why they feel the need to alter their natural physical appearance so unnaturally. Especially those doing so at such a young age.


When you consider that they have very little idea of what the outcome is going to look like, it's hard to get behind the idea that it's an expression of art or fashion.


That's an interest part of it rarely considered. Which adds further weight to the argument against plastic surgery. It's a bloody gamble. You're not only trusting your own body to deal with the process, but you're denying the undeniable fact that you WILL age, and change. And it's not as if we're at the stage where a computer generated image can accurately predict what said surgery will do to your beautiful face.


I doubt those figures include all the beauticians who will inject your face with filler if you're willing to pay them.


That frozen/puffy/shocked face look makes people look ugly to me. It's not their "real" face. It also shows their insecurities very obviously. "Trying too hard", lacking confidence, it all makes a person look less attractive. Good plastic surgery in moderation which looks natural is totally fine. But so many people go overboard and don't know when to stop. It's become a status symbol too I think. Quite like tanning will show you're rich enough to travel and have leisure time. Or the opposite - wanting to look pale so it doesn't look like you're a farm worker etc. Or being large to show you can afford food/are not sick in some countries.


I’ll never understand why young women think it’s attractive to inflate their lips to the point where they look like their gonna explode.


From a woman that I shared a flat with, she told me that it appeals to a specific demographic of man and telegraphs "d*** sucking lips" Never have i seen inflated lips and wanted to kiss them. I think you can achieve enough of an effect with just lipstick alone. However, I did visit Slovakia a couple of years ago, and I was beside myself with how the women there had every facial feature naturally that women in the UK needed to get surgery for. But when it's occuring naturally it doesn't look stupid.


Isn’t Slovakia a popular place for plastic surgery tourism? Are you sure those features were natural, or are you assuming so and thus judging their appearances differently?


It’s like when internet people go on about South Korean women being naturally beautiful (which many are of course), but it’s also a global hub for plastic surgery especially jaw shaving/thinning and feminising the face even for cis women. It’s not uncommon for women and men to have plastic surgery procedures done as soon as they’re old enough. It’s not just the K pop groups.


Iirc isn’t it like a third of women in South Korea between 20-29 have had plastic surgery? They have the highest rates of plastic surgery procedures by population.


When I was teaching English in Korea I had so many secondary school students with plastic surgery, some as young as 12.


Also, the kind of surgeon that can make it look natural (the kind the Kardashians etc have) are waaaaaaay outside most people's price range.


In what world do the Kardashians look natural?


They get attention for it so think people are looking for good reasons 😟


>Good plastic surgery in moderation which looks natural is totally fine. Sandra Bullock was pulling this off for quite a while. (Not so much now.)


The problem is we as a society have made young women feel so insecure in their own skin, they're willing to pay large amounts of money to have painful, sometimes dangerous surgeries and procedures. We have to stop encouraging the narrative of it's fine if it's 'natural' or men are attracted to it and make women feel confident in the individual bodies they were born with.


It's a symptom of a bigger problem. Address why women feel the need to fuck their faces up and much fewer will do so.


>Address why women feel the need to fuck their faces up and much fewer will do so. Because TV (love island) only has these girls who have plastic surgery on It's a self fulfilling prophecy


Tbf, those who have natural beauty are probably not vain/narcissistic/desperate for attention enough to be willing to go on a show like love island. Hence why a vast majority of the girls on there are dumb, social media trend chasers, using daddies credit card to pay for all kinds of plastic surgery to try and grab their 15 minutes of fame.


i finally read The Beauty Myth a couple of years ago, and it is truly sad how that book was written in 1989 and still reads as extremely topical.


It’s not normal. But shows like love island and Instagram are making more and more people think it is.


It has become more common, but it isn't normal at all. I am in my forties and I hardly know anyone who has had "work" that is obvious. Not saying no one has had more subtle stuff done, but the Love Island style really-obvious fake tits, massive botoxed lips, etc. is a very particular look and you don't see it that often.


I'm 30 and work in a large office building, I'd say a sizeable minority of women around my age get fillers of some kind, have "preventative" botox, tanning, etc.


True, though I feel like there's a bit gap between the odd bit of Botox and the Love Island look.


I recently turned 40, and am considering a little ‘baby Botox’ - my skin is pretty sun-damaged from years of working outside and although I don’t look old for my age, I’d like to look a bit fresher for 40. I was really against any sort of procedure for fear of looking like one of the love island girls, but my SIL had it done by a well-established guy and she looks great without it being obvious. I wonder how many people we know who have stuff like this done and we just don’t notice it? Agree though, I know very few that have had work done to the ‘love island’ extent, and what people don’t realise is when you see them IRL, they look odd. It’s a bit like the Insta-makeup look - looks amazing on camera but really out of place in the real world.


Yes, I am not against cosmetic surgery on principle, but if I ever had anything done I would want it to look as "real" as possible. The difference with the Love Island aesthetic is that it isn't even meant to look real, and so (as you say) when you see these people in real life there is something almost uncanny about it.


Uncanny is a great word to describe it.


I think it's mad, I'm in my 30s and I see these women and assume they're older than me because they've had all this work on their face, and then I find out they're like 23 lol


I used to work in an office full of women. I was mid 20s and about 80% of the other women were early/late 20s. However, there was one woman who was in her 40s and would always party with people in their 20s & had a lot of work done, and funnily enough, also watched love island.


I know that both my daughters’ (17 and 20) social media feeds are chock full of these surgically altered morons and it has a real impact on how they feel about their own bodies. It would be infinitely better if OFCOM could tell broadcasters not to feature contestants who have obviously had these sorts of procedures and, in the case of the blokes, those who clearly are steroids and SARMs.


>I know that both my daughters’ (17 and 20) social media feeds are chock full of these surgically altered morons and it has a real impact on how they feel about their own bodies. The real elephant in the room that everyone with the "but... but... but... cosmetic surgery for medical problems!" is deflecting from here.


100% agree. My sister is 18 and she sees this as how she should look. I’m 27 and recently I’ve had the thoughts of ‘well I could just make a few tweaks here and there’ when I absolutely do not need to!


I think it's a certain trend perpetuated by social media - look at Katie Price and the lengths she went to when she was a perfectly attractive person before. The last few seasons of Love Island have gotten worse, especially for lip filler and botox wearing "club makeup" in the day. One of the boys on Love Island made a comment about having Botox to get rid of wrinkles already - he's 25. "Turkey teeth" have massively trended in the influencer scene over the last 5 years. It's a shame the producers don't focus more on natural contestants as they surely have enough applicants to pick and choose. A lot of people watching this show are in the teens and early 20s and at a very influencable age and may think this is normal or feel insecure about their own looks. I do think it's their body their choice, but then also if a platform is choosing people who are perpetuating a myth that women NEED these procedures to be viewed as acceptably attractive to the opposite sex, then they have some responsibility in it.


"Turkey teeth" long term is going to be a massive news story and medical problem I think. Can't be good loads of people in their 20s and 30s fucking up their natural teeth and having veneers put in. I expect in about a decade there will be load of stories of people having problems they want fixed on the NHS. There are already plenty of horror stories about the quality and hygiene of some of the clinics involved, too.


_Oh_ as in - cosmetic dentistry done in Turkey. I'm sitting here like, "turkeys don't even have teeth..."


I worry they're all gonna end up with full dentures and it'll be like the bad old days again. I remember so many who were old in the 90s had terrible denture problems because they got their whole mouthful of teeth ripped out in the fifties.


I used to live with a dentist and he this is likely to happen, the veneers degrade much faster than natural teeth and what left of the original teeth has less protection due to being filed down.


This isn't about teeth, but... I have seen women come into the NHS to have their botched Turkish vagina-tightening surgeries fixed because it made them incontinent.


I'm 25 and a pure fact is that a lot of these people do not take care of their skin at all. If you want to live the party lifestyle, smoke and drink and sniff, you probably might have some lines at 25. I definitely notice a difference between myself and friends who drink loads, smoke and tan. But I don't like how much it influences other people and especially young, impressionable girls.


A 20 year old that looks like a 40 year old trying to look like a 20 year old is how I view it


I don’t know why so many people are saying no, I’m not sure what areas they are from but I live in central Scotland, in between Edinburgh & Glasgow - I’m almost 30 and half the girls I went to high school with look like this. I see many “purge mask” girls walking around on the daily.


I've never heard it described like that before, but it's so accurate!


I'm in Liverpool and see a lot of fillers and Turkey teeth here.


I went to Liverpool for a wedding and was shocked at the amount of women with lips done. Also had a contractor from Birmingham probably like 21 who had turkey teeth which just looked awful gave him a massive white mouth and a lisp


I disagree with the "power to them" comment. I see cosmetic plastic surgery at a young age as a potential signifier of serious mental health problems regarding ones appearance and how others see them. And simply because the societal norms accept plastic boobs, swollen lips, and expressionless faces, that doesn't mean it's not essentially self mutilation. I would rephrase the "power to them" to "yes, you can do what you want to your own flesh, but are you sure therapy isn't the best first step to take before you fuck up your face and body permanently?"


They all look exactly the same


They do all look the same! Even in the celebrity world people seem to be erasing their unique features for this weird copy-paste look. You look at people like Megan Fox, Gwen Stefani, Christina Aguleria, Miles Cyrus, Madonna… they’ve all altered themselves so much they’re not really recognisable as themselves any more.


>, is this a common thing throughout the UK with girls? 1. no, 2. the boys are also having it. Think of it more as fashion. If you want to succeed in a certain social space - including certain bits of social media - this is how you need to look. We sort-of accepted it for clothing choices, body modification (extreme diets, extreme gym habits) & now it includes face and teeth, that's all.


I’m seeing loads of women in their early twenties that spend hundreds every month on Botox, fillers and other cosmetic procedures. It’s really sad, you see women who look nice to begin with becoming obsessed with the same thick lipped expressionless foreheads, caked in makeup look. They all look like Katie price clones.


It's more specific to people who want to be on TV or live that influencer lifestyle and look. Despite their TV time, they're a minority really. It's a lot of work and money creating and maintaining such a look


Its becoming more common but it's not the norm. I'd say that false nails, eye lash extensions, micro blading etc is a lot more common than a lot of the more extreme procedures you see on love island.


Social media is causing body dysmorphia which leads to people attempting to remedy problems that don’t exist. A lot of people spend 6-8+ hours on socials every day. It’s their entire world.


It’s not something I’ve noticed where I live in North London. But I was quite shocked when I visited Stansted airport recently. It seemed like every other person had undergone these procedures. I’m sure there are parts of the county where it is more noticeable than others. 


The vast majority of my female friend group has had something done. We are however London based and they’re the generation of social media, so to be expected really. Lips are common, tits are on the rise now we’re getting into the 30’s, two have had the nose and Botox is a particular favourite for one of them. I don’t dare tell them it doesn’t look good at all.


Yeah it's common. What's worse is they *want* to look like they've had work done because it's a status signifier among the lower/working class/'new money' middle class...


I saw a reel on IG the other day where they asked a plastic surgeon to guess the girls from the show’s ages and what work they’d had done. He was making guesses like 35, 38, 42 and I would have agreed with him. Most defo looked like they were typical rich housewives in their 40s. They then revealed that they were all mid 20s! I couldn’t believe it. I’m 33, have had no work done and now feel like I’m a beautiful young baby face 🤣🤣 (I may not be but don’t take that away from me!)


I think It's more the type of person that would want to be on love island to become famous is also the type of person who is obsessed with social media beauty standards


There's nothing wrong with plastic surgery, but when you are messing with your face at a young age, you just end up looking like an attractive 45 year old rather than a natural and normal 20-something. The further you go with it, the more you settle into the standard issue surgery face, which is basically Janice from The Muppets. Cosmetic procedures are great when they are necessary on some level, or when they are a tweak to enhance what's there. Doing things like this unnecessarily, however, is just silly. I don't watch Love Island, but some of the women I've seen in the previews look like they are closer to 50 than 30. I don't think that they are the norm by any stretch of the imagination. While I've certainly seen this look out in the wild and on Instagram, most of the young women that I know wouldn't do this to themselves, and there may just be a backlash coming going by the way I hear those young women talk about this sort of thing.


the industry has gone off the rails with companies like [this](https://www.instagram.com/lift.aesthetics?igsh=MWhxNzR4ZWx3Mnhkeg==) who advertise ‘liquid BBL’ achieved by injecting a litre of filler.


Imagine using Katie Price to advertise your plastic surgery when she's famously had extremely fucked up results.


It’s more normalised than it’s ever been which is a shame in my opinion. A lot of these people don’t even need it but they think they do due to filters and photoshop.


Love island is unrealistic and they deliberately put these people mainly based on looks. They have to look a certain way. There's a lack of body types too. I've seen photos of 2 of the girls from a couple of years ago and they were still beautiful before they had lips and fillers done. It's a shame as a society media makes people think they need these things to be pretty and socially acceptable. My friend works in aesthetics and she says there are more people in their early and mid 20s having their lips and cheeks done with fillers than there is in their 30s/40s/50s She absolutely hates it when younger people are asking for Botox for wrinkles in their foreheads and'laughter lines' because it's not who the procedures are made for.


I don’t think it’s an accurate description of how young women look. However, there are certain aesthetics that look a lot better in selfies than in real life (or video). The cameras we have on our phones make noses lol bigger, and lip filler often looks good in photos, but weird in real life. People are more likely to notice any imperfection and want to fix it, and more exaggerated features tend to look good in photos. With the rise of “influencers” there is a real financial benefit for certain young women making themselves look “perfect” and more exaggerated in photos. Those on love island will mostly have bought into that.


Fun Fact about Love Island behind the scenes 90% of the production are actually women.


Common on people selected for 'reality' TV yes (along with a certain 'good for TV' personality type) but not a common thing in the UK. The most common thing in the UK seems to be really badly done tattoos.


Friend of mine was a director on love island Netherlands. They do this because it's a display of wealth. They want to show they are able to pay for the " improvements" .


I have said this to a colleague recently. We have 40 year old women (the Kardashians) getting xyz done to look like 20 year olds. Then the 20 year olds seem to think this is a desired beauty standard and end up looking like the 40 year olds who are trying to look like the 20 year olds. I think any cosmetics changes, including Botox and fillers should require a legal age of 25. I've seen 18 year olds with lip fillers etc, and they haven't even grown into their head yet, it's crazy. Social media and unrealistic beauty standards definitely have a huge influence on people. I think it's a grey area between the desire for self improvement and a mental health issue. Don't get me wrong, I think people should do whatever they want with or to their bodies. The epidemic of Bee Sting Barbies is crazy. I think natural is way more appealing. Also, in about 50 years time, retirement homes are going to be like an old bo selecta episode


Anything going in TV is pure fiction, not reality.


I work with 24 year old, perfectly lovely girls who unironically tell me they’re getting Botox. It’s definitely a social media thing


I work a pretty normal job and all my female colleagues talk about having this done or that done, fake tits, lips, Botox, filler, whatever I find it pretty strange but I’m a dude, I really hate the way these procedures make people look like clones. And after a short amount of time they need to be redone or you’ll look much older than you did before Do what you like to your body but I think it does the opposite of what it’s intended to do


I'm a Brit living in Amsterdam, we often play Spot the British Tourist. It's a bit easy though: inflated lips like they've been stung by a swarm of bees, more fake tan than a bodybuilder and more make-up than Ru Paul wears. I do blame reality tv.


Are young men being socialized into finding it attractive (it's not) and therefore young women are doing it more, resulting in a vicious cycle? what's the young man equivalenet? Excessive gym, steroids and extreme dieting?


The young male equivalent is exactly that, guy jacked up on steroids saying its all diet and a strict gym routine


There’s presumably quite a large overlap between the group of people who want cosmetic plastic surgery and the group who would be willing to go on love island. Personally I’m not aware of anyone I know having had work done.


It’s messed up I blame social media brain washing them, so many women don’t need it and ruin their bodies, such a shame


Michael Jackson was ahead of his time, women in their 20s are starting to look like him a few years before he died....


The ridiculous duck lips used to be more common, but is getting less common. I think this is because people used to go to someone's house (as anyone is allowed to do it), but the risks of that got better known. I don't personally know anyone who looks like that, but myself and my friends have all had botox, you just can't tell because we've not gone overboard with it. A few people I know have had filler but only some can you tell.


Fashion always comes full loop. One day, looking normal / natural will, once again, be in fashion. I confidently predict there will be a lot of orange skinned, trout lipped, turkey teethed, heavily tattooed women (and some men probably) who will regret their past choices, but only because they are now unfashionable (and by that point, middle aged or older).


I was surprised to see so much cosmetic work on shows like this because as a data analyst who has worked for cosmetic surgery companies previously I can tell you that these kind of procedures are falling, particularly boob jobs. I think they don’t represent normal girls in the UK. They have spent time and money preparing for their career as an influencer. That involves having these treatments in the same way that someone who wants to be a doctor might spend time volunteering at a hospital or buying textbooks. Wondering why all the girls on love island look like that is a bit like wondering why everyone at this medical conference is wearing a white coat. Post pandemic (when I last saw stats) people were going for a more natural look so I am surprised that it’s not translated into influencer land


More power to them? lol they’re all a joke and insecure


They all look like they were made in the same factory.. huge fake lashes? Check.. humongous fake lips? Check… huge drawn on fake eyebrows? Check… and all the same matt beige faces… I often wonder what they look like underneath… I mean each to their own and all but is it ur own if it’s u and everyone else too? I’m old - probably just don’t get it


I find it weird how we’re supposed to clap people for having plastic surgery? Why all power to them? I mean sure they can do what they want to themselves but its not like they’re brilliant for doing it. In fact i’d argue its shitty to have drastic plastic surgery (for cosmetic reasons) if your planning on having kids down the line (which many of them say they are). What about all those features you changed that your kid is likely to inherit and realise they look nothing like you because you didnt like those features. I feel like its setting any future kids they have up for a range of mental issues surrounding their bodies and realising that they have inherited a feature that mommy or daddy hated so much they cut off on themselves.


I think it's a reflection of how many people are taking coke when you see girls with dodgy filler, boys/girls with awful plastic veneers, boys in their 20s with hair plugs, boys going insane at the gym to get big arms and all of them with crap tattoos and OTT fake tans. Not like back in't day when everyone was taking MDMA and just sweaty, skinny in trackies.


I think it’s common for a certain demographic in the UK, and that demographic is also the type to go on love island lol. It’s certainly not the norm for the majority of people.


Bro Tony hawk got Botox and it’s really obvious. Every single tv presenter on the news will have gotten it. Hell that Cornish chef has probably got it. These people on love island just can’t afford better surgeons


Common place among delusional idiots that think they’re special.


Specific people maybe desperate for the career as influencer or just paid to do nothing , it’s the uniform if they don’t look like the other sheep how will they fit the part,. Your correct way to young to do it as they don’t need it and look Daft or like they should be in a circus with those lips , shame they feel the need and go along with the reality tv crowd and feel the influence of media, peers , or does it just point to mental health issues it’s all well weird . Just my thoughts


They all got that overproduced Wag look. Dont seem to have any personality in this look other than Manchester wag wannabe.