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Yes. Had a HTC Wildfire. Loved that thing.


It’s weird holding one today and realising how absolutely tiny they were


Smartphones in general, I remember when "Phablets" were a thing, a mate of mine had one and needed to use to hands to use it. They started to shrink again


Yeah funny to look back, the Samsung Note series were classed as phablets and viewed as comically large and joked about for being too big, they had a 5.3'' screen. That's just average or possibly even below average now, so much so that there's no point in Samsung doing the Note series anymore.


5.3" is way below average now. Most of the screen sizes are between 6.3 and 6.7". You can't even find a smallish (around 6") budget phone they all have massive screens.


I used to get the Notes, primarily because the S Pen (aka a stylus) made document editing and signing things easy. Then they just added the pen to the S_xx_ Ultra model and it was not really any different.


The have one in the window of my local pawn shop for £15. In almost tempted to buy it just for old times sake.


I remember someone describing the size trend as "Phones got smaller to fit in our pockets better until we realised they could be used for porn"


Same, I think this was kind of a budget entry level smartphone, probably aimed at people like me who weren't yet convinced about them.


I hated it 😂 had it for six months and sold it and went back to my Samsung tocco


Same! 2009/2010. Had to use airplane mode for Angry Birds to run smoothly 😂 And it had that Android bug which would randomly silently mis-route your SMS messages 😅


I remember that phone. It was very laggy if i recall. I ran mine over with a forklift


I crushed my iPhone 4S with a scissor lift a full year before the contract expired if that’s any consolation. Good times




In my ninth decade, it was some 20 or so years ago that we got a 'dumb mobile phone'. Still works and does what we want. We also have 'smartphone' but ONLY because our gas utility supplier has removed ability to control our boiler form a laptop to only a smartphone app. So rarely used as a smartphone. Note we only use texts for communication as one of us is deaf.


I'm in disbelief that there is an 80+ year old redditor here.


Started using computers at end of first degree in 1958. \[Edit BIG Room sized computers programmed in machine code.\]


Where was that, if you don't mind me asking? If it was at university then I'm guessing it could have been Manchester or Cambridge? My Dad had a summer job doing data entry into the LEO computer at Lyons in Hammersmith. That would have been about the same time, mid to late 1950s.


Heriot Watt, whose staff maths prof founded the UK computer institute or association.


What computer was it?


De Ferranti , local Edinburgh firm. [https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ftsa&q=ferranti+computer+systems&atb=v362-1&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gracesguide.co.uk%2Fimages%2Fc%2Fc5%2FIm1955v200-p640cb.jpg](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ftsa&q=ferranti+computer+systems&atb=v362-1&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gracesguide.co.uk%2Fimages%2Fc%2Fc5%2FIm1955v200-p640cb.jpg)


That's really, really awesome. If you don't mind me asking, what would you say your favourite era of computing is?


What's your favourite programming language? I'm massively assuming you stayed in the profession after your degree. My apologies if this isn't the case.


There are hordes of us, needed to counterbalance the dysfunctional teenagers, locked in their bedrooms with a bong.




I'd bet they aren't even the oldest user


It's interesting that you still use a basic brick on a daily basis.


I own both: the brick is strictly better at the job of being a phone.


Won't save you now, but you can run an android emulator on a laptop and install pretty much any app you want.


Not using MS Windows or an Android system. On Linux, openSUSE LEAP over the past many years, before that on openSuSE.


Looks like it's doable on LEAP, if potentially a bit fiddly.


I think Microsoft have pulled that feature. I dunno if you can with third party apps though.


Yeah there's plenty of third party Android emulators.


Or pick up a cheapish Chromebook, they run lots of android apps and you have a physical keyboard and a big screen.


My Mum is in her 8th decade, and I think she would understand maybe 4 words of what you just said.


That's genuinely amazing. You should do a q and a on one of the subreddits I'm sure people would love to hear what you have to say.


That could not be done due to UK legislation and jobs I was in under security situation. Do it! Say Nowt! was conditions.


A bit like my grandfather, who was in the army. Nonetheless, take care and stay safe.


Thank you for those kind words.


I'm 34, my first smartphone was a HTC Desire in 2009.


I’m exactly the same age and same phone same year. I loved the HTC phones before moving on to the Sony Xperia, Xperia play was easily my favourite phone ever.


35 and my first phone was the Desire HD in 2010. Miss that damn phone, it was so sturdy and built like a tank. Also had the best weather and clock display on a smartphone to this day.


Absolutely exactly the same on all points


Same here. Loved that phone. The then latest iPhone was the 3GS and the HTC wiped the floor with it in every spec. Bigger display, higher resolution, better camera, more RAM, more (and expandable) storage and so on. The iPhone didn't even have a flash for the camera. Then had several newer HTCs, always ahead of the iPhone. I was making contactless payments in shops before the iPhone got NFC. Now the tech has plateaued and I have a cheap smartphone, a Realme 7 5G that cost £170 brand new on Amazon and is a fantastic phone. The only top feature it lacks is cordless charging.


Man that's absolutely crazy because every search engine says HTC desire didn't release till 2010? Guess you must be special :D 


HTC desire wasn't released until Feb 2010.


HTC Desire wasn't released until 2010 btw


Yes. It was the day the second iPhone was released. The first one didn’t have 3G so was ridiculously slow, if not unusable, when not on WiFi. It also didn’t initially didn’t have an App Store - just the ability to use the built in apps and web apps. So when the iPhone 3G was released, I leapt on it. 11th July 2008, with the App Store becoming publicly available the previous day.


Exactly this. the 3G was my (and the) first real smartphone, the first one was just a fancy paperweight.


Yep HTC Hero, it had a little chin and a track ball / nipple. It was not a bad phone for the first few months but that thing was not powerful enough to handle a system full of photos and messages. It go so bloody slow.


That was a great looking phone.


I'm this old when it comes to smartphones! https://preview.redd.it/n907w2v9ic7d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b041e97ce9941823a93f87210aa05c6422d39381


I consider the N95 the first smartphone. It had apps way before they were called apps.


Yeah, the N95 is probably my first smartphone. I had PDAs and very capable Psion devices before, but none with built in phone functions. Technically my Motorola V635 could run Java apps, but it wasn't the same. The N95 also brought in a decent (for its time) camera, and even GPS, even if it took ages to lock on. Afterwards, I had a couple of Windows Mobile phones (before Windows Phone) including the HTC Touch Pro with its slide-out keyboard, before moving to Android with the Galaxy S.


The camera on the N95 was great, "Zeiss" written around the outside of the lens, and a sliding lens cover to protect it. I really liked my N95, it was replaced by an N98,then a Palm Pre, an iPhone 4, then a Samsung Galaxy S4. Definitely been through the operating systems!


Yeah, the n95 was my first smartphone too and I raved over the camera. A few years earlier I'd saved all summer for a fancy digital camera and was amazed I could take higher resolution pictures on my phone!


Nokia 3650 was one of the first to run the Symbian OS, random keypad but I loved it. My mate and I were 17ish and thought we were cool with our pointless Bluetooth messenger app and the ability to have 2 MP3’s on there! 😂


Honestly I'm super jealous of you. Definitely old enough to have owned one, but never had the money to afford it at the time! Had to make do with my 3510i and side loading JAR files to get some semblance of smart phone features!


Depends on what you class as a smart phone. I had the N95 when I was like 15. Then moved up to a iPhone 3G.


I loved the n95, and the snake game on it.


I had a Nokia N97, fantastic design, but software and function didn't meet the hype. Got an original Samsung Galaxy shortly after


Also checking in, I had a couple of phones that were in Nokia's N series.  I think they were ahead of their time, but once Apple and Samsung (or Android manufacturers) got going, they couldn't keep up and were left well behind.


The N97 could have been fantastic. But it was shite, it's what killed Nokia for me. After having a lot of their phones. Got an iPhone 4 and have had iPhone since.


I had an iPhone 3, but I’d been using PDAs (Palm Pilot and then Windows Mobile devices)from about 1999 onwards. Currently on an iPhone XR which is 5 years old and the longest I’ve kept a phone, usually upgrade every 2 years. Battery life is suffering and my teenage daughter now has an iPhone 13 so I need to upgrade and reassert tech superiority, but I’m holding out until we go to the Channel Islands later this year so I can get it VAT free.


My first smartphone was the original iPhone in 2007, I was 18. Before that I had a Motorola razr haha!


The Razr was the coolest phone back in the day!


Have you seen the re-release Android version?  I have been tempted to get it, just because of the nostalgia and because it's different from the usual models you get.


My Razr had a k-Swiss sticker on it, I was so cool!


I got a Samsung Galaxy Ace in 2012, it was a crap. I remember two of my friends had the same one and we used to compare what bugs and issues we had each week.


My first smartphone was a Nokia Windows phone, maybe in 2014? Had a second windows phone till I got my current iPhone in early 2019. I feel like I’m one of the very few people who genuinely loved the Windows phone OS, shame the apps were so poor for it!


Not the only one. I loved the live tiles and how colourful the home screen was. However, like you said, the apps weren't great and there weren't many available compared to the Android and Apple app stores.


I love Windows phones too, would still buy them if they had apps for them


I absolutely loved my Lumia 900, sometimes I feel like finding one second hand and using it as my main phone again.


If you count the Nokia Communicator 9110, which had email and browser functionality, 1999.


My old Nokia 7110 had a browser I remember going on eBay with it! Plus it had a roller wheel and a spring loaded slide for calls like in the Matrix!


I probably only got a smartphone in about 2013/2014 as well. A Motorola G.


i worked for T-Mobile for years so had various so called smart phones before the iphone which were not great apart from the Nokia n95 ! the Mrs got me a ipod touch and then i presided to get a iphone it changed everything


2012. It was a second-hand iPhone 3GS.


49, I remember buying my first one around 2003 - was a Microsoft smartphone device made by HTC, sold by Orange. Then I got a Motorola MPX200 flip smartphone a year after. I remember having a few more HTC devices, including one with a pull out keyboard, but had a nokia N70 around 2007 going by exif data.


HTC Dream in 2009. It had a cool ball thing that worked like a mouse and the screen slid to reveal a keyboard. It was amazing at the time and cost a fortune, fortunately it was provided as part of my job.


It's that the one with the kicked out end like the tail of a skateboard? There were a few really early Androids that had the ball, my 'deck one included. 


Yes it had the angled end on it, which always looked a bit weird in the pocket of my jeans.


Must have got my first mobile around 2001, just for arranging pickups etc. Then I got one that had news and sports results! A very basic browser sort of thing. First proper smart phone around 2004 I think.


If you can call it as such an LG Cookie circa 2009. Then a Motorola Milestone with the sliding keyboard. Positively archaic compared to today's offerings.


I had the Cookie as well, and could not understand the fuss about smartphones whatsoever. Probably because what I had wasn't reeeaallly a smartphone lol. I upgraded to a Dell Streak and that thing was an absolute revelation in comparison - though I'm sure if someone handed me one today I wouldn't be half so impressed!


I remember moving from blackberry to an iPhone 3 and being absolutely mind blown at how modern it seemed 🤣


25 and yes I remember, smart phones haven't been around for that long.


I think I didn't have a smartphone until I was around 15, and that was a basic LG. I'm nearly 31. I didn't get a more modern smartphone until 2016, when I got a cheap Motorola and relied more on an iPod.


Depends what we count as a smart phone.. I had a Nokia E71 in 2009, it had a web browser, apps, a full keyboard (blackberry clone!), camera ect. My next one was a HTC Desire HD in 2011-ish.. far more like a modern smartphone.


Early 2009. I still preferred to use my laptop though as the websites didn’t fit properly onto the screen and it was fiddly to navigate.


Yes, got one when on bedrest when pregnant with baby 2, as balancing a laptop on my hand as I'd done with baby 1 wasn't possible. Made those long nights of breastfeeding much better. 2011.


Got the original iPhone the day it launched. Moved from a Motorola SLVR so was a big change. A lot of things like apps weren't there on day one if i remember right, but even with the limited functionality it was a huge change Then apps came out and well you know the rest


Pretty late, 2014, might even have been 2015. I had an iPod touch for a while before that, so I could do some app / wi-fi stuff.


Yep. Some weird LG thing, then iPhone 4c. Had apple products ever since


Dunno if this counts but, for me, the Sharp GX10 was my first “smart” phone in 2002. I had a tax rebate and went straight to Vodafone to buy it cash. Everyone referred to it as “the David Beckham phone”. It was the first I had that could send/receive photos, had a camera, had WAP. It was a pretty cool phone for the time.


That phone came out when I just started secondary school. Everyone knew that phone was a £300 phone and you were a baller if your parents could get you one. Kinda hilarious now that £300 doesn't even get you a midrange phone never mind the top spec lol.


My first was an HTC Magic, I think it was the second Android phone on the market after the HTC Dream. It was amazing at the time.


Used to work for a small mobile phone chain, one day the network reps dropped off a working demo HTC G1 with flip out qwerty keyboard - I didn't actually own a smartphone until my next upgrade 18 months later (iPhone 3GS)


Yep, an HTC Desire 2010. I think I was the first of our crowd to get one ahead of those that were using crackberries. And you know what? I didn't fully understand why you would want to connect it to the internet. Lol


I had a Blackberry, if that counts. I know when I switched over from the Blackberry to a 'Proper' Smart phone, because I still have some photos from the blackberry - September 2015. Galaxy S6 with an IR blaster, I could use as a spare TV remote.




I remember really wanting one as it seemed like the perfect modern device. I bought a HTC Desire and I read the entirety of the Game of Thrones series on it.


Yep got an iPhone 4 some time in 2010 I believe, could've been 2011. It was the first time in my life I had an up to date phone, before that I had some old Motorolla flip phone that was about 6 years old. That iPhone was the first time I noticed I had fallen behind with technology, and I was a complete computer nerd back in the day. I now have a Sony Xperia 1 III and truth be told I have no idea how to use half the functions on it, I literally just use it for a bit of web browsing, my banking apps, calls, messages and photos.


Psion 3,5mx (not phones, but first Symbian devices) Sony Ericsson T68 - first colour smartphone. Had this around 2004/2005 I reckon. Not from new. Since then: - Blackberry Nokia 9300 Nokia N900 (I miss this one the most) Nokia 700 (least favourite) Samsung S2, S3, Note3, Note5 Pixel 2, 3, 5, and currently Pixel 8.


I had an N900 too!  Looking back at it, it was a huge brick, even for late noughties standards. Could do loads on it!


I had a HTC Desire in 2010, absolutely brilliant phone. I had smartish Sony phones before that but nothing like this.


Snap! That was a good phone but it had a poor amount of internal storage and a lot of apps couldn't be moved to the SD card. I'd started my first job a few months before so finally had money to buy a phone capable of doing more than texting and playing music. Also had an ipod touch before that though, that was basically a smartphone without the phone bits.


i remember the drinking a pint app and lightsaber apps on my first iPhone ; 2008 ?? ish I thought I was so cool


Not sure if they could be classed as smart but I remember going from the Samsung D410 to the D500 (410 might be wrong...). Absolute game changer at the time being able to plug a speaker in! Also remember my mate getting the Ericsson coca cola phone after collecting however many million ringpulls and vouchers that were required.


I'm 49 and got my first mobile at 17. It was a BT thing, looked more like a calculator than a phone. I've still got it.


I'm the same OP, didn't get a smart phone until around 2013.  Again, I had a Nokia that lasted years and always went online using a PC so never saw the need to rush into a smartphone.  Ended up getting a second hand iPhone 3gs.


I got my first smartphone in my third year of university, it was an Orange San Francisco II (rebranded ZTE Crescent) quite reasonably priced for the time


Pretty sure it was around 2011, had a Samsung galaxy and I would have been around 26/27. First mobile phone was a Nokia 3310 in 2000 when I was 16! I also remember getting my first Samsung COLOUR flip phone at 18/19, the T-100 and I thought I was the dogs bollocks!


LG cookie in 2009. Had a stylus. Now I've got Honor magic V2 and boy, we've progressed a lot.!


Mine was iphone 3G. Although, I did have a Nokia Symbian phone... 6630 if you count that


Nokia 6630 definitely counts! You could get viruses on them!


I got my first smartphone when I was 21/22 from my bf at the time. It was an iPhone 3GS if memory serves me correctly. I remember thinking it completely unnecessary.


iPhone 3 about 14 years ago


My first smartphone was a LG Chocolate and it was around 2010-2011 I don’t remember the year exactly.  And my first ever phone was a Sagem Myx 1 in 2004. 


I couldn't afford the iPhone when it first came out so I got a Blackberry instead, this was 2007/2008. I'm 34 now.


Nokia 7110 was the first with internet 'wap' October 1999 as it was new when I got it! Still using Nokia now XR20 :)


I can't remember exactly. I probably didn't have a smartphone until 2014ish I had a Windows phone for a year or so until it was essentially discontinued and updates stopped. In some ways I preferred it to Android. I can't recall if I had Android phone prior to that if that was my first smartphone. I've been considering going back to a feature phone to be honest, these are too distracting.


Does a Windows-powered PDA that's also a phone count? Then it was 2005, the [O2 XDA IIi](https://m.gsmarena.com/o2_xda_iii-999.php) 3.5" touchscreen, apps, games, maps and sat-nav*, camera and video recorder, mp3 player, full web browser, video player,, Excel and Word, removable storage, WiFi, Bluetooth, it had the lot. My first "proper" smartphone was the iPhone 3G in 2008 *It had TomTom software and a separate GPS receiver. They were all linked together by the car charger cable


>Does a Windows-powered PDA that's also a phone count? I find it really weird that some people don't consider these type of phones as "smartphones" tbh. It's a phone with computer features, that's pretty much the definition of a smartphone.


2011 or 2012 was when I got my first smartphone , pay as you go, no contract, back then pretty good, I only used it to make calls funny enough. Compared to now, where I do some gaming, streaming , YouTube, browsing forum type stuff or discord, using apps to shop online, checking in on people once in awhile for video calls. Use my phone so much more and differently compared to back 10+ years ago. I don't know whether to be worried that a smartphone is my hub to do stuff daily or not these days.


I can’t exactly remember but I think it was an iPhone (can’t remember model) and would’ve been about 2010ish. My husband had a new one so I got his old one.


Sagem RC815+ c.1996 and then onto the Nokia's through the 2000's until I started on the Samsung S7 and now S22+


I don’t remember the model but I got one in about 2008. I remember if had internet on it but I almost never used it. I think it was pretty slow and it just wasn’t something I was used to using.


I hated Apple with a passion, First smartphones were always HTC desire and I think the last one I got was a HTC Desire HD. It had a fault where it would only show the previous 3 days email, when you changed the settings it reverted back to 3 days. I think it cost me £800 and within days it was useless, HTC blamed android, Android blamed HTC. So that started the Apple journey, within 6 months I’d swapped all company phones to iPhones and all the PC’s to Macs and haven’t looked back since.


I’m 32 and I’m pretty sure I got my first smartphone around the age of 20. I had an iPod Touch before then and a Blackberry Pearl!


Probably when there was BBM on blackberrys lol


37 and got my first smartphone in 2013. iPhone 5. To this day the most beautiful and efficient phone I ever had and I loved it. For some reason every smartphone I've had since hasn't been as quick as sending notifications as that iPhone and I have no idea why.


I remember not wanting to give up my blackberry bold because I hated the idea of typing on a touch screen keyboard.


I bought a Windows PDA phone thing in late 2006, then the iPhone came out a couple of months later and I got that. I fairly religiously upgraded to the new model for a good while after that but keep them a few years these days. It is mad, we couldn't do without them these days. Doesn't seem that long ago at all but the iPhone is nearly old enough to have a pint now!


It was my birthday in 2011… I was in hospital with suspected appendicitis, & a friend gave me an iPhone 3 to entertain me because my surgery kept getting rescheduled.


I couldn’t be bothered with a mobile at all to begin with. I split up from my first wife in 98 and got my first a mobile then as I was ‘transient’ for a while! I had a blackberry with work but I actually I got an IPad before a smartphone myself in late noughties but as soon I was in the eco system got an iPhone. 2013 maybe?


I remember turning 18 and was working full time (probably around 2012) and getting my first phone contract which was a iPhone 4 (stuck with Apple ever since) I had a blackberry before that but I don’t think they were classed as smartphones were they?


I had a big Motorola phone that you put into a large holder in the boot/trunk of your car for charging and use when driving. Sometime in the early 1990's (before 1995 anyway) I sent an SMS text to my boss at the time (I was in the comms. business, so knew about such things). He received it while in a meeting, and I got told off later, as he had no clue as to what it was, and what to do with it. I thought that was a pretty smart phone.


The first phone I bought that could be classed as a smartphone was the legendary Nokia N95 in 2007 or 2008.


Ha, I'm the same age as you and also got my first smartphone in 2013, but it was the Samsung galaxy s3 mini which was shaped like a used soap bar. I've still got it actually! LOVED that phone, wish they'd re-issue them!


Samsung Ace Plus was the first phone I bought, from Phones4u? I think it was called back then. Well parents bought it


Yes, when I was 18, but I didn't really use it for Internet or anything like that. It was basically a phone and camera for me (which itself felt quite advanced compared to the old camera phone quality)! I only got used to using my phone as a sort of computer in my pocket later.


In my 40's now. In my early 20's l had a Nokia E72 that you could go on Google with. It looks like a Blackbery. Then l had an HTC One, that was more like what we would consider a Smartphone today, full touchscreen!


I worked for a company developing them and had one in 2007 before most people had any idea what a "smartphone" even was.


My first was the blackberry curve, i had about 5 of them throughout high school. Great phone at the time as BBM was very popular where i live.


I worked in the "industry", when HTC first moved into Ireland they gave us all HTC Hero's for free. Great phone and I remember it being colossal at the time (coming from a Sony Eric W800i) but I happened to find the old phone on a visit to my parents house last year and couldn't believe how small the Hero was compared to the monsters we weald nowadays


So similar to you. 2013 got a second hand Galaxy s2. Had a Nokia c3 ( one with a keyboard ) before that. The smartphone and being able to use maps was such a massive improvement to my life. I don’t feel like my current phone does much more that is actually useful than my S2 did back then. Of course they have better cameras, etc but functionally I still mainly use music, maps, messaging apps as I did back then.


2005. It was a Philips phone with really sharp buttons. Replaced it with Nokia 1100 and then later a Micromax with a bling stone in the middle which was square shaped..


I was a Palm Pilot Tungsten E user from 2003 but with no phone functionality. My first smart-phone was HTC Magician in 2004. I was super impressed with GPS functionality. That little stylus was annoying. After that I got Samsung Galaxy S2 as I was sold to "open source" nature of Android. But there were no updates comming. After that I got Blackberry from work. Finally I got iPhone 4 in 2010 and dive into Apple never looked back. It is amazing to see how Palm owned 70% of the market and collapsed. Their products were nicely made and solid to touch. The THC run Windows Pocket PC and they had 70% of Smart-phone market at the beginning. Until Apple introduced iPhone.


I'm 40 this year and if I remember right my first smartphone on contract was when my daughter was born in 2003. It was basic but you could watch videos on it.


Nokia 6210. I'm old. Everyone I knew had this phone. It changed our world.


Nokia 402


My first mobile was an Ericsson in the 90's before then I had a Motorola pager which could recive sms style messages, and used public phone boxes. You had to call an operator up, dictate the message to them, and then they would send it to another pager on the same network. My last normal phone was a Motorola Razr, then my GPS broke so I decided to get a a phone which had maps on it. Got a HTC wildfire, so it must have been around 2010.


I can't remember, but I distinctly remember thinking I'd never need one and they wouldn't take off :D


I think my first one was an iPhone 3 in 2009 or around then.


I had the original iPhone. I remember getting the bus to work and reading a newspaper article on it, thought my dad would like it so I emailed him the link. It felt as if I was living in the future!


I remember hating the wider use of smartphones, it was my first experience of people not being present in a group setting. One of the reasons pubs have gone downhill in my opinion.


I'm 30 this year, my first smart phone was a Nokia Lumina in 2011 (refused to use anything but a Nokia) it didn't last long before switching to HTC wildfire though


Yes. It was awful. In about 2005 or 2006, I bought an iPAQ. I forget which one exactly. h6310? It had WiFi, Bluetooth and GPRS data. It had a stylus and handwriting recognition. It had a very crappy screen with a resistive touch sensor. It ran some sort of Windows CE which really did make you WinCE. It had flash storage, but the OS didn't use it as writable storage. The OS image lived in flash, all the user data lived in RAM. So if the battery ever ran out, it was the same as doing a factory reset. You learned to back up your data often.


13th October 2007. Imported an iPhone 2G from the US. Jailbroke it that night and set it up with iTunes. Think it was only 8GB back then? So I couldn’t fit much music on there. No App Store, no apps, no 3G, no MMS… but I could tell it was the future. The multitouch display (which was comically big at the time) was incredible.


1st iphone, purchased from America I think, although could be remembering that wrong


The T-Mobile G1/HTC Dream (the first production android phone)


HTC hero was my first smart phone


I am 41 - technically my first smartphone was from work and was a blackberry (I think pearl?) and was maybe 2008? So I was 25.  I didn’t buy myself a smartphone until I decided to finally get an iPhone after being kind of against going to a smartphone. I think it was 2010 or 2011. I think it was the second iPhone. 


I got a Nokia phone when I was 15 smartphones didn't exist yet 😊


Yes, I had an HTC magic. Excellent little gizmo. Was wild I could check the internet from my sofa.


I got an iPhone 3GS and kept it in my bedside table for 2 months until I visited London and took it to a guy in my IT department who set it up for me. I didn’t know how to put the SIM card in.


Palm treo with palmos. 9600 baud data and gprs baby!


2011/12, it was a cheap ZTE phone, £8 a month on contract for a year.


Yes, i got an iPhone 4, it was 2010 and i'd just started my first job after uni and i finally had money so i could get a contract phone instead of pay as you go. the phone i had before was a sony ericsson k800i. I did have an ipod touch already though that i got back in 2009, so i'd already been using iOS before getting an iphone so it wasn't completely new.


Yes. I bought an iPhone 3G at release. It was my first and last iPhone. At release it was a wonderful thing, unmatched by anything else around, now when I hold it I find it remarkably ugly and small. I waited for the 3G, as the first iPhone was a glorified calculator.


I had an HTC Wildfire in about 2010. I would class that as my first proper smartphone!


Ericsson R380. First email I had on a phone. Around 1999 I got it! First proper colour screen phone was the IPhone 3G in 2009.


According to [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_R380), this phone was responsible for coining the term "Smartphone". Noice


Samsung SGH-i607 BlackJack (November 2006) and it was fiddly but cool. Was my first post BlackBerry.


I had an iPod touch first, then got a 3g from ebay.


I think back in 2011/12 I swapped my Nokia blackberry thing for a first gen Motorola razr smartphone, I remember trekking off to Tesco to get it and thinking I was hot shit for ages with my little touchscreen phone 😂 I've still got it in a drawer somewhere i think


Yes, it was the Sony Xperia U in 2012. I held back getting a smartphone as the earliest ones from 2008-2010 time were crap, I used a few friends phones and the screens were so unresponsive and slow!


Nokia 5800 Xpress music in 2008, came with a little stylus pen and it blew my mind at the time 😆


Sure. I think my first proper smartphone after a blackberry was in about 2011. Samsung Galaxy S2. Back then they were infinitely cheaper than iphones, but after the price equalised a bit, I upgraded a few years later to a 5s and have been with apple since.


Does a Samsung Tocco count? They were kinda in between smart and dumb phones and very fucking annoying to use. Got an iPhone 3G on contract as soon as I turned 18, which I think was 2010.


I got the Ngage QD in 2004. You could download apps, games and emulators from the internet (on a PC), then copy them to a MultiMediaCard (think SD card) to install them on the phone. I had Symbian based Nokia smartphones from that point until I got my first Android in 2010, the HTC Desire.


2012; Sony Xperia Play. Absolutely loved that thing.


Nokia 5800 XpressMusic in about 2008? It was a great phone for music, but it was a bit unstable on occasion. I must've been 21 or 22. That was also the last phone I purchased on a phone contract, all phones I've bought since then have been owned outright.


I had a Nokia 3310. Great phone. Then after some other dumb phones went and got a Sony Xperia z which was my first smartphone. I remember thinking that it was a bit lame but continued with it. Now have a oneplus nord 2t and still think that it's a massive waste of time except for the self management apps like googled apps and calendars and all that. Never really played games on it except for a bit of runescape and that skateboard game which was lame as hell. So to answer your question yeah. I do.


Sony "Mars bar". Probably around 1993.


I've had 5 smartphones since around 2008. 1st was a HTC Wildfire, 2nd was an Xperia XZ 1, 3rd was a Galaxy S4 mini, 4th was an Xperia 1 (first gen), currently have a Pixel 8 Pro.


I had a Nokia N95 during college, then moved to. Google G1 white as soon as they came out (think the first week they were on the market). My husband got one of the first G1 blacks. We both miss those phones madly. Having a physical keyboard meant typing was so much nicer.


I am 44. I got my first smartphone in May 2020.


My first phone was a Vodafone own brand. I looked up the model, it was an MN1. My first smartphone was a HTC Tytn. It was a beast with a slide out keyboard. I upgraded to a HTC Tytn II for a year or two before moving to Android when they named them after desserts. It was Cupcake back then. I can't remember which phone it was, probably a HTC. I remember getting a Motorola Droid around then though. That thing was excellent. It had a painted metal chassis and felt really robust and well made.


Yes absolutely, it felt huge like a huge flat satellite dish on the side of my head. I was very embarrassed. It was an original Samsung Galaxy


November last year. I held out as long as I could.


2017 and I didn't buy it.