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Your question is really vague. We could do with some detail on modes of transport you can use, or want to use, and which part of Wales you are trying to get to. Wales is an entire country of mountains, cities, coast, villages etc that can be reached by road, rail, bus, air, bicycle, helicopter, hot air balloon…


It is indeed vague but that is because I haven’t decided on the accommodation/B&B which are all around the “Eyri National Park” or Snowdonia. I don’t have a plan of action on where exactly I’m going, just wanted to get out of the city tbh and give myself a break. Personally, I’m not fussed about the how I get there meaning I’m ok with any mode of transport. I have scouted out a place near Caernarfon however it’s not fixed.


Do Northern still run a Chester - Leeds service? From Chester you can get to Conwy, Llandudno Junction or Holyhead easily by train. If you want Snowdonia or Caernarfon that might be trickier without a car.


You reckon I might be able to hitchhike from there?


Bus might be possible to the bigger towns. Not Snowdon


I seeee. Gracias 🙏


You're welcome EDIT: [https://traws.cymru/en](https://traws.cymru/en) for bus information






If you can't drive then either train or bus. You can get the train from Leeds to Machester or maybe direct to Chester first then onto North Wales stations from there and bus closer to wherever you're going. There are tickets that give you multiple days travel on the trains in Wales, Rover tickets. best to ask at the station about those.


Cheers boss


I don't think you mean commute. Anyway, driving is best for getting around the countryside in the UK. Or train and bike if you're into cycling and fancy that kind of holiday.


I meant public transport.


If mega bus is still a thing these days ,then try them. Was an 8 hr trip ,uncomfortable seating , but , it'd get you there . https://uk.megabus.com/ There ya go , nearest destination it does, was Swansea which is in Wales. But see if you can get Carriff . Not that is matters, but you may have better options from there . I tried to see ticket price , which I used em ,it was like £8 It's now £28 . Not bad


M62 West and follow the signs to Chester, North Wales. Just buy a ticket at Leeds and they will tell you where to change stations


If you can't drive, you can pretty much score out the remote B&B options. It's going to be too awkward, and prohibitively expensive to get there by taxi. There are plenty of beautiful towns and villages with train stations or a bus service, start with those. I don't know much a out Wales but Glenfinnan in Scotland for example is tiny, amazingly scenic and great for hiking, and the train drops you off right at the foot of a fantastic glen. I've spent a week wildcamping up there, and if you're into that sort of thing it's a fantastic (and cheap) holiday.


Sounds like good advice. I’m not restricted to Wales or Snowdonia in particular; just wanted to go somewhere scenic and out of the city for some peace of mind really.