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My local, Buckinghamshire, sells Old Rosie (Weston's cloudy, flat cider) on tap 6.8%


Old Rosie is in most supermarkets and I know a few pubs with it on tap


Old Rosie is nice, maybe my post wasn’t specific enough, I meant more the cider barn culture and the stuff that you can buy from farmers by the gallon.


I like that stuff but it's hard to get in the north west the dedicated real ale pubs sometimes have a few of that sort of thing but it's usually a guest product that won't be there for long


Suffolk is a bit of cider centre although nowhere near as big as the West Country. I'm not sure if you can go to a farmer and fill up a jug with his own cider like you can out West though.


You know it’s the real deal when you have to meet a farmer that you can’t understand and he gives it to you in what looks like a Jerry can


Aye. I’m in Scotland 


I used to live in Gijon , northern Spain. Beautiful place as is the rest of Asturias - stunning in parts. They don’t do wine but do a fantastic Sidra - I haven’t been there since 2006 and I so miss the place. Our landlord used to brew the stuff and give us a crate occasionally.


Wow! Never knew Spain had a cider culture :) I’ll look into this


It’s worth noting that the French Basque Country has some amazing cidre as well. So good when taken with their stews and cheeses, and crepes!


I walked the Camino del Norte through Gijon — a lovely part of the world. The cider and white bean and pork stews after a hard days’ walk! I loved it.


You are not a Brit, and certainly not from the West Country if you say “%8”.


Well, they advertise at %8 but we all know they aren’t legitimately tested and HIGHLY likely closer to %12. Assuming it’s for legal reasons.


😂 get it right for the love of god 😂 what country are you from?




You have no idea do you😂


Maybe they're dyslexic


I am




Woaaaahhhhhh! Thanks for answering my question in just a link 😅 I’d have assumed this was in Somerset


Ah! I miss moving from Bristol, as that was last place I obtained good cider. Memories of 65 years ago are still fresh of cider on tap!


Northerners have the same problem finding a decent chippy selling gravy down south.


Had it in the north west. I mistakenly suggested it to someone not knowing how strong it was, with predictable results...


This made me chuckle. The farmyard stuff is not to play around with! Supermarket cider is far more predictable.


I've found Perry's cider (yes the name can confuse people) along with a few others in the Midlands and Perry's do mail order but it's not the proper fresh stuff, instead it's bottled and carbonated. It's only when I go home or family visit that I get the proper stuff.


Herefordshire, Worcestershire, The Black Country, all large cider/scrumpy drinking areas


It was available in most Tesco in Wales (West Wales) growing up.


Yes. It is.


Lillies would be what you’re after, they’ve taken over every fucking pub. Make some interesting stuff too


Decent bottle shops will have some proper scrumpy.


Yup, Sussex near Brighton.


There was one on tap in a local in the North West and I ordered it. The landlord warned me it was strongly flavoured to which I replied I'd lived in Bristol for a year and was well used to it! Of course it then tasted like the cheesiest feet ever 🤣


Look up breweries? (Is it a brewery for cider, no idea) a lot sell online , EG https://www.greendale.com/product/greendale-proper-scrumpy


Weston's Vintage cider is 8.2%. on sale in most supermarkets. Currently 6 x 500ml is on offer - get three for £22 in Asda. That's £1.22 a bottle for alcohol poisoning.... They also have Weston's organic still cider 3l for £6.50 on offer on the app. That's even cheaper but only 6%


That’s not scrumpy.


Scrumpy is a type of cider produced in the west of England. Westons is produced in Herefordshire which - last time I looked - was in the west of England. It may not fit your definition of scrumpy but I'll wager you'll change your mind after 8 bottles of Vintage......