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Ben Fogle. I'm sure he's very nice but he just exudes *Public Schoolboy Twat* vibes.


I have it on very good corroborated authority, from multiple people who have worked with him (long story), that Ben Fogle is a complete knob off screen. Like, it is overwhelming the strength of feeling these people have towards him.


Have heard the same. Apparently left a pub in croyde and announced as he was going “Ben is leaving now” Tosser


Fucking hell, the full body *cringe* I experienced just reading this, I think if I'd seen it in person I would have actually died.


My ex and her dad used to run a kennels and one of their dogs was a Crufts champion. I got dragged along to occasionally and have met him a couple of times and I can confirm he's a bellend.


But what about Fogle?


Interesting. I've heard the exact opposite - that yes he's a bit posh, but very affable and easy to work with.


Sad, because I had to deal with him for a while before he was famous, and he was adorable.


Yes! I've always said he gives off the vibes of someone who was breastfed well into his teens


Bear Grills. I just find him an intensely dislikeable screen presence. In Louis Theroux's current run of shows where he does an hour long show with one celeb, Grills is the only one who I disliked more by the end of the hour than I did before. I think it's that Eton vibe that just shines through. There's a certain quality that all Eton educated men seem to have that I find very dislikeable.


That’s really saying something about Louis. He has a knack for making me feel some amount of connection and understanding for the absolute worst of people


I watched the one with Katherine Ryan who previously boiled my piss only to find she’s actually pretty sound


Same with Pete Doherty - i was mid/late teens when he became massive and was everywhere, i had no time for him. But his episode with LT changed my perspective completely.


She was sounding the alarm about Russel Brand for aaaaaages


Precisely! There's been several other celebs during this run I didn't really like previously but spending an hour with them and Louis has made me warm to them. Grills achieved quite the opposite. The more time I spent with him, the more I disliked him.


I worked for an insurance company that was covering Bear Grills and his team sailing to Svalbard about 20 years ago. He came to the office (he wasn't really that well known back then) to negotiate terms for his big explorer gambit, but, when he left, he walked into the stationery cupboard instead of out the exit door.


He was just exploring it.


He then spent the next five days in there, eating pritt stick and shitting in jiffy bags.


Even the god himself Ray Mears has said he doesn't like Grylls, and Ray never *ever* makes comments on anything.


The Lord God Ray Mears. The one true survival expert.


I saw Ray Mears on his tour, he was setting fires on the stage, excellent evening.


I got cheap tickets to see Bear Grylls live. He came across exactly how people are describing him here. Overly religious, kind of up himself. He had a kid come up on stage at the end to do some stuff, then at the end revealed that the ‘randomly selected child’ was actually his son, Humperdink or some other bullshit private school name.




Ray is the greatest. If they were both dumped in the woods, Ray would calmly make himself a cosy fire, a shelter, a comfy mattress of ferns, forage and cook a perfect three course meal, then relax and talk about the beauty of changing seasons, or the methods of hunter gatherers, while whittling himself a beautiful bowl or cup by the fire, just for fun. Grylls would run about pretending to be utterly out of breath and five minutes from death, eat some acorns and fox shit, then roll himself in mud and shiver in a cave all night. Or at least, pretend to, for 15 minutes, then go back to his hotel room. While Lord God Ray chills under the stars in zen perfection.


He's a bit Christian and put's his face on those "Alpha Course" 'courses' which seem to be a device to funnel people into church, not a real course at all.


he recently baptised Ru$$3l Br4nd too. eugh.


What? Damn that’s shocking. Are they friends? Really weird.


Yeah he’s massively god squad.


Likewise. I also don’t understand why he was given the Chief Scout role. Ray Mears would have been a much better choice.


At a Scout camp he once said to my sister (who’d offered him some Welsh cakes they’d been making) ‘If you can eat them, Bear can’ or some shit like that! Referred to himself in the third person the whole time.


He's got dodgy vibes. I just think he's fake and creepy.


I've heard he's quite knobby from friends who were in the scouts and met him


A family member went on a scout jamboree, he was the VIP... Didn't camp, he went to a hotel every night


My friend had lunch with Ray Mears (lovely fellow apparently). Did Ray eat bugs and leaves for lunch? No. He had Pizza and chips! AND chips 🍟 😋


Stephen Mulhern is the one I have an irrational hatred of. I don't really know why, and he might be a lovely bloke, but seeing his stupid fucking face on TV just boils my piss


Stephen Mulhern is an amalgamation of both Ant and Dec, at a fraction of the price.


I'm convinced his contract at ITV says that he has to present the shows that Ant and Dec turn down. Personally, I have nothing against the bloke and actually find some of his stuff quite entertaining but ever since he did the Britain's Got Talent spin-off years ago he's kind of been in their shadow.


He's the result of an accident at the factory where they synthesise a new Ant and Dec every few months. They accidentally poured the ingredients for both into the same vat and Stephen Mulhern came out


He's what my mum would describe as 'very ITV'.


He’s ex holiday camp staff & they’ve all got that weird school prefect vibe about them


He looks like he's made from a kit of spare parts that make punchable faces


I said this in another thread before but he reminds me of that annoying kid that just won't take the hint that he's not wanted.


He's a Poundland Bradley Walsh.


A Wish Walsh if you will.


I have always mildly disliked him for some reason, even back in the CITV days when I was a kid I found him annoying.


A few years ago I discovered there's a whole load of Stephen Mulhern superfans on Twitter and Facebook who absolutely love him and everything he does. Utterly baffling.


I'm not in one of those groups but I do love him! Seems like a nice bloke. No scandals, Very private, not problematic. No stories of him being a dick to anyone, what's not to like?


I agree there's nothing to hate, but there's not much to actively *like* either. He's like a white shirt or a magnolia hallway.


Naga Munchetty, I’m sure she’s probably a lovely woman but ever since she ambushed Sir David Attenborough who wanted to talk about butterflies with inane questions about the Royal Family she has irked me ever since.


Nothing irrational about that. She's a spiky, snooty person. Totally unsuitable for breakfast telly


On her radio show, with every guest, no matter what, it turns to her, my ma really really dislikes her! I'm with ma!


I know someone who goes to the same golf club as Naga. Apparently she is very stuck up and not a pleasant person.


That’s not irrational, she’s straight up rude


Na, she’s awful. Literally bullies Charlie on the news every time they host together.


She’s irked me ever since her appearance on Saturday Kitchen


I can't stand her. I don't think she is a lovely woman. She gives off bad vibes and is mean and tactless as an interviewer and host.


She's such a bitch that my feelings circled right back around from hate to love


David Walliams. For pretty minimal reasons, he sets off alarms in my brain. When I commented this once someone provided a link to him sexually humiliating a teenager, so it's not completely unfounded, but my feelings of discomfort started before I knew anything wrong.


Some of those Little Britain sketches were awful and I thought that back then as a 10 year old 


Looks like a right creepy f*cker, is he on TV anymore, or are the TV execs not taking the risk? He's gives me Saville-esque vibes.


I feel a bit embarrassed that I liked that Little Britain when I was 12/13 but in my defence I was a dumb teenager that was trying to fit in and everyone else at school was watching it and talking about it. Looking back as an adult, I don't understand how any adults can watch that shit and think it's funny or clever. Even for the time, it just seems to juvenile and trashy


Cringing at your past self just means you have grown as a person so don't feel too embarrassed 


Jamie frigging Oliver.


Here's my take on Jamie Oliver: he changed things theoretically for the better, but because he's completely out of touch, did it in the wrong place. If I have £10 to feed my family dinner, and a healthy option will cost me £15, but the unhealthy option costs £9, I can feed my family.  Making the unhealthy option also £15 doesn't magically gift me the extra £6, it just means I now cannot feed them anything. Unfortunately he's an upper middle class plonker and cannot imagine Just Not Having The Money.


My husband and I used to pretend to take part in a drinking game for his 30/15 minute meals for every time he added olive oil to something. He would cook, season, dress and fry stuff in it, only to dollop a load on at the end!!!


Nailed it! I’d eat way more healthily if I could afford it




He’s an odd one. He did change school meals for the better (whether you liked it or not as a child) and he has some decent budget cookbooks, especially the student ones. But definitely agree that he has somewhat of a weird snotty vibe. Perhaps fame got to his head? He wouldn’t be the first to fall victim of such


I like him to be honest, it’s just that I’ve never found any of his recipes to be that good. These days with YouTube there’s a better recipe for pretty much everything he makes


Watching a few odd episodes of Uncle Roger has made me distrust any recipe that Jamie Oliver creates lol


Amanda Holden - just nope maybe she’s a decent human? but it’s not the vibes I get from her & her plastic face


She did cheat on Les Dennis when they were married so that's one mark against her being a decent human


And what exactly is she famous for?! Shagging a comedian? A bit part in a television romcon series about hairdressers?


Fair play to her because she's clearly overcome a lot, but Katie Piper. She just gives off former school bully, crushed velvet sofa, white Range Rover vibes. She's probably lovely.


I kinda know what you mean. Like she'd be selling leggings on Instagram and pretending it's not a Pyramid Scheme


Yeah I've seen her on tiktok trying to flog fake Eggs. Absolutely bizarre. Edit: I'm not even going to fix that typo because it's funny. *Uggs


You had me wondering about fake eggs then


I strongly get the vibe that the "school bully" is still there.


I used to agree, but she comes over pretty well on Loose Women. And yes, working from home often means I watch Loose Women all the time.


I don’t watch loose women anymore but I did see her talk about something that made me dislike her. They were talking about parents imposing their lifestyles onto their children, and used the TikTok account ‘gothic baby’ as an example. She tore into the parents and was talking about the ‘satanic’ energy and bad vibes of seeing a baby dressed in black and having gothic decor in their nursery. She claimed it’s toxic. It annoyed me quite a bit because it’s not harmful for the baby, and we had Sophie Lancaster who got murdered literally for being a goth. I hate this negative narrative about goths that still floats around today. And to be quite frank, I’d much rather dress my kid in black than this weird beige baby thing going on in today’s world. Some good did come from this though. The mum of gothic baby found out and raised money which she then donated to the Sophie Lancaster foundation.


Paloma Faith I have no idea why but I really don’t care for her. Maybe it’s her voice? Maybe it’s her mannerisms? I have absolutely no idea but she irritates me. I generally chose not to hate anyone apart from her for some reason


Oh, I know why she irritates me. She was on Graham Norton with Andrew Scott (the sexy priest in fleabag) she was talking about him in fleabag and admitted to having some alone time thinking about him in that. Can you imagine the outrage if a man had said to someone like Scarlett Johansson, I think about you while I masterbate. It was so creepy, and he took it well, but it was still so creepy. Keep those thoughts to yourself.


Yes, I thought that was fucking weird too! It's not exactly the same thing but Joe Lycett has this whole routine where he annoys brands etc with stupid emails. He did a whole joke about SodaStream who wanted him to promote their product. The end product was he sent an email saying he had masturbated into the SodaStream. I thought that was pretty grim thing to send to someone just doing their job. It felt basically like sexual harassment. I've side eyed him ever since.


Lycett is just very middle class he is like a concentrate of the twatty London posh boy


He's a Brummie


Her singing voice is so American, that when she talks, it really surprises me, every time. Still, not as bad as Kate Nash. Mockney whining singing voice, posh girl talking.


For this same reason, I loathe Lily Allen.


Michael McIntyre


That's not irrational. That's a face you just want to punch.


\*wobbles head\*


Taylor Swift. To me, she seems a bit like a teen girl trapped in a woman’s body and most of her songs sound the same… cudos to her for all her success though


That's how I feel about her. The stuff she says in her songs and the way she acts, you'd think she's permanently stuck at 16, not double that age. Add on the pollution from her ridiculous number of flights taken and the fact that she doesn't really use her platform to speak out on issues unless they directly affect her. Like she's a fucking billionaire. She should be using that money and that fame for good but she ends being just another one like Musk. Maybe not a bigot but she does barely any good with that fame and money


It's reddit death to admit it, but even as a child I found the Chuckle Brothers an immediate reason to change the channel.


I guess they’re just funnier to me than to you


I'd give you an award for that if I had the money


The awards are pretty dear. Oh dear, oh dear.




Personally I do like David Attenborough but I find watching his newer programmes an exercise in misery. I’m a non red meat eater who doesn’t travel internationally or have any children, my carbon footprint is very low; please just let me watch some fluffy penguin chicks without telling me how I’m single handedly making them freeze to death because their ice is turning to water and sticking to their down.


Don't take it personally. Your entire life's carbon output is achieved in a day by China, India and the States. There's nothing we can do as individuals to alleviate the issue, except campaign and raise awareness, both of which also do effectively nothing. If you're going to be miserable, be miserable that megacorps are killing our planet for the sake of profit! 😀


Upvoted for bravery. You might just bring down the sub 😂


I have no opinion on the guy, but it’s irritating how any time someone makes a post about him half the comments will be like “OMG, my heart just stopped thinking he died! Don’t do that to me!!!” About a 98 year-old? I’m not saying don’t feel a bit sad if you like, but is it really going to come as a massive shock to you?


I never really "got" them when I was a kid. I remember just thinking "these guys are idiots. I wonder what's on citv?"


I think there’s a whole section of British humour that passed me by, because I don’t get Monty Python or pantomimes. I think the Chuckle Brothers come into this category too.


Tess Daly, she seems so awkward and fake.


She's so patronising to the couples on Strictly. A celeb makes a mistake during the dance and gets upset Her response: **"aww look at their little faces"**


I HATE the way she grips people’s hands when they are clearly uncomfortable with it. LET GO, you crab handed mannequin.


She gives me Stepford wife vibes.


I’ve always had a deep dislike for her. I used to feel sorry for her husband having to live with such and asinine person. Then I accidently listened to his radio show once. They are perfectly matched. If I was their child I’d bed to move into a boarding school


Shirley Ballas on Strictly. She like a pissed up Hen-Do mum all the time fawning over the young men.


If you did the gender swap test with Shirley Ballas she would have been fired from the BBC about ten times over by now.


My Grandad couldn't stand Cilla Black, to the point if she had her picture in the TV times weekly magazine (I'm showing my age here) he would put a white sticker over her face so he wouldn't have to look at her....


He’s not wrong. She was legendary for being a c*nt in the industry.




Quite a few years back I worked somewhere that she would regularly visit with her children and other 'posh mums' and their offspring. She was the most obnoxious, 'do you know who I am?' type person I have ever encountered. To this day seeing her on TV makes me irrationally angry and I have to change the channel


I've disliked her since I was quite a bit younger, mushroom trip went south when watching million pound drop. The nightmare began when she turned around and it was my turn to play apparently. She had a go at me for taking too long to play. The evening got considerably worse after this.


I used to have an entirely irrational dislike of Neil Oliver. It's since developed into a rational dislike.


I can't watch anything of his now.


Which is a pity, because I love a tale of an obscure lighthouse or smuggler's cove. How did you fuck up something as wholesome as that, Neil Oliver?


Miriam Margolyes. There's speaking your mind, and then there's just being rude.


Can’t stand her. We get it, you’re kooky and like sex and swear. She appeals to a certain, large demographic of the uk population.


yes she seems like she would be funny to be around for about 15 mins before you get exhausted because she appears to hate everything


She looks like she would smell


Yes, lentil farts or something similar


No one person exactly, but my pet peeve is talentless celeb brats becoming famous just because of mum or dad. Not the thread but the word "gotten". Hate it beyond any reason, just so shitty and dumb sounding.


Brooklyn Beckham and his “let’s make my most original egg omelette “ Dick head


Lily Rose Depp really annoys me for this reason, that and the insanely ridiculous pouting. 


Roman Kemp, Roman Kemp oh and that guy who presents the Finish Line.


And Barney “personality vacuum” Walsh


If there was ever anyone who was not meant to be a TV presenter, it’s Barney Walsh. The least charismatic person I have ever seen on the telly.


Apologies, but I always have to defend "gotten". It's just the participle of the verb "to get" that also used to be correct in British English. We still have the corresponding form for "to forget": present tense = I forget; past tense = I forgot; present perfect tense = "I have forgotten" "To get" used to follow that pattern in British English as well. So, if you dislike it, fair enough, but just to say it's not merely a random folksy substitute for "got" like a lot of online Brits obsessed with "Americanisms" seem to think - it has an actual grammatical purpose.


Claudia Winkleman. I am scared of women with heavy mascaras (or eyeliners?) and makeup. And that haircut reminds me of the lady from Ringu


https://preview.redd.it/5114wyy3i39d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b6f5c370c015b46248633ebecf7f1de4516ed20 I think about this every time I see her


She's got that Playmobil cut


My theory is that whenever she's not on TV she doesn't wear makeup and puts the fringe under a hair band and that way no one recognises her.


Noel Fielding. Just thinking of him now for this reply irritates me and I've absolutely no clue why.


In the right context I think he's hilarious. In the wrong context he's bad weird.


That's the problem I have. I can't watch him to find out if he's funny or not. As soon as I see his face, I feel my blood start to boil and I have to switch off. Again though, I don't know why.


I'm convinced there is stuff out there about him waiting to be brought to light. He is the type of guy that would hang out at teen emo nights when he is in his 40s, because he is so kooky and goth and random. Hate the prick.


Well he did date Pixie Geldof when she was 16 and he was in his 30s. But we don’t talk about that any more


I came here looking for Noel just to bring this exact thing up. He’s a fucking creep with a literal public record of it and no harm to his career. So as the least I can do I refuse to support him or watch anything he’s in, and at the cost of being a regular bummer for people I also refuse to leave that cow sacred for anyone who does like him.


100%. I remember him and Russell "Cunt" Brand on Big Fat Quiz, giving it the big spuds about being lotharios. There's DEFINITELY stuff waiting to come out.


Noel ruined Nevermind the Buzzcocks for me when he replaced Bill Bailey as team captain. Simon Amstell perfectly highlighted how stupid Noel’s “comedy” was in a very quick put down that Noel didn’t have the intelligence to keep up with. It’s tied for my favourite moment from the show along with Preston walking off.


Preston having a strop and walking off was absolutely hilarious. Once Amstell knew he was breaking, he just never let up on him 😅 In fact I'm gonna watch it again now that you've reminded me of it.


Katherine Ryan. I just find her about as funny as toothache and she just goes right through me. But I see so many people, especially on this sub, singing her praises and find her hilarious. I usually find people who have no filter quite funny and entertaining but she’s just so rude and inappropriate, even on family shows


Stacey Solomon - No Stacey, your kids didn’t put the toys in the hello fresh box, the producers did and we all know it!


Rachel Riley. Butter wouldn't melt on shows . Then gets on twitter and lets loose a tirade of sht against any old man who doesn't follow her way of thinking. I just wish she'd sht up and fk off but she won't because she's on a good whack


This is rather outing but I happen to share the exact same name. The amount of delivery men that I've had make the same joke about expecting the countdown lady is annoying, I had it from a hospital porter once too while I was slowly almost bleeding to death from an ectopic pregnancy. You see her on telly looking pretty and being so smart but there is just a layer of snugness I have come to detest.


David dickenson I have zero idea why but I just don't like his vibes


Because he's a convicted fraudster? Your spider senses are picking up on his rampant dishonesty.


Greg Wallace makes me want to punch the TV.


My two major ones have both died over the last few years (Cilla Black and Barbara Windsor) but I do have a seething irritation every time I see Paddy McGuinness's smarmy mug.


> a seething irritation every time I see Paddy McGuinness's smarmy mug. Luckily, he's only ever invaded my screen for one show I used to watch - Top Gear - but he seems to revel in being "the thick one". I know the other two have been professional racing drivers at various points, and he hasn't, but at least *try* to understand some basic things about cars. You don't have to play up at being the thicko to explain things to viewers.


Claire Balding, BBC needs a presenter for a sports event, I know let’s get Claire Balding, the fact that she never played professional golf, tennis, hockey and lord knows what else is neither here nor there, she can be the presenter.


I'm sure she's lovely, but once you realise she's the double of Tray from the Fat Slags, you can't unsee it. https://preview.redd.it/lq7f09gwd39d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6ca1a89279654aa2aff14987baff0a7c16a293


Jeremy Vine, Alex Jones, Alison Hanmond, Ryland Clarke all annoy the hell out of me.


Rylan Clarke is such a nice man. Source: family member has met him quite a few times and even delivered landscaping goods to his house. Super super lovely guy. Edit: recommend watching his programme where he tours Italy with Rob Rinda- he comes across really well where you see his normal side, not TV alias side.


Rylan did a thing for my wife’s work. She said he was the nicest bloke. Very professional but also super approachable and funny.


He also did a thing for my work (maybe I worked with your wife ha) and fully agree. He’s a very genuine, professional but hilarious bloke.


One of the reasons he’s doing well I think. Easy to work with goes a long way.


I wasn't a huge fan until his Off menu episode. He came across brilliantly there and seemed like such a down to earth lovely guy. Obviously it's still the media so you never know, but it's nice to know people have positive real life stories too


Can confirm. Met him once very briefly and he was making time to talk to everyone.


I loved him on the new year version of Taskmaster


Jeremy Vine.. arg, yeah - I get the vibe that he's pretending he's rising above all the idiots that phone in, when the whole time he's facilitating the spread of exactly the views of those kinds of people.


He’s just a provocateur that will disagree with anyone or anything to rile up an argument. He’s the original rage baiter.


Laura Kunssberg. What a sanctimonious wankpuffin.


Taylor Swift. She's just the most boring bland idea for a popstar, blonde 6ft tall rat faced American woman, and half the planet goes mad for her like they are in some kind of cult. At this point I'm convinced no one actually likes her, they just want to follow the crowd and fit in, just like religion.


I used to have an irrational dislike of Novak Djokovic. Couldn’t justify it at all, just something I felt in my gut. Then Covid came and he turned out to be a proper knobhead, so good work guts!


Matt Lucas, it might not seem irrational bc he hasn't changed his act with the times but even when he was on Doctor Who I couldn't stand him


And he pulls that same fucking stupid face any time he’s in something. That kind of wide eyed, open mouthed, eyebrows raised face


Kate Garraway - always found her annoying for some reason


Stacy Dooley


Chris Evans (not Captain America). I can’t stand him. Especially him being on the new Top Gear.. not sure if that’s still going as I stopped watching after the first episode.


Roman Kemp


Basically the whole towie/love island lot, they’re just all aggravating for some reason


The one who peddles Fairy washing powder pods who only seems to be famous because she married a Westlife one  Like yours, she's probably nice enough person and hasn't done anything wrong, so it's irrational 


Kay. Burley.




No the presenter is on BBC. I actually don't mind Alison Hammond. She seems quite genuine to me.


Why can't you just say who it is like everyone else lol. Are you worried this TV presenter is going to read this, come round your house and piss in your sink?


James Corden but it's not irrational dudes a fat cunt.


Not TV but I can’t stand Scott Mills. We have to listen radio 2 in work and when he comes on I zone out. Plays shit music, has shit guests and talks non stop bollocks


I've avoided most mainstream media for quite a while now, as the whole lot of vacuous cunts get on my tits. I'm sure back in the day they used to make shows with actual substance about *stuff*. So they'd go through the folk with subject knowledge and use the most presentable one available. You got some very odd characters but they both knew and cared about their shit. I think it's since the dawn of reality TV. A few of the first big brother contestants made media careers for themselves, so every decent looking loud mouthed attention whore jumped on the band wagon and now we have 'celebrity housewives of Runcorn in the love jungle'. It's all numbers driven though - they make it because people watch it, and that makes me sad for society. Thank fuck for YouTube. I'll opt for some ugly buck toothed nerd geeking out over their passion in front of their gopro every time.


Matt Edmondson on Radio 1 - I know you think you're funny but you're not. Just irritating with your shit jokes.


Most of the judges on talent shows. Amanda Holden....what's to like? And her clapping, like she discovered it was a thing 5 mins before, yet has never seen anyone else do it. Davina McCall, Mulhern, Dermot, Emma Willis.... Give some other fucker a chance, seriously. Same old faces, day in, day out.


Lorraine Kelly. Not even for the tax dodging ‘Lorraine Kelly is a brand’ shit. She’s just so smarmy.


My wife hates Tess Daly. I can't stand Stephen Mulhurn - I distrust anyone who seems blandly nice.


Kate Middleton.


I always think its like she has been engineered in a lab to marry a member of royalty. Can't stand her but I think it's also the fawning by the media over her which send me over the edge.


I think I'm also put off by the over-the-top fawning now that Meghan Markle is The Hated One. Kate is suddenly held up as a beacon of everything ladylike, graceful and royal whilst Meghan is relentlessly downed and scorned at every opportunity. Don't get me wrong - I'm sure there are redeeming and undesirable traits in *both* women - I just don't like the weird bandwagon of vilifying one whilst hero-worshipping the other.


Adrian Childs. I absolutely turned the channel over. Can’t stand the bloke. Literally don’t know why.


Sean Penn. Do you want an expert on any subject, call Sean. Foreign policy of many countries, phone Sean. Drug lords, give Sean a bell. Had a natural disaster, don't panic Sean is on the way. Visiting foreign leaders as if he has something to offer other than a days worth of publicity, let's see if Sean is busy. Ok some of these may lead to minute positive results but nobody else is so convinced of their expertise in so many unrelated subjects.


Isn’t that the capital of Cambodia?


Noel Edmunds.


This is a comment section that I almost 100% agree with and I’m now worried I might be in one of those social media eco chambers I keep hearing about.


Jamie Laing recently joined Radio 1. I never had much of an opinion of him in the past but since being forced to listen to him yap for the past few months while the radio is on in work he's been driving me mad.


Keith bloody Lemmon!!🤬


Noel Fielding. Something kind of creepy about him.


Fiona Bruce is one of those people who looks like she turns into an absolute stone cold biatch when the cameras stop rolling. I could be wrong


Fern 'cunty' Cotton. As you see I even gave her a catchy nickname