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You can self-certify as sick for a week, so if you want to cover all your bases, give a weeks' notice then go sick for a week. Job done.


Without a contract the statutory minimum notice period applies, which is one week. Without a contract though I doubt there's much they can do if you stop going to work. 


The fact you never signed a contract with them should have been a sign it was going to be terrible. Leave immediately. What are they gonna do? You have no legal agreement with them.


How long have you worked for them? Technically, if you've worked for them less than 1 month, you can leave immediately with no notice. If more than 1 month, then the minimum 1-week statutory notice period applies. Realistically, just leave immediately. There's no contract, and they aren't going to come after you for it.


Just be aware it sounds like the type of place that if you just leave they probably won’t pay you for any work you’ve done that they still owe.


I walked off a job once after three days. I was interviewed for work in a metal work finishing shop at a small foundry. When i turned up I was put in the actual foundry swinging a 14lb sledge hammer all day. I argued it was not the job I applied for but the owner was an abusive arrogant shit and just said "Well it's the only job there is." I never got paid for the three days. I hope you get out of the job. Nothing worse than working somewhere horrible.


You can always leave immediately. I've quit 2 jobs without giving any notice. Nothing ever happened. What can they really do. The only thing that might happen is you will not receive any pay for the hours that you have worked since your last paycheck


It is illegal to withhold pay for hours worked.


Doesn't mean certain companies won't try to


And then they will be taken to the cleaners.


By law they are supposed to give you a conract of employment, Does not matter how any hours you work. It tells you what your working hours are your rate of rate of pay. I would just give a weks notice.


You can always get yourself fired otherwise tell them verbally and in writing that as off today this is your week's notice.


Just to clarify- you never worked there and those "wages" they sent you were a mistake that you intend to repay?


Doesn't work like that. OP's situation would qualify as an implied contract. They're turning up for work, employer is paying them to work. OP has them bang to rights. They're either paid electronically and have a paper trail proving employment, or they're paid cash in hand, in which case the business is unlikely to chase OP as there's a good chance the business themselves are falling foul of the law


I know. Just wanted to point out the absurdity of what OP is claiming.