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I was 'let go' from a temp data entry job when I first left university. Apparently because I made too many mistakes, but I was always a bit suspicious of that explanation as it's not at all in my nature. The worst part of it was that earlier that day, my line manager had a chat with me about what work I'd be doing over the next month. Fully knowing she'd actually told the temp agency to sack me. Imagine my delight 10 years later, walking into the office for my well-paid marketing job...  guess who was sat behind reception for her first day? The look on her face told me everything I needed to know.


Weird she'd remember some rando temp from 10 years before.


Maybe the look on her face was complete indifference


Projection is a powerful thing


Nah mate the they waltzed in like a movie star and she immidately knew she fucked up years ago with some random temp worker. Then everybody clapped.


I personally wept out of all my orifices.


Wait, you too?? ^This ^is ^getting ^weird...


Yeah, she didn't give a fuck mate


1. I’d bet he made more mistakes than he thought 2. What the manager did was not even that bad. Maybe, earlier in that day, she didn’t know when the temp agency would decide to sack him. 3. He literally a “temp” (short for temporary staff). I.e, not permanent. I.e, expect to be sacked 4. 10 whole years later this guy gets a well paid marketing job. 10 years. His old manager has also moved on 10 years. Like, would she even remember, or give a fuck? 5. The punch line of this story has been repeated a million times. Straight out of the “Did not happen” playbook.


Maybe he's extremely deformed facially and unforgettable


Yes I probably should have mentioned this for context. I'm disfigured basically.


Especially one that done such a shit job in a short amount of time


It probably jogged her memory when everyone else in the office stood up and clapped.


It’s true, I was the reception desk.


I used to work with a temp, more than 10 years ago. She was a bloody nightmare. I never learned her full name, so she was just know as Emma The Temp. I've worked in my organisation for 19 years, but have moved around different buildings and in the last 4 years have hardly been in at all. But the other day I ran into Emma The Temp. I guess she's not a temp any more! Point is, I absolutely remember her. Some people are memorable but not for good reason. Emma the temp is especially memorable for her frequent bouts of loud crying over the latest argument with her flat mate. Maybe the earlier commenter actually was a bloody nightmare to work with.


So now, remembering people you managed is weird accordingly to redditors?


Your mum?


I struggle to remember I shared halls with at uni with ten years ago. It would be strange if a random temp made a big enough impact on her life that she remembered you as soon as you walked through the door


Everyone is different. I was a mature student - I was 26 when I went to uni, but that is now 25 years ago. I remember every one of my hall mates from uni - I don't remember all their names, but I could describe them; one is now a German MEP with a wikipedia page.


I’m the same, I’m very good at remembering people. It’s rare that I forget someone that I’ve met, even a long time ago.


"Apparently because I made too many mistakes, but I was always a bit suspicious of that explanation as it's not at all in my nature." Making mistakes isn't in your nature?


It's alarming how many people genuinely believe this about themselves!


Ikr, there's one two people in my work who think they never make mistakes and never do anything wrong. They just blame everyone else.


I was sacked from a temp agency job when I was straight out of uni - I was "unprofessional" (to be fair, I was) but I was also very good at the job. But had I not been sacked, who knows, I might still be working there so they did me a favour. Now I have a better paid job that I hate instead.


Temp staff are the most disposable


Should be in the name


Welcome back to another episode of “This Never Happened”


I doubt it told you anything. You weren't employed there as a well-paid marketer. Should she have paid you for stuff they didn't need and you weren't capable of doing then? She may have had to fire you but it may not have been her choice, she's just a line manager and cuts are not decided by peons or those who speak to peons (in the usual corporate sociopathic style). The look on her face was probably just another decade of doing whatever she needs to keep surviving. Yours must have looked like someone who got some peanuts and suddenly thinks they are in the boss class.


In 10yrs, your old boss managed to demote herself to a receptionist at a marketing agency? Hmmm


I dont think that part is so unbelievable, it has been 10 years after all, this person could have moved to a job with no stress where they don't take any work home with them. I think the real problem is assuming that someone who's done that would see OP and think "nooooo he's beat me at life!!1! Why oh why did I fire the master well-paid marketer?"


What’s wrong with being a receptionist anyway. I hate this gotcha attitude when people work a “lower status” job than you.


I've been sacked three times. Once as a student I was sacked from a bar job because staff had to pay for their own drinks and I tried to charge a senior manager for a coffee. I was sacked from an education consultancy because they wanted to outsource my role. That one was constructive dismissal because I did nothing wrong. They gave me tasks that made no sense and then sacked me for doing them. I was sacked from a theatre I worked in because I put in a complaint about a senior manager who was a bully. Writing all these out makes me wonder whether I'm the problem, but I am actually doing quite well where I work now.


That 'common denominator' argument is almost always BS. It's more like you're being victimised for not fitting into people's BS.


I'd like to believe you're right, because I work in academia now and I'm surrounded by weirdos and I get on with them brilliantly.


I think I gotta figure out where all the weirdos work.


Hospital labs are great for this. It is the normal people who do not last long.


Restaurant kitchens (with a few Front of House as well).


He said weirdos not drug addicts


Why not both?


To be fair, that kinda does make them the common denominator. 


Yes, I'm saying it's BS because it's always subjective.


> I was sacked from an education consultancy because they wanted to outsource my role. That one was constructive dismissal No it wasn't. Constructive dismissal is when the actions of the company leave an employee with no reasonable option other than to resign. If you were sacked then it can't have been constructive dismissal by definition.


So is constructive dismissal essentially like forcing someone out? Like "your face doesn't fit but we've no actual reason to sack you so we'll bully you out"


Yeah, it's basically changing the job way beyond what you originally signed up for, so you have no option other than to resign. Could be things like relocating you somewhere 200 miles away, a change in working hours (you work Monday - Friday 9-5, now they're telling you it's 12 - 8, or that you have to work weekends), or a fundamental change to your job role (you were taken on as an administrator, now they want you to scrub the toilets). It's basically a way of forcing someone to resign, and is thankfully illegal. Companies will sometimes try and do it because someone's face doesn't fit, or because they don't want to pay out redundancy.


Kind of. Bullying someone until they leave would be a form of constructive dismissal but it's not the only one. It doesn't have to be deliberately aimed at forcing the employee out, they just has to be the result of the employer's unreasonable behaviour. https://www.acas.org.uk/dismissals/constructive-dismissal


Ah, fair enough, I'm not 100% sure on the terminology. They set me tasks that made no sense and then put me through a disciplinary process for doing them. I'm not sure what to call that but it was very bizarre.


Happened to me in the Scottish Courts too - seems like your initial job was over subscribed and they tried to find a way to get rid of you with as little legal leverage at your end as possible.


I've worked long enough now to understand it's a complex mix. I've been an absolute rock star in some work environments, mediocre in a few, and probably downright crap in others.


Good for you 😁 I've witnessed a few bullying managers and they seem to get away with it. Some managers are absolutely useless though and don't know what they are doing


JESUS, how the fuck do they even get away with this in a 1st world country ffs? That's nuts man, should sue the whole lot into the next dimension!


I was sacked from one of my first jobs because I went to a hospital appointment. Was 17 at the time and working as a kp, was having some heart problems, and one morning was ambulanced into A&E with chest pains & shortness of breath. They ended up fitting me with a heart monitor thing for 24 hours, had to return to hospital at 4pm the next day so they could take the monitor back & check the results etc. I was supposed to be working that day/time, on the way back from hospital I called into work to let them know I can't work tomorrow's shift. Chef/boss goes ballistic calling me a liar (despite the monitor fitted to my chest) saying she KNOWS that all hospital appointments give at least 4 weeks notice, if I don't turn up for my shift I'm sacked etc etc. Obviously I didn't turn up for my shift (minimum wage job vs heart monitor, no contest really) and she sacked me. Turns out I had Pericarditis, which is not a serious issue but can turn serious if left, so I was absolutely right to go to the hospital, and had steroid & antibiotic treatment which fixed me up in a week or two. So I got sacked & they tried to withhold my wages until my dad rocked up & caused a scene (I was 17 haha) then a month or two later I found out they told everybody (it's a small village, word gets around) that I was sacked for stealing from the till. After kicking off a big old fuss & publicly calling me all the names under the sun, eventually they withdrew their claim & she had to tell everybody that she was 'mistaken in her belief that I had stolen from the pub.' Miserable bastard bully of a woman, later went to prison for beating & stealing from her mother. I'm told that her life these days is awful & that pleases me.


Big W. Hope you’re well and healthy now!


All good my friend, thanks for asking! I've had 3 or 4 recurrences in the last 15 years after a bad cold or flu, which is quite common for it to be triggered virally, but now we know what it is it's *usually* pretty mild and managed with antibiotics. Can be bloody uncomfortable though! Essentially it's inflammation of the membrane around the heart, Obviously for 17 year old me, with the pain, palpitations & breathlessness etc I thought I was dying! These days it's a week of antibiotics & Judge Judy haha.


Pericarditis sucks. I had it once and it was scary. I didn't work for a day and I wfh. Absolutely reasonable to take a day.


I got fired from my job as a mirror installer. It was a shame as it was a job I could really see myself doing.


But as your face is that of a fish, would you want to?


That's no reflection on you.


Ever since I got that job polishing rear view mirrors I never looked back


I see you reflect fondly on your time in that role.


Thought about doing that but I looked into it and decided not to.


Haha brilliant


Shame, bet you were smashing it. Bad luck that


Hope you reflected on this.


I was on a Christmas do with some colleagues where one colleague told me I was too immature to have kids and then my girlfriend at the time deserved to miscarry our child. After confronting him and demanding an apology, his direct manager escorted me outside and proceeded to assault me. It got back into work where I was dismissed for 'gross misconduct' for 'threatening behaviour' with no repercussions to the others. It was a very well paying job and I'm currently dealing with ACAS to appeal the decision since I believe it is unfair dismissal.


Fucked up but grassing in the only way to go in these situations and even then you might not be believed. I was threatened outside work for flirting with a girl one of the main heads was after. I found it incredibly sad and hilarious but didn’t bother to do anything about it as he was the company’s golden goose and I was a 20yr newbie. This was in broad daylight right outside the exit and I should edit that it was someone he’d asked to do it for him…some big lump


I honestly do wish I reported it to the police at the time, however I was quite naive and trusted the investigation process through work to see through how paper-thin their story held up. They both hold important roles within our department and the final decision was made by our director. I hold a much less senior role so it was obviously easier for him to get rid of me then have to retrain two other members of staff


crime doesn't expire, you can still report it to the police


Actually it does.. sorry.


I was sacked from my job in the butchers because I kept putting my willy in the bacon slicer.


Did she get sacked too?




Were you caught because of a tip-off?


I was sacked on the grounds of being incapable of doing the job anymore. In today's terms, I'd have been on £50-60k. The company were good enough to ensure that my last day of employment finished the day before my medical retirement pension began. 1st of bloody April.😂😂😂


so does this mean you weren't sacked or you came into work on april fools only to realise your last day was the day before?


Don’t feel too bad about it, a lot of companies sack people for no other reason than their face doesn’t fit, or the company needs to lay people off. Much easier to sack people than to give redundancy, especially if they have under 2 years. I’ve seen companies push to bully people out too


Yea I was there for just over 1 year. It's annoyed me because the reason they sacked me , well let's say that certain drivers wouldn't have been sacked for it, some have done much much worse and still seem to keep their job


You were in a driving job? There's quite a few around I think. What makes you think you won't be able go get another similar job for similar pay?


Definitely sounds to me like they needed to reduce the headcount. It's much easier to get rid of someone with less than two years' service, which is why other drivers would have got away with it: Quite simply, they would be much harder to get rid of - far more processes to follow.


I got fired from working at an Amazon warehouse for having a 98.9% efficiency rating with a mobility disability they knew about but apparently because it wasn't meeting their standards of 100%, with most achieving 110% they sacked me. No accounting for the disability whatsoever, and when I brought it up saying 'I'm doing my best and moving as fast as I physically can with the reduced mobility I have'. Their response was 'We don't accept excuses for being lazy, and don't come back tomorrow'. So I just left halfway through the shift, not working until the end of the day if you don't want me there, nor am I going to finish the job if you aren't making reasonable adjustments for the disability. I was putting up with working without heating or cooling systems, working in the dark, only having 15mins brakes when it took 5 minutes to get to the brake room and it started by the clock not from when you sit down (so 10 minute walk to get to the brake room, leaving the actual brake being 5 minutes), working in the dark, not being allowed to go to the toilet as and when needed (they didn't even allow a colleague that has bladder issues go when she needed to), and so on. But to fire me for being 0.1% under the minimum and not accounting for the disability absolutely a disgusting corporation. Don't buy from them.


Could you not go to tribunal for disability discrimination?


I probably could have, but it was my first (proper) job and I didn't know any better. Additionally I hadn't quite yet passed the probation period. I did learn quite a lot from the experience though, and after that I ensured whoever I worked for actually had morals.


That's a protected characteristic - any sniff of being sacked for that reason means you don't need to wait two years - you could have nailed their balls to the wall with that one


How do you achieve 110% efficiency? That's impossible.


Well that's what I said too, did not go down well. Apparently the expectation was not to only meet our stacking target for the day, but to also do 10% more. So if we had to stack 100 items they wanted us to do 110 items. But I thought I was doing rather well, but apparently not. The top stacker was achieving 112%, I also said 'good for him, a real team player helping to make up where I'm slightly lacking'. Again did not go down well, but I knew they were firing me at this point as I caught sight of the forms.


Damn, I'd have told them to fuck off! I have been sacked often, though, for usually saying similar things to management when they want unrealistic nonsense! Now I have had time to think, you could say then why not make 110 items = 100%. It's like the "but this goes to 11" from spinal tap joke.


Did you not take this to ACAS? Seems like your performance was perfectly reasonable.


First proper job I had, and didn't know any better at the time. These days I absolutely would have taken action, but you live and learn. Certainly an experience I will always remember.


Did you have to work in the dark?


When a was in my early twenties I was sacked from working in the kitchen at a pub for calling in sick with S&D. They were a really dodgy place. I found out after when I went to sign on they had been taking tax and insurance out of my wages but not paying it in. I was shocked when the dole office said I’d not payed tax or insurance for 2 years. Luckily I was still able to claim and decided I needed a better career so it was one of the deciding factors for me going to university


I had this as well!! Worked somewhere for a few months after travelling for half the year. I rang the tax office as I thought I was probably due a rebate, only to find out I'd paid no tax that year. They were mocking up payslips and to be honest I never bothered to keep them or work out whether I was being taxed correctly - learnt from that mistake. It meant they were paying less than minimum wage really, and it probably could have got me in trouble too for not paying tax on earnings.


I got sacked from a charity shop because I didn't stop a guy who threatened me with a knife from taking some stock. And for asking him if he wanted a bag to carry it.


Well you absolutely should be prepared to defend that Davina McCall fitness DVD and copy of FIFA 13 with your life!


I used to work for P&O Ferries until March the 17th 2022 (might have seen something on the news about the mass sacking haha) Pained me even more that I'd successfully passed my 6 month probation the week before 🙃


Replaced with someone doing your job for £2 an hour


I got sacked for hitting the works bully over the head with a frozen chicken


Fowl of you


I worked at a chain restaurant in uni. It was a new branch and we had training before the restaurant opened and then worked through the opening of the store, did horrible hours over Christmas (made me work a close on Christmas Eve and an open on Boxing Day when my family lived two hours away from where I went to uni and all the managers were off the entire week) and then when it got into January and it was quiet again, they let loads of people go and kept about 10 people on. It was such a gross way to treat people.


Unfortunately, that's the retail/hospitality all over. Hopefully, your degree was your ticket out of that horrible industry.


Thankfully all behind me now!


I've been fired a lot. From CEX for calling my boss a fucking knucklehead. From Whetherspoons for lying about my age. From Coop for going on holiday after having holiday rejected. From Toys R Us for being sick on my bosses desk and shitting myself. On my first shift. From my first ever job at a garden center because my dad had sex with the bosses wife. That being said, since starting my career I haven't. Those jobs never meant anything to me so it was easy come easy go. Sorry to hear that happened dude. It will be OK x


I always look at holiday as"I'm telling you I'm not going to be here that date, you can reject it but I'm still going" I'm older and well established in my career now so it's never an issue, but I would still take that approach when I was younger. My similarly senior colleague did it 2 years ago. "I'll be taking a 3 month sabbatical" "we don't do sabbaticals" "well I'm taking it, it's up to you if I come back after or not" Given the sheer cost and effort of hiring individual contributors at our level, he got his sabbatical.


I'm also older and hold a senior position in an office based job in a small firm that I've worked at for 22 years. I had to thake this Friday off at fairly short notice as I was moving house (a problematic move that's taken a year to sort out) and the 'office manager' (owners wife) hit the roof as others were off and it would leave the office empty. She's not instigated a 'holiday request' system where we have to request holiday and she can approve it. She doesn't seem to realise that I'm not begging for my contractually entitled holiday so I've changed the paperwork to say 'holiday notification' and will notify her of days that I'll be absent. We're not some life or death, critical organisation where the telephone needs to be manned 24/7. We're saving pdf's Sandra, not lives.


I find time and time again it isn't about the feasibility, it's about the middle manager going on a power trip.


what was the knucklehead incident


Got a very public very animated telling off on the shop floor for affixing the stickers in the corner of the boxes "straight" and not at 45 degrees. (The little round cex one). Because that looks cool. I can't remember what I said but it was to the effect of "nobody has ever not bought a game because the sticker wasn't jaunty enough". And called him some names. I was only 18 and wet behind the ears. I didn't get that months paycheck and I let it go but then my dad went in and made him pay me there and then. (It was a franchised store so the manager also owned it).


I (along with every other trainee at the time) was let go by a shipping company that had spent the previous 3 years training me, just as I had qualified and finished said training. I told them my exam results and the email they sent in response essentially said “Well done! But next month’s payslip will be your last”.


It’s probably cheaper overall to hire and train people than it is to pay fully qualified people.


No, you’re missing the point, and it’s down to me not explaining fully. The UK government subsidises shipping companies in the form of tax breaks, if they agree to train new officers. Merchant seafarers need to be qualified to do the job, a trainee cannot legally keep a watch on a ship, and it takes about 3 years to train an officer. The scheme is intended to reverse the decline of the British Merchant Navy. However, the government never required that the companies employ the officers they train after they have qualified (and the company receives its tax break). My old company had historically always honoured the implicit deal and employed its trainee officers once they qualified- but a few years ago they decided to start selling ships and making people redundant (whilst still getting said tax breaks).


Who was it?


BP Shipping. Many “British” shipping companies do similar things.


Ah if it helps this is super common everywhere in the UK, many companies act like training farms, they can 'train' someone in a role for £5k, they get £15k from the government, and you get a super valuable Modern Apprenticeship or equivalent depending on the industry. The government goes from sector to sector every few years boosting quals, my 'school' was a group called xenos who shut down the week the government moved money out of IT service management training. Fujitsu, Manpower, Virgin Media.... these are all companies I've had first hand experience with.


Remind me why UK productivity is so bad compared to many other countries?


Well it isn't, we have a very old tradition of in the workplace training, and apprenticeships have been a thing here for a long time. Traditionally it was a honor thing with a master training an apprentice to one day take over the job, these days that's not so relevant so the government fund this style of education. Apprentices are not and should not ever be seen as productive staff members, that's not what they are there for, engineering apprenticeship schools like mine at Girlings are renown for the quality of its engineering alumni.


I was sacked in my 20's because the bosses son saw my work van in the pub carpark at 2pm, I was shit faced so deserved it. It was better than rewiring shitty council houses for sure.


Jumped before I was pushed (on 32.5k)...then got a better paid job at 38k and got sacked (PIP following probation). The problem is fundamental of nature...I just don't feel like I have a reason to work hard or commit excessively to a job.


Maybe so you stop getting sacked 😂


I was let go from my part-time job at a “surf” themed clothing shop as a teenager. My dad went and tore the manager a new one (made the mistake of crying about it and he went full papa bear, there was no stopping him). I thought about reporting the manager to head office for blatant misogyny but I thought it would just look like sour grapes so I didn’t bother. The chain went bust a year or so later anyway so 🤷‍♀️


Good on your Dad. Jumped-up retail managers enjoy their little taste of power and need knocking down a peg or two. I work with someone whose Dad marched into the supermarket where she worked as a teenager, grabbed her bully of a supervisor by the shirt collars, lifted him clean off his feet, and shoved him into one of the chest freezers. That was in the 70s, though. Very different times!


I got "sacked" from JD sports when I was 17 and I'm pretty sure it was purely because they didn't like me. Well I didn't pass probation. The manager was thick as mince and I'm convinced that she only set people on who were less intelligent than she was because she felt threatened.


Retail managers are a strange breed. Best avoided if at all possible.


It's mad how many dense people in management you come across in the world of employment.


No but I’ve tried really hard on a couple of occasions.


We need to normalise getting sacked. Next time I hand my notice in at a job that didn’t work out due to shitty structure etc. I will simply tell them I am relieving them of their duty as my employer. Football managers get sacked and keep getting massive payoffs and salaries.


Same with sacked CEOs - they immediately flip to another leadership role at a different corporation.


I was sacked from my last job as a mobile developer just before reaching the 2-year mark. This was on February and I haven’t been able to find a similar job yet. 48M, having a degree in math and a MSc in Informations Systems (managed to do the latter while working full time). Why am I saying that? It’s just that I feel defeated, studying all these years and now I will probably end up doing a minimum wage job.


For what it’s worth, it’s unlikely to be a reflection on you. Software engineering is a tough market right now. Keep your chin up and something will come around.


No you won't. Plenty of opportunities for someone with your qualifications


I got sacked from my first job at McDonald's, I'd been there for close to 2 years and they "made an example" of me over a cheeseburger. I'd often get a cheeseburger (79p) and a tea (39p) before my shift. This day I went to the till as usual, served by a coworker, gave her a £2 coin and pocketed the change without checking it. What I didn't know is that she'd "done me a favour" and only charged for a tea, while one of the big managers was stood right behind her. Got pulled into the office and grilled (ha) about why I'd let her not charge me, and was meet with disbelief at the suggestion I didn't check the change... as if I'd expect a friend to short change me. We both ended up getting sacked, as they were having a crackdown on stealing. The worst I'd ever done is pack more fries than you should in the box for a friend. Wasn't the best job in the world, but the people were good and I really needed the money and confidence that working gave me. I was pretty gutted and struggled to get back on my feet from the realisation that everything I'd worked hard for could be taken away over 79p


See the secret is to get a nugget,wrap it in easy pick and dropit into the fryer for a few seconds. Not only do you get to taste the greatest thing man has ever made, you get to shit in the oil with the cheese fats.


I was sacked from a retail management position which, to be honest, I'd mentally checked out of about 18 months prior. I hated it and twice forgot to do a security protocol. Got a disciplinary the first time, got fired the second (it was technically not me who forgot, but as the manager it was still my responsibility). I got another job within 2 months on a slightly lower salary but with much better hours, much better working conditions, and room to grow. And now I'm earning much more than I ever would have. Good things can come of unexpected change.


I got sacked in my late teens for smoking weed and operating chainsaws. Fair.


Aye you’re meant to cut down trees, not smoke them.


I’ve been sacked 3 times in my life (I’ve had about 30 jobs) I was sacked for speaking out of turn at a town hall meeting during Covid where I blamed the company for putting the product before the health of the workers, marked my own card. I lost another job after I accidentally set fire to a vehicle while repairing it. And my 3rd and final sacking came after I’d just found out my dad had cancer and I decided to get a bit depressed and stop turning up to work and stopped communicating with my work. 🤷‍♂️ life goes on, don’t beat yourself up about it, there’s more to life than money and if you managed it once you could do it again.


Yeah, I have. I was sacked from a company/warehouse that sold suits and formal-ware for children


I was sacked as a HGV driver for dropping a trailer (pulling off without winding the legs down). It's not a huge problem but they sacked me for it! I didn't do it in purpose but they didn't seem to care


I think I dropped 3, but one was leg failure. Unfortunately, I actually got sacked for jamming a 15'3" tilt in the blackwall tunnel, not exactly my finest hour.


Well it's funny you say that as I know for certain that another driver rammed a 16 foot trailer (5M) into a 13 foot 1 (4M) petrol station forecourt roof. He never got sacked, yet I drop an empty trialer and I did. It's all corrupt AF


Yeah, the whole industry is seriously inconsistent, with at least half of it corrupt, in the 80s I got a ticket for parking an 8 wheel tipper on a pavement, my boss handed me the ticket and said not to worry it's about a 30 quid fine, but I obviously looked too worried, it was during the following conversation that he found out I didn't actually have an hgv licence, he did however give me a job a year or so later once I'd got a licence, unfortunately two 36 hour shifts a week were somewhat normal, I transferred to their continental side where it wasn't much better, no permits for France or Spain and you were expected to arrive in Portugal within 30 hours of leaving either Calais or Deippe, good money but too stressful. Especially considering the tax disc situation and the fake running money


That’s very unfortunate, how long were you there? Unless it’s something you do every day, most companies will at least see it as an accident


I was at this company just over 1 year, my previous one about 6. I've literally never done this before and a simply forgot to wind the legs down and got distracted. The trailer was empty and no damage happened, but Apparently I didn't follow procedure and they sacked me for it


Isn’t there a huge shortage of HGV drivers?


Nah. There's a huge shortage of driver wanting to work 60 hours a week for 13 pounds an hour. That is the job that the eastern Europeans did and now they have left the country. These jobs are now mostly filled by new pass drivers to get "experience" There was never a shortage


Hope you can pick up where you left off with a new company. Spin it as a positive; you’re the one candidate who is not going to make that mistake again!


Sacked from Nandos in my first month working there.. I'll bullet point it because it really was that brief.. - Employed as a 'Griller', I was the only one of the kitchen team with ANY food hygiene training, let alone qualification. - Awarded Nandoca(employee) of the month, In my first month/only month. - Caught a manager (that had recently been transferred sites due to conflict of interest( He fucked the waiting staff)) bullying an autistic member of staff in the changing room, horrible comments about their appearance, weight, smell. I heard it through the door, opened it, and confronted the manager, told him I'd be reporting him, and that behaviour wasn't okay. - Called in for a 4 week review following day to be told I've made a lot of serious mistakes.. to then break down the list of mistakes, and I.M.O proved these mistakes had been scape goated on me, then report the manager and why I believed he is now scapegoating me. I requested an investigation. - Complete investigation following day, no further action, on all parties. Bullying manager shows new shade, he's untouchable, waits for moments it's just me and him and makes little comments like "I'm still watching you" .. walks past the autistic lad, rubs his tummy whilst making eye contact with me. - Lost it, I'm not a violent person, but my first thought wasn't pretty, I grabbed my coat, bag, and left. - That night, had a few beers, thought fuck this guy. Sent him a breakdown of all the reasons he's a cunt in a very poetic message. - Following day, as expected, suspended... but with full pay! They paid me 3 weeks, asked I attend a meeting, and just asked if I still wanted the job. If not, they could end the investigation now.. I wanted more free money so said yes, I want my job, 3 more weeks suspended. - Final meeting was 15 minutes, nothing in writing, I'd been sacked, manager still works there without repercussions.. Helped my friends he was bullying, find a new job. Never went back. I do miss the chicken, but the things I saw were revolting.. I can make my own chicken, thank you.


I did it the other way round. I was employed as a teacher in a school on a year contract and after 6 months my head of department told me I've been made permanent. I said no I haven't and he didn't understand. I explained I didn't want the job and happy to leave at the end of the year. He couldn't understand why and I couldn't be bothered to tell him he was a dick and hated working alongside him. I left at end of year and never regretted or looked back lol.


I worked in Gordan Ramsays restaurant, I was a staffed idiot. People would walk up to me slap me round the face with two pieces of bread and say 'what are you?' And I would shout 'I'M A IDIOT SANDWHICH' man I loved that job but they sacked me when I got my PhD. Life hasn't really been the same since:(


Got sacked years ago from a temp warehouse job as a picker / packer. Was the worst job I've ever had. I was late twice by a few minutes over a month period and I got a phone call Friday just after getting home telling me they wasn't happy with my punctuation and not to come back Monday. Totally my own fault, just hated going. Honesty all I felt was relief. A week later they asked if I'd consider coming back as they needed staff and I said no. One of those places where the staff turnover was massive.


Your career there came to a bit of a full stop.


You know a job is shit if they are prepared to ring people they sacked not long ago. No one wants the job.


I got fired five times in one year once. (I was definitely the problem.) I now work at a four-day work week company for £70k a year. It gets better. :)


I was sacked from my time as a waitress at TGI Fridays for spilling 3 pints of coke over the same women 3 separate times in one meal - all because they don't let you use trays and I have little hands! I have a lot of respect for waitresses!!




Yes, apparently 80 train carriages in 6 hours is a reasonable expectation for a train cleaner, I had to walk a good 8 miles a day in the job


I’ve been fired twice. Both times from places with horrendous cultures at work. First job I was “fired” from I was on6 figure salary and spent a year doing literally nothing. (Defense contractor) It was depressing as fuck. Everyone had a very “stab each other in the back” mentality and after trying to make things better for months I walked out and said I quit. I rang the boss and let them know and instead of accepting my resignation they said “you’re fired” which was childish and completely unsurprising. A few years later I worked another job (you can see my post history) where I was fired for shouting at two awful employees who were shouting at me at the time, they had been a known issue before I worked there and the company refused to do anything about them. It turns out the real reason they fired me (I found out last week, when I saw an old colleague) is that the company had promised to pay for some further education and could not afford it. So instead of owning up and saying “things are tough” they went nuclear and fired me for gross misconduct (i massively disagree with their findings and how they handled it but it’s done now) I now work for a tech company earning a comfortable 6 figures in a lovely work environment. Sometimes, it’s better that these bad things happen to you. Losing a job is never the end. It’s depressing as fuck and makes life really tough but it’s fine. In a few years you won’t even care.




I’ve been sacked by approximately 3 jobs. All but been squeezed out of several others due to generally being a crap employee. It sucks every time but this will open another door for you that may turn out to be better.


Was sacked from my ideal job, was a 4 on 4 off shift, the company was polish owned and majority of the staff were polish and didn't speak English at all. It was extremely tiring trying to learn a job from someone who didn't speak English, but I did learn the area they wanted me to run. After about 6 months they moved me to the opposite side and I was making mistakes, eventually they pulled me in the office told me I wasn't a good fit and that I should empty my locker and the security guard will Escort me off, no offer to finish out the week, just sent on my way. Told them I'll be speaking to a solicitor in regards to this as this isn't right. The training was mediocre and translated by someone who doesn't speak English. Didn't take me long to get into another job but damn I do miss those 4 on 4 off shifts.


The Army. I loved key and country. Doing a lot better now.


I have pretty bad adhd it fucks with my sleep and stuff so struggled to keep jobs all my life in the last ten years I think I had about 20 jobs as a welder I was good at my job just couldn't stay consistent with turning up and doing over time etc, I was fired from probably 15 of those. A couple were due to cancelled contracts and a couple i quit. I gave up welding last year and started a job looking after kids in care, 2 days on 4 days off its awesome. Anyway yea evertime I got fired It was shit but luckily there's tons of welding jobs so I was never out of work for long but having to do everything over and over was disastrous for my mental wellbeing, kept thinking this time will be different and just couldn't keep up the pace sadly but I can with this job and I fit in with the mad kids lol


Have never been fired but I fired my first employee today... it is hard and is not something you do easily especially if the guy is nice and likeable.


What was the reason for the dismissal, if you don’t mind me asking?


I've been deliberately sacked from near enough every job I've had, retail, warehousing, IT support, etc. JUST before my 2-year mark. The current one I'm in has been the only one in my 33 years on this fucking Earth to keep me on and so far, so good. Don't feel bad OP, keep your chin up and remember it's their loss.


What have you done to be sacked in all your jobs?


The first one was an unpaid retail placement at the behest of the lovely Jobcentre when I was younger, business owner's wife accused multiple of us of stealing stock (we weren't, it was just in the basement storage space and we never saw any apologies when it was found) while slashing our manager's hours to the point where he was losing money, so we all got fucked over within three months and replaced. Couple sweatshop warehouse jobs handling clothing for online retail, the sorts of places that chew through agency staff to the point where nobody local is willing to piss on the place if it's on fire. Again, trend of people on zero-hour contracts being fired just before they qualify for full-time employment, let alone redundancy, and I wasn't the only one. On my last rodeo with one of these places, I resigned during the busiest period of the year after getting harassed the entire week by a supervisor. At that point, I'd been at the place for two years on agency, been hired onto the 11am-8pm team for a year doing unloading, stock palletising, order picking, wagon loading, QA and cleaning depending on who's slack I'd be picking up. The £900 a month I was coming home with pre-tax wasn't worth the stress anymore, and another 13 people followed me out the door for similar issues, including another supervisor who was being shit on by the problematic ones. Should also note that during Covid, this same business lied that they were supplying PPE to NHS staff in order to stay open when all we dealt in was generic unbranded clothing to be sold on to the general public by whoever we distributed to. I don't think they stocked a single mask or apron until long after the stay-at-home restrictions were lifted. I.T, that was legitimately on me. Although I knew to operate the systems and fix customer issues, I couldn't deal with the workload of support tickets from two different council contracts so I was let go. I recommended my friend to apply for the position when mine opened up and he's had a better go of it than I did, so that one's not all doom and gloom. And currently I'm in a food distribution gig where I'm actually treated like a human being and not a robot in a hi-vis! Winning!


My first full-time job was in a small woodwork shop. The office was up on stilts, and I was told to get up a ladder and clean the windows. Now, I'm not a lover of heights, so when one of the other boys started fucking about with the ladder I told him if he didn't stop I'd come down and ragdoll him. Well, he didn't stop, and I kept my word. I was sacked straight away. Out of work after that for two months. You live and learn.


I got sacked from McDonald's for insinuating that the new business manager was sexist! I had been there five years, started at 16. Honestly, the best thing that ever happened - if they hadn't, id probably still be there now and miserable, but instead I have a job I love and a decent salary. It was the worst thing ever at the time, but understand what happened, and I'm sure it will work out for the best!


For some reason, I read as "finished at 16" and thought you'd started at McDonald's when you were 11 😂


I got suspended from McDonald's for dubious reasons, got my job back after being suspended on full pay but it was the wake up call to get another job. Same as yourself, at the time I thought it was the worst things but now looking back what a blessing! I work Monday-Friday for a nice company and earn more than my BM does 😁


That's a pretty big mistake though. And costly, both the damage to the trailer and the consequential costs. Sorry OP but it's hardly unfair that you were sacked for this.


No I understand that, but I know for certain that another driver rammed his 16 foot trailer into a 13 foot petrol station forecourt and he never got sacked, yet I dropped an empty trialer and I did. I'm sure he did a lot more damaged that I did, but he wasn't sacked.


Yikes. Fair enough, that's certainly put things in a different light.


Yes I have. I mentioned that a vacancy doing essentially the same role as me was at a higher salary (raised it as a grievance) and they turned it on me trying to make out my tone was unprofessional and a load of BS


I took voluntary redundancy from a job last year that paid 52k. It was a very cushy govt job, no stress. Unfortunately I made a few mistakes and felt like I had no choice but to leave. Now the highest salary I can get is 43k which has made my life much harder 😔


Depends on how you view it, I was sacked/wasn't kept on from my first professional job post uni. I had signed up to a 6 month contract, and they decided to end it early. As they said I didn't really know what I was doing and I'd never make it in engineering. Some of their reasoning fell apart for a few reasons. A new manager came in who seemed pleased with my day to day work. But he also wanted me to do more, which I was doing. The production staff started to come to me with issues far more than my new manager so I was doing more work after my original manager left. The MD and finance director didn't like that I didn't come to them to ask about the machinery we were developing. Why would I do that? They're on the other side of the building to the factory floor, if I had questions I'd ask people who were building the machines, or my manager. There were a few other reasons which I forgot, but it was very upsetting to hear "you'll never succeed in this industry". Fuck them though. As they let me go early, they had to pay both my salary, and holiday pay I was owed. The next month I started a new job at their direct rival, and I had a very successful 5 years there far surpassing any projects that the old company was working on. I also got made redundant at my previous job, and I've not had to work for 6 months. So that's a win in a way.


I've never been sacked but I've been forced out of 2 jobs in my time as a designer. The first one was when I was employed by a well known fast fashion company to design for a department which unknown to me when I took the job was beset with problems. I was the 3rd designer in 2 years to take it on. They almost immediately decided my face didn't fit essentially and so put me through the most horrendous "development" process (essentially their way of managing people out). I naively thought I was to blame. I spent 2 months trying to jump through all their hoops, but finally after smashing a presentation to suppliers out of the park and everyone else telling me so, while I was on a high about it going so well, I was told I'd actually done a terrible job by my manager. I knew that wasn't true. I'd done a fucking great job that day. I realised then (and said so) that there wasn't going to be anything I'd ever be able to do to turn things around. They weren't acting in good faith. They had already made up their minds to get rid of me weeks before. So I resigned. The other job, I was really sad about. It was for a lovely company and I absolutely loved the role for the first 6 months. Dream role. Then the company started making design managers redundant, saying there was no need for the role if there was a senior designer on the team (I was the senior designer). My design manager then decided to make herself look indispensable by attempting to make me look incompetent. What followed was a textbook case of constructive dismissal where she gave me projects to do which were almost impossible to pull off, increasing amounts of work she gave me in the hope I wouldn't manage it and miss deadlines, humiliated me daily in front of my assistants and the rest of the team (insults, swearing- but never in front of *her* boss) and started messaging me at all hours about work. It pretty much was my Ann Hathaway Devil Wears Prada Era. And I jest, but after working 70+ hours a week I did basically have a breakdown. I walked out but not without making a HR complaint about why I felt I had no choice left but to leave. Unknown to me this wasn't the first time she'd been complained about and 3 months later she was given the boot. They even asked me to go back, but I couldn't face it. I spent months getting well again. So after that I decided to be my own boss, and never looked back. I made more money than I ever had and when finally got out of fashion after 10 years freelancing I was in a very different place. I'm semi retired now running a different creative business and raising a family. But while both of those experiences were awful at the time, and I felt my career was probably over both times, I did learn resilience. I learned no job is worth your mental health. I also learned you can pick yourself up and move on and up even if it feels like disaster at the time. What is for you won't pass you. I promise. Good luck💜


Not fired/sacked, all my jobs have been data/admin via employment agencies at companies, some were short term contracts, and one I was let go after 3 days for a well known bank call centre, even though I did not deal with phones.


I was sacked for my performance being terrible. I was always late, made no effort and took the piss whenever I could. I don't regret it as I hated the job, and it led to me finding a new job that has a better salary, working environment and I like being there.


I got sacked from my paper round when I was 13 because I didn’t show up for a shift they’d put me down for after I told them I was away that week. Cow who ran the shop had the gall to lie to my face that I’d not told her I was going away when I’d literally watched her write it on a post it note and stick it on the wall when I told her.


got over 100k tax free from 4 "letting you go", all unfair and I fought


Yeah, a bunch of times, it's fine. 


What was the reason for being fired? Why do you think you won’t find another job on the same wage? I’m sorry btw


I was sacked from my job in a quality testing lab at a fruit juice factory after 2 weeks. I was 20 years old, effectively working alone, very socially awkward and got almost no training.  They gave a few BS reasons for letting me go, mostly their fault for not training me properly, but the one I remember most was that I wasn't interacting with the rest of the team. Apparently they naturally expected me to wander the factory floor and vibe with everyone, and were shocked that I literally spent my entire shifts in the lab. Whoops. I now work as a specialist in an NHS diagnostics lab, and with the benefit of experience and hindsight I can see what clowns those guys really were.


I was sacked from a local builders merchant for been half cut most mornings after a skin full the night before, now I’m 18years sober and work for myself. To be honest I didn’t blame them for sacking me I was a fuck up back then


I was sacked from nandos when I was 17.I was going home one night on a bus and two girls attacked me and hit my face. When I arrived at work the next day, the manager saw my face and Said " I thought you were a nice girl Gemma, not the type of girl that gets into fights" I sat sobbing my eyes out, without the ability to articulate that I was attacked without provocation, from behind... It was a pretty horrible day.


Wasn't fired, but I had a threat of 'work faster or else' by a manager who was pressuring for 50+ hours in 32 hours. Thing is a friend of mine worked for the company he originally came from years ago, he got the same treatment and...Well... let's just say he resigned from life as a result, which has always made me super careful about how I let people treat me. So seeing the same thing coming me way I politely suggested that he fuck off and walked out. Got a new job coming up though, and they instantly seem a million times better - I haven't needed to argue out unreasonable contract terms for starters.


I lost my £55k a year job last, I felt so defeated and even applied for a 40k job but ended up getting a 70k paid job this week! So don't give up! You only can get better from now on!


I got fired from a job I loved a few years back. I had just had surgery for endometriosis and so had time off for that, then I was told I might have cervical cancer but I got messed around so much with my appointments and not being told results etc that my mental health got really bad, so they allowed me flexi work hours but then when I was going through treatment for the precancerous cells I then had more time off work which only annoyed them because of course work was falling behind. Then I had a miscarriage, and then my ex cheated on me.. my mental health was in the bin and I struggled immensely with work. They did everything they could to support me and they were honestly incredible, but when I just kept needing more time off and flexi hours they eventually sacked me but apologised so much whilst doing it. Was a wild 6 months🤣


try not to let it send you into the unemployment cycle. I've spoken to many ordinary people who've just come out of a job and a year later they're still unemployed. Prove yourself wrong.


I was sacked about 10ish years ago for not knowing my way around London without a satnav (i essentially delivered and collected boxes of documents from businesses from Hampshire and London). If I was a blackcab driver that needed to know the knowledge but what a joke as a van driver not being allowed to use satnav?! and also accidentally reversing into a small pole that I hadn’t seen, which caused real minor damage. A couple of weeks prior, the boss had crunched the side of the same van down one of those massive concrete pillars in an underground car park.


I haven’t yet but I live in constant fear- I’ve tricked my current company into paying me 70k and there’s no way I’d find another company to do that. So far I’ve made it 18 months, I just need to keep up the pretence that I’m a real person for another 30ish years and I’m golden


Was sacked from a job in a kitchen by mate's dad for not doing a good enough job of mopping the floor. I came in to get my wages and someone else was doing my job. It was a lot of work for about £2.50 an hour so not really worth the graft