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If it’s sent by post you might get away without paying anything. If DHL/FedEx you’ll get hit with import VAT and an admin fee. I think the below classification is correct for a DS game on the customs website. https://www.trade-tariff.service.gov.uk/commodities/8523519000


does the price of the item affect if it would be subject to charges?


There used to be a minimum value of £15 and below where no import VAT is due but I’m not sure if that’s still in place.


oh okay, would they leave a note when it comes if there are any charges to be paid off?


DHL/FedEx might contact you before delivery or card you with. I’ve had Royal Mail do that when I’ve ordered something from the US. Fingers crossed it slips through unnoticed:)


yeah hopefully you it get through unnoticed :), and the game I am trying to get through is a game that came from the US to France so I thought it would be cheaper shipping wise to get it from France since it closer but then I was worrying about import fees so hopefully it goes all right in the end lol




Every time I’m sending anything more than a letter to the EU I have needed a customs declaration. The one time I didn’t complete the declaration, the packet was returned to me.


This is an import into the uk though. The sender will mark up the customs declaration. When it arrives into the uk it could get cleared as bulk low value mail and slip though without taxes due. If sent dhl or ups this is less likely.


VAT plus the courier's fee. If you're buying from a company, they're meant sort the VAT for you now so you won't pay anything extra.


Hi, yeah it is a family owned business in France I hope they sort the VAT out for me, thank you for your help much appricated.