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Please talk to your friends to take the pup to a vet and discuss how to properly care for it! Withholding water in the kennel overnight can be ok but during the day free access is needed. Puppy urine should be pale and odorless.


Exactly this. I've NEVER heard of this severe of limitations on water for a puppy.


This is not safe. Dogs should have free access to unlimited fresh water at all times. Also the amount they’re giving is odd, and this puppy sounds incredibly thirsty. Their puppy should be going to a vet to get her vaccines soon. You should encourage them to discuss her care with them. Their breeder is likely not a veterinary professional so they shouldn’t be taking any medical or care advice from that person. You’re correct to think that this is wrong, they need to use actual vetted resources. The first is just from the AKC but still has good information. “However, it’s important not to take this advice too far by restricting your puppy’s water during the day. Puppies are more prone to dehydration than adult dogs because of their greater need for water. Restricting water intake can also lead to behaviors like resource guarding. So, even while housetraining, you should give your puppy their regular amount of water during the day.” “As a general rule, adult dogs need about one ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. But, despite their smaller size, growing puppies drink more than their adult counterparts.” https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/puppy-drinking-enough-water/#:~:text=However%2C%20it's%20important%20not%20to,%2C%20blood%20flow%2C%20and%20breathing. https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=10330034 https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/puppy---recommendations-for-new-owners-part-ii---general-care


Please also get them, and the vet they talk to, to report the breeder. It sounds very likely that there are many puppies out there being treated the same way based on their advice. This is bigger than just your friends puppy.


the second I read "Miniature Labradoodle" I knew this was going to be a doozy, puppies need free access to water you're correct that a deep yellow urine color is concerning. unfortunately, it sounds like your friends fell for an unethical breeder that has no clue what they are talking about please encourage them to take her to the vet


Same here. Miniature everything - huge red flag.


Doodle everything too, I don't trust people who intentionally create Mutts with issues


The fact that someone is breeding miniature labradoodles is already a huge red flag. Water should never be restricted unless on the advice of a veterinarian. Keeping their puppy in a constant state of dehydration is dangerous and unethical. 


Right. No way I’d take advice from someone who ‘breeds’ that ridiculous combo.


Puppies need free water access. If they have a genuine concern regarding her drinking too much, they should take her to a veterinarian: unless their breeder can produce a veterinary degree, their opinion means nothing to me. But she will pee a lot, she is a puppy! They should take her to a veterinarian anyway, for a general health check and vaccines and microchipping. Especially if it's hot, especially if she's done lots of activities - it just seems a bit cruel in my view. Withholding water may also make her develop resource aggression regarding water. Water should not be a reward! She's a growing puppy, she needs water! I'd probably recommend they talk to a veterinarian regardless, but unless the puppy has a genuine medical need (such as diabetes insipidus or another problem causing her to be prone to water toxicitiy). They can withhold water at night if they're worried about housetraining but there should be free access during the day. Also worse: their puppy is at more risk of UTIs and urinary stones etc if they withhold water in the long run due to having more concentrated urine. The same way we are recommended to drink a certain amount of water today, if we drink more spaced out throughout the day, it's not a bad thing. Imagine spending all day dehydrated!!


Kidney failure too


No animal should be restricted from water. I think they should have fostered first (if at all).


Chatgpt is a language model, not a dog trainer. It DOES NOT make factually correct statements, it strings words into mostly coherent sentences. Do not go to chatgpt for advice, because it does not give accurate information


If you know the vet, I’d call and tell them and beg them to not tell your friends that you called them 🤷🏻‍♀️ When it comes to an animals safety, idgaf what people think of me.


I would also be worried about the puppy developing resource guarding around water, since her access to an essential resource (water) is so restricted and micromanaged.


Call the SPCA or the police because if they continue to treat the dog this way it may become very dehydrated


that dog is doomed. report them for neglect, maybe ac will educate them




God, I HATE breeders and I hate people who listen to them instead of the veterinarians advice. I would honestly report your friend to some sort of animal welfare organization, maybe coming from an authority like that they’ll start using their brains. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have animals or kids. Ever.


Tell them if they are the one getting restricted access to water how would they feel? Especially on a hot day. Vet tech here. Water should be given unlimited, puppies will drink what they need. If they are drinking more than they should or excessively then it is a medical concern and should be checked out.




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This is so wrong - the pup needs access to water all day everyday. Please have a discussion with your friends they could physically harm their dog. I can not believe anyone who breeds sells and own these dogs would tell them this. I’m very Concerned for this puppy’s health


Thank you everyone for your comments. I am working with another friend to find a way to bring this up another time without offending them, otherwise we worry they will hide this topic with the vet/us. They plan to visit the vet this week and we will be reminding them before and following up after their visit. At this point I really really hope they find it too hectic to take care of the puppy and return it.




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Ask your friends to verify with their vet at their first appointment (which should be in the first week of coming home) about the water limits. Hopefully hearing from a professional will convince them. Puppies shouldn’t be that limited on water.




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Limit water intake is probably meant for the nights to reduce the frequency of puppies going potty when we are sleeping. Honestly, that is just pure bad. Dogs should have access to water at all times, if they need to potty at night, it's an opportunity to potty train them.


That is sad. Poor pup! The dog should be able to drink water during the day whenever it’s thirsty. Tell your friends to stop being idiots. Tell them I said it so you don’t get any mean looks 😒😂




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Just give damn water to your puppy. I mean there are tons of informations online about everything, but that doesnt mean all of those are true.. Just show them comments and make them visit vet, this is not healthy relationship and they will not accomplish anything




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Urge them to stop going to the breeder for medical advice. They do not have a vet degree. Have they even bothered to take the pup to a vet for a checkup? The poor thing sounds dehydrated 😞




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You're saying that as an adult right? An adult that knows to drink when thirsty? Because puppies don't. They'll drink when thirsty, or bored, or just passing by and it interested them. Have you never house broken a puppy and wondered how it peed so much all the time? Their bladders are very small and they don't have impulse control. I'm by no means saying run your dog ragged and give nothing, but as a responsible pet owner who knows what their pet NEEDS,not wants, limiting their access to food and water while you learn each other is not the end of the world. Again, If eating, yea water. If running, afterward, yeah water. Leave it down all day for a young, non housebroken puppy to mosey on by, no. Besides, if they aren't training or sleeping, they should be under your supervision anyway until they know better. (Remember, puppies need as much sleep as babies!)


Giving 10 ounces of water a day to a puppy is a big deal and it shouldn’t be made light of. These owners are grossly misinformed and are going to do damage to this dog before they know it.






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It’s really not okay to restrict water access at all. Dehydration, especially in puppies, can happen very quickly. Also, it’s just downright mean. The poor thing is thirsty and denied access to water.


Peep the other reply, idk why it posted above. I feel like you're imagining a poor dog tied to a tree alone, not an indoor puppy with no prior knowledge of whats expected of it. It's okay to make decisions for the well being of another creature without your idea of comfort crowding your judgement.




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