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**Mod note: please refrain from using mental health related terms or diagnostic labels casually.** Not liking a certain sound doesn't mean someone has a mental health issue. Do not speculate, armchair diagnose, or label other people's mental health situations or use terms for mental health issues as judgments, slurs, or synonyms for toxic/abusive behaviour.


Wet chewing-type noises. Enrages me beyond words. Almost as bad is really any repetitive sound once it repeats more than about seven times. Fuck off.
















My mother and brother are the absolute worst for it. They simply will not close their mouths when they eat. It drives me nuts. I refuse to eat with them now.


Styrofoam coming out of a box. Even the thought of it makes me cringe.








Omg I could hear it and my whole body tensed


Yes! I call myself a styrophobe. (I’m sure there is a proper term for it!- I don’t even want to touch it!!!! Cringe.


I'm totally stealing that term, ha! You're right, it's the auditory and tactile sensations together that make it so horrifying


I hate it so much, my jaw and ears started vibrating as soon as I read this.


Oh god. I can hear it in my mind and I hate it. I hate getting anything fragile because I know that sound comes with it


Along with this its the screeching of chalk.


Dogs licking themselves


My dogs are lucky af I adore them bc every night I am woken up multiple times to tell them to stop licking their dicks. Makes me sick.


YOOOOO, I have a female German shepherd. I absolutely CAN NOT STAND when the living room is dead silent and she randomly decides to evaluate her lady area with her slurping tongue. 🥴🫠




I do greatly apologize for my strongly odd choice of words. 🙊😹😹


All you dog licking haters- YOU’RE Just JEALOUS YOU CANT DO THAT YOURSELF !


RIGHT!!!!! 😦 IT'S SO UNFAIR! The marvelous joys I'd be able to achieve if my tongue could easily maneuver down there and...... 🫣 yeah. 😹😹😹 But sadly, I was cursed with this dinky little human tongue 😩😩👅


The can clean themselves on their beds, on the floor or outside. My couch and bed are off limits cuz yucky


THIS ONE. My dog licks the couch 😭


My dog licks any surface. Couch. His bed. My bed covers. Cushions. The floor (bare wood, tiles, or rugs... it's all good). His feet or legs. The only reason he doesn't do that to his junk constantly is because he can't bend that way easily anymore (he's nearly 14). Thankfully, the sound isn't a sloppy glorping one. It's quieter but constant because once he starts, he can't seem to stop. I worry it's self-soothing, but wtf is he anxious about? I work from home, he has free run of the house and he gets attention and snacks, bio breaks and walks.... All I know is that all I seem to say anymore are variations of, "Oh my god, please stop licking!"


My husband is bald and our dog likes to lick his head when he gets home from work in the evenings. I turn the volume on the stereo up to 11


Agreed, disgusting. I can’t stand dogs in general but this just sends me.


When people talk with extra saliva in their mouth. There's a local radio commercial where the man makes a subtle smacking sound before each new sentence. I hate it so much!!


Fun fact: the pectin in apples helps reduce mouth noise like that. Source: used to work at music studio and we would keep little bottles of apple juice for the singers.


This is a fun fact


I definitely had fun.


That's really interesting! I want to test that out.


100% this, I'll turn off podcasts or NPR as soon as I hear their saliva smack around


I have misophonia, so all small, repetitive, biological noises. Sniffling, tooth-sucking, chewing, slurping, lip smacking, throat clearing, sex noises. Also my husband clicking his nails together, tapping, the sound those thin wire bangle bracelets make on a desk or keyboard, wrapper crackling, key jingling... I'm sure I'll think of more.


I have misophonia as well and I think I have a lot of the same ones as you. Worst one is mouth sounds for me, and sometimes the sound of swallowing if it's really quiet. I also hate nail clippings, people whispering, people doing that sniffle SNORT thing when they should blow their nose as well. It's really frustrating having it and I try to do my best to not get agitated, but I'm sure you know exactly how tough that is. My older brother would do the open mouth chew and loud gum chewing on purpose to piss me off growing up, and any time I'd see him (when the dude was close to being 40 years old, ffs).


I hate people like your brother. That's so obnoxious!


Yeah, he's way worse than that, so I cut him out of my life, haha. Just the fact that some people seem to thrive on really upsetting other people is fucking hilarious to me. It would legit make him so happy, especially if I had a headache.




Beeping alarms


The sound of Donald Trump's voice.


Veeeeery soothing to some…


Mostly deaf people


People biting on metal utensils. Makes my ears hurt


Just thinking about this sound makes my teeth itch 🙃 I literally have to leave the room if someone's teeth touch their fork.


Who the fuck in your life is biting on metal utensils?


Everyone eats like this 😫 I’ve heard it in restaurants, on YouTube, on reels. It drives me crazy


This makes so much sense to me.


My ex used to do this 😩 he would also take his first 2 bites of food and only the first 2 with his mouth open loud af it would drive me fucking nuts


when i was a kid i used to try to do this bc i loved the sound and thought people who did it were cool 😂😂


When people put the click sounds on their phone keyboard 😱




My tinnitus.


I know this… 😔




It's relentless and so hard to stop thinking about. I haven't heard silence in 15 years 😭


Someone with a wet cough where you can hear the mucus. GTFO W THAT SHITTTT


ok but those coughs are THE most satisfying when theyre ur own


A mosquito or fly buzzing in my ear. Takes me from 0-100


Those obnoxiously loud "performance" exhaust growls from just as equally obnoxious drivers who think they can compete with Vin Diesel 🙄 This is *closely* followed by leaf blowers


All leaf blowers at 7am in the morning all summer long trying to beat the heat of the day, wants me wanna kick Pedro’s ass !


My partner is one of these people 😩 use to really piss me off especially because the house would vibrate every time he revved his shitty little engine 🙈 he thinks it makes him younger and more attractive but in fact nothing turns me off faster 😂 and just makes him a nightmare…luckily that car is off the road now so he no longer does it hallelujah!


I hate hearing people eat


Kitchen vent fan when cooking. I get so relieved when it’s time to turn it off


I have misophonia. All of them drive me crazy.


Almost everyone here has misophonia. Seriously, people, look it up.


People talking


So you don’t watch tv or listen to the radio? What exactly do you mean when you say people talking makes you go crazy?


>What exactly do you mean when you say people talking makes you go crazy? People talking to me in person


Snoring! An absolute nightmare!! Its gross and annoying


Another problem is the machines used for sleep apnea, that also stop snoring, are very embarrassing. Luckily my snoring has reduced a bit with some weight loss, but I still snore a bit. If I'm staying the night away with another person I actually don't bring my cpap because it's too embarrassing, even though it's nearly silent, so I do my best to prop myself up on some pillows and hope i don't snore much. Nowadays nobody seems particularly bothered by my snoring. But I've definitely had bedmates who snored so loud it drove me nuts and I got almost no sleep.


You shouldn’t be embarrassed. It’s a very common issue that even young people have. I think people would be more annoyed with your snoring than your cpap. Wondering if you try and look at your cpap from another period that would help. I’ve named my husband’s pappy and even that has helped when it comes to acceptance and using it!


Please take your machine with you. First, most people would prefer to hear the steady sound of your machine to your snoring. (I know I do). Second, using your machine regularly improves your health. Third, using the machine gives you more energy and keeps you clear-minded. As far as embarrassment, I hope you realize how many people use Cpap. It’s fairly common these days for people to need them. And please note…I said NEED. You need it for your health, and if anyone would criticize you or make fun of you for using it, they should probably finish grade school first. Taking care of your health is not something to be embarrassed about. I totally get where you’re coming from because I fought going back on it. I had a machine like 15 years ago and then I had weight loss surgery and was able to go off it. Then I got delta variant and I hit menopause around the same time and I started snoring again. My husband kept bugging me about needing to go back on it and then my doctor started saying it (because my husband ratted me out). So I agreed to go do a test, thinking it couldn’t hurt to do a test. It turned out that I’m right on the border of really needing it, but I went ahead with it. I am honestly glad because I’m not as tired and I’m sleeping through the night. On nights when I pull it off during the night (I think I wake up to go to the bathroom and forget to put it back on) I definitely feel it the next day.




I have this when I take a drink. I cant help it or control it. I get stares sometimes if the room's quiet because it sounds like I havent drank anything in two days, but its just my loud throat.


I was able to try different ways of swallowing and had to go really slow at first but I trained myself to not make noise when I drink. It was driving my husband crazy.


Shrieking children whose parents refuse to teach them how to be quieter in public places.


When my fan makes random clicking noises. Or just any sort of rattling sound. Multiple people talking to me at once drives me up the wall. It legit makes me angry. After FINALLY figuring out I have ADHD last year, things make so much more sense to me now and why I have hypersensitive hearing.


Babies crying and dogs barking. I think we are biologically programmed to respond to these signs of distress or alarm.


People blasting bass so loud you can *feel* it from streets away. Usually at some ungodly hour.


I read “ungodly hour” in Howard’s mothers voice (the big bang theory) 😂


Leaf blowers.


Brrrrrrrr. And loud mowers. I ordered expensive noise blocking headphones for this and I swear they don’t work, I can FEEL the vibrations


two: 1. people yelling while they yawn/when their yawn makes that crackly spit noise 2. WHISTLING. SO many people whistle, but it's not even a tune or notes in equal temperament!! stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ha ha on the whistle that has no tune. I’m always sensitive/curious/aware as to what tunes people whistle and whistling in general and that one can be really irritating. Just random whistling noise. It is fascinating to hear which parts people latch onto in songs. Some whistle melodic parts and others just jam along.


Misophonia gang showing up in droves ITT


Children screaming. Any loud noises. I have very sensitive hearing.


When your teeth slip together 😖


I can’t read these comments or I’ll gag. It’s hard to type it, but styrofoam *ugh* *shudder*


I've found my people who also gag at sound or even just thinking about sty- ah, you know what.


Open mouthed, lip-smacking chewing. Chewing gum and popping it inside the mouth. Slurping. Chewing ice. Knuckle cracking....Yes, misophonia.


A chirping smoke detector!!!


The amount of people that will just leave them chirping for days/week, like HOW does that not bother you?!


Yes! Ten minutes is infuriating. I hear people say that they watch tiktoks and some people have this detector chirp going off constantly and have somehow tuned it out? Inexplicable.


High pitched clinking. The sound of dental instruments in the ultrasonic cleaner, and the harpsichord/clavichord. It grates and makes my ears tingle in a not good way.


Experimental jazz or the sound of cutlery being thrown around


I get the jazz thing fr


Crying babies omfg. Idk what went wrong with my biological programming, but holy cannoli the sound of babies crying or screaming just triggers immediate, visceral rage omg.


That’s what it’s supposed to do so you help them stop.


I mean I get that, but like...nothing about that noise makes me feel nurturing, lol. It makes me feel VIOLENT and last time I checked, thats not super ideal for the survival of our species haha (eek). Not that I would ever actually harm a child on purpose, obviously, it isn't their fault...but it absolutely does not make me want to help the baby, I just want to get as FAR from it as I can


Lol any monitoring device in the hospital


When people whistle. “I whistle when I’m happy!” Respectfully then I want you to be so sad.


Cotton balls


In 7th grade math class the person who sat next to me used mechanical pencils with the hardest lead and makes the worst nails on chalkboard sound when she's writing. That class was sensory hell.


The sound of people having loud conversations on their phones at 5 am on transit. Holy fuck shut up!!!!


Vocal fry.


I've abandoned so many podcasts once I can't unhear it 🫠


Any repetitive noises like an intermittent alarm or a clock ticking. I hate clocks that have a ticking sound. Mouth noises. If someone is talking to me and I can hear another person having a completely separate conversation nearby, I can’t stand that. I can’t focus on the person talking to me. It’s the same if there’s a tv or movie playing in the background and someone is trying to talk to me.


Dragging feet. 😩


Hacking up a plehm ball. Dear God I want to toss my cookies. Every morning my roomate acts as if he has black lung, and yes, he's been checked, he doesn't smoke and No cancer. Its side effects from his blood pressure medicine. In every way its the best one for him. But its going to be the death of me. I out my noise cancellation headphones on.


Tell him to have his Doc change his blood pressure meds, there’s like over 100 to choose from. Lisinopril did that to me, like I had chronic asthma. Not good!


The sound of ppl existing


Anything that comes out of a child 😬




Children screaming. I have sensitive hearing and a child practising their future opera skills literally hurts my ears.


Babies crying/kids screaming


The sound of chewing ice.


The sounds of bass from music. The low vibrations make me want cry.


My dog licking her paws 3 and 7 in the morning.


Babies crying.


When someone’s fork scrapes their teeth. Noooooo. No. Stop that.


A saw pisses me off. Some really loud noises make me mad honestly idk why .


Yeah like vacuuming.


Coughing 😭 It enrages anger so deep within my soul. Just the sound of it. Def some misophonia with that one lol


Whistling. That sound sets my entire body on edge and induces migraines at the same time, which usually results in my wanting to scream. Rapid, one-after-the-other phone notifications. I almost threw my phone the other day. Wet, crunchy chewing. Makes me want to instantly throw up while having a disgusted look and seething inside


Cat barfing


Any sound a child makes. I have a mental disability and i literally cannot function when i hear them screaming and crying


People who repeatedly clear their throat. The RAGE this causes me.


Screaming and loud moaning


Hearing someone’s pee other dribbling into a toilet When I am in a different room and I can hear it through the wall. Especially from a person with a pen15. Theirs has a certain… verve😖


Any sort of consistent high pitch


The sound my husband makes when he chews lol


Chewing.. especially with your mouth open, lip smacking, nail clippers


In this season of life it’s “mmmmoooooooommmmmmyyyy, moooom, mom, mommy, mama” and so on until the end of eternity.


I have phonophobia so any loud, sudden noises make me irrationally angry. Having a sensitive startle reflex is noooot fun. Also, any sounds other than white noise when I'm trying to fall asleep. Don't mess with my sleep, lol.




Those stupid fucking mufflers. You know the ones.


Snoring… I absolutely lose my mind if I hear snoring, something about it… I dunno


Nails on cardboard makes me want to pull my hair out.




I’m over here screaming in agreement. When anyone tries to whisper something to me I basically recoil in annoyance …. Worst sound ever.


Mouth breathing and whistling


Metal utensils scraping a plate makes me spaz out


Music that's loud enough to hear but not loud enough to actually make it out. Like when the person next to you on the bus is wearing headphones but the music is turned up so loud you can still hear it even though it's all muffled and indistinct. Adults talking to other adults in a baby voice. The sound of popping those sheets of plastic bubbles used in packing.


But the last one is my fav stress relief


Any dental apparatus.


tire noise. i hate everything about cars but i hate most of all how fucking loud they are.




Crinkling water bottle


Vomiting, absolutely freaks me out of my mind 🥲


Spitting ugh


sudden loud sound, it always unlocks a new form of anger


The bidet. I sometimes can hear when someone is spraying the shit off their ass. It’s hard not to instantly get a visual.




I love my bf dearly but he slurps soup and spaghetti and I wanna cry


pencils with broken tips being scraped on paper. THE VIBRATIONS HURT


The sound of people bitting their nails 😖😖😖😖


People who chew in my ear while I'm on the phone. It happens DAILY at work, and one person in particular sounds like a damn COW when they do it. FINISH YOUR FOOD BEFORE YOU MAKE A PHONE CALL!


Long nails scratching jeans.


When I’m chewing food, and my teeth clash into each other in just the right way to where they make a crunch sound. Not sure if anyone relates, but it’s beyond cringe. Luckily it only happens every once in a blue moon


People sipping their drink or soup. It instantly makes me tense up and I feel rage


Newborn baby crying and anything that comes out of Sam Smiths mouth.


People bitting their nails and spitting them out.


Songs with whistling


Mosquito buzzing over my ear as I try to sleep at night.


The crunch of someone biting an apple


Smoke detector beep. Please change the battery 😩


Sneakers on hardwood… I.e. basketball 🏀


My cat likes to lay right next to me and give himself a bath. The sound of his licking makes my brain explode.


The loud popping gum sound. I swear I want to stab the person in the neck.


Stupid modified or suped up cars driving or even having their engines on past sleeping hours.


Rubbing a balloon.


Tingy silverware and squeaky ceramic dishware


The sound of other people typing on a keyboard. It doesn’t bother me when I do it lol


Why is everyone annoyed by chewing sounds I’ve never given it a seconds thought😂


Plastic water bottles being “crunchy”


commercials. and generally loud noises. i am so stressed out if i don’t get breaks from loud noises and just too much stimulation. if anything is turned up too high i am honestly just like rageful.


Omg…when I’m speaking to someone on the phone and they drink something. That sound of gulping…drives me absolutely insane.




The sound of of metal/silverware scraping glass/ceramic. Even thinking about it makes me want to rip my teeth out. I primarily use plastic plates/bowls for this exact reason. When I dine out, I have to be so careful not to let my utensils scrape my plate. The sound is *torturous*. Also, the vast majority of ASMR. The first time I listened to a video (which featured an assortment of sounds) I wanted to slam my head into the wall until I knocked myself out, just to escape the sensation those sounds filled me with. I don’t even have words. I’ve always hated people whispering in my ear, but add the raspy-crinkle of a mic and the pop of saliva and *ugh.* 5 seconds in and I was on the verge of tears.


Velcro... it's my nails on a chalkboard.


Super niche but dial up noises give me the worst heebie jeebies ever. Like I’m actually so scared of them


Whistling, it's like nails on a goddamn chalkboard


Rubbing pieces of styrofoam together, opening styrofoam containers, crushing styrofoam and any styrofoam related sound. I hate it so much that I can't even be in the same room as some beanbag chairs, because I HEAR IT and it makes me gag and feel insanely angry. Also squeezing latex balloons, rubbing them together. And walking in rubber-sole shoes on shiny smooth floor tiles. And high-pitched opera singer voice. I just hate squeaking.


Old school alarm clocks!!


The iPhone alarm drives me crazy.


Cardboard on cardboard scratches


Styrofoam. All of it.