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I remember when it was considered "edgy" or "cringe" to like Evanescence. Didn't stop me tho. Amy Lee did a fairly recent collaboration with Lindsey Sterling. [Have a listen](https://youtu.be/fIGaRwEkZPk?si=V6Oq0eweTpUtpH7w). Edit: Huh, turns out there's [more](https://youtu.be/cDlGFbBipCo?si=29hdGIMHqSmDAfEf). 1 year ago? Time is flying yall.


I saw Amy Lee and Lindsey Sterling live a few years ago. They are a perfect collab!


I'm jelly


I saw her play with Korn a year back I think, it was fucking awesome lol




hell yeah. I was literally just about to recommend her Lindsey Sterling collabs I fucking love Evanescence. Absolutely great and talented band. Nu metal/emo music of that era was my absolute life so these questions are built for me. I know all the words to like all of their songs. System of a Down is my everything though lmao


I fucking love SoaD so goddamn much


has consistently stayed my favorite band since probably 2006 despite how rapidly my taste in genres changes. Love them so much šŸ’œ I really should invest in some front of crowd concert tickets from them lol


pogopogopogopogo JUMP pogopogopogopogo BOUNCE


I ~went out~ on a DATE with ~a girl~ a bit LATE she had /so many friends/ šŸ¤­šŸ˜†šŸ¤­he he hue hue hue šŸ˜‚šŸ¤—šŸ˜‚


šŸ© headbanging


Wait, when was it ever considered edgy or cringe to like them? I was in high school in the early 2000s, and they were wildly popular then


I think it matters which clique you're hanging out with. I was in college around that time, and white college boys (and Pick Me girls) thought she was overdramatic. I'm kinda like, and Disturbed isn't? Tool isn't? OH I SEE SHE'S A WOMAN AND SHE CAN ACTUALLY SING Easily some of the most eyerolly opinions around. It's usually the same people that made fun of *Crawling* from Linkin Park. Oh, are boys not allowed to have emotions, then? ???


Hmmmā€¦ I personally didnā€™t really care for the goth/emo genre along with however you would classify artists like Disturbed or Tool, etc., (nu metal?), but my high school was filled with people who did, so those genres were very popular. Heck, people were unironically bopping to Nickelback back then until it became cool to hate on them in the late 2000s.


Yeah, I never understood the Nickelback thing either. Yeah, they can't sing. Neither could Nirvana. They're no different from other alt rock guy bands at the time. Just like whatever you like, and let people like whatever they like, too. I wasn't goth or emo, but if the song is good, then it's good. Don't need to adhere to a style or trend to like a song or two. Or an artist or two. Eh, I ended up just embracing variety. Capercaillie one moment, Delerium the next, Ludovico Einaudi the next, Missy Elliot the next. Which is why I like the Lindsey Sterling collab so much. Neoclassical meets borderline emo alt rock. With opera vibes. Why not? Smack things together, see what pops out.


At least for millennial boys, I feel like going through a grunge phase was some sort of rite of passage


The thing about Nickelback is they are try hards of music, there is no substance or meaning to any of their songs. Everything about their music is just bland and uninspired


Evanescence is literally the only reason I survived my dad dying when I was 13. Iā€™m not kidding. I know every word to every song of theirs. BIG fan. Love Amy Lee. ā¤ļø


My dad died when I was 15 and I listened to their album "Evanescence" while crying in the bathtub after my mum told me about his death. I feel you ā¤ļø


their self titled album came out the day my grandma died and it got me through my first real experience of profound grief and loss as an almost 13 year old. i still canā€™t listen to songs like ā€œend of the dreamā€ without thinking of her. my heart goes out to both of you, itā€™s so hard to lose a loved one and music is a major coping mechanism for me in those moments ā¤ļø


My condolecence to your loss. I bet she was a wonderful grandma. ā¤ļø


she was! thank you ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so sorry you do friend. ā¤ļø Shit was rough. I miss my dad everyday, wouldnā€™t wish it on anyone.


I am so sorry that you can relate to it, too. Thank you for your nice words. ā¤ļø


I loved Evanescence growing up. But they aren't something on my playlist now.


Have always loved them will always love them my little emo heart couldn't dare speak ill of Amy Lee. I saw her live last year that was awesome. Had to pick up my 8 year old child and run full sprint in a sun dress with him over my shoulder to get from the stage he wanted to be at to see her but I did it it was glorious.


I don't listen to them anymore, but I had a *phase*. I still find Amy Lee and her voice to be absolutely beautiful though.


The song was called Bring Me To Life. I wasn't a big fan tbh.


Love them. I'm wearing their t-shirt right now.


Every time I hear them, it feels like the phase of life when I was dating my ex husband. If my teenage kid hears, they say "Omg Mom, stop being emo."


I love wake me up inside. But my immortal is the saddest song Iā€™ve ever heard in my life. It feels like a dementor from Harry Potter enters the room and sucks all the joy out when I hear that song. It just makes me think what if something happened to my husband, and I cry every time. Ugh.


I love them. Amy has the best voice. Powerful and full of emotion.


Their songs are absolute bangers.


Absolutely BEAUTIFUL singing


Same answer as to the Linkin Park question - Was very keen, still fond. In this case, more than anything else, because my singing voice is uncannily like Amy Lee's (though a different accent).


Love them. I also love Creed without any shame. šŸ˜


I still listen to them occasionally. Their second album *The Open Door* was really good. Amy Lee has done some nice solo stuff. Kinda wish she'd go more in that direction.


I never liked them. For some reason I find Amyā€™s voice is annoying . Itā€™s one tone and flat.


I appreciate that people like evanescence very much and they really like Amy Leeā€™s voice. To me it sounds like sheā€™s insufferably whining.


Eh that's a bit harsh.


*Wake me up inside* always makes me think of Utena because someone, waaaaay back in the days, had made a clip with both of these media and shared it on YouTube Still one of my favourite editing to this very day


They're fine.


Like them and Amy Lee is gorgeous


I love them and I've seen them play live a few times. That being said, the lyrics are too depressing for me so I don't listen to them anymore.


Saw them live 6 years ago. They put on a great show!


I think of my emo childhood friend in 7th grade. She was very into evanescence. I remember being influenced by her and had the song bring me to life and the collab between Amy Lee and Seether broken on my ipod. Literally one of my favorite heartbreak songs in 7th grade.


I donā€™t like that genre of music and I donā€™t like the lead singerā€™s voice to be honest.


They're not on my often played roster, but I like them.


If you've never seen [this version ](https://youtu.be/hk1GtYK7BJM?si=K6DfiJTjT0ZBRxcm) of Bring Me to Life with Amy and the Wagakki Band, I highly recommend it. It brings the song to another level. Wagakki Band are exceptional.


i only remember that one song but itā€™s a banger fs


Like, and I am oooooooooold. Discovered them late haha


I didnā€™t mind them. I was interested to learn that the rap bit from ā€œBring Me To Lifeā€ was added at the labelā€™s insistence and Evanescence didnā€™t want it in. I know they didnā€™t like the whole ā€œChristian Rockā€ thing they were labelled with either, I think the guitarist was an actual Christian then he left.


[Hatsune Miku cover](https://youtu.be/kV_mnNYzmys)


I like their music and honestly Idc if anyone has a problem with that. Ditto Linkin Park.


I still have the band on my Playlist and listen to them probably multiple times a week. My Immortal will forever be my sad goth girl anthem


i remember being depressed and 20, sitting in a bad place in life, listening to their extended discography on repeat for months. it got me through some really hard times. to be honest, i haven't really listened to them in over a decade and i don't remember if the words were toxic or not. but i appreciate that they helped me in a really hard time. and going to their concert helped me learn of a group called azure ray, that got me through another really hard time. i also haven't really listened to them since. i think some bands come into my life for a period to help me through things. afterwards.. they fall away until they're needed again.


I was in my early 20s when they were popular and I wasn't really into it. Wake Me Up Inside was my best friend's little brother's absolute favorite song when he passed away, so if it comes on the radio, I'll leave it on as it reminds me of him. Rap rock was just never for me. I thought it was corny. I feel like they would have been much better and withstood the test of time better without that part.


>Rap rock was just never for me. I thought it was corny. Agree. I'm about the same age as you.


Iā€™ve always loved them, great videos too


I am not a fan. Amy has a beautiful voice but the music itself is too mellow dramatic for my tastes.


That song ("Bring Me To Life") came out when I was about 20. Not my cup of tea but I don't care if others like them.


Well, they're very hard to sing in karaoke. Amy Lee's vocals are powerful, i'd say.


They always seemed like a slightly weaker and more pop version of Nightwish to me. I wasn't a fan really (nothing against fans, like whatever you want) but as I said last question I'm into a lot heavier metal mostly so it's just not really what I'd ever listen to anyway.


Just like Linkin Park...I change the channel when they come on.


They're boring.


Very boring. One song.


I love Evanescence like when i wan 16...


I loved them and will still rock out to them when Iā€™m listening on shuffle. Thereā€™s a great Unplugged feature with Korn she does of Freak On A Leash.


I still listen to Amy Lee. Her voice is ethereal


I was so into them, and Linkin Park, as a teen. No shame!


I love them and still jam out to Evanescence. I think Bring Me To Life was a needed twist in the charts at the time. šŸ˜Š


My favourite band. I live in the UK but have been lucky to see them twice in concert when they were here on tour.


I likey


Not a fan. I recognise that sheā€™s a great singer but her voice and the type of music just doesnā€™t do it for me. My partner really loves their song Good Enough though.


I bought the album when it first came out and it sux lol There's 3 good songs on it from what i can remember God I love that you don't need to buy whole albums anymore


Saw them live on a festival this year. I have seen worse.




I used to like George a lot more for the operatic lady singer with full band behind her. I appreciate Amyā€™s talent and skill but I got tired of the same high note and not my fave genre of music. Canā€™t not sing along to ā€˜wake me upā€™ though, I mean, who can??


I'm indifferent but I did like seeing a woman fronting a popular rock band. Evanescence was never really my kind of rock/metal but I definitely didn't hate them.




I liked it for a minute when it came out, but got old very quick. Anything involving Amy Lee I tended to dislike, I donā€™t care for her voice. I never understood the obsession with Amy Lee or Evanescence, but to each their own.






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