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Eh? Whaaat? Where I'm from, donating blood or plasma is considered a minor heroic and altruistic deed, people are usually praised for that


Same. My initial thought was “you’re saving someone’s life and if you can make a little money doing it, why the hell not?” 😂 I did it when I was younger. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't think I've ever thought about this at all!


I literally cannot imagine caring less.


No judgement. You're doing something honest to make the money, and it ultimately helps others. I hope you reach a point where you don't *need* to donate plasma to earn money, but I don't view it as all that different from donating blood to the Red Cross or similar.


I read recently that people who donate blood and plasma regularly have much lower levels of micro plastics in their blood. Maybe it's actually good for you! Bringing back blood letting through pollution!


I didn't know you could sell your blood in the US. I donate every few months or so, and here they only give you a milkshake or a soda and maybe a small gift, so people do it out of solidarity.


It's different than donating blood in that they only take the plasma, not whole blood. They basically take your blood, centrifuge out the red blood cells, then give those back to you.


You don't get paid here for that either. It's a donation, not a transaction. To answer your question in the OP... More donations is always good right? No matter someone's motives. Also, none of my damn business nor anyone else's.


They paid you in gift cards for donating blood or plasma in my state. My husband did plasma and he is angry that he got paid the same as blood donation—because donating plasma can talk 2 hours but donating blood only takes 10 minutes.


I never donated Plasma because i'm below the weight limit, just blood. But i know a lot of people who do this for charitable reasons. Which i think is a good thing. Idk why it would be stigmatized, but maybe this works differently in other countries, if you say your center is sketchy that's concerning ...


I was super confused why anyone would care until I read the edit part. That's fucked up tbh. People donate for various reasons, some yeah bc they *need* the money but it's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, shame on those who judge you for it. I used to donate when I was younger and didn't necessarily need the money but it was an easy way to spend a few hours on a Saturday then use the cash for extra spending. My sibling lives in PNW and makes a lot of money, and still donates occasionally bc it's a needed blood type


Lol I forgot y'all get paid for it. I used to donate blood for free. It's a really needed biological resource. Most blood products go to cancer patients and others in the community who are desperately ill. I have scars from needles on my arms, never been a drug user etc. I'm just chronically ill and do a lot of blood tests. You can always just say that. There's actually no shame here. 


Donating blood is not the same as plasma


Plasma is a blood product. It's not that different. Still used to make treatments for cancer patients 


Have you ever donated plasma? Whole blood is made of 4 parts when you donate they take it all and it takes maybe 10 min but plasma is just one part of blood and you sit there closer to a hour


Yes. I'm also a research scientist who centrifuges blood in the lab. What's your point? 


Thats the donation process is not the same if you go back several replies you'll see thst was what I said and you've been specifically not addressing that So research scientist that cant or wont participate in a good faith discussion good bye


I didn't know there was a negative connotation to it! I was an oncology nurse for over a decade so I applaud anyone who donates anything, especially plasma because it's more difficult than donating blood. 😊 I donate blood, but if I recall correctly, donating plasma requires a larger gauge needle and I have small, crappy veins or else I would definitely love to donate plasma too. I wouldn't be embarrassed at all. Get that money and thank you for donating!! It goes a long way!


Good. I’d donate but Canada doesn’t pay for it. Peoe love to come at me for this but like it’s my BLOOD? You want it. Pay me.


I don't think you can get paid for any sort of blood donation in Canada, but if I could, it might become my part time job. I have plenty of blood! My body is always going to make more blood. It's like endless free money


I have friends that donate plasma regularly. They're living normal, suburban lives, working white collar jobs. They have a nice house, and it's just more money for them to pay their mortgage and bills with. I find your perspective so negative. Money is money. I used to donate blood regularly because it's just a good thing to do. I don't anymore, because they can never find my veins properly. They caused me so much pain looking for veins the last like, 10 times, that I've developed an anxiety response to it. I vomited the last two times I tried, so yep, no more.


never thought about it but now i'm wondering how much money it makes


They pay you a ton the first few weeks (like $50 a visit) to encourage you to keep at it. But after that, it's $30 a donation. You can donate up to twice a week.


I understand that you may not have this choice, but once every 2w is the most that the NHS allows.


I wouldn't think twice about someone donating blood. It's a good person thing to do and cleans the blood of microplastics. 


I never think about them in any negative way. Iiuc, doing so helps a lot of people, right? Only right that you get paid for it and if it helps you getting a bit easier financially, I'm glad it's so. It sucks that people have to turn to it in their time of need, but it's a helpful way to make money and there is no shame in it. In fact I'd be thankful someone donates blood to save others 🙏


What a strange thing to be embarrassed about. More people should do it, though it's hypocritical of me to say since I don't donate blood or plasma myself. But yeah, nothing odd about it


Whenever someone says they've donated blood (never heard someone donating plasma but it would fall under the same category for me) I would just think that it's a nice thing to do? 💞  


Honestly a bit jealous because I can't do the same thing.


I did donate while between jobs once. There are all sorts of people who do it. I don't pass any judgement, nor do I care what others think of me. People fall on hard times. Also it saves lives. I used to work in the ICU and some patients had to have huge bags of platelets to build their blood up before they were even stable enough for a transfusion


The same place I donate blood also let's you donate platelets and plasma, though they don't pay for it. So, how would anyone know you're getting paid unless you tell them? I have HLA antibodies and can't donate platelets or plasma, so it's great if you can.


Hey OP I know exactly what you mean about it seen negatively and its surprising to me how many ppl dont know the difference in donating blood vs plasma So in just meeting for possible dating it would tell me this guy isnt in a position to be pursuing dating But given what the ppl looked like that were queueing up before the doors opened where I use to go I kinda doubt we'd even get as far as talking


Glad to see you get where I'm coming from, lol


I mean I was down and out and even then they didn't look like someone I'd want to be with


For real, for real. It's the kind of thing where you go in with headphones on, read a book while donating, then get the fuck out.


European here, it's not considered a "last ditch effort to make money" here at all. It doesn't harm you and helps others, why not do it. People do it because they have the time, feel like doing something good for others, and making that tiny amount of extra cash on the side (€25-35 here). My university regularly encouraged students to donate blood or blood plasma. It's not really a taboo or something like that. Not to mention that it comes with a free HIV/hepatitis test.


My best friend has had to do it a couple of times. The economy is shit for most people; the majority of Americans don't have enough savings to get themselves through an emergency. It makes me sad, but it's hardly the fault of people who are doing the best they can.


I knew some guys in school who did it occasionally. And though “oh. I didn’t know that” but that’s about it.


I’ve literally never thought about it. When people tell me they donate plasma it has as little impact as “oh sometimes I work this side job for extra cash.” I don’t care. I’ve never encountered anyone who seemed upset about doing it.


I don't care if someone donates blood plasma or whatever else purely for financial gain, at the end of the day, it still helps someone who needs it. The donation center being sketchy is a bit concerning when it comes to your health and safety, though.


Idk why anyone would possibly think less of you for it? You're doing something you need to do to earn money, plus it has the benefit of helping people! Anyone that would judge you for donating plasma must have something seriously wrong with them.


I am shocked that they pay for that, donating plasma or blood is done voluntarily here (Australia) ans it is illegal to get paid. Same in the previous country I lived in. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it if you do it. Your plasma, yours to do with what you want! But how come it causes scarring? I thought you get the same equipment as for blood donation, or blood tests.


>I am shocked that they pay for that, donating plasma or blood is done voluntarily here (Australia) ans it is illegal to get paid. Same in the previous country I lived in. Those countries bought plasma from other countries with paid donations to supplement their domestic supply. Volunteer-only donation countries often can’t keep up with demand. Australia and Canada both have to source around 50% of their plasma supply from the US. >Australian donors receive no material compensation – money or otherwise – for their time or plasma. This is despite the fact that about half of the plasma used in Australia is currently provided by paid overseas donors, primarily from the US, who on average receive $50 each time they donate.  >Australians currently pay more than three times as much for each unit of plasma that we collect from Australian donors than we do for each unit that we import from paid donors overseas. That results in more than $200 million in higher costs each year, paid by all of us, due to the current process of domestic collections. [Source](https://amp.smh.com.au/lifestyle/health-and-wellness/life-saving-australian-heroes-should-be-paid-for-their-donations-20191010-p52zdd.html) It’s paid donation in countries like Germany and Austria too. The idea is that it’s a more involved process than blood donation so people shouldn’t be expected to do that without proper compensation.


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I have a scar just from doing it so much in one place (I can only use one arm). And donating blood is still free! I think people only get money for whole blood in certain areas, and that's only if they're a rare blood type


In my area, donating blood/plasma is seen in the same light as donating to a small charity. The only time this changes is when racist stereotypes are applied to perpetuate the "war of drugs" narative targeting POCs.




Absolute legend. Do you have any clue how many lives you've saved? Wear your scar with pride, you are doing an incredible service to a lot of people.


I am also about to go back to donating.


If I had better veins I'd have done it myself when times were lean. I don't see what the big deal is honestly. There are systems in place to keep people safe and from abusing the limited financial gain.


Doesn’t matter gave blood/plasma. They could be doing it for any reason. I don’t care as long as they do it


Huh? I donate every quarter since covid—at first is because the free covid antibody test, then because I have type O blood and they always give me extra money for donating, plus some person from facility would call me said “we really need blood” I do not in any financial need for money. My dad has been donating blood very regularly all his life and he pretty well off—dude is close to 70 so he is now use it as proof of good health. (Whatever makes him happy, I guess.) I would donate more often but I found myself in worse health if I go with 8 weeks schedule. Quarterly seems works out for me.


I’m from the PNW and have done it myself, as a college student who just wanted a little mad money. It would never cross my mind to think less of someone who had done it.


I donate myself, and I am a woman. I don't know, it's a hard way to earn a living. I also live in the PNW, sort of.


I’m from the UK and here it’s seen as a very selfless and amazing thing to do. I didn’t realise people did it for money at all tbh.


I think they are getting screwed by capitalism (aren't we all?) and having to be creative just to survive. The wealthy are immoral exploiters.


My best friend is struggling mightily with many health issues, and donated plasma injections/infusions are the only thing saving her non existent immune system.


In Belgium (where I live) you can’t get paid for donating. I do it, (plasma a few times a year, blood once a year). I don’t know if that’s helpful at all, but you’re helping others while helping yourself. But also it’s never left a scar on me? Just a mark for a few days, tops. Maybe you should be going to a different place. EDIT: I was reading your other replies. If you’re donating multiple times a week, it’s probably normal for scar tissue to form! (Legal limit is once every 2 weeks here)


Not a no-censor woman, but I am a life-long donor of plasma and platelets. And if no one minds, I’d like to sing your praises for a moment, u/MarbleMimic. Know that your kindness in donating plasma saves the lives of trauma victims, burn / shock patients and people with severe liver disease or multiple clotting factor deficiencies. People just like you saved my mom’s life when I was a kid. You’re saving grandparents and children and all manner of desperate people in need. And with the Red Cross declaring an emergency shortage earlier this year, it’s a reminder that there is no substitute for blood. Whether anyone tells you, whether you feel sketchy or poor, just know that you are a true and genuine hero. You are appreciated; you are loved. Now go get that money. You need it, and you’ve earned it. Cheers to you!


That is a non-problem. Donating blood is common here, and I'd do it if I didn't hate taking blood work (thanks to some incompetent blood work nurses that planted that dislike in me by stabbing and stabbing without getting to any veins).


Ahhh so you live in a country that actually pays for it. It's very different I suppose from the country I live in where people do it to help save lives with no financial benefit to them.


> country I live in where people do it to help save lives with no financial benefit to them. The UK imported all of its plasma from the US up until 2020. > until recently, the use of UK-donated plasma to manufacture plasma-derived medicinal products has been banned as a safety precaution against the spread of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (vCJD). The NHS instead relied exclusively on imported plasma-derived products, primarily from the USA. [Source](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ban-lifted-on-use-of-uk-plasma-to-manufacture-life-saving-albumin-treatments) And chances are it’s still very reliant. Volunteer-only countries can’t keep up with domestic demand. For example, Canada and Australia import around 50% of their plasma from the US because they can’t source enough domestic supply. Countries like Germany and Austria also compensate for plasma donations because it’s way more involved than blood donation. The thinking is that it’s not reasonable to expect a bunch of people to do that without proper compensation, and I guess the numbers reflect that. 


Its always interesting to run into someone so obviously better than me


You’re saving lives


I'd do it myself if they wanted my blood type.


I'm jealous you can get paid for that.