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No routine whatsoever. I need to invite people over to force myself to clean.


Realest comment lmao. Then suddenly the guilt and panic sets in and I'm like *Why did you do thisssss* šŸ˜­


This is absolutely the right answer!


I mean, I like things being clean and tidy, so I kind of wish I had a routine. But I obviously don't care enough. Otherwise I would have one.




I feel so seen right now


Lol so true.


I clean as I go every day. On the weekend, I'll then clean my washroom (husband does his) and launder the towels and sheets as well. We each do our own laundry as well - me once per week (WFHer) and him twice.Ā Ā  Probably once per month, I'll do a slightly "deeper" clean; dusting the harder-to-reach areas, cleaning the curtains and windowsills, etc., just whatever needs to be done. Probably about once per season (I'd like to do it more but just can't make myself), I'll take all the food out of the fridge and just clean the fridge.Ā Ā  I also do most of the cooking, so my husband is responsible for cleaning up the kitchen afterward and that happens probably three times per week. Otherwise, if we just want a quick snack, then we clean up pretty shortly after we're done the preparation.


My partner and I are like this too. The house remains pretty consistently ordered and clean. Neither of us are obsessive or clean freaks, but we function better with an ordered environment. It also makes it easy to have people over because there isnā€™t a big ā€œclean upā€ that needs to happen first.


We are also clean as we go people. I cooked today and noticed my bf mopped the kitchen as part of his clean up. We usually do a few loads of laundry every weekend. We have separate bathrooms. I wipe my counter whenever it looks dirty which is almost every day (our place has a lot of dustšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø), aim to clean the toilet once a week, but itā€™s probably more like two, and clean the shower and floors less šŸ˜¬ bf works from home and does more vacuuming than I do, usually when Iā€™m not here. I think the whole place gets vacuumed once a week. Dusting happens by me when I notice dust. I also clean out the fridge every six months. I also used washable fridge liners which make it easier.


Also have an oven liner cuz cleaning those is the worst. This is a rental so I will have to clean it out when we leave and that sucks.


Oh.. and I would pull out the oven to sweep behind it weekly except this particularly configuration always gets stuck when Iā€™m pushing it back in so itā€™s a total pain. My last oven got cleaned behind a lot more.


I try to do at least two chores each work day so that it doesn't pile up on the weekend. On the weekend I'll meal prep and do a couple more chores.


I'm big on cleaning in the moment and throughout the week. Dirty dishes go right into the dishwasher, meal prep mess gets cleaned up as I'm cooking, clothes get sorted after I wear them, etc. I do a mad minute every morning when the water is boiling for my tea to tidy up the kitchen. Weekly I do laundry (to completion, including my bedding), vacuum high traffic areas, sanitize the kitchen counter tops, hand-wash pots, etc., empty all the trash cans, spot clean anything that needs it. Every other week I clean the bathroom thoroughly and monthly I dust and clean other areas. I am getting better about setting reminders for less frequent tasks like cleaning the fridge, cleaning leather couches, dusting baseboards, etc.


I like to do a general straightening up every morning before I even sit down with my coffee. Most things are kind of "as they come". When the dishwasher is full, I run it. When the washer is full, I do laundry. When the toilet is dirty, I clean it. When the trash is full, my boyfriend empties it. I wash my bedding and vacuum once a week. I'll do a good dusting of everything once every 2 weeks. Maybe once a month or so I will go through and take inventory of my freezers and pantry and make sure all the cabinets and closets are in order.


I recently read a short book called "How to Keep a House while Drowning". The author has kids so it's a different situation but it gives great strategies on managing house care tasks when struggling mentally and/or physically. I used to get a lot of anxiety and feel overwhelmed when the house was not all organized and perfectly clean (probably from growing up with a mother who was extreme about this). The main idea of the book is to keep areas of the house "functional" whatever that means for you. Another point she makes is to make spaces serve you, and not become a servant to your spaces. She gives lots of great tips on keeping stuff in their place and strategies to tackle cleaning/organizing. She emphasizes that "clean as you go" might not work for everyone, while cleaning everything in one go takes time from other things like spending time with family, kids, etc.. What worked for me was defining what state a room/area has to be in for me to be comfortable in it and be able to use it. And of course, this is very personal. For example, I'm fine if the sink has a couple of dishes in it but I do not feel comfortable if there's remnants of food on the counters: crumbs, skin from potatoes I peeled, a rogue piece of onion. That's my cue to take action. I'm fine if there's some of my hair on the floor, but as soon as I feel stuff or debris under my feet I know I'm cleaning the floors asap. It's a different approach but it's worked wonders for me and my mental health.


Just put that book on hold ag my library. Thanks for the rec!


I discovered this strategy on my own after raising two children in a big house with two people in demanding careers. Worked rather well. Then my chronic issues intensified and the others copied my strategies but in a worse version. We can not have people over any more. I am overwhelmed. But at least, we went through life relatively successfully. I refuse to give my weekends to cleaning, I prefer to live and I do major tasks on rainy weekends.


I don't like cleaning on weekdays. After work I just want to chill, meet friends or hobby. But, I WFH every day so I will try to keep up as I go - put dishes in the dishwasher, put clothes in the hamper, wipe down counters or sinks if I notice, etc. Laundry is the only chore I do on the weekdays since I have a light meeting load on Mondays. It sucks to clean on the weekend too, but I block out two hours and just power through with music or a podcast. Basic clean for all rooms and then it's not a specific rotation, but one week I'll dust more thoroughly, one week I'll move light furniture to vacuum, one week I'll deep clean the shower, etc. That way everything gets hits in a pretty even pattern. I'm also a person that LOVES a good start to the week so I typically do this Sunday morning, unless other plans come up. I sometimes just like to sit and bask in a clean house with a great smelling candle on a Sunday evening.


Friday working from home I use as laundry time, as well as Sundays. I have a cleaner come fortnightly as really I donā€™t like cleaning and itā€™s a brilliant luxury.


We have a bi weekly cleaning service that does everything except laundry and dishes. We do laundry and dishes whenever they need doing. No set schedule, just as needed.


I have a daily morning routine of doing my bed, putting dishes away wiping down the bathroom, putt stuff back in its place tho I rarely have to do that since I do it as I go. At night I make sure dishes are done. Wash bedsheets every Sunday... other laundry is done when needed and not on a schedule but I like to do medium loads so it's often done 2x week... besides that I allow 15-30 minutes per morning to clean whatever needs to be done. About once a month I open the cupboards and wardrobe to tidy and give away what is not being useful anymore. I rarely have to " deep clean " with my method. Maybe once a year for good measure? My home isn't always spotless but it is always tidy.


I'm just about finding a functional routine for cleaning, which is a first ever for me lol (I have autism and adhd.) What I do is I have my main cleaning day on Sundays, and that always involves vacuuming the floors and cleaning up in the kitchen. If there's any other mess around that bothers me, I'll take care of that then too. Every other Sunday I additionally clean up in the bathroom, with a focus on scrubbing the toilet and basin. I typically also swab the floor (at least in the kitchen because apparently I eat and cook like a pig) biweekly. Or whenever I see dirt. Sometimes I also clean up in the kitchen on Wednesdays, if I feel it necessary, as that is my free workday of the week. I go through any kinda clothes laying around on laundry day, which is usually only once or twice a month. I don't mind doing 4 full loads at once because I have access to two machines at a laundry hose in my neighbourhood. But what I wash then is mostly just tons of underwear, some other clothes, towels and bed sheets. I usually change my bed sheets once a month. More often if they start feeling sticky or are smelly. I try to change towels every week but sometimes it goes a bit longer than that. Also I take out the trash typically 2-3 times a week in the morning on my way to work. It's okay if it stands by the door for a day or two, but if it starts stinking I have to get it out. I have trash bins in every room to accommodate for my laziness so I don't end up with trash piles on the floor. That's my adhd advice lmao. You can never have too many trash bins! Also I'm rather meticulous about keeping my piano clean and dust-free. Btw I live in a two room apartment that's enough to fit a small family, so it's quite a bit of space to keep neat, for just one person. But I love having the extra space for hobbies, guests, exercise, etc. All in all I base my cleaning routine on whatever feels functional and fresh enough for me. My place is not at a perfectionist level of clean, but it's functional. Ie I can find my stuff, I have cleared surfaces I can use, I don't have to trip over things to get around, I don't constantly get dirty feet from the floor, I'm not covered in dust. But some areas could definitely look neater and my closets are in a desperate need of sorting lol. I have a prioritization system of what I deem most important, semi-important and least important. Anything that catches mould is of high importance for me to clean the fastest/soonest. Then dust and other grime, plus making sure I have clean clothes to wear and clean dishes to eat from. Clutter is of least importance to me. That prioritization system helps me stay organized. So it all kinda depends on just how neat you want it. The neater, the more work to keep it that way. And there's always gonna be someone who thinks you can do better no matter how clean you keep the place. But when you live alone, how clean you keep it is mostly just gonna be for you, depending on how often you have guests over, I suppose. I only have my bestie over for long visits about once every 2 years, and my mom comes by for quick visits to drop off stuff or pick me up, but that's about it. So most of the time I only have myself to clean for. So I get to set the rules. Although that can be both a blessing and a curse.


Yes to mold getting absolute priority. It's so much more work if it gets uncontrollable.


Yep. Also very unpleasant to deal with, so best to avoid it happening to begin with.


I clean when things really need to be cleaned, as needed and in the moment. I DEEP clean when people are coming over.


We have a routine and we usually stick to it. We clean the whole house on Saturday morning. My husband does the vacuuming and mops the floors. I clean the bathrooms and do the dusting. Smaller chores like dishes, decluttering and outside work are done when needed (daily usually, and shared between the two of us), and my husband usually does laundry (works from home, and says he enjoys doing some chores on company time). Once a month I do some ironing (if I really feel like it), and we tackle bigger chores like curtains, windows etc. I find that if itā€™s all spaced out properly, it doesnā€™t get overwhelming.


I am a person who needs structure and a schedule. So I tend to dedicate an allotted amount of time for chores. For example, this last week I dedicated an hour on Tues to cleaning inside the house, Weds was an hour of yard work, and then Thursday was an hour dedicated to unfinished projects. It keeps me from being overwhelmed and also means I still get things done.


I do a deep clean about once a month and spot clean throughout the rest of the month. Mostly kitchen cleaning over and over.


I clean Sunday - Thursday and take a top-down approach. Sundays: dust and wash sheets Mondays: wipe down mirrors, windows and bathroom counter tops Tuesdays: sweep & mop kitchen and bathroom Wednesdays: vacuum upstairs Thursdays: deep clean, organize, etc I clean my kitchen every night before bed and run the vacuum downstairs as well!


I don't have a routine and am in the early stages of learning one. I was diagnosed with autism and ADHD under a year ago, and fortunately qualify because of the autism for funding under my country's disability scheme. Not meeting the standard of cleanliness and neatness that women are held to and that most seem to adhere to, has been a longstanding shame of mine. I've NEVER been The Tidy/Clean one when I have cohabited with people, either male or female. Due to an extended period of extreme executive dysfunction, my place is currently the worst it's ever been. My funding covers a deep cleaning service, and then a regular service after that. I haven't told anyone about this, because it's so embarrassing. I know it's due to poor mental health, but the fact is that I have a tolerance for a degree of untidiness and actual uncleanliness that it's basically taboo for women to admit to.


I clean once per week. (Wipe dust from furniture, clean the bathroom, vacuum and then mop the floors) I always put my things back where they belongs after use and I do the dishes right after a meal, so itā€™s really just managing the dust.


We use an app called Flatify to schedule adhoc cleaning or maintenance tasks and assign them to each other (we both have different strengths - heā€™s good at fixing stuff etc). And then a fortnightly cleaning service because weā€™re both really busy


Two adults, no kids. Every morning I clean up clutter, trash and dishes, I wipe down the kitchen counters and coffee table, and any dusty surfaces. The washing machine and dishwasher get turned on as soon as a decent sized load gathers up which is daily or bidaily. Roomba vac/mop gets turned on everyday. Once a week I do a bigger clean where I also scrub the toilets and sinks, I change the bed, water the plants, and clean the kitchen fronts. But thanks to doing a bit of small cleaning everyday the big clean doesn't take too long. Once a month or so I use a vacuum to clean corners which the roomba doesn't do well, I'll also wipe down baseboards and any other nooks and crannies that I missed in my daily cleaning.


I live by myself and mostly clean as I go (dishes, trash) but dedicate part of the weekend to cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, cleaning the bathroom, running the roomba. It doesnā€™t take me long at all, really, but I live in a one bedroom condo so itā€™s not too much space I have to deal with. Iā€™ll break out the regular vacuum, dust, mop the tile occasionally, but really only if I feel like I need it. Iā€™m trying to get better at putting clutter away as needed but sometimes things sit out longer than they should. I work from home so I try to keep my space comfortable and clean as much as possible


I have 2 small laundry baskets and I do laundry whenever they are full. Typically that is every 3-4 days. I do my dishes immediately after eating dinner so they don't accumulate and since I am alone it's usually 1 bowl and 1 spoon and 1 pot. So it's literally a minute of work. When it comes to vacuuming and such, I do that when I invite friends over, which I've narrowed down to at least once every week / once every other week.


I do laundry whenever itā€™s needed and I clean my apartment every Wednesday (or whenever itā€™s getting messy.)


I have a one bedroom apartment and do a deep clean once a week. This takes an hour from start to finish, including taking out the trash. Iā€™m a pretty clean person. I donā€™t let trash, dishes or laundry pile up. Daily, I spend no more than ten minutes cleaning.


I am 35F single and live on my own in a tiny 1 bed flat. I have a cleaner who comes for 2 hours bi-weekly and does all the general cleaning: bathroom, kitchen, dusting, hoovering, takes the bins out and changes my bedding. That takes a massive load of my shoulders asĀ I never need to do a big clean myself. Itā€™s the best money spent for me. I tend to clean as I go and wipe surfaces, put things away after I cook/eat/use things and hoover once between cleaner visits. I put dishwasher on before I go to bed and make sure to unload it before I start work. I do 2-3 loads of laundry a week as I workout most days. I work from home so I have the luxury to do laundry during the week. I have no schedule for other jobs like cleaning windows, inside the fridge or cabinets etc. I do it on days when I have the mental capacity to do it couple of times a year.Ā 


Partner and I legit hand scrubbed our French wood floors one room at time - like we moved furniture, moved wool area rugs, etc. the whole shebang. Weā€™re not terribly social so we use holidays like the 4th of July and Memorial Day to do some crazy ass cleaning. Otherwise, we typically have housekeeping 1x a month but theyā€™re not moving furniture and cleaning under things like huge couches and chairs etc. Though, since we bought this 1970s midcentury nearly untouched insanity - the house is always semi under construction and monthly outsourced cleaning feels futile. No carpet anywhere in the whole house. Tile or wood only - we also have a German floor steamer for the title grout ā€¦ We are actually both like kinda messy - books, shoes etc but not ā€œdirtyā€ so the house is mostly just dusty af from us not using rooms & construction. We have a small orchard, we are coastal, and one of us is an equestrian while the other surfs so itā€™s us tracking dirt and sand into the house from chores & hobbies from our damn shoes that we kick off in various entry / exit points.


The kitchen is easily maintained daily, my husband and I do the bathroom once a week, wash the bedding and clothes once a week, our place is swept daily and mopped probably 2-3x a week as needed. We don't have carpet so no vacuuming. We pretty much pick up as we go. Our place is never really messy.


Oh, I do not, I hire People because I can Afford it


Really I clean as I go. No outside shoes in the house, change clothes before sitting on the furniture for me. For detailed cleaning, bathroom, kitchen, room, hallway, etc is every week! I wash clothes every two weeks or if needed. I wash bedsheets once a month.