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Family doctor here. Hormonal testing should involve more than estrogen- I would check FSH, LH, thyroid at a minimum to make sure it’s not premature ovarian failure or thyroid disorder. Estrogen cream can help if it’s a deficiency problem, but this should be discussed with a GYN. The lupron could theoretically cause the problem although I haven’t personally heard of it. Sometimes cycles can be reset by using birth control, I’d recommend Yaz unless you have propensity for blood clots.


Could be hormonal. Some women experience dryness in perimenopause (not saying that you're there yet just that it's a thing) and many use estrogen cream to help. Maybe getting your hormone levels checked would be helpful. Edit: and since you don't mention it make sure you use lubricant during sex. Water (or silicone) based if you use latex condoms.


Silicone lube is actually completely compatible with latex condoms - oil based lubes are not. 


Thanks for the clarification


When I had this problem the culprit was the combination of the antihistamines and birth control I was taking. Both had to go in order for this to change.


Interesting — outside of ovulation, I notice that I’m dryer when I take antihistamines too, now that you mention it!


Do you have telehealth options in Canada? We have several pay-per-visit telehealth services where you can meet with a doctor or gyno over phone or Zoom meeting and get help. I’ve used them a few times in the U.S. for when I can’t get to a doctor in time or a doctor is dismissing me. You could also start using over the counter vaginal moisturizers. I like one called Bionourish by brand Good Clean Love (if that’s available where you live). You may also benefit from an estrogen cream (if it turns out to be hormonal related) to restore lubrication.


Ill look into telehealth options, thanks!


I went through something similar in terms of how my body changed as I got older. I went on the BC pill for other reasons (I use yaz), and it increased my wetness a lot. Until then, I used Replens, a vaginal moisturizer that lasts for a few days.


I'll try replens thanks, just which I knew the root of the issue


Medications, marijuana, muscle relaxers, hormones/birth control, water retention (weight changes recently?) and stress can all create these issues.


I had that problem due to Endometriosis. It's possible to have PCOs / Endo or both having already had some fibroid issues, so keep a look out for that. I hope you have neither but that's what it was for me!


It’s not cheap, but I’ve fallen in love with Vanibiss balm, which just melts inside and feels wonderful (as long as you’re not relying on latex condoms). Available on amazon.ca. I‘ve also had success with good ol’ KY lube.






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Get your sex hormones tested. HRT is a lifesaver.


Come join us over at r/menopause and read the wiki. It is possible to start going into perimenopause that early. It's rare, but possible. Our wiki has a lot of information on the dos and donts of hormone testing, how to talk to your doctor, etc.


Have you lost weight recently? This happened to me when I was struggling to eat enough. I thought I was eating enough, wasn't hungry, etc. but once I started to eat more lubrication (and other things) came back. Hope you figure it out!