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Why’s that?I know people are done with jt


im conservative and so is he and he’s better than trudeau


What a great reason. You're really winning people over with that thoughtful rhetoric. Specifically, aside from the party name, What makes him any better than JT? What is PP going to do to make things better for the average citizen? Give us a reason besides party lines and "JT had his his chance and is bad now"


Whats the worst that could happen?  Letting the farmers grow food again?  So you can eat NOT bugs? Ohh noooo!


i don’t even live in canada i don’t follow canadian politics just anyone is better than trudeau atp but anyways. anything to do with climate change trudeau is wrong, defense spending, the canadian housing market is shit, to name a few.


You have no skin in the game, and you are not educated about the issues or the candidates. You named 3 topics in Canadian politics, great job! So what is the fabulous PP going to do to fix those things? Convince me that JT is wrong, give me some reasons that PP has a better plan. You can't, because you're just another right wing troll. Shitposting for what reason? Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and STFU. You add nothing to the conversation, and I feel dumber after read your posts.


a conservative government would most likely have conservative policies. that’s all i’m saying. sorry mr. Canada political police.


Woah dude! You're angry, don't let politicians make you this angry at someone else, they want the divide. Try to stay cool, it's a lot more pleasant and you look more rational when you compose yourself ! Politicians are awful, most of them are out of touch, regardless of your beliefs. We are all humans and have to keep our level of humanity.


There's plenty to be angry about, and unpleasantness is a fact of life. It isn't all rainbows and unicorns, my humanity is full of feelings and emotions, including anger and frustration. This person's useless comment struck a nerve. I rarely bother to engage, because it's usually just preaching to the choir or yelling at the clouds on these subs. The division into conservative and liberal without actually talking about policy is playing right into the politicians' game you mention. I asked the person in good faith to back up his statement with rational thoughts; to elaborate on thier opinion, and just got partisan buzzword nonsense as a reply. " Vote for this guy, he's better because he calls himself conservative" is infuriating to me because the person is not engaging a conversation in good faith, nor exhibiting critical thinking about the issues at hand. I'd honestly like to know why people support PP, and I've yet to hear a valid reason aside from partisan politics. You are right, anger and insults rarely convince anyone an opinion has validity. I should know better than to feed the trolls.


I think we need a whole uphaul in politics and the system in general, so its hard for me to touch on. Of course everything isn't butterflies and rainbows, but we do have these two things on our planet lol. I don't like the divide in wealth, Trudeau is a silver spoon baby. Pierre grew up in a poor home. If Trudeau wants to fight climate change maybe he shouldn't be flying around on planes spending upwards of 200k in a span of 6 days, lol. But like I said I don't like any of these yuppies and I don't trust them, or the media. It's all a smokeshow to manipulate and piss us off


Right on, thank you for being real.


I don’t really like either but I also don’t think either will be disastrous or upset the status quo too much; I will wait on their platforms before deciding who to vote for.


Right now, Trudeau. I do think that he has done well with his policies socially and I do think that the media overlooks his achievements (which he has many of) because of high inflation rates and the housing crisis. It is important to note that provinces overall have more control over housing directly to citizens— Ontario, for example, has been under-building houses for years, causing them to miss out on the federal bonus for reaching the housing target. Trudeau has done many great things which I think people don’t understand. The Child Tax Benefit took tens of thousands of Canadians out of poverty. The Universal Dental Plan made teeth appointments more accessible for lower-class Canadians. Trudeau is also the first prime minister to provide the most legislation towards the environment (as of now, PP has no environmental policy plan). Pharmacare is going to save diabetic Canadians thousands of dollars every year on medication. It is important that Canadians understand that PP has been in politics for far longer than Trudeau, and the only legislation which he has sponsored or orchestrated was the Fair Elections Act, which was taken down by lawmakers for being to radical and undemocratic. He has no policy plans as of late (which will come out before the election, most likely), but he will not fix the housing crisis nor drop grocery prices down to affordable rates; PP is playing the media game perfectly and it is working.


I mean that’s great and all But what do you think will pp do ? As far I’m aware it sounds like he’s very against women’s rights


Whoever is rightwing and deports en masse


JT because even though he's not doing all the right things he tries or at least makes the effort of appearing like he tries. PP on the other hand basically has no solution to anything whatsoever and runs his entire campaign on "JT bad". I could never, ever vote for someone like that. I just wish there were better options. Hard to believe amongst over 30M citizens those two clowns are the best we've got. We need to rethink the electoral system and eliminate the two-parties issue. We should also consider going the nordic way and have a portion of public servant roles limited to a single, short mandate.


It looks like between jt and pp are on a tie It doesn’t look like we got good options unfortunately Woukd jt screw Canada already? But pp doesn’t seem so innocent