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It's only malicious in the fact that the guy loves to be hated! Pretty sure I remember him bragging about it in one of the early episodes. Dude thrives on talking shit and being disliked. It's just his thing apparently!


It’s clearly part malicious and part he’s fucking retarded.


im sorry that he said your shit game is shit cause its fucking a shit game you shit person


Genshin? I’ve never played genshin or hokai or that hoyoverse stuff.


This is why I really want Asmon to try Genshin, I don't care if he finds it good or not, I just want him to form his own opinions instead listening to Tectone's made up lies. If Asmon tries it he can refute whatever bullshit Tectone comes up with during their podcast.


Even if Asmon finds it bad, I can still respect his opinion since Asmon actually makes valid arguments rather than making shit up because he wants to hate it.


Yeah but he is confused why the Genshin community hates him... Guy will say anything if he thinks it makes him edgy or cool, even if it directly contradicts something he said a second ago. What's Dicktones honest opinion on anything? Who knows, the guy just chases clout.


DICKtone?! Lmao. That's gold. And he is trash. One of the few people I would fist fight on sight.


ohhh okay big guy


Well obviously I'm being a bit hyperbolic. But I REALLY dislike him.


why though


I would say because he has big ego, does not think before he says anything, and has god complex. if he is first on anything he thinks that the people who followed are just riding on his wave. Fuck this guy


Literally who cares if he has a big ego, it's not like it's rare for people to have a big ego. His sentences are actually well put together, and he knows what he's talking about. Sure he says some dumb shit, but that's what gets him attention, so I dont see what the problem is.


hes just a Major peice of shit and i can see why his wife is leaving his loser ass what is there not to hate about him ?


meanwhile everyone who plays genshin calls him all sorts of name anytime he opens his mouth :3 or am i not reading this entire thread right?


Classic L-tone


I like how he "pre-shields" himself saying that people will clip him to tell him he's wrong, then proceeds to lie about Necrit's opinion on the game. He lied and said "Necrit hates the game". Asmon pushes back a little saying that he thought Necrit loved the game. Tectone muddies the water by saying he loves the lore, not the story (something along those lines). I'm reminded why I stopped watching him. Edit: About Asmon not doing most side quests, if he reads this: Some main quests are locked behind side quests (unvoiced) and character quests (voiced). Sometimes, the line gets blurred between main quest and side quest/character quest. For example, the Chasm (side quest locking a main quest), Ayaka and Yoimiya (character quest locking main quest), etc. Side quests may unlock new regions or part of a map. Character quests may unlock new weekly bosses. Side quests may unlock "1 time only" special boss battle.


That's why I didn't Clip it. everyone can see the context.


To add to this, massive side "quest series" lock out small areas of a sub-region to a player, and you have to go through them during the side quests, similar to a theme park RPG. edit: Example: Raya Lucaria in Elden Ring, Dragonspine in Genshin.


How did Tectone muddy the water ? Necrit has been pretty vocal that he thinks Genshin's story is good while it's storytelling is bad.


that doesn't mean that necrit thinks the game his shit, which is what tectone is quoting him as saying. I'm pretty sure that's libel.


Since joining OTK Tectone has really tried adopting Asmongold's attitude, coping and saying everything he does is" just for content" or "that he doesn't care." But that's not him. He isn't Asmon. Tectone is the guy that calls his ex-wife useless and insults her live in front of thousands. He just isn't the type of dude who can say "he doesn't care" and actually genuinely mean it. And while he can convince his underage audience that he's that guy, to any actual adult, it's painfully obvious that he just isn't, and just extremely cringe when he keeps saying he is.


Oh I didn't know he had an ex-wife. My only exposure to him is through steak and eggs and reading this thread I feel I've been duped about him lol


[https://streamable.com/216wpo](https://streamable.com/216wpo) Just watch this, and you'll get what I'm talking about. Unreal human being.


"i carried our marriage" what a pathetic, selfish man-child.


I mean what if he did…? What do you know about his marriage…? I’m a big HoYo verse fan but you fucking otakus are genuinely just fucking unreal weird. Chronically online as Asmon would say. You watch someone you don’t like just to hate him, and because you hate him you automatically find your opinion to be better than his. That’s the real man child behavior. Grow the fuck up


And tectone does this to his fellow genshin creator though. Yes, he is the first one to speak up about mihoyo's meager reward but when others parrot his sentiments, he turns and attack the creator saying " They are just riding my waves". What the fuck man! It's just fucking psycho.


I don't get how people can watch this stuff. It's like a sad drawn out cringy video.


Oh my god. This dude really believed what he is saying or?


The fuck… he did not call his ex-wife useless… if you’re gonna trash talk Tectone, at least say stuff that’s true


I put the link in the comments but you probably can’t see with Tectone’s cock shoved that deep down your throat.


Tectone is a hypocrite, I do not think he is fighting for the community, He fights for himself. He is angry 2 years ago because he did not get his money's worth. He is one of the first to speak out about Mihoyo's meager reward but when other creator parrots his sentiments he gets angry at them and called them coat riders. FUCK HIM


His first statement was so bullsht that even asmon was surprised, i had the same reaction, Necrit never said his conclusion after 700 hours was that the game is not good wtf, is ok if you don't like the game or even hate it, but just don't go and blatantly say some bs about other ppl opinion...


And he'll still keep injecting himself and his opinion even if Asmon actually starts playing it


It's funny how he says how powerful his account is but he got someone else to play in his account for him then started complaining that there is nothing to do


The first two communities he gets hate from you can argue it's not his fault. But if it happens a third time ? What about a fourth time ?


Tec is the worst kind of people to live around imo. Compulsive liar, drama baiter, immense ego, trash talker, playing victim and making everything revolve around himself. Gosh that's insufferable.


Hes an unapologetic bully. And call the game community trash when they catch up with his toxic behavior.


include god complex too. LOL


No surprises here, just adds fuel to his "agenda". Tries to make people hate watch his content and the game. Honestly I just want to see Asmon play the game I seriously don't care about Tectone's opinion on this matter.




Man this feels so weird. I don’t really care about this topic but even reading this as objectively as possible feels weird.


Tectone is just plain unlikeable. I wish that he was not on the podcast




Switch him out for Esfand and it would be an amazing podcast.


I'm fully convinced Tectone is just the pot stirrer. Without him, there's just not enough of a constant flow of inconsequential but stupid drama.


Asmon might have to write an obituary for tectone just incase he likes genshin.


The "Arknight guy" rearing his (bald) head again, i see.


Can you tell me about his arknigts story??? Idk anything about that


He would voice opinions about the characters that were sometimes way off. Then when people corrected him he would blow up. ​ Meanwhile if everyone else had a different opinion about characters to other Youtubers they would just be like "yeah that's cool".




I see people are starting to witness the real reason why Tectone is blacklisted from every community he ends up in. Dude is an insufferable drama baiter with some of the worst takes imagineable.


and he does it with an attitude that he is 100% right and if you disagree with him you are a hater or a hoyo shill




And still has the audacity to ask: 'Why am i getting all the hate?' When he keeps biting the hand that feeds him.


I genuinely don't understand why he is so fucking negative about the game. I guess he wanted the game to be something that it will never be? It's a casual game with a huge emphasis on characters, story and exploration. It never advertised itself as a hard game. His hate for the game is irrational and instead of being a grown up, saying something like "I had fun with the game but i'm gonna move on" he constantly shit talks it. I guess that's one way to stay relevant?


Genshin made him who he is. He made big bucks, grew exponentially, everything was going smoothly. The problem? Genshin is a casual game. Extremely casual. His livelihood depended on it. He slowly had to expand his streams. I could see that he was slowly souring towards the game; that he was forcing himself to play a game he no longer enjoyed, for money. He started asking for endgame content (I also want more endgame activities). He kept asking and asking, but his prayers went unanswered. He wanted an endgame that his gigantic space whale could play for "comfy" content. He probably has some residual hatred towards the game for never catering the game to him. I initially was with him. I also want more endgame activities. He made points about the first Lantern Rite having too many NPCs we didn't care about; he wanted to interact with playable characters. We got that in future Lantern. He had good criticism for many things. I still continued to watch him when he quit Genshin and started trying some IRL stuff. However, as he started to sour on the game, his criticism became erratic. At some point, I just couldn't handle it anymore. He became a bitter man, extremely bitter. I was with him in his AK days. I was there for the "drama" and when he left that game. I was there during his 2.X journey. He changed. I left.


I think because he spends a lot of money, like thousands of dollars, he thinks that he is god and should be heard by the community and the developers. He gets angry if you do not agree with his takes and when you agree with him he calls you coat rider or some sort of dick rider.


But he wonders why AK/Genshin communities dislike him so much? I know he doesn’t care but there is always a reason for this. Man acts like a victim after self sabotaging himself.


it was a grim day when tectone joined otk


Arknights community to Genshin community: "he's your problem now" Genshin community to OTK community: "he's your problem now"


man tonight's stream is gonna be spicy




asmon 3000iq move ... farm genshin drama without playing genshin by just saying he would ! xD


I swear every podcast he lies about the most random shit for no reason. Especially when he’s describing something that happened like in a tv show or anime and I’m like “that’s not what happened/that’s not how it works”


idk why he keep that attitude and then complaining when "people are against him"


He is easily one of the most unlikable people to ever produce content. I'm talking like, Logan and Jake Paul level unlikable.


For real


It was also kinda cringe to hear him brag about clearing abyss blindfolded because he spent so much money in genshin. Bro, even f2p can do it. Abyss is just a damage check, there is nothing hard about it. It's like being proud that you can win in a boxing match against 5 year old.


No longer the case with abyss...why so many people comment that dont even play


I beat it today. Only first room with dogs was hard because of their dots, everything else was easy. Same was with those beasts in previous abyss, I just face tanked them and only problem was their health and a lot of hp doesn't mean that content is hard.


you are right that abyss sometimes can be hard, but it entirely depends on your investment. although sometimes, it requires a certain level of understanding mechanics (e.g this current abyss benefits a lot from good positioning due to the lectors in 12-3-1). although abyss will always be mostly a horizontal investment check because it changes constantly. the best counter isn’t necessarily good artifacts, but rather the right team. you can comfortably do some abysses with something like a 50/150 main dps if it’s a good cycle for them. but in the case of tectone? when you have c6r5 characters, you can stand and things will die on the spot. “it’s so easy” of course it is. it will always be easy when you drop thousands of dollars to make it that way.


I agree with Tasty\_Skin. Yeah droping thousand of dollars will make the game easier. That is the point of being a whale making the game easy. I am free to play and I find abyss hard. This tectone guy has some god complex IMO.


I'm not the biggest fan of those hate threads, but how about Tectone letting Asmon make up his own opinion? It's content. Maybe the game isn't catering to Tectone or Asmon and that's fine. Move on. Millions play the game so it must do something right.


I mean, I have no interest seeing Asmongold play Genshin at all since it's a terrible streaming game. It's boring as hell to watch. But I'll just tune out and not watch when he plays it, and will come back when he's done.


Good then i hope Asmon never played Genshin if it only brought Teclown back




Has he said it himself?


He said that "people" want me to go back to 4.0, even though he knows that he will quit after 3 hours. He always comes with stuff like "Everybody wants me to" or "a lot of people told me that genshin is at its best", but he just makes up a narrative that suits him so he can say something against it in the most easy way. You cant take that giant baby seriously, his "constructive" criticism is just hating because of hating.


Fuck that clown


He said he might come back iirc


We all know that he will, this "might" is a def. Yes.


I watched one clip of him at a con and could tell he was just gonna be obnoxious. He needed to be the loudest person in the room to the point that people were turning around looking at him. A few days later I saw a video of him being called out for something I don't remember what, it might have been genshin not sure


Didn’t realize asmons community watched so much of tectone. You guys know everything about his life strangely.


Most of these people aren't even "asmon's community" just genshin/hoyoverse fans coming out of the woodworks just to hate on this guy


I wonder why? Because he primarily makes videos about genshin/hoyoverse games as his main content? I wonder if you guys who are "elite gamers who play better games unlike genshin" can claim to watch enough Tectone's videos to know what kind of person he is?


Yes, I started with his Genshin Content and have checking in every now and again, One of the main problems with with the Genshin Community is that the take him way too seriously if they actually paid attention to his content instead of just hating on him then they'd realize that he doesn't believe a good chunk of what he says. He just likes to shitpost...


Nahh, I disagree. In my opinion, he is angry because he did not get what he wants. He thinks he is a god and should be always in the right, A professional drama baiter and victim, compulsive liar and many more. At first when I watch him I do not dislike him but as I keep watching and getting to know this tectone guy, I thought to myself "This guy has too much ego" then boom I left his community. Honestly fuck him.


i don't get why is he getting so much hate by Asmon fans? i watched his Star Rail clips and it was quite funny.


He constantly talk shit about Genshin like its the worst game to ever exist even though he quit it, the moment someone mentions Genshin in his general vicinity he'll always take the opportunity to shit on it, not to mention talking about how trash story is even though he didn't even play last year's, he's also really salty about how easy the game is because of how much money he spent on the game when its meant to be easy even for casuals, he basically got into a casual game expecting it to be a hardcore MMO. This is further exasperated since Asmon has been reacting to some Genshin content meaning Tectone will react to Asmon's and again continue talking shit about the game. Some people also hate him because of his drama with other channels + even more drama from even earlier with arknight's community and constant drama in Genshin communtiy. For star rail he's learned to not take the game as a hardcore game and spend thousands on it and just take it for what it is so he's been more chill there


You have to understand the absolute mental deficiency of saying that you don't understand why someone is hated, because to you they seemed "funny"... Right?


He did the same thing with Arknights. The community hated him, so he left and called it a bad game, moving to Genshin. Now the Genshin fans hate him so he's trying to leave Genshin, calling it a bad game.


Tectone is not wrong for saying its a "Bad stream game" but it doesnt mean its a bad game. Witcher 3 is also bad stream game, most of the game is dialogue. Again its a great game. Tectone is the last person you should seek advice about genshin becaue he is negatively emotionally attached to it, he cant give objective opinions. He resemble big bebe crying about it too much


Tectone is that kind of guy who tells fighting in real war is easy, because he played modern warfare once and had 0 deaths


Tectone a few days ago uploaded a video reacting to Charlie's video on the Baldurs Gate 3 bear scene, where he freaked out at the scene and kept saying "WTF DUDE" as it was his "first time reacting to ti". Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRfgov7sMI4 In this episode of Steak&Eggs, at around 39:30, Tectone ALSO first time reacts to the bear cutscene, and freaks out once again questioning if it's real. Just why dude.


Tbh, the guy makes valid points and has given me an opinion about the game.


Regurgitating what someone else has said isn't an opinion, friend.


This guy can't take a break from controversies, His formula of generating views is getting old at this point


I like how Tectone literally dedicates himself to shitting on a game but gets surprised when the community that likes that game .. doesn't like him?! 😱😱 Truly mind-boggling shit


Dicktone always talks about how the community is bad but he's the one always bringing shit up and lying. pretty sure he knows why he's hated. but hes a bitch and knows that being hated is the only way he's relevant


Please guys just make me famous please god. I’m a god streamer and would own all these asses!!!


Once again, I ask, who the fuck is Tectone?


he wasnt lying genshin is a boring shit game 95% filler 5% story people only play it for the girls theres no end game spiral abyss is just a credit card war plus he already played tower of fantasy its the same game dont kid yourselves


You guys talking about how bad Tectone is and that.. But won't point out how big of a joke Asmon is... When they said u should try till Liyue and judge by yourself.. He was like "Ehhh.. It feels too much...One day i will" What a joke a statement.. This guy just wants Attention from a game fanbase to make himself feel superior.. He did this thing with Final Fantasy and now he's doing this with Genshin.. Literally clown behavior.. His di*kriders gonna say... That's just farming content... No bi*ch that ain't Farming content.. That's just attention seeking to make oneself feel relevant...Asmon puts such a plain and horrible mask that it makes him look like a clown.. Like bro watched more Genshin content than some ppl who spent time on the game.. And almost everyone says it is enjoyable.. Yet my dude without giving it a shot.. Acts like "Is it good?


I think his reasonable thinking start going downhill even since he started interacting more with Tectone. Near-sight point of view. Trying to meme stupid thing. I mean memeing about a gacha game having theorycrafting is just dumb. Every fucking game that has damage number on your screen, has theorycrafting. He acted like some fucking 12 years old. Its just sad to watch.


to his defense, it's not wotrh an investment for him right now. as much as i love Genshin and is still playing it, it is a 3 years old game. it is amazing that it could still hold on this far, but the real hard fact is that it is no longer a very popular game anymore and IT WILL NEVER BE AS POPULAR AS IT ONCE WAS. there is nothing wrong with it. it is what it is. People moved on. He missed the hype train and he has learnt from it. You bet he will jump in ZZZ on day 1 for sure.


it still hasn't peaked in monthly player count. its still going up. its arguably getting more popular. at worst we had a peak in Sumeru, and that was like a few months ago. Genshin is just really popular in other spaces too, it's mild in the western mainstream gaming space. Which is what most people are in.


Who cares who likes the game? Is this a problem?


Blows my mind how mean you all are to tectone. Genshit is trash, and I would talk shit about it too if it had a community full of people like you. Literally all of you typing paragraphs about how much you hate him, and know about him, and none of you have even met the guy in real life ! Insane how awful and hateful you people are of someone you don't know, and then bitch about him doing the same thing. It's the most moronic argument I have ever read. Maybe next time you think someone is " the worst human being ever" you should take a look in the fuckin mirror, because your acting exactly like/ worse the thing you are complaining about. Tectone ain't even a bad guy either, he talks loud and watches anime, and ya'll find empty reasons to try and hate him for no reason other than to hate him Not a single ounce of critical thinking skills in this entire reddit. Just empty, lonely, ignorant, moronic assholes that judge people they don't know at all, and have nothing better to do than type paragraphs of insults about someone to project their own insecurities Fucking internet is supposed to be here so we can learn and connect. These are supposed to be the communities we come together and find joy in. I like video games, and nerdy shit, we should all bond over that Instead it's just daily ignorance, daily hate, and daily Idiocracy. Makes me fucking sad man, it honestly does.


Tectone has to be the most toxic streamer I've ever seen, you tell me he ain't bad? Is this how a man should treat his ex-wife? [https://streamable.com/216wpo](https://streamable.com/216wpo) And btw, I can tell you're trash too.


Spewing shit and straight up lies about a game that was quite literally your ticket to fame and one of the only things keeping you relevant does not make you a "good guy". And what? I know your limited critical thinking skills may keep you from realizing this, but the genshin community likes the game. Believe it or not, that's the reason they play. And so when one of the main people INSIDE of their community suddenly switches up like this, of course they're going to stop dick-riding him and maybe they'll actually stop to consider whether this guy is just some sort of leech on the community. And this is NOT the first time he's made an entire community hate him lmao. What happened here is almost an exact repeat of what happened in the arknights community when he did the same things. That's says more about HIM than the community. >Insane how awful and hateful you people are of someone you don't know, and then bitch about him doing the same thing. Hateful? Yeah, when one of the main creators in your community stops making relatable, witty and entertaining content in favour of deceit, toxicity and negativity, that's gonna warrant hate. "You reap what you sow". This is what's happening to Tectone right now lmao.


I mean yeah complaining about some guy on the Internet is just sad, but let's not forget that tectone is acting like a giant baby, to say that "he talks loudly" and to expect to people just accept whatever he says, will not work and also should not. Tectone himself is even talking shit about other people on purpose, like saying stuff like "thinking paimon is funny is just cringe" and even hating this type of chat. You don't need to know the person in real life to criticise him or not like him, you critizise the streamer here and if tectone is so real, his streamer personality shouldn't be much different from his RL personality right. I myself started to dislike him more and more not because he dislikes genshin now, but the way he talks about it, like the never ending shit talk and still criticize the latest updates even though he didnt even play for nearly a year. Saying stuff like Storytelling is shit (which is true often), but also saying that about the Sumeru questline (which of my knowledge he didn't even finish to this day) and thats just not true when compared to Inazuma (which he thinks was the peak of the story), i won't go into detail for the latest story, you would have to play it yourself to know what i mean, the Story quality took a major step up and also the way it presented. So in the end im not just finding any reason to not like him and talk about him, but he gives me reasons to. This Podcast just proved to me personally and many others, of why i don't like him, like telling others not to play a game, because he personally hates it or lying in this case of necrit's opinion of genshin (if you have watched necrits video, you could easily tell that he didn't say "its not good") he just put his opinion in it. Im not here to convice you that he is a bad person, but to tell you why others and myself included do talk about him. P.S.: Im writing this on my phone so excuse me if the grammar is bad, it's hard.


Dont bother with this idiot above, apparently callint out disingenious person like tectone is being hatefull. He on the other hand twisting facts, spreading negativity, insulting others or straight up lying is fine and acceptable, what a circus man. Sad to see. Idk if tectone is the coolest guy IRL his stream persona is thrashy


It's okay, Genshin was good for what it was but Hoyo has done nothing to improve the game after 4 years. Be a gigachad and move on...the sooner the better. My post nut clarity in quitting the game after Inazuma was for the better.


>done nothing to improve the game after 4 years. Genshin has been out for less than 3 years. Maybe I have low standards after WoD's near 2 year content drought where we got the infamous selfie stick and twitter integration (in Preach's interview, Ion admitted there was nothing to do outside of raid nights in WoD), but as a casual player, I enjoy Genshin for what it is. The new areas/zones every 2-3 patches (1 patch every 6 weeks) are nice. There are definitely things that can be improved, but I am content. Sumeru was amazing to experience and I got a lot of enjoyment out of that. I am also looking forward to the new Fontaine region in a month from now. If you no longer enjoy the game, then the healthy thing to do is definitely quit like in your case, or take a break.


That's what Necrit said. It's a good story with bad storytelling. The lie is that Necrit considers the game bad, but the rest is correct. Nothing else was a lie. People just have a hate releationship with Tectone. I don't know why but that's simply it.


He was a dick head back in the days but has gotten better ever since he interact with asmon, getting more mature and less of a dick. I wouldn't say he's a saint that's done no wrong or the literal devil that roam the earth. But a very flawed man, that has gotten better.


Tectone living in yours guys head. He's good friends with Tectone, wtf did you guys think would happen. LOL


Wow, people actually watch this?


Lmao the tectone hate is rampant is this sub recently also how does he misrepresent necrit? That's literally what the guy said in his video, I swear y'all are trolling with these posts lol that and the fact that he didn't exactly say anything wrong the entire time they talked about genshin y'all just hate him and it's hilarious


No, the way tectone said it and how asmongold understood it is like "yeah genshin is not a good game overall", thats why asmongold was kind of suprised. And telling others to not play a generally liked game, because he wont get his precious endgame, is sad.


Tectone is whats wrong with our society, along with genshin itself.


Genshin community is worse than KPOP


Y’all motherfuckers need to get a life. Find something offline that makes you happy, please.


What made you this angry bro😭


No amount of calling me mad or emojis will make your life any less depressing. None of this is real. These people don’t know who your are.


What...... This a troll ain't it🤣 I just asked what made you angry I legitimately didn't mean anything else. And who said my life is depressing? It's already half good half s***


Never played Genshin, but I bet Tectone is right based on how many people get mad at him. If there is one thing I have learned, it's the more people that are mad at you for your opinion on a video game the higher the chance that you are right.




By that logic, you know who's gonna be the most "right" person in the history of humankind?


I'm specifically talking about video games and probably more specifically gacha games.


Then there is dude who hit his wife and hated elden ring. Not the next evilist person, of course. But still proves you wrong.


I have no idea what you are talking about? I am sure there are people who like Elden Ring who are bad people too.


How did that work for Quantum TV? was he right about Elden Ring? I haven't played Elden ring yet, should I listen to his opinion? Clearly everyone hated it, so he must be right. Your reasoning is stupid.


Ah yes everyone is wrong except that one streamer dude that is already hated by another community. Textone is nothing more than a rage baiter with terrible takes




I mean you called him kektone, obviously I can't trust your opinion on him.




Oh my god I forgot how pathetic Tectone was when Envi was regularly clearing abyss F2P. Offering money to whale to a bigger streamer was so insecure lol




F2P will be so fun to watch because Dragonspine gives new players a reality check, Frost Lawachurls will juggle him around ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3737)


You can literally just watch Necrits video to see that he is lying about Necrits opinion. There is no subjectivity in that. It's just a plain lie.


Ain't nobody got time for that. Never gonna play Genshin. I have played gacha games in the past and I have learned to listen to the haters for those games. Don't need that type of shit in my life.


My Brother in Christ what in the fuck is wrong with you, listening to the haters of any game is the worse thing you could possibly do especially people that irrationally hate on the game. Gonna move away from gacha games for a sec but using your logic of listening to haters ff14 is a terrible game, WoW is a absolutely shit game no one should ever even look at, ff16 is shit, and Elden Ring is boring and dogshit. Do you see what you get with this logic? Stupidity, please I implore you to try/look at things for yourself and not just listen to the haters.


No specifically listening to the haters of gacha games. You not going to get an accurate representation of a gacha game from the people who love it.


Not gonan get a accurate representation of a game from any game fanboys this isnt exclusive to gacha games, and i get it you played 1 maybe 2 shit gachas now yours scared thats fine but if you go back and read my last comment that way of thinking applied to anything leads to straight stupidity, apply it to anything games movies, sports literally anything and its bad.


The reason why I say it specifically with gacha games(or any p2w game), is because of the way gacha games work. Because p2w games tend to have things that are designed to make you spend money on the game, where as non p2w games tend to just have annoying systems. For example, Necrit specifically points out that Genshin will extend stories in a negative way to try and get you to buy the 5 star characters. Also, he pointed that he needed to get lucky with artifacts. These are very easy for me to recognize after playing previous gacha games as major red flags to avoid the game.


Everything Necrit said about abyss depending on artifacts is wrong. A number of his characters used lvl 0 artifacts. The rotations for the second team were off. There is a lot of skill both in team building and execution he lacked. He could improve in many more directions then being lucky/grind on artifacts or spend money. Not to mention that all of that doesn't matter, because 9* floor 12 only gives you 150 primos (less then a single pull) in 2 weeks.


There is theory crafting in genshin for a reason. Chinese genshin hosts tournaments regularly between teams showcasing clears with limited artifacts and banning characters from other teams. F2p world record clear is literally within a week. Dude did no life it and get lucky by pulling the 2 5 stars he wanted within the first week but did it with horrible gear.


Yeah I know, all p2w games have amazing f2p players that find a way to beat it. But why would I want to play the subpar experience of playing f2p in a p2w game.


Because it's all about the story? Most people play it like FF14 and just hop on for expansions then hop off. Why are you so worried about p2w when there is nothing to win? F2p means limited gameplay variance. But there is no pvp and no leader board. You get like 7 pulls a month from doing the most hardcore content. You are not gaurenteed a 5 star character even if you do it for a entire year.


You don't need to. Doesn't change that Tectone is lying.


I looked through the transcript of Necrits video and I don't agree with you. He seemed to have a much lower opinion of the game after he completed it.


"Throughout this journey every time i talked about Genshin people mentioned that i am overly positive about everything, but that's because it was all a setup for this video, because today we're not going to talk about the amazing combat or the great events, today we're going to talk about the garbage" Necrit likes Genshin but that still doesn't prevent him from criticising some areas, watching his streams you can easily tell he likes the game and talks about how cool things are a lot, the only time i saw him actually triggered with the game in a stream was when he completed an early quest and realised its continuation was in a timed event, even when he was talking about this exact video he was making during streams he was still enjoying the game and talking positively about it. You can just check his second channel to see how he's usually about the game.


You might interpret what you want from the transcript. Put Necrit never said the game was bad, not even in that Video. And in this Video he specifically highlighted the games cons. But he has 2 other videos praising the game. There is no way he thinks the game is bad.


I mean then you are lying about what Tectone said lol, because he is specifically talking about the 700 hours video. Also, why would I care about the partial play through videos when he has a full playthrough video?


You're making no sense


I reviewed this book after 2 chapters and I loved it vs I read the whole book and thought it was trash. Pretty good logic. Also, Tectone pretty much mirrored what Necrit said in his 700 hour video, so it makes perfect sense.


Ok please show me where he said that. Should be easy for you


Tectone isn't the only one who didn't like the game. But he's the only one getting sht on by everyone in the community. Don't you think there's something more as to why they hate him? I'd say if a lot of people got mad at your take then there's definitely something wrong about that take.


That is not how it works lmfao. He was shunned by not only Genshin but Arknights as well. If THAT many people want nothing to do with you and you somehow think it's everyone else that's the problem. You are completely delusional.


If two gacha game communities hate him, then he must be doing something really right.


Keep thinking that in the little imaginary bubble that you've encased yourself in where it's everyone else that is the problem. Flawless reasoning and logic going on here.


Yeah, I get to avoid gacha games and not waste my money. It really is pretty great logic.


Yes, yes we are all proud of you. Good job bucko.


Thank you. I know it takes a lot to break through to gacha players, especially anime gacha players, but someone's got to do it.


It such a stupid comparison that there is too much content now/story. This game has 2 years already. Obviously there is a lot of content already. If you go and play all WOW expansions in order completing all story you would get burned out too


Oh yes tecton talking about blindfold abyss. Sure buddy 4 consecrated beasts think otherwise. What a joke


Good lord, y'all need to find better shit to do with your lives. I dont even like Tectone but the fact that y'all sit in a circlejerk talking about how much you hate a dude you'll never meet, who doesnt give a shit about you, and will never know you exist; is honestly so sad lmao. This is what the internet has become eh? Lord y'all need hobbies outside of shitty gacha games and anime


Lmao, how old are you? You think writing comment that takes 10 seconds equals no life? OR maybe you think we do think about what to write for hours on end. You shit on anime because you think its gonna make you look cool or something but reality is you are just the same as everyone else commenting on reddit. Feeding the trolls and keyboard warrioring. Maybe look on yourself first before poiting at others


Dude, We are trying to warn people to avoid tectone.


"But the he just lied about Necrits opinion on genshin and claims that he said it's bad" he kinda did tho? guess we all kinda skipped over this video: https://youtu.be/1JSTID3gaT8


It’s the fake Soldier Boy deep voice that annoys me, yes I’m that irrational


Would love to watch this broadcast if literally anyone but tectone was in it


genshin fans malding lmao


y’all makes posts about a single guy to hate on him, isn’t that just sad?


Bruh I don’t even watch Tectone anymore. I just don’t like when people spread lies 💀 I saw the clip. I saw it back when he originally did the subathon. He never said she was useless. He said he carries their marriage, and while this part may be subjective, in my opinion, he was simply messing around and didn’t actually mean it. With Fream it’s hard to actually tell when she’s upset or not, so maybe she did take it poorly, but that’s not for us to decide. Fream herself has also admitted to Tectone being very supportive of her in general and being a good husband. It wasn’t perfect obviously, and there were things both felt they were missing, which is why they got a divorce, and I’m sure there were some things Tectone did or said that Fream didn’t take kindly to, but the fact that they’re still friends after the fact (I still watch Fream) confirms to me that their relationship wasn’t toxic.


I'm glad they remained friends honestly, all the little clips and things I've seen made her seem like she.. kinda used him for clout later. She tries to mention how she does half the work too, how she's the reason things are easier for him etc. Then she starts streaming herself and gets a decent viewing because of him collabing and mentioning her constantly; and she dips out. It made me feel super bad for Teccy and I dont even watch him anymore. Really happy that they seem to have had an actually good relationship and it wasnt that way tbh, because that would really ruin my trust and confidence in myself personally


didn't know that asmon fans are a bunch of genshin dick riders


people here are putting tectone on blast when you all forget that he not only works with asmongold but asmon clearly doesnt see it your way XD


Do you or Asmons community need to follow him like a Zombie?


no, but we do have eyes :) might be hard for you to use but its easy to see that being an Asshole does not equal being a liar. Btw, "Asmons Community" sounds like your just here for Tectone, and not apart of Asmons community. seems rather strange when its in the "Asmongonld Subreddit"


So fucking what? And I don't mean to be obnoxious but everybody does even in close social circles? Humans lie more than they tell the truth and it's just normal and unless you are absolutely sub social IQ you know that and go with it and understand the point he meant and just brush it off? Are people that unadjusted that they get off on the minute things like that for real?


Yall are hilarious


He consistently lies and then says “guys I was joking I can’t believe you guys thought I was serious lol” every single time. He jumped into an asmon stream and crapped on genshin and when that got brought up he started laughing thinking about the comments of triggered fans like he said it just for the lulz.


Lol common waifu community L. Y’all are just so mad someone has a different opinion. He played the fuck out of the game, tried to love it. And he doesn’t. It’s trash. Especially compared to Star Rail.