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this was the obvious choice for them, they don't need baldurs gate, baldurs gate needs Larian


1000% it'd be hilarious to see wotc give baldurs gate to any other dev. like imagine if Ubisoft or Bethesda had the IP.  honestly it might make more money, just through how stupid gamers as a whole are with microtransactions. but it sure as shit wouldn't be goty caliber and would tarnish the IP.


They should just sell Larian the IP, but WotC would never. So, see-ya in another 20 years+ for BG4 I guess.


I think, optimistically speaking, what'll most likely happen is WotC will wait for another CRPG dev to get inspired by BG3, developed their own CRPG with the budget for full voice acting (like DOS2), then strike a deal with them. It could be another 20 years before BG4.


meh it would've probably been fine with someone like obsidian or owlcat


I'm not super familiar with owlcat, obsidian would probably give it their best try, but obsidian isn't the same company internally as they were when they dropped the all time banger of fallout new vegas. I'm sure it would still be enjoyable but a lot more rough around the edges.


Owlcat made the Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wrath of the Rightous games


Both of which are pretty good games, especially if you have a DnD itch you can't scratch with the real thing after playing BG3 I got mine first day of the steam sale which has now ended but frankly £18 is a fair price for the amount of game you get. Be aware before you go in though that there's a timed main quest in Kingmaker so you have to prioritize and you absolutely won't be able to do anything first try. Also, when you get to Darven, suck it up and get it over with as quickly as possible. Darven is some guy's OC donut steel who is extremely powerful and better than you in every way, and he got to be in the game for donating a lot of money. Just do the quest with him and skip all the dialog for the rewards, it'll cause you less pain


Obviously Larian was the bigger name having just put out D:OS2 when they got the IP and hit a home run with BG3, but judging by stuff like Tyranny, Outer Worlds and Pillars 2 Obsidian seems to do fine making rpgs still. If Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 are bad I'll eat my words. Owlcat is known for the Pathfinder games which RPG fans generally liked. Also they recently released WH40k: Rogue Trader which supposedly has good gameplay/story but had an overly buggy release. It is also a younger studio and wouldn't have even been up for consideration in 2017 when Larian got the IP. Also bear in mind I'm not saying either one would have been a better choice, but that they wouldn't embarrass the IP in the same way giving it to Bethesda or modern Bioware would.


The rogue trader RPG by owl cat is exceptional, it just needed some time in early access for bug finding (like BG3 had) and it would have been an all time great up there with DOS BG Pathfinder.


Eh, if it came out like a big budget Pillars or Pillars 2, I wouldn't be unhappy. Those games are really underrated, especially for the budgets they were made on. Still replay both.


Owlcat would make the game most resembling Baldur's Gate 2 out of all of these. Their previous D&D-style game, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, was Baldur's Gate 3 in all but name and setting. Their flaw is that their games take an extra year to become good post-launch due to all the bugs. But the passion is there. As much as I respect Larian's BG3 for the sheer scope and ambition, Owlcat focuses on things I want more from a classic CRPG while having similar ambition.


Judging by Pillars of Eternity, I think Obsidian would have made a better BG3 than Larian. I'm on the side that doesn't think BG3 is really Baldurs Gate 3 though. It's a great game for sure, but not really the successor to Baldurs Gate 2.


BG3 is still goated but that’s true. It’s basically DOS with a D&D skin.


Yeah, I agree. That's what it is.


I doubt honestly. Outter worlds was extremely short with basically just a good story. Took me something like 6 hours to beat an "evil" playthrough. Would have most likely been real time like older titles. Only thing that I remember about the story and acting is it being sub average. Probably biggest thing though, I doubt they could imitate Larians style. Outside of the captured acting and cinematic shots, the game feels near on identical to their older titles like DOS2 in my opinion (good thing).


Or Interplay + Bethesda. I still enjoyed the Fallout Tactics CRPG, and it even has an online PVP mode.


yeah i kinda agree, it wasn't good because it was baldur's gate, it's good because of larian


Yeah, I suspect that WotC licensing ate Larian's lunch on BG3, but obviously it paid off regardless... but I can't imagine with such a competent team and name recognition they'd want to repeat that. Divinity: Original Sin 2 was severely underrated when it came out, but with BG3 sweeping all the awards, Larian's next game won't go under the radar.


If you listen to what Sven said. He talks about publisher greed and then announces that they are leaving the Baldur's Gate IP behind. Clearly some shit went down between Larian and Wizards of the Coast.


WOTC is completely fucked at the moment and I don't blame Larian one bit for not wanting to work with them anymore. Good guy games that make games.


what's up with WOTC? i know they kinda fucked up with trying to do some legal shit with 5e that exploded in their face but other then that haven't heard much about them.


They literally sent the Pinkertons home to a guy to extort him into giving them some cards that he received by the fault of a WOTC warehouse. I think they heavily lean on the guys poor pregnant wife because he wasn't home at the time. They kicked all their artists as well because they don't like paying or crediting their artist and will no go 100% into AI generated art.


I'm shocked they got away with this tbh. If some fucking Pinkertons showed up at my house they'd be asked to leave, politely at first, then with a rifle. Although I happen to live in a state with castle doctrine/stand your ground protections.


Not to mention the predatory market practices with packs and merchandise. Commander has genuinely ruined the game by pushing new cards to constantly be better than current ones. First noticeable example of this was Eldraine with Oko.


Hasbro last year wanted WOTC to double their revenue. They also cut many veterans in WOTC and D&D departments and have been found using AI art for their cards and artwork to replace many of the artists they fired. 


There was some drama with Magic the Gathering using AI generated art as well.


They're very close to just being only the Magic company. The last wave of lay offs got rid of everyone in the publishing department for D&D physical products, which brings a lot of doubt on the future of physical table top products for the next edition of D&D (which is being playtested right now.) The joke of the matter is, we keep hearing how D&D is more popular and more successful than it's ever been, but clearly all the attention it's gotten from certain twitch streams and tv shows has not translated into players who are actually spending money on the product.. which makes sense considering every 5e book ends up going on sale regularly on amazon for 50-60% off at a $20 price point and NEVER sells outs.


>what's up with WOTC? Oh man they've been making L decisions for probably the past decade. Just do some googling for "WOTC fuckup" and enjoy your evening.


Don't make us send the Pinkertons!


Nahh. Using WOTC IP limits your freedom as a developer. It was a nice challenge making the 3rd BG, but they never intended to be "the D&D" guys.


Wizards has been shitting the bed pretty consistently for over a decade now, so this news doesn't surprise me...






When WoC did their layoffs, Sven made that post that many of the peeps they worked with were put out. It definitely feels like some shit went down. Also, high level DnD isn't the easiest to balance. it's mostly who fails a save first, so I totally get not making an expansion.


>Also, high level DnD isn't the easiest to balance. it's mostly who fails a save first, so I totally get not making an expansion. As a 3.5 player I feel this so much. Once you get past 12-14 the game quickly gets out of hand with certain builds and spells. Playing past lvl 20 using the legendary handbook is interesting but the one shot potential is just insane.


Expansion doesn't necessarily have to mean level cap increase. They could have made just more challenging encounters, boss fights and most importantly character story expansions. I haven't replayed BG3 post 1.0, but how it all ended with one of the characters ,Karlach, I wasn't overly happy and her ending could be expanded on. So can for any of the characters. Honestly, i just hope Larian releases a Definitive Edition like they did with their D:OS series.


So DOS 3 yay.


I heard that they will not be making do3 as well


Honestly whatever they make ill buy it. In Swen we trust.


Guarantee WotC made bank on BG3 from licensing despite doing absolutely nothing, and Larian didn't want their lunch eaten again on their next project now that their name is out there. I don't know about you but I couldn't be more excited for Larian's next game. Going to reinstall D:OS 2 in the mean time.


I guarantee WoTC thought they should have made a lot more bank.


> Clearly some shit went down between Larian and Wizards of the Coast. I don't think so. Baldur's Gate 3 was self-published. I can't find where I read that, but I'm almost certain I saw one of the developers who works at Larian say that they bought the license to make the game. Wizards of the Coast isn't collecting royalties on the game. I suppose there could have been a fight about rights to DLC, but it didn't sound like that was the core reason they are not making an expansion to BG3. I got the impression the primary reason was because they have two other games they want to make. Edit: As of a bit ago, Swen Vincke said [this](https://twitter.com/LarAtLarian/status/1771467986701819943) > Reading the reddit threads, I would like to clear up something. WOTC is not to blame for us taking a different direction. On the contrary, they really did their best and have been a great licensor for us, letting us do our thing. This is because it's what's best for Larian.


>I can't find where I read that, but I'm almost certain I saw one of the developers who works at Larian say that they bought the license to make the game That isn't true. Larian didn't buy anything. WoC owns the IP.


Clearly you don't understand. I said that Larian bought a **license** to **publish** Baldur's Gate 3. Which is true. You can see it right on the game's Steam page. [Baldur's Gate 3](https://i.imgur.com/moH1pTB.png) Whereas [Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance](https://i.imgur.com/HPuGNB1.png) was published by Wizards of the Coast. Larian relationship with their publisher cannot have soured with their publisher because **they were the publishers**. Also. I found my source. It was [this Tweet](https://twitter.com/Cromwelp/status/1690162865787805697) from the director of publishing at Larian. > Small detail: I believe it’s publicly known that WOTC didn’t fund BG3. We paid for the privilege of creating a game with this IP. [Screenshot of the tweet](https://imgur.com/a/g8ntovN)


Sure, they funded it themselves. I never said they didn't. Its common knowledge. But where does it say that they bought the license for anything? WotC are the license holders. They own the IP. Hasbro owns WotC and reported earning $90 million from Baldurs Gate 3. >Larian relationship with their publisher cannot have soured with their publisher because **they were the publishers**. You're splitting hairs. You know what I was talking about. Clearly, something happened between Larian and WotC or Larian and Hasbro.


> Clearly, something happened between Larian and WotC or Larian and Hasbro. [Swen Vincke](https://twitter.com/LarAtLarian/status/1771467986701819943) > Reading the reddit threads, I would like to clear up something. WOTC is not to blame for us taking a different direction. On the contrary, they really did their best and have been a great licensor for us, letting us do our thing. This is because it's what's best for Larian.


Actual artists.


Doesn't matter. BG3 is pure art and they have their own IPs that are amazing. Divinity: Original Sin 3 ? Let's fucking go. I live 30 mins away from their HQ. Been following their journey for a while. Happy to have such talented company from our small country, that has the right mindset.


I'm still a bit miffed that one Divinity game they were developing got canned.


It's not gonna be divinity or dnd based. It's different, but similar to what they did up to this point. And this next game isn't even gonna be svens dream game, because the tech isn't there.


Correction. Added additional content for free, including feedback lead changes. Then left.


We were spoiled by BG3 and we expected AAA companies to follow in their footsteps. We played ourselves


Nah, it's fair for the consumer to raise their standards when someone releases a great product. If you can't keep up with the competition, that's not the fault of the customer, that's on you.


It’s funny bc DD2 is more fun than Baldurs gate lmao


BG3 isn’t my type of game usually I’m much more into action RPGs but what Larian did was so wonderfully crafted and done. Characters are absolutely exceptionally done as well with voice acting and the way they’re animated. There really isn’t an RPG that I’ve played where literally everything seemingly that you would want to do in it is accounted for and seems to have a dialogue attached as well. Pretty mind blowing much like how I felt playing Zelda BoW, the feeling of wow they thought of everything. Also the whole we aren’t going to MTX the hell out of our product for your convenience and made a game that worked relatively well at launch. Plus had co-op one of the main reasons I didn’t want to buy Dragons Dogma 2 at launch was cause it didn’t and won’t have co-op such a huge oversight in my opinion. I’ll wait till it’s $30 and play it then.


Get it whenever you want, it will always have the best combat of any RPG you have ever played.




Try for once in your life to have an opinion for yourself. I know you haven’t played it because you wouldn’t have that opinion if you had haha. I’ll get back to having my warrior fling me at a gryphon and having a harpy break my fall when i wanna come down. What opinion are you gonna parrot tomorrow? Get fucking real haha


It's dog's dogma 2 because it's made by dogs for dogs, deserved negative reviews on steam


Sad. Old fashioned expansion could truly expand this game more. Like Witcher.


Yeah I was really hoping for a sizeable expansion.


They were making an expansion, but cancelled it not too long ago apparently, because of shit like this.


Yup. I was very much looking forward to maybe an Avernus expansion. It would've been the first DLC I've bought for a game since Mass Effect 2.


Indeed. My poor karlach will never get her heart fixed!


Hopefully they're cooking divinity original sin 3.


I don’t think the next game is dos3 :(


I would've loved a Expansion/DLC for BG3. Would've bought it instantly like I did for Elden Ring. Sad to see they won't be adding new content to BG3.


THey said they were done with DnD as well so i'm assuming they are moving on to the next big thing. I'd personally like to see them try their hand at cyberpunk type stuff or shadowrun. Maybe even something sci fi


The game is complete, it dosnt need anything More content would be nice, sure, but its not really needed.


Did we play the same Act 3?


Swens reply to the article: https://twitter.com/LarAtLarian/status/1771039675614122492 Is anyone else as excited for Larian's next game as I am?


Wins goty, "Larian out" mic drop.


Next up, Shadowrun. C'mon Larian, you know you want to.


A reasonably priced DLC for a great game would be a net positive for everyone. It's a W that there are no day 1 DLCs nor any MTX, but a DLC in general would be great just to have more BG3. And a BG4 by Larian would be amazing as well.


Pathfinder next!!


It’s crazy how political people here are. It’s just video games.


Some of the people on this sub are chugging the social media koolaid and need to take a break.


But act 3 onwards clearly is not polished ,lack of content and still buggy


Act 1 was the best CHAPTER of an RPG in decades, but BG3 in total was not the best RPG in decades (as Act 3 was a comical let-down and drop in quality.)


I straight up liked chapter 3 the most. Might be an unpopular opinion, but act 3 was dense and it provided the ability to close a lot of the companion story lines. Not to mention going to the house of hope was fucking amazing.


BG3 is one of the most front loaded games ever but it’s rarely talked about. I feel like most haven’t even finished the game lol


BG3 taught me you really need to complete a game's main story before you can give it a confident review, and I think even many of the "professional" reviewers who gave it a 10/10, 9/10, or even 8/10 did not complete the entire game. If I had to give a review at any point in Act 1, I would have said it was a 10/10, no question. But after completing it, I would say it deserves a 7 if you examine the entire experience you get completing the game. If I had a four course meal and the first several courses were fantastic, but the last course was a plain deli sandwich with stale bread, it would be hard to rank the entire dinner experience highly. While I was playing through Acts 1 and 2 i was thinking of all the different builds and roleplaying I would experiment with in the future. After completing the game, I have zero desire to ever pick up BG3 again.


The game and Wizards of the coast/BG3 community is still filled with toxic woke asf


I mean why would you dare to touch success let them learn from the experience and give us another masterpiece


"You can't expect this from another AAA game." "Here's our very first AAAA game! Make sure to leave your credit card information!"


that dev is how how i remember them, ppl get blinded by new shiny and flock there.


But they didn't "leave". Zoomers so intent on speaking in meme templates, they can't even slow down to apply them correctly.


It's par for the course with WOTC, Bioware also dropped the setting after Baldurs Gate/Neverwinter Nights and made their own lore with Dragon Age. (personally I'm split on this since I love the Forgotten realms lore).


Expansion would be cool, but if they give modding tools that's all we'll really need.


I want to see Larian do a CRPG spinoff Fallout game in their own engine, not Bethesda's engine.


Am I the only one who is a little upset they are basically dropping the D&D ip. I think that they are going to make another great game with their own spin but I’m going to miss the D&D feel.


I bought this instead of dragons dogma 2


"Unholy Divinity" or some new Divinity bringing back the feel and the base/camp building of the first game. A mix of Divine Divinity, Diablo 2 and Baldurs gate mixed with some base building. DD was amazing for just killing someone and moving into their cellar or killing a creature and taking over it's lair. Spots over and over everywhere. dropping some pretty things into a place you just decide to move into as a home deserves some new love, Divinity 2 was great but the first one really had a certain feel that is hard to capture. I spent hours moving chests and beds to my "bases" that were just some trolls cave or that was small enough to be cozy.


Me thinks Hasbro is looking at the success of BG3 and asking themselves how they can squeeze more money out of Larian. This is Larian saying, "Yeah, you've made enough off of us."


Gonna keep it 55th st. While the story and stuff was cool, the gameplay sucked ass for me. And I generally enjoy turn based rpg's and rts games


I feel the same. Beat both Divinity OS’s and with BG3 I loved the story but as soon as it slogged in Act 2 I had to force myself to play through it. DND 5e as a system really holds back the game for me, it tries to support a lot of different gameplay fantasies but even with the tweaks Larian was able to do still feels one dimensional in the gameplay it supports. I’m glad they’ll be stepping away and hopefully go back to more modern gameplay system.


Also full of bugs


Uh no expansion? You think that’s a good thing?




But they didn’t drop the best rpg in decades. Elden Ring literally came out 2 years ago.


Baldur's gate 3 and Elden Ring have nothing in common. Comparing them is stupid.


I would not call Elden Ring an RPG, nor would I call it the best action game in the past decade.


In what way is Elden Ring better?


Hey, I love Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate, there is really no need to fight. Both games are incredible, so good that it's impossible to put one above the other.


Art direction, world design, and music. The rest is too different to bother comparing.


I agree with you on art direction, it's amazing in Elden Ring. I believe the world design in BG3 is much better, but that is partly due to existing world of Faerun. As for music? I cannot remember a single song from Elden Ring, but down by the river is still stuck in my head to this day, let alone the combat music.


twisted force is a banger of a battle theme for that kinda game.


I know you didn't just say elden ring was a better RPG than bg3 lol. It's a good game to be sure, but that's like saying palworld has better building than enshrouded, it's a statement that's not very accurate.


No, Elden Ring is definitely a better rpg and game than BG3.


Elden ring is an Arpg. I capitalize "A" because the game is more action than RPG. Bg3 is a pure rpg


BG3s genre is CRPG


Right, you can add whatever prescription you want, but they are both rpgs and Elden Ring is superior.


Why are you so persisent on claiming which is superior? They are different games and both accomplish brilliantly what they set out to do, no reason to act elitist.


The cost of prescription drugs can be remarkably high sometimes


They are both amazing games just not the same category


Because hes a child and he want his favorite toys to be the BEST !! 🤣




This moron right here thinks if he loudly states his opinions they become facts.


While both are goated games you are delusional if you think a souls like game is going to compete in the rpg department with a crpg, especially one of BG3's quality.


Yes, both rpgs, thanks


One is an arpg while the other is a crpg.


Yes they are both RPGs


You’re right. Comparing D4 to BG3 seems like a good metric since they’re both rpgs, right?


Comment if you like wieners.


Both rpgs, thanks.


Yeah like if both games came out in the same year GOTY would not have been even close, Elden Ring wipes the floor with BG3.


“Wipes the floor” is crazy. You’re acting like bg3 is as bad as an Ubisoft rpg or something.


Such an unhinged take lmfao what world do you live in


He's probably 14. Has no idea how the real world works.


I can't tell if youre trolling but elden ring is not even close to bg3.


You're right, ER is lightyears better than Sloppy Swen's unfinished shitpile.