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What does af mean here? I read it "as fuck" so it kind of don't make sense to me lol


brain rot language


He means hard as fuck probably. Just forgot the "hard" part. The reddit he posted it on was called "hardimages"


Anyone else bothered by "*this protest in berlin is af*" ?




The subreddit is r/hardimages. "hard af" is what that means but the "hard" is optional as it's implied.


But his username is stupidgayfemboy so can you really trust that answer from a stupid?


I noticed it immediately. But every other Reddit post has some sort of degradation of grammar, punctuation, spelling or diction that’s appalling. It drives me absolutely nuts!! And I’m an engineer.


It drives me nuts too! And I'm a physician.


You guys may be worse than engineers


It's part of the karma whoring meta, you put a glaring typo in your tithe just to get engagement from the people who want to correct it


Theyre driving me crazy for more engagement? Fucking devils


Oh that is just such … narcissistic prostitution of the system. Almost as bad as click-bait titles on YouTube!


Well I wasn’t until you pointed it out


Just imagine OP is Brazilian, and he is using the word "afude", that means cool as fuck. but in a single word.


I though it was cyberpunk 2077 at first


I don’t know why I thought this was that building in GTA online nine years later never got finished.


Wrong, Amazon rainforest does not even have ESG score.


I mean it does have diversity just not the kind they are looking for


It means that the company amazon should burn, not the jungle amazon


Slow down there sherlock




You don't say




Wow. You must have been the smartest one in the whole special children class. 🫶


I mean.. that’s funny and all, but OP’s title makes it seem like they don’t get it. If you want further context than the people are protesting Amazon it took me [two seconds to Google](https://www.the-berliner.com/english-news-berlin/activists-vandalism-amazon-tower-friedrichshain-warschauer-bruecke-gentrification/). Probably would have done that before titling my post “Idk what this is”


I like Amazon


(This comment was sponsored by Amazon prime join today)


what about muh one day delivery!!


Amazon employees millions of people worldwide whereas what does the Amazon do? Absolutely nothing 🤔👌


I dunno if you are joking.but in case you are not, you should seriously study some ecology and ecosystems. there is a reason why some countries pay Brazilian government to help preserve Amazon.


They are 100% joking


Couldn’t be /s


The Amazon rainforest doesn't have 1 day delivery does it? Rainforest: 0 Amazon: 1


That's true. But the Rainforest has a 55 millions years delivery. Rainforest: 55 million Amazon: 1


Think of all the amazon women!


ah ja, the German far left, always ready to burn things, luxury cars, transformer stations powering tesla factories, construction equipment, power lines...


And with that message, everyone stopped buying stuff from Amazon. People also stopped using plastic products created using fossil fuels, and replacment products for plastics became magically and readily available worldwide. Corporations learned the price of their greed and put the environment first, and CEOs even took a 50% pay cut to pay for green initiatives to transform their respective companies. Oil barons decided they made enough money and stopped drilling. Warring nations made peace due to the high toll on the environment from the production of weapons and fuel. All was well, and the human race was saved. Racism and all prejudice were magically erased overnight. Through the establishment of complete utopian unity, humans terraformed and colonised the entire galaxy. There was enough food and prosperity for all. The end. Good night, princess. Good job with the sign.


Ok champ, how you would raise awareness? Or you suggest a hundred people battle those with money and power by themselves? Your argument is like saying you can't end slavery bc the world needs the cotton


Do you think people are not aware? Or is it that they'd rather serve their own short-term self-interest?


There's a lot of issues and situations that the will of the people and what's being done is not aligned. There's a lot of polemic ones right now but I'll try to illustrate with 2, one as of right now and one concerning a span of time: Nuclear energy. The fact that the TikTok ban took 1week for all politicians be on the same page regarding the bill yet for way more simple and objectively obvious regulations that need to be passed they beat around the bush for years if not way more. I'm not saying some is they don't care but for their short term self interest but some are other reasons (awareness etc) but I'd say the % of people who buy iPhones bc "actively fuck them kids" is overwhelming lower than any of the other reasons.


Only sociopaths would buy an iPhone to actively "fuck them kids". But the majority of the people would say "oh no that's terrible, Apple should treat them better." then walk into the store to get the phone anyway. Two very different consumers in terms of morality. Same result.


Exactly So awareness that precedes an action is what the everyday person can do Some people have to buy the x/y made by a child in someplace bc they can't afford the one done consciously. Making that action a moral standing is fucking stupid bc it's the business making the decision to abuse child labor not the buyer. If you had the chance to choose maybe you'd would choose better (on phones maybe there's not even alternative lol). But saying someone buying is *always* making a moral decision is dumb but I can tell you that someone putting millions towards an investment is *always* making a moral decision bc spending dozens is just not the same as that huge amount. If a dollar is a vote then some of us get to have billions of it and saying the individual can contend against it alone or that needs to be "purged of its own sins" before doing something is not very realistic at the least. You can correct the future or move towards a better one even if you currently can't afford to do a 180 right now. It's about taking the steps regardless of big or tiny


Be careful, mate. You might cut yourself with all that edge.


no, they are the cheapest. no, I use plastic products in nearly everything. no, I don't care if corporations put the environment first. no, they never will. no, we are still fucked because it's in our nature. Good Night.


You know all that was sarcasm, right? Thought I laid it on pretty thick with the "utopian unity" and the terraforming part, but I guess not?


Given the amount of energy they have to use to project that much light that distance, I am not sure it makes for a good pro-environment statement.


do you think environmental protesters swear off electricity?


No, but I would expect them to use it responsibly.


Looks like pretty responsible use to me :D


Maybe because they’re not all environmental protestors.. “Accused of poor working conditions, tax avoidance and increasing gentrification, Amazon’s occupation as the main tenant of the EDGE East Tower has always been controversial.” Gotta love internet arguments. Finding someone who will do less than a minute of reading before they leap into the discussion is like finding a shiny Pokémon. Hell.. even OP’s title with the “I don’t know what this is” lmao Some people at the protest are protesting for decarbonization. Though presumably not the ones with the big ass lights.


Yes how unrealistic and silly of me to think that a slogan about burning the rainforest was coming from an environmental group. I should have done more research before posting on reddit about a random cross linked meme. You have my deepest, sincerest apology


No need to get your knickers in a twist. There certainly are environmental protestors there, but that’s not the whole of it. I’m sorry, your comment just gave me the vibes of that cliche “You don’t like sweat shops and evil corporations? But you’re posting from a smart phone. Cuuurious. 😎“ thing. I also wanted to provide further context for anyone else in the comment section who was curious and didn’t want to look it up. Another thing, Germany has 58% clean energy, so going a little crazy with the electricity for an important cause is less harmful there than many other places.


So like you have a set of lights, then you have factories and plants and transportation and all. But keep on shining with your profound self 😘


A set of lights… lol…. little bro do you think they did this with some flashlights from Home Depot? That is a 200 foot projection on a 60 story building from half a mile away. The amount of energy that 100,000 lumen projector used could probably power a suburb for a week. But okay 👍


lol why the downvotes? it makes no sense for green activists producing co2 for this bullshit because electricity in germany is mainly still produced by coal based powerplants lol


Berlin is germany's California either way, overly leftist children living in their own world and pretending like they respresent a whole country, most of them are so fucking proud about themself there while they sit in their own bubble only being loud slacktivists. I'm very sure most of them would typically german immediatly bitch and moan if their package comes 1 day later.


Dumbasses say this crap, not realising matches and petrol are easily accessible.


Yeah, a bunch of people should lose their jobs because some tankies are pretending to care about the rainforest.


Done by the same people who ordered the gear from Amazon and hosted on Amazon Web Services and have never done anything useful in their lives


This honestly reminds me of those stop fossil fuel protestors, I am still waiting to meet them on the road, so I can go to jail. Though I admit they at least aren't bothering people as much with this.


But what has the company to do with the forest?




You are talking about the Amazonas, the river that goes trough the amazon rainforest. Thats where it got its name from.


you loser says that all while subscribing on twitch using amazon prime.


Amazon is great.


funfact jeff bezos always uses 2 yachts. the main one he is on and the other one is for the staff of his main one only


Good! He deserves it!


He deserves things. I’m not allowed to say what things on here.


Nah fam, the Amazon Rainforest is kinda cringe, ngl.




"we're changing things guys" - tweeted from an iphone made in china by child slaves


"Yeah, just ignore everything because we have phones." People think they are so smart, but they just sheep eating gras and doing nothing.


How tf you not get what it means??


Drop them off in the Amazon.


here we are...some green activists protesting for the environment using highpower projectors sipping thousands of watts producing co2 for protesting...


Communism rocks!