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People are going to take matters into their own hands, ain't no way some mfer gonna move in ...like tf I'm gonna sit around for 1-2 years to kick that mfer out.. fuck that.


Right? They want it to be legal to rob people, you just gotta steal something valuable enough!


There's a lot of big business buying up single family home properties and leaving them vacant to drive up real estate prices and the rent market. This might turn against them as well. Right now we only see the stories of it affecting small landlords but I wouldnt mind a few businesses losing their properties tbh. I don't know though. All those oil princes buying up million dollar properties and never living there.. Hmm..


The "good guy with a gun" is a shiny Pokémon.


Facts, because most places banned good guys with guns and only left bad guys to access guns. I have a firearm, I cant carry it due to no carry laws in my country. Guy who shot off duty search and rescue (HGSS) member with illegal firearm and hit another guy with an axe, did not care about no carry laws just like he did not care about laws saying shooting people and hitting them with an axe is illegal.


Thats horseshit. You can carry without a permit in Florida in the US and its still a crime ridden shithole. There are no good guys with guns out there protecting anyone. Those people are at home with their kids and asleep by 9. Good guys with a gun is a fucking myth


So if you went on holiday for over 30 days someone can move into your property and say it’s there’s until they go to court ….that’s dumb


Mate. Im a dumb eastern european. If something like that were to happen to my house or apartment. That "tennant" wouldnt have the chance to take me to court. How on earth is it normal, for someone to come and take your property? And they can stay there for 2+ years for the lols? Are people over there going completely crazy?


They gotta be mad in the head …I’d treat it like a burglary and be busting knee caps


This is what happens when you vote solely based on "what side you're on" and don't vote based on policies. Every single homeowner should have the right to defend their property from invaders, trespassers, ect. There shouldn't be any stipulation in this regard. I live in a state with castle doctrine, thank god.


Not only that, but you have to continue paying your mortgage while they live there and find a new place to live in the meantime. Also, have to afford to pay for a lawyer to kick them out. I couldn't imagine.






Lol, yeah, and you'd go to prison for murder and then lose the home anyways to another squatter or foreclosure.


I once saw an MMA fighter who had his profession listed as "Gy\*\*\* Remover." Seems like there are services for that kind of behavior.


Squatters rights exist in Europe too.


Im not saying they dont. Im saying... Hmmm how should I put it nicely. You need to be persuasive about your own god damn right of property?


Squatter's Rights exist just about everywhere in America, but the time frames for when they kick in are different, though usually it takes at least a few if not many years. For example, in my state it takes 15 years for the squatter to be recognized legally. New York's time limit of only 30 days is just absurdly low, even by American standards.


Looked up most major countries and the police usually evicts them within 1 or 2 days and it's also punished with a prison sentence and/or a fine.


Them eastern europeans ain't gonna let you leave the fucking house you try to squat in, probably bury you under it.


Nobody will look for any squatter bum anyway.


It's America we're talking about here mate


Well they do it in Israel all the time and the US seems to like the way Israeli do things so maybe they just copied em?


happens when housing doesn't keep up with demand from the population 


Funnily enough the law originates from Europe. It was hard to figure out who owned what when armies were constantly rolling thru, civilians were fleeing, the lord that ruled one year was gone and a different lord from a different kingdom rule the next years etc. So showing you have lived on piece of land and improved/maintained it in some way was the best they had to work with to figure out who owned it. Most of Europes moved away from that system since. France still uses it, tho its a full year, not 30 days.


It isn’t, dumb right wingers will lap up any stupid propaganda theyre sold. New York resident and city employee here, but go off and listen to all the stupid people who think they know what happens in a city they’ve never been to.


As a fellow New York resident and city employee, if you haven’t noticed the migrants suck up city resources, you are blind.


I work directly with them, you are more than mistaken. What resources are the migrants taking from you? Our incomes have been static, inflation hasn’t risen from the migrants. I’m not saying it’s not an issue, but vilifying asylum seekers and immigrants is propaganda to distract you from the real issues.


I do as well. The migrants aren’t taking anything from me, but they do take away from my patients. They are unfortunately a large burden on an already over stressed city health system. There has been a difficulty discharging patients due to lack of beds at certain facilities and shelters. This causes delays in patients being admitted from the ED getting beds upstairs on the wards. This causes unsafe conditions for both employees and patients. The influx of the extra patients has us working above capacity for over a year now. You speak of wages being stagnant. Our CMO cited budget constraints secondary to funding the migrants as a direct reason for the majority of staff not getting raises this year. Look I’m not saying we shouldn’t help these people. I treat them everyday and I am empathetic to their struggles. However whatever the city is doing is causing active harm to people and they do not seem to have any actual long term plan.


People are literally being shipped in from conservative cities. There ARE resources allocated to an excess of people—but by that logic any person is just as capable of being a burden, but people here are citing the issue of non-citizenships. If all these people immigrated legally, it would be an equal drain on resources. The problem certainly is infrastructure. Huge companies in the city are making record profits. Yes our shelters are overbooked—they were prior to the crisis too. We need to invest in these things, but right wingers also demonize the homeless and impoverished.


Yes but legal immigration takes time, allows infrastructure to somewhat adapt. It is difficult to adapt to >100k people in a year. Yeah there is no easy solution, besides a massive redistribution in wealth, which will never happen. What the CMO failed to mention was he somehow got a raise. Maybe we should eat the rich….


I agree with you there for sure, haha


Hospitals, Shelters, human services good 👍 Real Estate Companies, militarizing the populace and police 👎


It's also a civil matter so you have to file the paperwork properly and pay a filing fee and possibly waste hundreds plus dozens of hours of your time and also possibly weeks/months for it to be resolved and someone else could just start doing it at your place again too.


No, you don't have to do any of that. You can use physical force to get them out.


From what he said not even. If you can 'prove' you were there for 30 days. Which could mean sneaking into a home and then walking out on one day, and then a month later so it looks like you lived there lol


Its so crazy. Even the "we give you funding... you can steal..." its like socialism and lawlessness came in a package


Yes, but you can just move back in too, and after 30 days they have to take you to court to get rid of you too.


No. In new York the property needs to be vacant for at least 10 years. This is just standard fear mongering that you and most kids here fell for.


I haven’t fallen for anything I see a video and i asked a question I’m not from the usa but it wouldn’t surprise me if they did come up some whacked out crazy law that allows squatters more rights than the owners


Nah, that's not how it works. They make it look like that so they can push their agenda. Not long ago they talked like this about the incident in Queens. They said that "yeah some guy broke into someone's house and then said it was his." But that's not what happened at all. What really happened, was the guy was being contracted to work for the owner, and was able to live at the house in the time being. The entire rhetoric is a political circus. Now, that said, yes squatting laws are an old thing that needs updated. But even then you can't just break into a house and live there and plant a flag and claim it. That's not how they work, even in New York.


No thats not how it works.


aka the Israeli settler tactic


Yeah, because it's not true...


It's absolutely true, there was a lady that got arrested FROM HER OWN HOME for trying to evict squatters from a property she was trying to sell. WAKE THE FUCK UP.


I don't care, I'm canadian, we are civilized over here.


why are you then that stupid and say that its not true kid?


Because I don't have time to argue with people. Those kinds of rules are almost all the time there because of abuse from people who now complain about the rule. Anyway, if the sample you have is that it affected one person one time, we are not going far with this.


so you are just stupid here okay thanks :) and dude thats litterly a law


No, you just don't understand the law. You don't need the court to throw an unlawful squatter out of your home. You just need to call the cops. The court is there if the squatter says you are lying, and you are actually not a squatters. You have a right to defend yourself. The 30-day rule applies only in case you make someone stay in your home for 30 days. Renters do this to avoid paying taxes and throw immigrants and marginalized people out of their apartments whenever they want. That's the unlawful part....


idgaf if you're from fucking mars, what you said was untrue.




It's a bit more complicated than that. Everyone is just rage baiting off of that article about a month ago, where they claim some dude broke into a house and claimed it as his own. The story was bullshit, and there was more to it. But that's why this is here now. So as usual, nothing will be done about the actual problem. Because people like the dude in the video here, would rather make it a circus and something something immigration etc. And then you have a title saying that we need more guns to solve it. This entire thing is shit


I’d say these people need to leave…. BUT I don’t want them voting this same insanity in elsewhere


If new yorkers wanna live like that then fuck ‘em, let them live in backwards world.


The problem is that their issues will begin leaking into all of their neighbor states.


I don't think any state is going to see this and think its a good idea.


Too many goofy politicians will. However, I've not seen any actual people agreeing this is ideal.


I can understand how this is being abused, and how life ruining it can be for those owning these properties. I also think about the future where corporations own the majority of housing.


This is kind of smart; if you make real estate unappealing for mom-and-pop landlords, the real estate price decreases, the large corporations buy the houses for cheap and then lobby to put in laws that make removing squatters simple.


I thinkk these "squater rights" only apply if the owner has multiple houses (because it's not an immediat threat to their life) so mom-an-pop landlords shouldn't be scared of that.


that's a bingo. Removing squatters and renters rights has nothing to do with helping small time landlords, it's making sure nothing can stop Corporations from sending eviction squads to all their problem properties when they own all the housing. I know it sounds crazy or conspiratorial but if something can be abused, be it small or large, someone is counting on it, planning on it.


Possibly part of the lobby, making it out like it's too difficult to be a small private landlord so instead it's just corps that own everything.


I suspect a larger ploy by setting up the middle class to be robbed, so there's a common plight for the rights of all natural persons, aka corporations and the major stakeholders, instead of something more sensible like rent control or progressive taxes on properties to redistribute or regulate the housing market.


Is this real? I'm not American.


In New York State it is


I like guns as much as the next American, but they ain't gonna solve this. You can't shoot squaters and protestors bro, unless they are an immediate threat to you and yours. You know what will? Voting.


That, is not correct in castle doctrine states. You come home to a break in you can end them right then and there. Simply state you felt your life threatened. It is really that easy, and dead people can't argue in court. But you're right. Vote for castle doctrine no retreat required in your state.


Completely depends on your state, because not all states have a castle doctrine. So for anyone living in NYC or other liberal cities, DO NOT shoot squaters. Especially if you live in NYC, they will throw the book at you.


Yeah... I feel bad for people not living in a castle doctrine no duty to retreat state :(


castle doctrine should be mandatory, idk how people can be okay with mfers just moving into homes, lmao.. 1-2 years to evict them? come on. I know for a fact that squatters, vagrants ect are moving to states with these policies because they know they can abuse it... but ya know "apparently crime is dropping" I lived in a blue state, these fuckers were locking up toothpaste... I move to red state and guess what I don't see meth, fentanyl, heroin users passed out everywhere. I'm not even really conservative but i'll be damned if I didn't notice the difference in crime, drug use ect.


I Iive in the Bluest of blue. And we don't lock our toothpaste up here. And we have castle laws. Maybe where you live just sucks? This is local legislation failing, and both sides are sometimes good at this, and sometimes they are bad at it. Either way though, what you're stating is a local issue


I lived in washington, oregon and cali. Idk how much more blue you can get than that. Every single store had some kind of fuckery. Shit, burnside in portland in the PEARL district, a nice neighborhood, routinely had stuff locked up. Point is and still stand, I moved to a red state and don't see those issues. Shit, not even florida has those problems and THATS florida. lmao.


You cherrypicked the blue states with the highest homeless population. Florida definitely has locks everywhere, im a resident, you're blowing smoke out of your ass and being intellectually dishonest for karma. And there are crackheads all over florida, and the red midwest (where most of the countries meth/crack is made) Theres a reason why on every metric blue states are doing better than red.


IDK where you got the idea that the majority of crack and meth are made in the midwest. Most of it is shipped in to coastal cities and distributed from there. The reason drugs are so powerful now is because cartels have shifted away from redneck clandestine shit in country, to legal lab grade production out of country.


LMAO what? Meth especially is literally from Red states. As someone who lives in the rural Red state area, I'll tell you first hand that it's made here. It's made in Red states because that's where the rural areas are, and guess what rural areas have? Farms. And what do you use to make meth? Anhydrous ammonia. And where do you find trailers of anhydrous ammonia sitting around on trailers? Farms. The Iowa/Missori/Nebraska areas are very well known for their meth production. It's not a secret. Our towns all over are full of people missing teeth, so just stop with this "yeah there's no drugs in my Red state" bullshit bro lol


Never said "there isn't any drugs in my state" please cite where I said that. I said. "I'll be damned if I didn't notice the difference in crime, drug use." and just because I don't "see" it doesn't mean its not happening and also doesn't mean I don't think it's happening. But I think you knew that. You got triggered because I basically said red state is better than blue state, lmao ... and i'm probably more liberal than most people that live around me, I'm just not blind to what's going on in america. Please, try to read, context is important.


Well thats cool, you're wrong And theres no debating. Its proven by mathematics, not feelings. You can have your own skewed personal perception all you want, but theres nothing thats going to keep math and statistics from proving you wrong. Blue>Red in every metric. You don't need to come onto the internet and lie to make yourself feel better, But i understand the safespace snowflakes need.


[Fine then](https://www.google.com/amp/s/healingproperties.org/meth-in-america-state-by-state/amp/) There's your Florida. You don't notice it, because you don't want to notice it. That and you just simply made it all up. Gday


idgaf you clearly didn't read my comment.


Looks like the mob could become well employed again with their protection services 👍


Even in states with Castle Doctrine, dealing with squatters isn't so cut and dry like that.


I know you want to think that, but here is the problem - If squatters have established anything to make it seem that they are living there, THEY get castle doctrine and can shoot you for entering your property. Castle Doctrine only gives you the right to not retreat, not forcefully retake your house. If they have legally established residence in some way (often just living notoriously at the house and sending mail) for a period of 30 days, they are the legal residents, and they can shoot you upon entering. If you shoot them, you have just done a home invasion and homicide. What you need to do is vote for sensible tenant rights that also removes squatters rights.


Move to a state with castle doctrine, funny thing is .. we don't have squater problems here, lmao ... I wonder why.


Florida is a castle doctrine state and they have a huge problem with residential squatters, requiring a new law targeting them specifically.


well thankfully the governor signed bill HB 621 which gives authority to evict squatters right there on the spot. I lived in florida from 1991-2016. Squatting there is no worse than it is anywhere else, besides obvious cities and states that cater to squatter rights.


If squatting is more important to you than your own life who am I to disagree?


Not a lawyer


also interesting timing with this astroturfing on trying to get rid of squatting. right around the same time that the corporations are buying up the vast majority of the properties and leaving them vacant... hm...


Why would anyone buy any building and leave it vacant for prolonged periods of time? A house that is not being lived in and tended to, loses value and could be rented out to other people in turn granting a nice little payout to the owner. Even if you have an easier time selling an empty building than an actively lived in one, that makes no sense.


corporations are not just like every day people. you can't expect them to act the same. why would a corporation purchase an INVESTMENT property and then SIT ON THAT INVESTMENT? I don't know George... why don't you ask any investors why they purchase assets and then HOLD?


Squatters getting shot does discourage future squatters. People should be more afraid for their lives. People would be a lot less likely to be arguing or brake checking in transit, when the other person can pull a gun and end their life right then and there, if they were afraid for their lives.


You should be by law allowed to shoot burglar in your home . So if he trespassed,and is endangering you and your family you can use it


You can't, but you should be allowed to shoot squatters that refuse to leave.


Maybe the reason people call people asmon right wing is because his followers are.


Now imaginé they also have guns, what an amazing idea! Goddamn Americans are odd. Who the hell you think is more willing to shoot who? Someone with multiple houses that just realized one has been occupied and cannot rent it or sell it or go on vacations on.. or literally a guy that has no home and it's about to be thrown out to the streets? No guns is safer for everyone.


Yeah the people in us forget that they have tthat tool that in other places arent that Fisiable


I dont know about the situation in america, but can someone tell me then why the reps rejected the border bill?


Biden gave the republicans everything they want in the bill (and more I think) but they rejected it because they wanted the border to remain an issue so Trump could campaign on it since once his biggest narratives is the invasion of illegal immigrants crossing a weak border created by the Dems so that they can get the illegal votes (even though they literally can't vote)


“Make your voices heard.” Just not at the capitol, or in any way that inconveniences representative Tony Bologna here.


I actually had to do a double take. Bro literally said "why are there protestors here this is crazy" then said "protest if you want your voices heard" in like a 60 second period lmao


Your guns were in your house which they have broken into.


Going straight to guns as solution is adding to the problem. The actual solution is to pass laws to correct the previous law, so both tenants and landlords are properly protected by actual unlawful people.


Political thinking like that is the reason why I don't really know how or who to vote. Every party or even just a single representative person has more than just one goal. When I vote for one, this party or representative person will go forward acting like all of their goals are justified by me. They act like everything they want, is what I want. And that's just not true. And in the example of the current squatting problem, the argument "you voted for this" is even more ridiculous. The laws that are in place, to enable this problem, have been existing for a very long time. Longer than anyone is even able to make a vote. It simply doesn't matter who anyone voted for on the previous election. The problem would still exist. And nobody in their right mind could argue that there are no changes needed.


"The laws that are in place, to enable this problem, have been existing for a very long time. Longer than anyone is even able to make a vote. It simply doesn't matter who anyone voted for on the previous election. The problem would still exist. And nobody in their right mind could argue that there are no changes needed." This is it right here. Thank you for having some reason. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Sounds like people need to keep a close eye on the homes of the politicians that made those laws. Would be interesting to see how much they stick by them once they're having to deal with the consequences.


Since when did Squatters rights become some national Democrat platform?


And here's also the thing, majority of people who vote are in this predicament bc of it. They do not care. They are always wanting to vote for the left bc they see it as their god. It's a religion to these people. And no common sense will force them to not vote. If you truly want change in this country. We need to make laws to have the right people vote. Or else we'll see this country burn like we are seeing right now.


>They are always wanting to vote for the left bc they see it as their god. It's a religion to these people. How much MAGA/Trump merch you own.. be honest. Nah but for real this statement is insane. It really just feels like you're brainwashed or terminally online because I don't see how any sane person (liberal or conservative) could say that straight faced. No liberal I know says shit about politics in the way that my conservative family talk politics lmao


I literally do not own any merch or bought anything from any political party. And I think its the same for Trump supporters. I dont support any side. I think both are stupid af. But its honestly true. They treat their party's candidate as some savior lmao. Even Trump supporters are crazy af about him. But all the people who votes Biden DONT EVEN LIKE HIM. They voted for him bc they hate Trump. Now why do you think I am wrong that they treat them like a god? But with American politics you have to vote between two evils and see which one is the lesser of the two with the politics you like the most, even if its politics you dont really like.


Guns = problem solver. Surely man, the American obsession with being able to kill people over non life threatening issues will never cease to amaze me.


How many 30 day vacations are we going on where no one is checking on the house? None. So these properties are owned as investments, which adds to raising the housing costs for everyone. I’m tired of people who have the capital upfront to buy property being allowed to make money off of those unable to purchase what should be a human right, housing. Also the media is making this into a much bigger deal, as always, to drive clicks and rile up the base. This can only happen to an incompetent owner trying to make money off a poorly managed investment.


The funny thing is is that new york has banned gun ownership


What? How is that possible? It would wholly violate the second amendment. Can you back this up with anything? Because from what I look up, you can still have guns as long as you have a permit.


The fact that you need to have a state approved permit to own a gun is a restriction on gun ownership.


Restriction != "banned gun ownership"


It's almost impossible to get one


As a non-american who finds american's gun culture disturbing, I'm gonna say "Good".


Where is all this free stuff I keep hearing Republicans scream about? I can't breathe without owing someone somewhere a dollar for the privilege and I'd wager everyone in here can relate. Be cool if there was a politician this passionate about taking care of the people they're pandering to instead of just fear mongering all the time. Oh wait...that's socialism.


It's just more stuff conservatives make up to be angry about.


That end talking point was never really about 'free stuff'. All of that was to justify him being able to circle it back around to himself. Because how dare anyone protest and get in his way. Just goes to show that even in trying to make a point that the majority of people would be sympathetic to he's still narcissistic enough that he couldn't stop making it about himself.


And yet people continue to vote 100% for the same party, politicians and policies that caused all the problems in the large cities. Worse, they move to other places to flee the largest urban hellscapes but bring their voting patterns along with them.


This sub slowly turning into r/conspiracy.


You're a property owner and don't check up on your property in 30 days. Skill issue. Also what does this have to do with guns? Unless you're a psychopath who fantasizes killing people. But you know thats like half of Republicans.


>Also what does this have to do with guns? Unless you're a psychopath who fantasizes killing people. That's like 80% of people on this sub. Looking at the comments is just a bunch of people wishing they could kill someone. Psychopath is right.


Whats wrong with this sub? Why is it full of losers?


This sub is turning into a right wing talking points forum. Squatters are obviously bad for abusing tenant protection laws, hurting both honorable tenants and property owners. Jumping to shooting them is really weird leap. I think you just want to own a gun and don't much care what argument gets you to that end point.


Came here to echo this same sentiment. Why is this even on the Asmongold subreddit? How did we go from memes about Asmon and the games he plays to "The Woke Agenda is ruining our videogames!" to now "We need guns to defend ourselves from squatters". I'm going to be honest, I'm not really looking for political discussion in the goddamn Asmongold subreddit of all places, so why is this being posted here?


It's here because its tolerated by the mods, and most communities don't tolerate off topic political posts. Even with it was on topic, this should be removed for being a call for violence.


Not to mention Asmon and his editors have been on a big "anti-woke" push as of late. Kinda sad to watch.


Notice how the mods don’t remove posts like this for being off-topic lmao Right wing agitation in this cesspool of a community hits hard


BRB, moving to New York to get a free house.


This is the insanity of the left. How anyone continues to live there is beyond me.


Because it is the only city in the U.S. that has the proper city vibe. 9 million people live in NYC, it's a lot


Been there so many times in my life. Love the food. But live there?? Hard pass.


Least enthousiastic americans gun owners


Sounds like canada. Let's all just move to Texas. I'm done.


I was agreeing with this guy starting from 0:29 to 2:07 Edit: I meant all that squatting stuff but not the immigration/border shenanigans


How could you agree with any of that?


Bring back the mafia.


I'm so glad I live in a rural area with a fuck ton of boomers


Feels like the Onion News.


The more I see the policies and state of the different US states, the more I'm glad am living in my country in this part of the world.... Is there any "normal" states in the US without all these issues?


squatters rights are based tho like imagine leaving property unattended for 30 days and getting it swooced from under you hahaha


When you look at a lot of the largest cities in the US, i.e New York, San Diego, San Fransico, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, etc, they've got a lot of things in common. They've been badly mismanaged, controlled by sets of policies that aren't functional and were nonsensically built, and they're all reaching a boiling point where people are either leaving in droves, or they're about to become more violent because everyday Americans living there have had enough.


So if you lock your house and they have to damage property in order to enter it, haven't they committed a crime? I'm assuming that's grounds for eviction


I'm pretty sure that's usually what happens in many of these cases. They'll break into the home, move their stuff in and change the locks. It's not that they won't get evicted, it just takes so long that they can demand payment from the property owner and in many cases they'll actually get it. I work in NYS and I actually had a co-worker who once told me this story about how he and his wife had rented out their old apartment. The tenant in this case refused to pay even the first month's rent. He instead demanded that they give him money when they had asked him to leave. Why? Because he knew that the law was on his side and that it would take forever to actually get him evicted. So they literally had to pay this guy who never had any intention of honoring the rental agreement to vacate. Turns out that if you have zero morals and know how to game the system it's very easy to make free money.


There are companies out there that specialize in getting rid of squatters. The police have their arms tied in these matters. So these vigilante companies are our only hope until new legislation passes.


I have a question, I am not American, but i've seen videos of people saying that opening fire on a trespasser in your home is legal. Why cant people just shoot the home intruder?


I would like to kindly remind all Americans here that no this shit is not normal anywhere in the world and no people who live in other countries do not use guns to keep strangers from occupying their homes. Because you know, common sense is usually enough.


I feel like if I were the landlord in NYC and this happened to me, I’d find the nearest Don and pay him to send over some of his most “persuasive” men to get them out.


Hey keep loving your current president yall wanted this so bad and yet yall complain now


I dont see who this helps. Why do they do this to ppl that actually pay follow rules???? It's insane


I suspect New York mafias don’t have a problem getting rid of squatters from their property. I doubt it takes them a year and a half.


And instead of adresseing this, Mike Johnson rewarded congress weeks and weeks of vacation. All to help russia instead of adressing domestic issues.


Wtf why are they rewarding leeches and criminals?! Meanwhile you have decent people who work every day barely being able to live


Spoke like someone with absolutely no respect for firearms, incredible 🫡


It's just like the show I watched on Apple TV, Servant... ![gif](giphy|ME9gLh9LSC5R1KJ5ZH|downsized)


Understand that people who have issues with squatters, are largely those that have 0 connections to any family etc. This doesn't happen to the average NY resident that will gladly take shit into their own hands. This only happens to super good natured people that don't see value in force. The average NYer will not only beat the shit out of or get people to beat their ass but you may get taken out in a body bag if you do this to the wrong person.


"Last week was tuesday" All week? I missed it was International Celebrate Tuesday Week.


A bunch of incels with guns, that'll get us out of the mess we created...


I’d love to know how many people the squatters actually affected and if it’s enough to actually be an issue.


Meh, some banks probably lost a bunch of buildings with whole groups of people already living there and only just realized when they tried to sell those overpriced flats and whoever came to check it found it occupied. If you live in your house you ain't having that issue, if you renting your house at an affordable price you ain't having that issue..


Yep, US is doomed


The people getting mad about squatting don't even own their home let alone multiple houses. They're just useful idiots for REITs and other property investors.


People acting like migrants fleeing the violence caused by colonialism just teleport to the border and walk through; and didn't have to travel thousands of miles through dangerous territory not even sure you're going to make it there alive. Also housing should be a means of shelter and not an investment vehicle that you purposefully keep vacant until you can sell it.


Their not migrating to the US to flee violence. Their poorly educated economic migrants being abetted and fooled by narco human traffickers who take out debts worth 10 thousands of dollars in thinking they will be making 100x the wages they could make at home using loop holes in international refugee laws. If they truly did qualify as refugees their are plenty of safe countries closer by that could accept them. Refugee courts are so induated with people, sometimes it takes 15 years to see a judge for your case.


Who voted for the New York government? I have two stupid guesses 1: Everyone in New York City has severe intellectual problems 2: All the votes in New York City were printed by the Democratic Party themselves, and none of them were real votes. Otherwise, it is impossible for any normal person to support this kind of government


>2: All the votes in New York City were printed by the Democratic Party themselves, and none of them were real votes. You forgot one thing: conservatives don't like living in dense concrete jungle, which is why Democrats dominate in urban cities. People who lean right prefer the suburbs and countryside.


I don't think Americans anywhere benefit from not punishing criminals and letting criminals take your house




How about laws that work? How about states communicate that they are sending bus loads of people to other cities? How about working together to solve the issue? Naw more guns, more death. America always needs a boogie man to keep an unpopular party with no ideas in power. Schools and stores getting shot up, who cares, we are americans and deaths of our children are worth it. Cause when a tyrannical government comes for us we can resist with our hand guns and AR's verse their jets and helicopters.


It's all trump's fault!!