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Ya done messed up A A Ron!


I still hear this all. The. Time. I don't even mess up that much 😭


Insubordinate and churlish!


And what, pray tell, is the reason for this premature exodus?


Do you want to go to war B’lake!


ok D nice, you're next.


I watched this skit for the first time like an hour ago.


I think we all need to see the spelling they gave her


For real I’m really interested to see what Gabe her such a hard time lol. They really should have written the names out regular.


Master troll


live action Key and Peele sketch


Charlie made two vids about that . apparently they gave the reader lady the names only in phonetics and not written out and phonetics [https://nypost.com/2024/05/15/lifestyle/university-apologizes-after-wildly-mispronouncing-graduates-names/](https://nypost.com/2024/05/15/lifestyle/university-apologizes-after-wildly-mispronouncing-graduates-names/)


how did that even happen, did they intentionally troll this woman or did they really think that writing it on phonetics would make the reader lady pronounce it better. 💀


that's what happens when people are whining about how their names should be read instead of being gracious when someone makes a mistake... so now she fucks up everyone's names because they tried to write the names as they are supposed to sound like but the transcriptionist did not use any known format of standard speaking like the ones they use in encyclopedias and dictionaries... some of the prompt queues were actually posted and none of them made any sense at all because it wasnt written in any standard format at all... anyone who has ever opened a dictionary or encyclopedia would know that these books have standards of reading and writing... the transcriptionist should be called out and not the reader...


I mean if she just read them phonetically instead of just the syllables one at a time this would’ve worked fine.


I mean, it's their day of graduation. The least the school should do is actually pronounce their names right considering it's a celebration of their achievement. The blame shouldn't be on students who ask for their names to be spoken properly (as if that's such a ridiculous thing to ask for). It should be on the school staff that did such a piss-poor fucking job actually executing it.


did you not understand my explanation? the reader did not have access or was given a hard copy of the names of the students at all... what she had was a prompter that had names written as (Muh Reh Dit) instead of (Meredith) the transcriber did not use any standard format at all for this, which confused the reader even further... imagine trying to read student names but the prompter displayed gibberish instead... you are getting mad at the reader when there are multiple clips online showing the absolute dumpster fire that was on the prompter...


Wouldn't you have a practice run before doing anything?


Whoever was in charge of the list probably decided to save paper by only having phonetic spelling on the paper. "It's phonetics, how could anyone screw this up?" they probably thought. Probably did not consult anyone, or do any test reads with people or the speaker. That's where they screwed up the most, not doing a dry run. People constantly make dumb decisions that they think are super smart. We've all been there.


Especially if she’s a native speaker? I could understand if English was a second language but even then you should have it written out and phonetics lol.


Depends how competently the phonetics version was done, rofl


I think they intended her to read the names through the phonetic spellings (like how you see them in dictionaries below the actual word), but she didn't know how to actually read them in that format and hence made those weird pronunciation cause she read them as normal which didn't sound like the actual names. Like the name Monica would be spelled phonetically as \[m oh - n ih - k ah\], but reading in normal way you would mispronounce it.


Maybe phonetics mean something else in 2024 but back in my day they mean the spelled-out way to pronounce a word. So there's an issue beyond only getting phonetics, otherwise she would have still been ok


Conceivably it was in some weird fauxnetics that didn't use the International Phonetic Alphabet, because she said "Maeve-ee" and Maeve is written `/mev/` in IPA. There is only one reliable way to reliably standardize this and that's using the professional standard; people just need to learn it.


>they gave the reader lady the names only in phonetics Holly shit I can't believe this level of stupidity


or fun experiment? either way, the students will remember this for ages ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)


Sounds like bullshit. Covering for her incompetence. Lady is an absolute moron. If she had half a brain she would realise that she is butchering the names. It's unreal.


It is an excuse. She had a list of names AND the pronunciation. She's simply a perfect example of college education in 2024.


Do you really find it more realistic that this woman can't pronounce "Jessica" or "thomas"? I don't think anyone healthy can be that incompetent.


The fact that she kept doing it is what indicates that she is a moron. Okay maybe the first name but like 8 of them?


She HAS to keep doing it. She has no other information to go off. They aren't going to stop the ceremony for someone to go print the list of names.


Uh, yes she can absolutely stop and fix it. 12 years of schooling and she just continues to butcher them knowingly in one of their most important life moments? You are as moronic as her if you think that is the correct course of actions lol..


Yes she could have easily stopped and been like "hey this list is fucked I can't read it" But come on. The fact that she was perfectly consistent on how she was saying the names makes it more likely that the list was written in phonetics instead of someone who thought that combining parts of the first and middle name was the way to go.


Tell me you've never run a live event without telling me you've never run a live event. Live events you don't really get to just stop the entire event during the event simply because you're having an issue if you aren't the person in charge. that's like a sound guy noting an issue with the sound system, but being told to just go on and not worry about it. It probably wasn't her call to just stop reading names. You want to blame someone, blame the person who put the list together without verifying how to even pronounce people's names, or putting the normal spelling next to the name. And then blame them for not doing a dry run over the names, and blame person in charge of the whole thing. You blaming someone doing the best they could with the shit they were given for not stopping the entire show illustrates how little experience and just how much entitlement you have. And your jumping to insulting people who disagree with you paints you as no more mature than an entitled 10 year old.


Ever met a foreigner?


excuse that makes no sense for a university level of education the lady has no common sense, literal drone literally whole world thinks Americans are stupid, which is true, but still, this just sealed the deal lol


That's en excuse. That did not happen.


Why is education failing? Well, for a start we don't have any university professors teaching how to pronounce Thomas!


Why do you need to teach that? It's T-hoe-mas.


This is actually completely understandable. What happened was that they gave someone who had never seen phonetic pronunciation all of the names in phonetic pronunciation rather than their actual spelling. It is 100% The school's fault and not the fault of the person actually reading the names. All the school had to do was put the spelling beside the phonetic pronunciation.


Got proof? 'Cause there's an inconsistency with this statement. Phonetic pronounciation of the word "Thomas" would be written down as Toh-mass and be perfectly legible to a capable reader of English. Same with "Nicole", it would be written as "Neeh-kowl".


Yeah, so many ppl on this thread are just sooooooo convince they know better, and that this is a lie to cover up how incompetent she is. Which mistake do you find more likely: someone can't pronounce Thomas, or someone forgot to provide the best information?


People will take any opportunity to try and hold intillectual superiority. And when they forgo critical thought to do so...well...I got some bad news for them.


Both are at fault, society is at fault, the world is at fault


Why didnt she skim it prior and ask for proper spelling? Lot less catastrophic that way


If I could hazard a guess, although I do not know for sure, I think it is likely that she has done this in the past and every other time they have just given her the normal spelling. If you have done something a dozen times, you don't expect the 13th time to be any different.


Hey, stop with your reasonable assessment. How else can the rest of us feel better about ourselves by dunking on this lady? /s


Because she is college educated! They know better than you! 🤣 /s


Can we take a moment to remember the fallen cop DeeDee Megadoodoo


They got retards running colleges now


What the actual fk even I with my shitty English can do better


So college is making people stupid ![gif](giphy|cIhyxJhcoWttEvWLcP|downsized)


DEI in action


Reminds me of when John Travolta massively fucked up Idina Menzel's name when announcing her at the Oscars. https://youtu.be/DK7gzArTI0w?si=v7b63HQ4X0rWPjNB


Imagine fucking up peoples names because it makes you feel better….


This is why Hooked on Phonics was big when I was a kid. It made it so you didn't make such easy mistakes. Why is it not taught anymore.


She clearly can't read and was put in that position because she was keeping it secret or whatever.


I know exactly how this happened, I have family who teaches at this school, I also went there.


Culture appropriation works again


NA Education System, and its a University too, not like its high school temp teacher.


How did she mess up the simple first name but get the more complicated last name?


This isn’t even news worthy… this is just sad to see a media center make this their story


She was having a stoke o think


I believe this was a mistake of giving the speaker the phonetics only, possibly even with no spaces or proper separation between the first, middle and last names. When she read Allison Nicole, she added the [Nah] from Nicole into Allison, leaving only Cole. Not to mention the added pressure of being in an audience, set time limit for each name reading and continuing to read the names would further make it difficult to try to perfectly read the phonetics.


What a fckn disgrace. Parents live for these moments to hear their child’s name and this is what they get ???


They're trolling at this point.


This is what happens to all the Polish kids during the first week of school in America 😂


Oh fuck! It's that Key and Peele sketch come to life!!!


Idiots never heard of a dress rehearsal? Preparation is literally all it takes. As an entertainment industry person, there is absolutely no excuse for having literally never even glanced at your script before showtime. It doesn't make a damn difference how the script was prepared in that case.


Ohhh she needs some milk!!


I'm sorry, but at some point the person READING the names should have said something. There's no excuse for this.


I would’ve pretended to have a stroke. That’s the only reasonable excuse here, but even then for nobody to step in is crazy.


I thought phonetic spelling was supposed to be easier to read.


Ugh, let’s not pretend Rita Panahi and Sky News are legitimate news.


Almost positive the person couldn’t read. Had they been able to, they could have just looked at the names next to the phonetic spelling. What an embarrassment.


surprised none of them looked at the presenter and said "that's not how you pronounce it"


I totally buy the explanation, I think what they did is only give the presenter the phonetic translations without the actual spellings and that would mess anyone up.


Is she French or smth


Let's give the skinwalker a break okay, human speech is tricky.


Reminds me of that comedy skitch of the teacher who mispronounced names


This is obviously someone from the islands or Africa, who is probably multilingual. The college likely thought this was a big win to have her present but they should have allowed her at minimum a dry run session. Instead they made her, and them, look like absolute fools. And they pretty much are.


I would worry about who they hired as teachers even if this isn't a teacher... this is someone they hired.


affirmative action results


Man... I don't know the announcer's profession, but I would not be surprised if she was a BUTCHER...


They don’t learn how to ready anymore do they? Is that racist too? We know math is racist. Words should be wayyy more racist. Just grunt and growl from now on.


Are you having a stroke?


The lady handing out diplomas sure was, you must have the same degree as them. Good on ya waiting for the government to help ya out to pay your way through. Unlike the rest of those sorry saps, had to do it on their own dime. Suckers, right comrade?!


Actually hard R


Imagine watching sky news.


I think I know what's going on. The announcer sounds black, and it's a petty revenge for the inability to pronounce name like Shaquickla or Jhamaluis or whatever. But maybe I'm talking out of my butt.


Just maybe


Imagine watching and clipping sky news? You are fucking lost.


of course an asmongold viewer is watching skynews


Ofc skynews doesn't do their job of fully doing their research when reporting a story 🤣 fkn Rupert Murdoch muppets They gave the poor lady only the phonetic alphabet without the names spelled out.


Well, they did. Did you watch anything?


Of course I did not! I do not watch anything and just base my opinion on my preconceived notions to get me through, as well as reading the caption. /s


Drop the /s, because she literally told the same thing and also told she doesn't buy it. And neither I do, honestly.


Did I watch it? Yes I did, but not entirely. I skipped the video when they started showing the clip from the university, and it went to the Key and Peele skit, then I clicked off. Didn't think they elaborated more. So that's my bad on missing the part where she gives more context, even though "she's not buying it".


You are right about Murdoch to some extent. They could be owned by Disney and news still wouldn't get better though.


lol with the state of Disney today... I'd prefer if Murdoch owned it


The staff probably gave the role to someone with severe reading disabilities on the basis of equity or something, and when they got international pushback, they tried to protect the announcer (and themselves) by pretending to have phonetic pronunciations as the only available reading of the graduating students' names. Edit: I was wrong. Apparently it was true. Why they'd provide only phonetic pronunciations is beyond me unless they were paranoid of mispronouncing the names of students with foreign names. They must've decided providing phonetics beside only the difficult names would've been racist lol


No its was intentional. Its a nursing school graduation everyone white or black are outraged by the disparities of health in this home nation.


Did that on purpose bro. We whities always fuck up their African and Asian names. The speaker is clearly not white. So she did that shit as pay back. Some may say it's kind of badass. I think it was distasteful. But hey. Funny as hell.


i'm guessing english isn't her first language and has an accent


The racism writes itself




You are beyond cooked omg hahaha


And she says "Colleej" of nursing education. Ironic. Also the speaker was given phonetic names, as pointed out by commentors. Doubling down as making fun of them is just dumb


Ok, but does the speaker not have a brain? Does she think all these students have super bizarre names? Does she stop after the first one and say to herself, maybe I shouldn't be reading these like I am? Nope, she just doubles down on stupid and blames someone else.


A lot of kids are named stupid things these days. What do you want the speaker to do? Cancel the event? Sure they couldve tried to say the names and they sounded stupid but if someone gave me the wrong list I'd also say all the names wrong out of pettiness. Made for a fun event, didn't it? School already apologized for their mistake


This presenter and channel is notorious for hate farming. If they did any real journalism they'd know this lady was given the names written phonetically.


We should all mispronoce anglosaxon names for class name call for students to give them a taste of what it feels like not to be white for a few seconds.


Why does everything turn to bullshit when I see that woman? The teacher is obviously not in an english speaker. Tell Becky with the bad hair to go to Romania and do the same thing. See how she does. Not everybody knows how to say Breeanne or Destiny. Big fucking deal.


The only guess from my side is that the list she was given was some how messed, maybe corrupted text file, or somehow the check didn’t make sure of a certain mistake in the document, like how can someone mess up such names