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People have a better AC game in Japan setting and still complain. Ghost of Tsushima.


Is the PC port good? Haven't really looked into it.


Mortismal gaming says the port is pretty solid. Some hiccups with the key board and mouse with the stand off mechanic. But controller integration is solid across. This isnt a port issue just a game issue. Sometimes camera angle is just bad when doing standoffs and small areas but all in all he liked it!


Neat. I'll give it a look at.


The PC port runs flawlesly. Super happy with it. Disclaimer: i've got a medium-high pc. Edit: you need a psn account for the online features. Legends mode and such. I haven't tried yet.


I dunno man, I played on PS4 and it was good, it was perfect. Sad part is they cutted multiplayer mode from PS4(((


And that's just from newer games. I wonder how many people ever stop and think "Maybe there is an older game that is very similar to this one and has a 80% discount due to aging". It's more common to just follow hype.


Way of the Samurai isn't assassins creed like in terms of combat. But it's so fucking solid if you really want an atmospheric Samurai game that doesn't involve 8 feet tall God creatures that shaped human DNA.


Tsusima has better assassin's Creed stealth mechanics than the AC series since Origin. Game is literally have two SOLID playstyles. Samurai and Ghost way (SPOILER: sadly it won't depend on ending)


Is this a Sekiro reference


I missed the train on this one. Why is the new AC game not historically accurate or something?


One of the two main characters for AC shadows is the single historical example of a black samurai, named “Yasuke”. The historicity behind him is somewhat questionable (he only lived in Japan for three years, and there is argument about whether or not he was even a samurai) and a lot of people think it’s disrespectful to Japanese people/culture to make one of the Japanese samurai’s a black dude instead of a Japanese dude. With all of the arguments around “whitewashing” historical characters, some people find it intellectually dishonest that the same people aren’t complaining about “blackwashing”.


Gamers (especially here) complain about every game lol


Never EVER heard a single soul complain about Ghost of Tsushima, so please stop spreading lies and bullshits!


He didn’t say anyone complained about it?


That's what I said


Fuck DEI propaganda, who needs AssCreed anyway when Ghost of Sushi exists. 




...mmm..mmm...ghost sushi...🤤


DEI/affirmative action sure screwed minorities didn't it? Now everyone just assumes a black guy gets hired it's because of his skin color, not his credentials. Same with games. Sometimes, the best way to deal with "ISMs" is to quit talking about them instead of calling everyone a "phobe".


Specter of Tsukishima


Yeah the game is going to suck, but there are enough brown-nosing people that the game will be successful. It’s sad, but it’s the reality. Ubisoft will continue to make crappy games for years to come. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


>Ubisoft will continue to make crappy games for years to come I would argue that people should simply shift away from triple A. It became a gucci like product (good quality, but the price is 500x real value, due to customer internal belief). The only reason triple A gaming is thriving is due to advertisements. If each individual Indie game had the same share of your attention as triple A has, you would find hundreds of better options.


nah. only certain AAA companies.


Ubisoft makes very accessible slop so of course it’ll sell well. It’s the same reason shit like Call of Duty makes bank with every entry even if the game literally has not changed in like 15 years.


The game may or may not suck but it will have nothing to do with gay people or black people. Gameplay is king and they could make every character a transsexual Thomas The Tank Engine as long as the gameplay is good. The thing that makes me skeptical is the fact that AC has been a stale formula for 10+ years already


That could be the perfect opportunity for people like you to realise that these dumb culture wars are all beneficial for the big companies. But nah. You'll just keep insisting on it, thinking "oh, THIS TIME it's gonna work!".


The only thing I can do is not buy the game, which is something I’ve been doing for years. If the game is mediocre or sucks, I probably won’t like it. So I don’t buy it. Not too complicated


I can’t force anyone to not buy the games. I could maybe persuade them if they’re open to it, but most people aren’t interested in changing their minds. So yeah Ubisoft will continue to make money


>I could maybe persuade them if they’re open to it, but most people aren’t interested in changing their minds. Perhaps many people would be interested in changing their minds, but the way *you* want them to change just sucks. It would be silly for me to complain that people are close-minded and stubborn if I were trying to convince them to jump off of cliffs. I think people in general don't expect the entire world to conform to the very specific ideals of a very specific niche of the gaming culture. They don't bother with that, it's not worth fighting over that shit. Why get angry with the race of the protagonist of the game, if the game would't be improved at all if the race were changed? Why get angry with the looks of the main character, if that has zero impact in the things that actually matter in a game? Why get angry at the casting of Juliet in the newest adaptation of Romeo and Julet, if those angry people are so misinformed that they don't know that said "adaptation" is a stage play and not a new movie? Why get angry with the "censorship" of Stellar Blade, if those same angry people also demand censorship in sites like Twitch?


Dude I never said I had an issue specifically with the main character. The post did, but I didn’t. I just genuinely think the games aren’t fun, uninspired, and repetitive with “busy work” side missions. I’d rather play other games that are cheaper, older, or more enjoyable


I'm not interested in talking about you, but about what the post is saying. You know, when we comment on a post, we're usually commenting on the post.


I was still talking about this game. Not about the racial controversy, but the actual game. I can see why you’re confused though


God, you *still* only want to talk about yourself.


Many Triple A games now are just DLC for previous versions of the game, sold at a ridiculous price.


Id rather just go back and play black flag or brotherhood. These games slapped. Hell, even 3 was pretty good. We already have ghosts of tsushima and sekiro, so im good on the samurai stuff.


At some point they became no different from Fifa players, where aside from the new character names only the bugs are different to the prequels.


Based, people should be malding about the prices, but nobody is talking about because of some culture war mental retardation.


Many people nowadays don’t even care about the games, they just care about fighting with each other over culture war issues.


It's the same with film, tv and probably music too. The Culture Wars can't end soon enough. Nothing is sacred, even lord of the rings got shelled, possibly the worst.


They are testing the waters because they are trying to make a profit and keep up with inflation. Over the years the price of new games stayed about the same while inflation made prices trickle up on all the other things you bought. They subsidized these by selling DLC and expansion packs for years. Then inflation started hitting harder and they had to play catch up. They had to pay devs enough for their time to be worth it and also keep shareholders happy. % wise the inflation of game prices are still very small in comparison to everything else you buy. Your spending 100% more give or take on a lot of things you used to get 10 -15 years ago but only 15% - 30% more on base new games. No one is making you buy the deluxe edition of these games with added cosmetics, and some dlc you would have gotten with even the mid priced version.


This sub gonna hate you but you're 100% correct. Everyone bitches about game prices but it takes less hours at Walmart or McDonald's now to buy a new game than literally ever. "But it costs more" and those places are paying well above the $8 they were 10+ years ago. I also love how OP says "for a $100 game" when we know damn well most ppl are paying $70. I guess to broke redditors $70 may as well be $100 since they can't afford either


>*"Historical accuracy, it's important in games with historical characters"* My brother, one of the games features the Pope who uses ancient technology to shoot laser beams. In another game, George Washington comes into possession of an alien mind control device. Leonardo Da Vinci was allied with a group of assassins. The game has used historical figures before, and done wild historically-inaccurate shit with them. Also, why do people seem to keep forgetting the $70 version of the game? Yes the other editions are far too expensive, but there is just the base game for a more reasonable price.


Don't dilute the argument with facts


100% convinced all this drama is just the ad campaign.


Of all the possible Shit the Fake price is what Sticks, what a shitshow


My take: I wouldn't even play those games for free. Somehow almost every Ubisoft AAA game felt insanely boring. A lot of enemies, spammy combat, no depth to anything, etc. Other non-combat Ubisoft games have the same problem. Boring, super safe copy & paste design, and nothing innovative. Then add current political agendas to games --> Hell no! Black Flag was their last great AAA game, and even that had a boring combat, but did some other things so well. I have no idea what type of person would spend over $100 for their current titles. The best game I played in the past three years have all been max $50-60 releases. For me to pay more, a game would have to come with some pills that enhances the experience.


There's no reason to play the AC series past Black Flag-- imo. My IRL best friend has been trying for \*YEARS\* to get me into the series, but I can't. I played through Ass 1 and Ass 2, now I'm plodding through Ass Brother and it's so dull-- especially if you play them back-to-back-to-back; it feels like one, long, never-ending game. I'm to the point I do near-zero of the side content and just plow through the story. I played some Ass Black Flag on a console before, and it was fun enough to see it through, but I'm stopping the series there-- even if that means chugging through Ass Revel and Ass 3 to get there.


I like Yasuke for two reasons, he’s a real dude and its a cool idea to have him in a game. There’s a lot you can do with the idea of a black samurai. However, I know why Ubisoft picked him. Because he’s black. How do I know this? Because they also made him gay. Its obvious virtue signalling. If Yasuke was handled well, he could be a great character. But he won’t be. He’ll just be a generic samurai with his skin color having no significance in the story.


People who say every AC is the same haven't played any of them and get their information from reddit memes


Dark souls and elden ring are more similar to each other than the new/old AC games. And if people enjoy them, why not let them?


The first AC had the final boss fight and the guy has a orb that clones him like 10 times and you have to assassinate the right one


My last AC game was AC2 and it was a banger. It's like the burning crusade or wotkl. Everything after that is a mistake.


Everything after 2 was a mistake? How fucking dare you trash talk 2/3 of the Ezio trilogy. Apologize to everyone


You're right, I considered the whole Ezio story as ACII. There was bh and rev too. Good ol times.


AC odyssey was the second last AC game and one of the most widely acclaimed of AC games from both critics and users. Full game with DLCs was 120-200H+ depending on side quests, lore, completion etc. Thanks for your stupid take on not playing an AC game in a long ass time and just assuming the rest are bad since you haven't given them a chance.


I just wanna fucking play as Japanese in a game set in Japan, nuff said. But yeah, it's a ubi game. No way i'm paying for that shit.


The protagonist is Japanese though


Huh? Yasuke is not Japanese, he's imported. And his role was basically that of a glorified clown btw. A big guy with black skin was quite a sensation with people who never saw someone like that - as you can imagine. The girl is Japanese, but that's not who we are talking about.


Yasuke’s role was not a glorified clown. He was a samurai. You literally get to play as a Japanese character. There are two protagonists.


He wasn't a samurai. The term was not even in common use at the time he was in Japan. He MIGHT have been a bushi, but there is like one record of him being referenced as such. And there are no records of him actually being in combat, if memory serves. Compared to literally every single other one that talks of him like he's a monkey in a zoo. With respect, ofc, but still he was a "novelty" more than anything else. And that's exactly why he was kept around - as a novelty.


You have no idea what you’re talking about brother. The term was absolutely in use in the Sengoku period. At this time, a samurai was a bushi who served a noble master, received a permanent income/estate from that master, fought with a katana, and available to be called up for service. Yasuke received an estate and stipend from Nobunaga. He carried a katana. He carried Nobunaga’s Katana (something only a samurai would do). And he went campaigning with Nobunaga. Let’s be honest here, you haven’t read the first hand accounts of Yasuke. If you did you would know that what you said about people thinking of him as a monkey was completely false.


You can play as the girl then all happy


You want to pirate your games? Send dm and will send you a YouTube link for the things u need


Just as long as ubisoft and their fans keep attacking themselves and killing the company from the inside out. I'm Good. $120 pre order with no gameplay to be seen. People that pre order this just flat out dumb.


And me playing Kingdom Come.


Black Flag was peak AC


I agree. However, Odyssey was enjoyable.


It seriously boggles my mind that people continue to pay AAA prices for yet another in an endless stream of warmed-over Prince of Persia clones. Are peoples standards really that low? Am I the only person who sees these games are completely devoid of new or interesting ideas?


haven't bought an AC since black-flag can't for the life of me understand how people keep buying these games. But hey power to Ubifost they really found a golden goose.


This has been my opinion for awhile. How could I give a goddamn about what choices are being made/whoever are disliking choices made regarding a shovelware title from an innovator of shovelware products? *Why the fuck* would I give nearly **any** AAA developer money **or** attention for their near unilateral ambivalence, *within their own industry*?


Im so with you, woke very bad and Ubisoft is totally not just fucking with ya all with the latest statements about the possibility of those characters being gay or whatnot… … but wasn’t AC always kind of Sci-Fi with the transferring of consciousness, etc. ? Personally those futuristic levels always spoiled my immersion from AC and that’s why I played just the first 3 and then never played any other AC title.


If you still play Ubisoft or EA games in 2024 you are mentally ill.


Honest question, is there any piece of content that has woke / DEI stuff and is good or at least enjoyable?




When overwatch first released i thought it was kinda fun. But the gayer it got, the gameplay also dropped in correlation to it so I dont know? Very good question.


Xmen 97 and Chucky, but both are more focused on LGBT wokeness rather than multicultural wokeness.


No, it's all bad and a personal attack against you. Noone is more victimized than you.


Could not fucking force myself to finish origins or even the beginning of Valhalla and odyssey. Loved the old ACs. Oh well, saves me money, too little time to force myself to sit through the pure bullshit that is the new AC games.


Fuck Ubi. Also, fuck EA, Bethesda and Activision/Blizzard. The sooner they all go out of business, the better off the industry will be


Underlying this whole controversy is the fact that it's probably going to be bad because Ubisoft is bad.


Actually reminds me of a leaked (unconfirmed authenticity) inside information from Blizzard. One of the entries was: Yes, we are getting numerous “go woke go broke” entries at unsubscribe forms, but since those people already left anyway, and are just a fraction of total unsubscribing users, it does not matter, they are not our target audience anymore.


I read the first panel and just stared at my phone in bitter indifference, then I read the last panel and lost my shit


Yeah this is my opinion, I think it's going to suck either way so arguing about it isn't worth it


Wait, I'm not well informed. What is the issue with the upcoming AC?


Whoevers hate-buying it because they unironically like the gay black man samurai in the game based in feudal japan are the only losers in this entire equation and the best part is watching them put on the clown makeup themselves as they pay 100+$ to "really show em" while licking big corpo boot at the same time.


Not all are copy paste and if you say that some ac games feel similar maybe it's because they're in the same series and I do think 100 dollars is crazy but that's a edition you don't have to buy it. Like a lot of AAA games the standard is 70 dollars. I don't like it but I most likely will buy it (after I see gameplay). So it's not 100 dollars thats a choice you dont have to buy it. If the games good don't care about the price and If I see gameplay and it's bad or the exact same as other ac (with no difference and no distinction for the time period) ,then I won't buy it. But If it's good than I will. Just wait for gameplay before making assumptions about a game we only have a cinematic trailer.


Calling these games copy and paste is really disingenuous. They’ve got so much content and dialogue and things to do that you could argue they are severely bloated. Any game that takes hundreds of hours to complete that takes place in completely different geographical areas and historical periods are not lazily made. Gamers are the worst. Lots of valid reasons to say you don’t like something, but let’s project and straight up lie about it.


Remember that's before micro transactions and dlc.


I'm honestly worried about how many people are actually talking and actually defending an Ubisoft game. Gotta give it to them, their marketing team knew exactly what they were doing ☠️


Bro the last AC I bought was on 360, black flag I think


Yeah I’m really confused why anyone actually cares about the quality of this game series.


So many good games that come out every year, and tons of classic I never played. No reason to buy Ubisoft.


That's why assassins creed ended for me at black Flag I ended on the highest note possible Not regretting anything


People have no problem giving Activision 70+ dollars every year for the same copy pasted game, why would this be different?


It'll be on sale within months of release.


Honestly the whole Ubisoft debacle recently seemed like such an easy win for gamers. I figured there is no way gamers will let Ubisoft get away with this and would easily come together with saying fuck Ubisoft. Instead everyone is too retarded and wants to fight over if some random dude is a gay samurai or not. Shits embarrassing.


Ppl be like AC is 100$+ Me: bro just by the standard version and miss 2 missions it ain't that deep 🤣


Yes looking at the writing teams now, I want no part of them.


This entire 100$ argument is so fucking stupid. The game is 16$. Beat the game in a month and cancel your ubisoft subscription.


I did this with starfield since I knew the hype was a huge corpo gaslight. Payed 9$ to rent it for a month on gamepass and swiftly cancelled. Never touched starfield again and just kept rolling at all the "This game has changed my life omg" cope posts on the subreddit.. which has since died and embarrasingly swept under the rug from any relevant goty discussions at all


> corpo gaslight. *Paid* 9$ to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




> *Paid* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Payed bot


> *Paid* bot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I did this with EA Jedi survivor beat the entire game for like 5 10$ can't remember the price 🤣


"it's bad for Japanese culture"... So what about all the depictions the Japanese have made of Yasuke -as a samurai? What happened there? Y'all claim white people are offended on my behalf as a black person yet here you are super offended by a depiction of a man that matches that cultures fiction. Also by the by, back in the day vikings had stories about shield maidens....So apparently female warriors didnt break immersion for...actual fucking warriors from the same period. You can't make this shit up.


Yeah this sub was raging because probably the characters could be gay (like past entries) claming that is not historical accurate. Homosexuality in feudal japan was pretty common. What people dont understand is that if you base your military in soldiers of the same gender homosexuality will rise. Every army in the history of mankind was gay. Because men were the only companions they had. Besides if you recruit every male in the country its obvious you will have every gay person in your army.


>Every army in the history of mankind was gay. Because men were the only companions they had. Besides if you recruit every male in the country its obvious you will have every gay person in your army. Guess what those armies did to the wives and daughters of their defeated enemies


I think you dont know how to read. But I'll rephrase it. Every ancient army had a lot of gay people, because they tended to recruit almost every man possible. I dont know how you thought that your response is an argument against mine. Gay people were common in every ancient civilization are more accepted than everyone think, is an historical fact. And it is discussed that renown people were more gay, when you have a slight undisputable power you tend to do things without restraint. And in ancient times even a little power is a lot more than every commoner had. What I want to say is that those people claiming that gay characters are not historical accurate in Japan are wrong. The facts are there, have been studies and every historian concludes that gay people were common in feudal Japan. And in those times there was a high chance that even straight men fucked with other men at least one, it was normal for them.
