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I refuse to believe this game actually exists. Until they release a playable version - it is just fake footage to farm drama.


It has to be right? No one would purposefully make a game everyone hates and no-one buys just to "own" the "dude gamers."


I'm a firm believer into companies trying to Streisand their games/ip into existence.


They think there is some magical untapped market to tap and they think they can get it without losing anyone. Turns out, no


If we turn off the tap and turn the existing market off, surely that... other market... will burst forth, like a burst pipe or something!


You can't own anybody if nobody buys it


These are ex Bungie devs and modern Bungie are woke beyond belief to the point they upset the minorities they simp for multiple times with stuff like "latinx" and shit


Just your average white liberal who wants diversity and inclusion as long as it’s done their way with things like Latinx, which even my extremely liberal cousin from Mexico HATES. Then all the white people tell her it’s because she’s internalizing something.


It's kind of crazy how white liberals have colonized and culturally appropriated the voice and representation of minority groups.


It’s crazy because it’s not even a liberal problem. It’s SPECIFICALLY white ones. The ones that seem to be the most outspoken on literally everything.


And the funny thing is how they’re oblivious that they’re doing the exact same ”colonization”, “appropriation” and “exploitation” of the space that those groups have to express themselves, because it affords them social capital and power to speak for those groups as an “ally”… to co-opt cherished seats of power to distribute (and secure) power— while railing about oppression and power structures. And then there’s the whole phenomenon where a POC is appointed a seat of power just under them… almost always a black woman, often by a white liberal one, as the former often ends up over their head, exposed to the backlash, and takes the heat while they’re themselves insulated from repercussions.


Sweet Baby Inc would like a word.


I cannot fathom how they even exist.


I support the idea, put there woke trash into new games not existing ones. I can have what I want and they can have what no one is going to buy. Win win 🙌


Remember Hyenas? I bet this one will last just as long.


This game gets freakier by the minute. Just look at the character portraits, I mean wtf is this?




They all look like randomly generated characters.


Not a single white man is what I see or any white person for that matter. This game was made by racists who hate white people


Oh wow, I can't wait to play as a trashcan.


Im happy that im finally being represented in a game, i get it now.


Is this really real? Like the first poster stated, this just seems like way too much. I know that a minority group of people are pushing hard for games like this, yet the majority of us are just rolling our eyes. Still .... this just seems to have gone so far beyond that it is now just cringe. Like a level of cringe that is so hard to obtain. It is soooo cringy, well I just cannot believe this is real. If it is real, I need to see an interview of the creators because they must be some very "interesting" people. I am getting a heavy case of second hand cringe right now .... I cannot type anymore. Yikes.


some estimates put the LGBTQ+ community to 7% of the population, which seems a bit high but ok why develop your game and cater to this very small group of people, of which an even smaller portion is interested in video games at all


It's high because it's a fiction. Same-sex-attracted people like me (i.e. gays, lesbians, bisexuals) are increasingly rejecting this "community" bullshit. I didn't go through hell for decades to have a bunch of bullies tell me who I am and where I belong, especially when half of them are straights who dye their hair purple and adopt a victim persona for social status. What asexuals and trans and etc etc do with their lives is their business and nothing to do with me. It's not hate to speak up for who you are.


Follow the money.


does diversity and LGBTQ actually result in more profit? I have my doubts


I think they're saying 'look who's pushing or funding the ideals'. I mean it's weird the top brass are all singing from the same hymn book


The people developing the games are the woke ones. They live in the Seattle bubble and are not good with money. So they push this thinking the game will sell because it’s what they would play. Then when they get backlash they cry “bigotry” and not understanding why people are tired of this stuff. Then when the studio closes they got even more shocked. 


And see where it goes.


They are not doing this for minorities but for the liberal white women


And those still play Candy crush.


Cuz managers in these studios expect everybody else to simply cope with the stuff they vouch for, therefore we get shit like this. For some reason everybody acts surprised when majority of people dislikes games they publish.


I see preachers talking about increasing minority representation and I’m like yeah, it’s underrepresented for a good reason, because only a minority of people gives a shit.


you're really not just advertising at them, you're also advertising at every virtue signaling white person on twitter.


Probably because of donations .. they have the job because someone ask for it, or they offered it and someone offered to support them with money. But in reality, they dont give a fuck what they produce as long as they have job and if they are fired, they will go elsewhere In US its not even 2% .. and most of them dont even give a fuck. The people who scream and demand are extreme minority. Its kinda funny .. reminds me THE SIMPSONS MOVIE in the end when Cletus talk to the "insane" guy on TV .. "i was beated by tiktaktoe by a chicken" .. same


Cause they stupidly assume existing gamers won’t leave, they think they have us locked in with their live service games and MTX gambling


Besides great indie games like Helldivers, these devs also forget theres literally decades worth of older games players can either go back to or play for the first time instead of buying their new, overpriced slop that's just a vehicle for 'the message'. Honestly if I go back and play all the titles I skipped because I wasn't interested at the time or just didn't have time to play I'd have enough content where I wouldn't have to buy a new game for the rest of my life.


It has actually been great to go back and check out games I missed, I just played Disco Elysium for the first time the other week, absolutely incredible game.


because clearly an agenda is being pushed from the top-down, and if you dare to disagree they will ostracized you from society


"If you make people uniform, you can control them. If you teach people to read, and think, and question things, you lose control. So, the best idea is to separate people if you wish to maintain a monetary system. It’s called divide and conquer. By dividing people, they’re not a threat, you can control them." -Jacque Fresco


Gen Z, it's around 25%.


Niche communities are often willing to put up big bucks for products that cater to them due to their rarity (look at big budget VNs for example, they used to go for 100+ dollars) and that might be getting misattributed to the LGBTQ by out of touch investors. The out of touch probably also see it as 'trendy'.


Keep in mind someone can be LGBTQ+ without being part of the "community"




What do you mean "no"?


Lgbtq community is generally just used to describe the total population of lgbtq people instead of the amount of people actually belonging to a physical group of people. Like if you are married you now belong to the group of married people without having to be in a marriage club and meet up with other married people.


I probably should've explained what I meant in my original reply better then because that is what I meant. My reply was about the "seems a bit high" part. With all the media, twitter and so on it's easy to focus on the very outward presenting LGBTQ+ folks and forget about ol' Greg down the street who just happens to be bisexual but doesn't make that a part of his personality in any way.


For what it's worth, I thought it was obvious you meant people that are actively participating in a community.


It’s funny how when the games do something you guys like it’s “money listens” logic but when the games are doing shit like this it’s “why are they catering to a minority” and y’all automatically assume that you’re the majority. The most echo chamber morons audience I’ve ever seen


Curious as to if you think this game will sell well? At the end of the day the majority of people aren't going to like the pronouns nonsense in a video game. A video game that was pushed in an over saturated genre. I am looking at a DOA release they can say failed because of angry, white males. Not because of panderversity. Not because it's another drop in the sea of shooters, not because it looks like a Walmart Guardians of the Galaxy. Seems like the very, very few people that are supporting it aren't going to buy it. They just want us to feel guilty for not buying it.


The games going to flop because it looked generic as hell, not because the robot has pronouns lmao.


There's been gendered robot characters in other media such as Aigis from Persona 3. The difference is they don't lead Aigis character by her pronouns


Yes, it's a small part. Having pronouns at the introduction screen is going to annoy more people than will praise it. No one would care if the characters were introduced organically, no pun intended in regards to a robot, but to have them at the character select screen is pandering to the max.




"Tumblr the game"...


Surprised it wasn't beep/boop


The salt must flow


another DOA live service, nice


this game gonna flop so hard


Having pronouns is normal, it's a part of language. Presenting your identity or preferred pronouns is just political woke modern ideology seeping in. Which has only been relevant in western society for basically the past 10 years. It's just a trend or fad. It's stupid because it's pointless on the character select screen. If they really wanted to add it make it something where I click a button that says read more about backstory and lore or on their website. It's not game relevant and is a bad sign for the game in general for anyone who doesn't want obvious modern political propaganda in their game.


Hard pass for me


Triple woke project


The game's dedicated mascot is a trashcan, how fitting.


Haha good one


For once, I'm glad to be born as Chinese since there's no gender pronoun in our language. 




Garbage SBI game




Sweet baby inc


Gender identity for a robot I wonder what’s next 🤔


All hail Robonia. A land I didn't make up.


The lengths these people will go to in order to prevent adding a straight, white, male character.


Didn't you people always say diversity didn't matter why are you crying about lack of diversity for your demographic now?


WHAT DO YOU MEAN "YOU PEOPLE"??????????? We never argued FOR diversity. We demand every single playable character needs to be a straight male chad whose voice lines are all jokes aimed at disparaging marginalized groups or communists. Is that so much to ask? Is that so hard?


You know when right wingers make anti-woke or conservative media and it's cringe because rather than being good or compelling entertainment, it's just trying to appeal to you by virtue of being right wing? Yeah, this feels like that, but for progressives.


Now i can sleep comfortably, thank you.


So we got the brute that charges, the agile Asian girl, the Spunky Funky radical dude, the lesbian sniper, the discontinued robot from evolve.


Oh FFS, if your game has fucking pronoun/pronoun shit like it’s a fucking twitter bio, there is legit 0% chance I ever remotely CONSIDER playing your game.


Hot take: Robots are the one instance where a gender identity is fine because their no inherent sex at creation.


Hot take: robot do not have gender, since they are non-biological


But a robot can’t be non-binary…


Hmmm, that is a true fact I had not considered. Is a robot's pronouns 0/1?


Sir that is a luke warm take at best


I dont understand, robots in fiction usually has gender identity. Fallout has robots with pronouns. Star wars has robots with pronouns since forever. Star trek has robots with gender. The keepers in WOW are robots with gender. Almost every piece of fiction put gender identity in its robots.


Having pronouns is normal, it's a part of language. Presenting your identity or preferred pronouns is just political woke modern ideology seeping in. Which has only been relevant in western society for basically the past 10 years. It's stupid because it's pointless on the character select screen. If they really wanted to add it make it something where I click a button that says read more about backstory and lore or on their website. It's not game relevant


Yes thats my thought on it, the place where they decided to put this stuff is odd and intrusive on the UI. The thing is that some people get mad because people can choose their pronouns and thats weird to me.


You're mad because of some text on the corner of the screen?


b-because muh woke game has pr*nouns 🤬🤬🤬


yeah honestly... this is such a non-issue... if the robot had a pink design and was sprinkled in glitter, with she/her pronouns everyone would be like "yep".


Yes, totally normal to just list pronouns in a character select screen. Totally the norm. LOL quit being so disingenuous.


Is whatever, is not harmful, doesnt impede anything and we arent affected in any way.


Cortana, GladOS, SHODAN. There are rarely any robots that have voices/personality that aren't gendered.


Yeah my first thought was any voiced droid in Star Wars. Programmed personality and voice assign gender roles to robots.


We call things he or she to attribute affection for them, a boat is a she, not cause it identifies as a woman, but because we call them she. A robot that picks a gender is weird, cause a robot with enough self awareness to do so wouldn’t pick one as they are without gender OR sex


Is fiction, you dont know how much self awareness the character have. Some people against this says "dont put real life politics in our games" and I semi agree, games dont need to work like in real life. If this game wants to put on a robot enough self awareness so it can choose its own gender (like many pieces of fiction before) then it can. And even thats not necessary, the robot could just be programmed to be a he. We shouldnt care.


Good for him


They're the children of the damned


They should also put a gender identity of giga/Chad or Apache/helicopter


This game should have been a single player game but that would require talented writers and devs to make a good game so instead they went with shooter nonsense.


Least bland western character design.


This characters are ugly. Did they do that on purpose?


Its not like this is new in games or even fiction. There are plenty of gendered fictional robots. To name a few, Claptrap Borderlands series, Aigis Persona series, Nier series etc. We do this because it makes robot characters feel more human.


I would have to say... A sentient robot is the one case when no one should be arguing about gender identity. It's a staple from science fiction that most AI pick a gender. Like has no one here ever player Halo?


In all fairness I believe any sentient being would try to attach genders on itself. I also believe that humans would also attach pronouns to robots that are sentient or at least so advanced that are basically sentient (example, C3PO is often reffered to as a "he" among fans)


You know what I hate more than black men in a Japanese game setting? When gender exists.


So? The robot has a gender, plenty of robot characters also have had genders.


dead on arrival


ITT: Kids who who love to offend others offended by a trashcan with pronouns. Just turn the simulation off, we've run our course.


Why not? What's wrong with a robodude in a video game? This robot's design kinda reminds me of Robo from Chrono trigger, who's also male.


Because manufactured outrage. Robots picking a gender or being coded that gender isn’t new and has been a thing for ages.


Some of it is just the damn placard. You don't put pronouns in bio unless you're an insufferable jackass that clearly doesn't have a personality beyond them.


God at this point idk who is more annoying the pussies who put pronouns in their bio or the pussies who cry about it.


no i put my gender in my bio because it is my bio and i want people to know what to refer to me as dipshit


But you are the one who is insulting people you dont know and you arent telling your gender


We gender things without a gender all the time. Why is this a big deal?


People call boats, planes, cars by she/her pronouns since any of them were a thing. Galleon ships used to traverse the Atlantic are recorded using she/her pronouns since 1375 and no one gave a shit, but now it's on a robot and people care? Bruh this shit just reeks of soyjack pronoun rage. Only fucking weirdos and bozos care about this shit.


Ok, then call a ship "him" . And then call another ship "her". Thats's the comparison with the robot


I'm saying it doesn't matter because it literally doesn't matter It's pixels on a screen ffs, the robot can be they/them + her/him + zim/zir at the same time and it still wouldn't matter


Exactly. It doesn't matter. It's as stupid as the blood type in old street fighter games, with the added bonus of impotent pandering.


A robot with enough self awareness to give itself a pronoun would pick “it” if anything. There is a pretty massive difference between giving an object a random or affectionate pronoun and it choosing one.


Youre missing the point. The people that care about pronouns being known, are the ones who want to be he/him, and were born a woman. Noone else gives a shit.


I'm all down for a hero shooter that can fill the void Overwatch left in me but man, having pronouns in the character select screen is the exact opposite of what I want to see in one.


I'll always agree with Asmo on this. If the game is good, I don't care what political agenda it has.


yea but the minute a game is bad, you'll be the first to bitch about how its actually because of woke instead of real, material flaws.


Cute rage bate for low IQs, robots literally had gender identity since forever. There was literally a show "my life as teenage robot" and absolutely nobody, literally nobody cared that it was girl robot. Stop rage baiting you degenerate.


This is such a kick to the pengina.


Also looks like they took the remains of other games such as Paragon and mixed it together into a Marvel ripoff


Game is DOA


the actual gender bender


These people are fuckin sick in the head. I'm happy all the work their putting into the game won't even look good on a resume after they close down the studio. They really believe they are out here doing God's work by doing stupid shit like this.


Probably there bc deaf people may play and not know the intended voice gender of the robot.


My robot identifies as she/her, so that it can compete against other females and easily dumpster them.


LIVE.SERVICE.GAMES.MUST.DIE Repeat with me. Anthem! Redfall! Suicide Squad! Lawbreakers! Babylon's fall! Marvel's Avengers! You can help expand this list by developing games as services.


If the gameplay is actually good (I never seen gameplay for this game so I have no idea) 90% will stop caring about this. If the gameplay sucks the game will die and the "wokness" in it will be the excuse as to why it failed rather then the game just sucked ass


Uhh, yeah... You have girl robots, and you have guy robots, and you have robot robots.


Futurama pretty much.


Tbh i rather they try making their own thing like this one than hijacking existing IPs


At least it's not transexual. It seems it comes from a good place, as it's inherently genderless. They didn't try to make it weird. Someday cis men might be required to list their gender identities also. Like on birth certificates and ID cards. Food for thought.


Who cares. The game looks boring anyway.


F it, this is a new IP. I respect that they did not change an existing IP. I wish them all the best.


what's next? sailors giving gender identities to ships?


Isn't that fine? Robot characters have had genders before, and because this one looks like a trash can, I wouldn't know how to identify it at first glance.


How else would you know the robots gender?


love the he/him trashcan


Honestly who cares lmao if this really bothers you just don’t play it? This sub has devolved into like some of the worst that Reddit has to offer.


I mean this isn't new. Lots of robots in fiction are referred to with pronouns. Like EDI in mass effect is referred to as a female despite being a robot. Or Legion in mass effect referred to as a "him". Or Cortana in Halo is referred to as a "her" despite being a hologram.




I mean it's hardly the first time a robot has been referred to as a he or she in media.


Nah they’re making it easy by telling us exactly what to think….


You call C-3PO or R2-D2 it? You call Android 18 it? What about 2B? Or GLaDOs? Or Wheatley? Or 343 Guilty Spark? If you do its ok, but almost everyone call them for their gender.


Whats the issue exactly ? Lots of robots on media are male or female.


why information about his pronounces is on PICK SCREEN FKIN TWICE? lmaooo "guys our pick lacks they/them, can someone pick robot?" "bro he was nerfed to he/him" "damn" p.s. i like how some people in comments saying "so what, robots in media always had..." ignoring fact that this is screen of character pick right before match where this information is worse than useless which proves that people defending this dead on arrival garbage are not playing online games at all or not even going to try this one


Yall so mad about pronouns on a robot, meanwhile call Echo from Overwatch ‘she’ and Zenyatta ‘he’😂


Such a non-issue. The people pretending to be outraged damn well know when you buy your sex robot you'll damned make sure it's known as a she. YOU will identify it as female


You all are just getting angry at anything that applies to a hand full of buzzwords. Bender from Futurama is a Mexican male robot. Is that a problem too?


And we care because? We’re you hoping to fuck the robot and its pronouns are wrong now?


And this bothers you or affects you in what way? So what if an AI or robot wants to have a gender identity? Does it change anything? Does it ruin your game? Look, even Star Wars Droids have genders… it’s always been there. But once it’s labeled you freak out. lol Spend your time better


Even AI could of given them better character designs


Diversity except there are no Latinos or Asians. Oh wait they got aliens and robots.


I can see why the Terminator (any) is still referred to a machine in universe despite having a traditional male or female model


Because they are seen as enemies, killers and opressors. Seeing them as objects emphatize that they are the biggest treat to humanity. Every war does this with the enemy.


treat 🤣🤣🤣🤣






Wall-e and eva


Do you drill in him and he becomes female? Lol god that is ridiculous.


Hope that studios shuts the fuck down ... 2018-2024


i hate how cringe sony of america has become


Why are all the character options, black, alien. And robot?


“Hey, He/She/Him/Her/They/Them, cover me!”


Why do you care?


Why the fuck do we give a shit about this? I want to see gameplay, is the game any good or not? The art style leaves little to be desired but that's the least of my worries for a game like this. Is the game any good? Who the fuck cares about the pronouns about a fuckin robot? Who the fuck cares about the pronouns about ANY of these characters? Regardless if you're woke or anti-woke, if you really think THIS is the determinant of whether or not you're gonna give the game a try, you NEED a healthy dose of grass touching because that's just inarguably pathetically sad.


His power supply goes inside a wall socket.