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There was a Starbucks boycott going on? Must have had dozens of participants.


I’ve been doing it literally my entire life. It’s called a fucking coffee maker lol.


There’s been like 5 over the last 5 years from every side of the political isle. If someone says they are boycotting Starbucks you are almost further away from knowing their political beliefs than you were before.


Calling that a meal is fucking insane. 3 Dollars would fit more. A fucking croissant and a coffee...jesus


a starbucks coffee is like 1000 calories might as well be a meal


Rip your liver while turning that sugar into fat and then your veins moving them to your belly and finally your cells storing that fat. Not mentioning how f ups your hormones and produce something funny serotonin on your brain for 5 minutes tops.


i never claimed it was healthy


Good point![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




You need a bit more than calories to remain at effective capacity thought.


So a 1000 calories per meal seems right to you? Typical person eats 3 meals a day plus maybe some snacks. Seems overkill for the average person that doesn't stick to a serious fitness regime.


You misunderstood the comment completely. Also I really doubt that the average person today eats 3 meals with additional snacks every day. I think the average person eats one or two meals, dinner being the main one, and then breakfast or lunch is skipped entirely or replaced by something like a granola bar which is basically a light snack.


I did not, they edited their original comment. I also disagree that the average person eats one or two meals.


This is unironically what someone with a eating disorder would call a meal.


Sad but true


ngl, its a perfect amount of food for me.


That coffee probably has like 400 calories in it + the croissant is another 200 minimum. Plus tons of people eat a light breakfast and save most of their calories for later in the day.


Also it should be illegal to call a small drink a "tall" Like imagine if places started calling their drinks "Large, Mega, Giga" and you get a small for ordering a large


Oh yes absolutly. Thats so scamy


I work for starbies. I heard the deal is even WORSE than what you already think about it. That “deal” covers a basic drink like a hot or iced coffee. If you want something like a caramel macchiato or a white mocha they will charge you more. This is a pathetic attempt to get people in the door and we have to suffer the consequences when we tell the custies that we have to charge them $9.74 for their combo instead.


That's very messed up


I mean ... Just from a caloric standpoint it is...


You're forgetting it's basically a coffee milkshake and filled with calories


Youve obviously never been to France.


and that only took since starbucks founding until now, wow! what a big achievment!


Protests my ass. Spending is down, and what's the first thing people gonna cut? An overpriced cup of coffee.


jesus man. These croissants contain very little nutritional value. You'd literally get more value from photosynthesis at this point.


This price is still kinda crappy though. Tall is their 2nd smallest size drink (Short being the smallest), but Tall is laughably small while Short is basically a shot glass. Meanwhile, the Croissant is filled with air made to look bigger than it actually is.


Starbucks is trying to seduce the people that are protesting them to come back. Starbucks isn’t running out of money, they just aren’t making what they used to, probably. I doubt it’s hurting them, and if it is the high school baristas are the first to go, so your protest just hurts the low level employee who’s working just to afford basic shit. Most (sane) people don’t give a shit what some mega corporation supports or not. Good job, fuckin dweebs.


And by the way, $5 for a croissant and coffee isn’t absurd, or desperate by any means. I know most Americans can’t fathom not eating 2,000 calories for breakfast.


They have closed a lot of stores that unionized. That’s definitely gonna cut into profits one way or another.


Unionization of Starbucks employees is a entirely different situation than a bunch of wannabe activists


Aren’t they somewhat connected though? Or is there an unrelated boycott reason I don’t know of?


Starbucks supports Israel and their endeavors, apparently.


Oh. Well that’s dumb, probably just leave that one alone and not take a side in this case would be best? Too late now lol.


what's funnier is that starbucks doesn't even support israel, nor is there starbucks in israel the whole reason people are boycotting is because the ex-CEO is Jewish & went to israel once i'm not even joking, one single union later came out in support of palestine & starbucks sued them for using their logo in a completely unrelated issue, but the OG reason is because people are suuuuper anti-semetic about the **ex-CEO**


Goddamn that is so unbelievably stupid! This whole conflict that the US isn’t even directly involved in has caused a lot of people to lose their minds.


I wonder how soon US will start issuing red and blue passports, with red ones banning you from buying anything made from blues; and blue ones banning you from anything for reds.


There’s a website apparently I saw some perpetual online users share that shows a list of companies to boycott. That list will only ever grow lmao It’s like people who stop supporting a sports team because of some shitty executives, and then move on to support another sports team with the idea that those executives aren’t as shitty if they ever got the chance, or nothing negative has come out about them….yet.


Why do you even a box for a croissant and a coffee. Also this means their stale croissants are $2 or the coffee is $4.


The thing about boycotting these places is that the participants eventually cave when the company gives them a "concession" and they go right back to doing whatever caused the boycott once everyone forgets.


I mean they recently increased the prices, do people think this Palestine thing was the driving nail for starbucks and not increasing by a dollar and a half most of their drinks?


Where I live I can get a real coffee and a croissant for about 1,6€. 5 dollars is insane.


This boycott is now a success, I am justified in spending 5 dollars for a piece of bread and coffee


I don't know the prices of things for you guys but $5 for a coffee + croissant is way overpriced. Should be half of that.


Man even McDonald's managed to beat them as you get full on dinner for the same price


Have you been to McDonald's recently? $5 doesn't go far there anymore.

