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first get your car to 5 stars and then go get the key upgrading your scg is very recommended , unless you have very good skills that you can win that key in stock , or else upgrade a bit


Get ready to waste hours of your life man


Around 10 hours aint that much


For OP it probably is. Since he is new to this game.


You can free try the car. Grind bps to get it to 5\*, then you can get the key. Which means you need to do a LOT of races (hundreds). I wouldn't recommend spending a lot of time on this car, unless you have nothing better to do. In a few days there's a hunt for Apex AP-0 which is a really good B class car. It doesn't need a key so you chose to build it slowly or just go all the way.


Is McLaren 600 lt better than apex in MP?


Pretty comparable, 600LT is faster, better acceleration, AP-0 has better handling and slightly better nitro. In the end I think 600LT is better, but AP-0 is a great car.


It's very simple, race back to back to back to back until you have all 5 stars & upgrade the car too. I upgrade it gradually.


Read the other conditions bruh


Ik the condition what's in the point of key I have first five stars then get car key of the car which i have already maxed i don't get that .how keys are used ?


You don’t unlock the car if you don’t have the key. The blueprints in car hunts for key cars are just mandatory upgrades before you can unlock it


Thanks for clarifying man I even asked on this sub whats the point of key and how to get and use them but at that time nobody gave me proper explanation abt keys thanks alot :)


I think on one knows what is the purpose of the keys. They are a stupid concept and its a big bullshit and I will tell you why: Example BP car (let's say pagani huayra r) - you grind for BPs in it's own event and got it to 4*. You can drive it and upgrade it. A key car - you can grind the Packs for the car get it to max stars BUT if you don't have the key for it, you basically blew your tokens away until there is an event for the key OR the bundle packs which the majority of the playbase won't buy, beacasue they're priced like a rare CS skin. Also idk why it doesn't give you the key if you raced with a 5* 004C


Get the bp and upstar to 5 stars.


5 stars????????


For a key hunt, you need to do a lot of races, until you got enough BPs, for 004C is 125. When it reaches 5\*, you play one more race and meet the condition. Then you get the key.


Check the number of stars you need to have to the left of the key task


Aahh, the confusion of new players. It brings me back. I was always confused about something in the beginning & I still get confused about some things. I remember the first time I saw this question posted. I had not even thought about it yet, but I was instantly confused about it until I read the comments. Free try. You can use the car without the key when there's a free try. You can always earn blue prints & gain stars for a car without the key & without having it unlocked. You just can't use the car outside of the event without the key. So you repeat the car hunt until you earn enough blueprints & reach five stars. Then you can use the free try to earn the key & unlock the car. But you must meet the time requirement, so you will need to do some upgrades. I usually keep trying & keep adding a few upgrades until I get it.


Trust me it's easy to get. Even if you game TD


Beat that time with glickenhaus with 5 stars


Lol get the glickenhaus to 5* then key unlock-able 😂. Yes i unlocked it


Hunt it straight away, a daily pass will help a lot if you really want that car. Or you can skip it for the Apex which is a very good B class car. So the choice is yours


Bro first of all you have 5 star car means 128 BP then you will get Key


I did the rr turbo , mustang, zonda and this 004 And got the keys And now I don’t do these insane key hunts anymore At least not in one go Can’t afford the insane amounts of time it requires especially if you are f2p Or even occasional lp