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Yes, sunk cost fallacy. We’re going to keep playing all the same guys regardless of outcome just in case the results trend upwards. We’ve gone back in time as a franchise.


we were on the cutting edge of analytics and player analysis and now we just say fuck it and try the same shit that hasn't worked all season because of how much money we sunk into dudes we shouldn't have signed


My only disagreement with the statement is the idea that we shouldn't have signed Pressley. Is he performing right now, no...but his extension was signed at the beginning of the 2022 season after his excellent 2021 season. He had a solid 2022 as well. Obviously, he has regressed, and action should be taken, but his signing at the time was a reasonable one. Maybe this statement was geared more towards other players...in which case i get it.


it was aimed at the trio of Montero/Hader/Abreu all of whom I don't think we needed to sign


Everyone should be impressed at your immaculate hindsight.


in what way did signing Hader make sense at the time?


The back of his baseball card. Makes more sense than using analytics


This is the best synopsis of the season I’ve seen so far.


And they say Astros weren’t punished after losing Lunhow…


We have always operated this way. We’re just seeing some negative variance or possibly negative regression to the mean.


I thought this was goiong to be a Jose Abreu thread. No, wait! a Chas McCormick thread. No wait! it’s all three in one! =-=-=-= We have to pay these guys whether they play or not. But if we play them, we lose games. Is that so hard to see? Loperfedo in left, Cabbage at first. DUH.


Cabbage obviously can’t catch a ball that’s in his glove so he’d be on my bench. They need to go after Vladdy


Pena had a very costly error the other night. So I guess he's on your bench, too. Right?


yes. His peripherals look fine, difference is that he is throwing his slider less & fastball more. Very bad babip wouldn't be surprised if he does a stint on the IL & comes back looking good.


Espada sucks


This needs to be higher. Dude needs to stop using him in any high leverage. I trust Montero (🤢) more.


A lot more. Tho maybe under real pressure Montero would regress


Espada looks lost. Dusty had this team playoff ready day one.


Bruh, this sub sucks


Astros relief pitching is woefully mismanaged. Our best relief pitching has come from the guys who have incentive to *try*. Postseason Pressly is legendary though. 1 run allowed in his last 30 innings against contenders is insane. Imagine a pitcher getting 3 starts in a series and pitching complete game shutouts in all 3.


Postseason 2024 Pressly = 0 runs allowed, 0 innings pitched, 0 shutouts.


Pres blows !!… going back through the game, if we don’t have a +2 going into the 8th we are F’d by a wide margin!


I blame Espada for not getting his shit together and getting Dubon out there warmed up at 3rd taking over for Breggs. That error is what started the snowball, and that all comes down to shit managing. No one should be surprised by this. A true leader could get more out of Pressly, hell everyone on this team.


Pressly sucked but Dubon shit his britches badly with two major errors. And someone please tell Cabbage to spray stickum in his glove.


A lot


It’s the fact that Dana brown and bagwell don’t want to own up to their own failures. This explains why they’re kept Abreu for so long. They’re too egotistical to even admit they might’ve made bad roster decisions. Pressly is washed and if his mental wasn’t trashed already it most certainly is now. Better to move him down to the 7th inning and Abreu up to the 8th. Besides Pressly’s gargantuan collapse today we lost mostly because of espada. Letting verlander pitch the 5th after giving up 2 in the 4th and obviously shaky; pulling Martinez out early only for montero to give up another run. What a shame. This team will be 10-20 under .500 at the end of the season


How is Pressly or Abreu Dana’s failures? He didn’t trade, sign or re-resign either of them. The people who think Dana is in any way shape or form involved in any of the players he took over when he became GM is astounding to me. We’ve heard from very credible sources that Crane and his cabal of “baseball guys” are calling the shots and it seems quite obvious that’s the case. Dana was hired to be a yes man and help rebuild the farm. While I don’t know if he has what it takes to be a top tier MLB gm, I know damn well he hasn’t been given the opportunity to put his stamp on the team otherwise Diaz would’ve started a lot more games last year, Abreu would’ve been cut, and Pressly would be pitching mop up.


So Pressly is Dana and Bagwells fault? 😂😂


Id go Pressley 6, Montero 7, Abreu 8, Hader 9.


CJ Stroud could probably pitch relief


Found the guy that became an astros fan in 2017


He definitely became an Astros fan in 2022.


Wasn't pressly extended by click? But also, he sucks.


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I've been pretty pissed with Pressley too but man it's kind of sad to see how quickly the fanbase turned against a guy who's given us two straight years of scoreless postseason appearances as a closer. Also, he sucked last year? Did you even watch the Astros? A 3.56 ERA is pretty damn good for a closer and while, yes, he did blow a few games, so is every relief pitcher not named Mariano Rivera. His peripherals tell a different story than what's going on but the fact that he keeps throwing his slider and fastball right down the pipe kind of make that irrelevant. I do think it would make sense to trade him at the deadline, but at the same time, this team is in an absolute dirth of pitching, both starting and relief. Are you really just going to throw away a multi-time all-star and proven playoff performer when you have basically no one to replace him, even if he has been playing like shit? I can see the logic in hoping he turns it around and finds his place as a set-up man.


He had the 8th worst era of the top 30 save leaders last year. Tied for 5th most blown saves. 4th worst k/bb. WAR of 0.1. Yeah, he sucked


the team sucks sadly


they've won their last two series.


We did but we are in a hole and needed that sweep.


So? They’re not winning enough games to make any real progress in the division


We are a single game behind the Rangers right now, when previously we were 5-6 games behind them.


Why does that matter? They’re 6.5 behind the Mariners so I’m not sure what you’re getting at because 2 teams aren’t making it to the playoffs in this division


The mariners will inevitably implode as the season goes on so I’m not worried about that


That is what they said about the Rangers last season...hoping without any progressive action from the Astros management will yield nothing.


Your point is they haven't made any progress in the division which is flat out wrong. We were last in the division, now we are on the heels of 2nd.


Getting ahead of the Angels and Athletics is not progress....and 2nd place will not make playoffs.


My brother, it's quite literally the definition of progress. If you weigh 300 pounds and your goal is 200 points, losing 50 pounds is still progress. We aren't at the end goal of where we want to be, but we are clearly trending in that direction and are *progressing* to it. No way you are that dense, right?


If I weighed 200 pounds last year and weigh 300 pounds this year. Losing 50 pounds to weigh 250 pounds is not progress. You have to get back to even to begin to make progress.


That's just an objectively incorrect statement.


They need to sweep bad teams not win the series


Doesn’t mean shit


No faith in this sub. Dusty lost us last year otherwise we are still a WS team when not injured. We’re heating up give it time. What I’m worried about is being too far behind when we do heat up


We had started heating up and the FO threw ice water on it by calling up Jose Abreu and sending down Loperfido. I said at the time that it was going to kill team morale as it shows the FO is not concerned with putting the best team on the field.


This sub is wild


Yeah dude some of the takes here with the wild assumptions like they know what's really going on with 0 evidence lol


Do not worry, the back of their baseball cards and performance two years ago will get them to the postseason this year


We? It's amazingly sad how quick mofos like you are to turn on someone that's given us so much. This is a fucked year just take it for what it is homie.


Not saying Presley is not performing in the setup role, but you have to put as much of this one on JV. He doesn’t usually get run support, yet when he gets it, he gives up what, 4-5…. Or just contested hits, but legitimate base hits. Yes, Presley sucked today, and just seems like he can’t get this transition to the setup role, and other plans should be made for that position out of the BP.


I really don't understand why everyone is crying over Pressly being a closer or a setup man, a pitcher’s task is to skillfully get the same three outs regardless of whether it's the seventh, eighth or ninth inning.


It’s a mental game, some can adapt, some can’t though. I tell my kid to look at Tiger Woods. When his life imploded, his game was never the same… the mental part can do you in completely. Same with Hader in his All Star game in 2018 when his past tweets came back to haunt him. He was expected to kill it in that moment, yet the mental gymnastics he had to do to deal with the tweets and try to save his career in the eyes of the world was too much to juggle with the pressure of being an mlb pitcher at that moment.


Tiger Woods during serial cheating on his wife = GOAT. Tiger Woods after serial cheating scandal = average. What is the lesson here?


His game collapsed AFTER he got caught and had to deal with all the mental fallout


Less women was the culprit


He does. He needs to be traded. He’s been acting like a goddamn baby all season with his feelings hurt because he’s not the closer. 2 months into the season and he’s still acting like a baby. He needs to be traded immediately. No one needs that shit attitude on the field or in the clubhouse. Thanks for the last 5 years or so, but your only value now is for a contender with a sketchy pen as you can be easily packaged as a guy who needs a change of scenery.


Has he said a single thing that makes us think he's butthurt because of the closer situation? Or are you (and a lot of other people i see here) Just making shit up about why he might not be playing as well as he has in the past.


That was my question, I think the only thing I’ve heard him say was at the beginning of the season where he said something like he’ll pitch where he’s needed


Yeah, the only thing we’ve heard from Pressly is that he would pitch wherever the team needs him, which is exactly what you want your player to say. I know he’s been disappointing so far this season, but this guy is calling him a whiny baby while bitching and crying about stuff that hasn’t actually happened and that he’s completely made up.


I think i remember Hader saying that in an interview towards the start. But i don't remember seeing anything personally from Pressly. But Yea, dude's in a slump. It happens. 99% of these guys talking shit, have no idea the mentality it takes to be at that level in anything, let alone a professional sport.


Definitely making wild assumptions the same way many have run away with the idea that bagwell is secretly in total control of team decisions and is the only reason we aren't doing well


You can tell that there are many on this sub who had no idea the Astros existed before '17.


I could be wrong, but it is a fact that baseball teams do not exist until they win a world series....the Astros let the Rangers come into existence and end their dynasty. Cannot be dynasty with current WS champion in your division ahead of you.


I'm a firm believer that he has been a giant sack of shit as a reliever this season, but at the beginning of the season he said something to the effect of "My job is to be in the bullpen and be ready to get outs, whether that's in the 4th, 8th, or 9th." I'm sure he's butthurt, but he hasn't said or done anything unprofessional of which I'm aware.


He hasnt said anything as far as I’ve seen. But it’s just body language. Hey it’s human nature to mope after a demotion. Maybe he doesn’t even realize it, but it’s a little like staying with the person who cheated on you and then kept them around. Maybe you want to be big, but that’s a heavy weight to carry




What are we gonna trade him for, a washing machine? Nobody is gonna take him for anything decent with how shit he is.


Trade him for some single A lotto ticket. Just make him unavailable for Joe Espada to use as a get-out-of-winning-free card


Remember when Click traded Straw because Dusty loved him so much and wouldn't start anyone else. Yeah, that's why Click doesn't work for the Astros anymore.


It goes a hella lot deeper than that. But, okay.


That’s a ridiculous take


Shocked people are agreeing with this. Pressley has good peripherals and is probably the most successful playoff relief pitcher of the 2020s so far. There's a pretty decent argument that he should have been the MVP in 2022 and he was similarly very good in 2021 and 2023. Considering a lot of his problems seem mental (he's pitched well as a closer, and he has an xFIP of 2.65), he actually makes a lot of sense as trade bait for a front office less reactionary than our fanbase. We should trade him, because we probably could get a decent prospect out of it. Like, fuck, we traded Korey Lee for Kendall Graveman, who is nowhere near Pressley's caliber. We could absolutely get a player of at least that skill.


People are far to reactionary on here. Pressly had the 2nd lowest FIP among Astros pitchers entering today (Hader was 1st). Pressly's .410+ babip isn't sustainable.


He can be traded to a good team with a bad pen. Contending teams always want bullpen help for the stretch. And it can easily be spun as he’s had “bad luck and needs a change of scenery”


I love when people go "this guy sucks so much! surely a team will give us meaningful prospects and take on their contract!"


Trade him for CJ Stroud. I bet he could pitch better relief during offseason


Dude, none of that happened. The only thing he ever said about Hader was that he was fine pitching wherever the team needs him. Quit making shit up.


It’s in body language. It’s in performance. It’s human nature to be disappointed after a demotion. Why don’t you provide some insight into why he has been massively underperforming this year. Lemme guess, baseball gods?


Accusing someone of spreading bullshit when you've done nothing but accuse Pressly of being a whiny baby based on nonsense like body language and performance is really something. Unless you have an actual quote beyond the one that he did give us, which was that he was fine pitching wherever the team needed him, then stop. You're pulling shit out of your ass which accomplishes nothing.


I’m watching him play. Again, what’s your take? The guy was demoted, he got passed over for a new shiny toy. You think that doesn’t affect him? You think his confidence is untouched? The mindset that you’re a bad motherfucker is just as important as the stuff that a closer has to getting things done. If you can’t understand the mental issues with his performance then that’s on you. Sorry I can’t send you back in the past to play sports instead of video games when you were a kid so you’d understand how confidence affects performance.


More useless speculation. I'm watching him play too, I'm not going to accuse of him being a whiny fucking baby. Would anyone disagree that he's sucked this year? Probably not, but I'm not going to endlessly speculate about how his ego's been shattered by losing the closing spot when we've been given absolutely nothing concrete to support that. You're calling him a whiny baby when you're crying about shit you have no way to actually prove and it's why this fanbase fucking sucks. Again, provide an actual quote that shows that he's disgruntled or fuck off. What's next, wanna tell me about how Jeff Bagwell is the head of the shadow cabal that runs the team and is the sole reason that we're failing, which is why we need to unretire his number and remove him from the Astros Hall of Fame?


The guy literally said he’s fine with Hader being the closer and that he’ll pitch where he’s needed. Stop taking players struggling personally. He’s not doing it on purpose. He hasn’t done or said anything sour about Hader being the closer


His performance speaks louder than his words.


Nobody is arguing that he isn’t struggling. I’m arguing against the people who are assuming there’s malice behind his struggles.


The pitching coach needs to get some malice to straighten these guys up. I would also like to see some malice in Espada. It is not okay to lose to bad teams when you lead late in the game. I can understand starting 1st inning before first bat down 0-5 and lose....but the bullpen has a reputation to uphold.


Nobody is arguing with you.


What? No, this is Reddit....someone..has...to be....please argue. Otherwise I will sip into oblivion


I’m glad he’s saying the right things. His performance is that of someone who is not fully engaged though. And i don’t even take some dumbfuck psychoanalyzing me on reddit personally, so why would i take his pitching personally.


You very clearly are taking it personally, because your assigning some malice to it, like he could be doing better but is choosing not to. His peripherals are all normal. He’s not throwing the ball less hard and he’s not spinning it less. There’s nothing to indicate it’s an effort issue except that you’re saying he is because you’re mad at him. Why else would you make it personal about him if you weren’t taking it personally?


Why make shit up about his feelings being hurt? There has literally been zero, none, nadda, nein, nyet about that being an issue anywhere? The fact that it has 13 upvotes is incredibly sad and depressing. You want to post about his pitching being shit? Go ahead, because it has been. But to state some gossipy made up crap like a some snot nosed angsty teen is bullshit, even for this sub.


He's a liability basically every time he comes in. His pitches look slower then what the radar shows.


Dfa his ass


They need to admit they screwed up with Abreu. If he wasn’t making 20mil/year he would have been DFAed months ago. Honestly it’s pretty much too late anyway. Unless these guys just go off and start winning out damn near the season is done. Abreu has been damn near a guaranteed out at the plate all year.


Pressley was great in the postseason in the past. Now we should thank him for his service and move on from him at this point. He is just flat failing at his job right now


Pressly didn’t suck last year


Don't bring facts into this. Even though he had a 118 ERA+ and gave up 0 earned runs in the playoffs, he clearly sucked last year.




Peanuts? In this economy?


No one would give up that much value for Pressly. Be reasonable


We have all become insanely spoiled. I’m amazed how fast everyone is willing to turn on the players responsible for the greatest run in team history.


The Kansas City Royals need a closer. Don’t make me repeat myself.


Espada loves giving people way too much leash he learned it from dusty. So we'll never lose Pressley or Abreu until the season is wasted.


Preaching to the choir




Espada immediately said he was still his guy after the game...


What's he supposed to say, "Yeah, this guy fucking sucks."?




You say “Pressly has been struggling to be himself and we will give him some extra rest so he can bounce back stronger physically & mentally.” Luther interpreted “Damn homie you fucking stink! Pull your head out of your ass before we have to put you down!”


Thats what they say about Abreu...how is that working out


Jose Abreu needs to bathe in the Fountain Of Youth to roll back his 38 Cuban 45 American age. Father Time is undefeated. ![gif](giphy|13N0LaRTECEvK)


He’s butt hurt he lost his closer role


And your evidence for this is what? Has he said anything about being upset with Hader? Here are some actual quotes you apparently missed. “I get paid to go get three outs. It don’t matter if it’s in the fourth inning or the ninth inning. Whenever the phone rings and they tell me to get in there, I’ll get in there.” and "I’m happy he’s here, I’m happy I get to share a bullpen with him. It’s going to be a fun time. He seems like a great teammate, and I’m happy to be here with him".


Signing Hader was the nail in the coffin for Pressly being an Astro past this season. He knows for sure now he's not going to be sticking around regardless of how well he plays. He's lost all motivation.


It's not Pressly.  It was bringing Hader and all of the changes to the bullpen.  And Hader gave up the walk off homer.


What game were you watching? Pressly couldn’t even finish his inning.


Maybe he should visit Men's T Clinic if he has trouble finishing