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Ey, ey, listen, I said fucking listen! 'Av you ever noticed, no have you though!? 'Av you ever noticed when you go to reply to a post on Reddit and your brass hand cracks the screen protector on your phone!!


Eh eh eh: One lawyer says to another lawyer “hey are you a lawyer?” “I see you use Pearson’s brass-hand oil. We should be friends forever.” I have no idea why that’s funny, but I had to pull the car over because I had tears in my eyes.


Eh! Eh! Eh! I saw six men kicking and punching my mother in law. Me neighbor said "You gonu help or not?" I said "No, six should be enough, one of them has a brass hand and he's fucking lethal!"


This one kills me, it's the "fucking lethal" that makes it.


Eh! Eh! Have you ever noticed how jocular butchers are? Always got a witty remark ready - “oh look, here comes the cunt with the brass hand!”


My god, the brass hand had me shaking with laughter on a bus


Whichever episode where he asks Andy "where do you keep your chicken dippers? Under the bath?" Absolutely killed me and I don't know why but it hooked me. Also if anyone knows which episode that was I'd like to listen again.


I love how pocket meat has crept into everything including Fishing, and WILTY.


Can’t leave the house without your pocket meat 🍖


I don't remember the first time, but now that I've been listening a while, I can't help hearing the word 'fight' as 'foight', and really need to hear the latest Sean Dyche recordings...


I was scrolling YouTube and saw a video of Peter Beardsley so being a Newcastle fan I clicked it. My joy and surprise when it was my comedy hero Bob doing an impression. I was in tears laughing and found out what it was from and I've been listening since. I like to have Mince on when I'm cooking or playing a game that isn't too reliant on sound.


Dog dirt.


Yer a good lad.


In a puffer puffer jacket


Yes, yes I do.


Memmmmory mannnnnnn


Ah but Barry, can you smell smoke?


I laughed so hard my brass hand fell off!


Started listening within the first few. I remember when it was sort of about football.


First episode I listened to I think they played a game called “east or west”


first mince was EP 92 “Just Hooves” at my desk in the office (do ya remember?) with my headphones in. I played it on a whim after hearing about mince, and remember having to turn off after the “it’s just fucking hooves man” line because I was laughing out loud too much


It was the episode with the joke that had something about a man’s eyes falling out and out flies 2 crows and one flew to an HSBC and the other to a nat west. If anyone can refine that for me I’d appreciate it


I remember listening to it in the early days and thinking it was ok. Then a “have you ever noticed” compilation was recommended to me on YouTube and it made me burst out laughing. “I’m not answering that! It could’ve been anyone! It could be the IRA!”


I was a wee boy living on the lairds Island. I used to dream of going te the mainland and going to the internet Cafe at Greggs and listen to Bob and Andy have a wee chat aboot coontry fookin music.


Plenty o tit to spare.


It’s definitely one of the best podcasts to just listen to over and over again. I’ve done the whole lot through so many times


The jordan henderson songs killed me. And Mr Fernandes.


“I throw onion rings at sailors” was a particular highlight 😂😂😂


My mate played it to me when I was driving and I had to turn it off during the Steve McClaren “I choose the team from the adults in the squad” song as I was laughing too hard I thought I might crash.