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Flying out to the Texas Eclipse Fest!


Heading out to Cape Girardeau MO after work today .


Headed to the Overlook Film Festival in New Orleans!


On my way to Chicago Monday, and just booked my birthday trip for the beach in May!


Good luck. We're all counting on you.


I was on an airplane flying through the Eclipse when the last one came through, was pretty cool.


I got a little too hyped up Monday night and decided I should go to Nashville for a hockey game tonight. I even took time off work and now I’m like wow, why the fuck did I think I want to get home at 3am? So I think I will just go to Trader Joe’s since that’s as strenuous most of the time as driving 500 miles tbh


You will remember the hockey game years from now but not Trader Joe’s. You should go!


Go to the hockey game! You can sleep later!


Going to Helen for a quick overnighter. Any must see things?


The hiking trails in the area are pretty cool. Some waterfalls and stuff are pretty.


Recommend Raven Cliff Falls hiking trail! Very unique waterfall.


The Nacoochee antiques is an old house full of small antiques and collectibles. It's also next to Habersham Winery.


Laid off 2 years in a row. Took me two months this time but found a new job for more pay 🙏. Just in time for a wedding lol.


37 tonight, after I spent the last few days moving around and repotting plants. I don't want to put plants back in the basement... might have to just roll the dice and hope for the best.


I think you should be fine unless the plant is a houseplant that is sensitiveto cold. I would bring in houseplants. But regular outside plants should be fine.


Starting next week, I'm doing gym days in the morning again. I've now had two weeks to adjust to being sleepy all the time, so there should be no reason I can't do it. I hate that I've been lazy about one of my favorite things to do Happy Thursday everyone! Remember to bundle up - it's cold out there


I just cannot adjust this year.


How the heck do I STOP water service on my home that I no longer own in Dekalb county? The new owner needs to set this up in their name, but I cannot for the life of me find stop-billing on Dekalb watershed. Insanity. Guess I'll drive over to the office?


update because i drove over to the decatur office. - Can supposedly stop via phone but good luck getting them to answer - No option online - Can go in person but only within 5 business days 🙄


dekalb county is such a shitshow


Someone please, enlighten me. In midtown, around the general area of the Biltmore, an alarm started going off around 11:30 PM. I left home at 6:30 AM and it never turned off. This happens every couple months. What is this alarm that sounds for hours and why is it allowed to? Anyone know?




Fargo vibes *intensify.*


Does anyone know if the balloon museum is worth going to? I sort of enjoy kitschy exhibits like the Harry Potter one, the "Art of the Brick" lego one, and Sloomoo.


Wondering the same. It looks amazing.


404 day festival at Piedmont! A little chilly this year but can’t turn down free live music.


I'm at work and was planning on leaving early to go. But that wind outside... I just dont know. lol


my bank card shipped the 31st with rushed shipping and it’s still not here. very upset because i only have 10 bucks cash to hold me until i get it. definitely changing banks now… if anyone has any recs lmk.


It’s likely not the bank’s fault, but rather the major cluster that is the USPS right. Major delays across their system for weeks now.


yeah you’re right, there’s nothing they can do. just very frustrating.


When this happened to me last month, I just went into my bank and got cash straight from my account from the teller like it was the 80s


If it shipped USPS, that's not surprising. Atlanta is experiencing significant shipping delays right now: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Atlanta/comments/1bcyuhm/usps\_facility\_renovations\_are\_causing\_significant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Atlanta/comments/1bcyuhm/usps_facility_renovations_are_causing_significant/) I've experience this first hand. Hope it arrives soon!


My package hit Palmetto last week, got stuck, was scanned on April 1st with a status of "moving to next facility" and no scan since. This whole USPS debacle is infuriating.


Sorry to hear. Do you have time to go to the bank and pull out cash?


it expired on the 31st and the bank is about 2 hours away from atlanta. i did take out cash expecting my card to be here this week, i just didn’t pull out enough.


my fabulous sleep schedule strikes again. 😶


I slept 4-6pm yesterday (was off work), then was up til 5am but I had to work those hours late to keep a deadline schedule 🙃. I'm already up again and am wondering how I pulled all those late nighters regularly my 20s.


omg my brain is muuuuuusssshhhhhh


Me too. I worked through lunch, then took my dog on a 2 mile walk and now I just want to sleep until tomorrow 😴


I fell asleep putting my kid to bed. I hope I can reset my sleeping clock tonight.


I had to redownload the Reddit app from the App Store and the ad above the first result was for an app designed help people quit their porn addiction. Interesting.




lol, it was an odd ad choice for the algorithm to feed me 🤷‍♀️


Any picnic area recommendations 10 mi around Duluth? Not many people, hopefully some body of water


Little Mulberry Park is 17 miles from Duluth. It’s really pretty and there’s a lake that you can sit by. https://maps.app.goo.gl/FtBPUHMAiX68xTQu7?g_st=ic