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Also, poor Wizards. Feels like every article I read/podcast I listen to talks about the Hawks, Rockets, Spurs and Pistons in that order Second pick nothing to scoff at!


It's so fucked up to see a team that's viewed with even less relevancy than we are in the national media. Charlotte/Washington aren't good enough teams for me to hate, so hearing draft coverage where only 3-4 teams in the top 6 are seemingly the only ones to exist is fucked. And who the fuck do the Spurs have blackmail on to get the level of national attention that they do? I've heard more about "4 and 8" than any other team's drafting position in the entire draft.


The Spurs get a ton of national attention because Wemby is every bit as good as advertised if not better, and if he stays healthy will be a perennial MVP candidate once he develops. They also have a lot of picks, and some decent promising young players (Vassell, Sochan, Keldon Johnson). I get the Spurs fans are starting to get very annoying harping about leverage and Trae-for-pennies trades, but they were a fun watch this year and very much an up-and-coming team.


The Spurs have a guy named Wemby that immediately makes them relevant for convos about teams that can contend in the next 3-5 years as they make moves with assets like the 4th and 8th pick? Makes plenty of sense. What do the Wizards have going for them? Poole is a joke, Kuz is supposed to be your fourth best player, they have no serious young talent, and they missed the top pick. Cover them for sure, but they’re way less intriguing than the Spurs.


The wemby effect


You know they don’t like Trae this isn’t surprising


Trae/Sarr/JJ running the East for the next decade. They can stay mad.


Damn yall are that high on Jalen Johnson? Not hating just surprised


Yes he’s him


Media hates Trae and the Hawks nothing new


Bill Simmons podcast was incredibly slanderous. The Hawks getting #1 turned the narrative from “relatively weak draft class” to “Sarr would be 10th pick any other year; no teams want any of these guys; Otto Porter comp”


Bill is so powerful that the pod a couple of days ago made the media say that the class was weak for the last 12 months.


Weak vs “lively goes number 1 in this class” is very different


Sam Vecenie on his podcast, the hawks won the lottery in which no one wants the first overall pick. He doesn’t have any player as a tier 1 or 2 guy when there were 9 of them in the last three drafts. A lot of people are down on this draft. Simmons isn’t mind controlling them with his pod that day.


Sam Vecenie means something very specific when he says tier 1 and tier 2. Sarr is not that because he doesn’t have the skill set to be a number one option on offense. But as long as we have Trae he doesn’t need to be a number one option on offense to bring unreal value. His defense is why he is most people’s number one pick and getting the best defender in the draft as long as we have Trae is of most importance and a great outcome.


If the hawks want to be a true championship contender, they need a star that’s just as good as Trae. If the hawks want to become a top 4 seed, then they can take different levels of what Sarr is projected to be. But the potential first overall pick not being able to be the number one option on offense is just saying how bad this draft is. It’s ok to say that this draft is weak AF. This whole sub was saying it before Sunday. Now the hawks have the chance to take anyone and now everyone hates hearing that it’s weak.


Vecenie also made remarks which are just mindless parroting of Trae and Hawks’ hate, clearly showing that he has no idea of Trae’s game nor of any of the other players. JJ is only of the most exciting and promising players in the NBA as a blossoming legit two-way player who can create for others… Yet, no one even mentions him beyond “he is a nice piece”.


Silver gifted hawks the #1 because he assumed FO would fuck up with any lower pick and he doesn't want the spurs to get so stacked that there's no competition  Hawks were bailed out to prevent wemby from ending parity in the nba




Spot on


Explain how they let Wemby go to a HOF coach in a market known for winning. The NBA is rigged in so many ways and you idiots really think it’s speculation. It’s ENTERTAINMENT.


We’re a poorly run “small market” org with a star. That ECF run gave us no room to do what we’re doing now, so it makes sense people are trying to create a narrative to push Trae out.


All these talking heads know is “ummm trade Trae Young”. Any time the hawks get in the news it’s like please trade him to the Lakers or Spurs and they barely mention anything else. The national media people know nothing


I get that Atlanta gets shit on by media at the moment, but they were super high on Trae for a couple years after the draft. I remember them saying how balanced the Trae/Luka trade was because it was so even. Now though, it's really rough. As a Houston fan though, it's been rough for a while, even WITH Harden there.


The NBA went out of their way changing officiating policy targeting Trae’s game - his tricky dribbles in the paint to draw fouls and his pop backwards with his tear drops that gave him a lot of +1 and space to probe and dish. After that playoff run if became fair game to push, pull, hit, whack, grab you name it… when guarding Trae. Now look at how Brunson is being officiated…


Exactly. Only because it’s the Hawks and everyone wants to get their dirty paws on Trae. Make no mistake.


I pray to god the front office aren’t dumb enough to trade Young and Murray before we see what they look like with Sarr


I’m fine with trading Murray not Trae.


They won't or else, the arena is empty for another decade or two and we definitely won't get superstars here


I don't want that to happen but the only way I'd be ok with it is if we somehow get our picks back from San Antonio. Then we can do a proper tank


Your goal should be to win and you'd have a much better chance of winning with a top 3 playmaker in the game and thats what trae is.


Rockets didn’t do shit to you. Leave us alone lol


I lol’d.


This draft class does suck. Not tryna rain on parades here but this is seriously the worst draft class I can remember in my 20 years of watching this league. Maybe the Anthony Bennett one was worse but the only redeeming factor for that class is we at least got Oladipo and Giannis out of it.