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Yeah, Trae Young is Trae Young, but a draft pick could be anything! It could even be Trae Young! Also, please tell me that you did not seriously suggest moving the best player this franchise has had this millennia for just the 4th overall pick in a weak draft while we don’t own our own draft picks edit because I came into this a bit more sarcastic than intended: I really think that fans (not just of this team but in general) really overestimate the success rate of rebuilds. If you could guarantee that one of the picks we get back from a Trae trade would become a top 5 player + whatever happens with the other picks, then tbh I would probably go for it. The problem is that there are no guarantees in rebuilds. Sure, you could turn into OKC, but you could also turn into Detroit/Charlotte/Washington/2010's Orlando. I genuinely believe that Trae is capable of being the #1 option on a championship team, and as long as I believe that I can't in good conscious be in favor of throwing that away for the chance at a different championship-caliber player.


> championship-caliber player I have zero problem with people not wanting to trade Trae when they state this. It's logically sound. It's also logical for people who do not share this evaluation of Trae to want to consider other paths. It really comes down to one's evaluation of Trae. No more, no less.


Agree.  There are only maybe 6 championship calibur players out there right now.  Thats the ones who have one it.


So if Trae says “trade the pick for a good player, or trade me” , you’re trading the pick?


Tough, but I don't like 25yr old Trae making those kinda demands. I would pick if there is no offer for a star that's appealing and go from there.


I think if that happens then you have to assess what offers are out there (for both the pick and Trae tbh). Neither going full rebuild or going further all-in are really appealing to me now though, so I wouldn't be going into the offseason with the intent of trading either of them




Doesn't really matter since this situation will never happen with #1 overall and Sarr is the #1 pick tbh


Trae wants to contend now and Sarr doesn't fit the timeline. It's more of a possibility than many want to admit.


I understand the reasoning behind this point but I think it lacks nuance Sarr isn't a complete project, he has the highest floor of anyone in the draft. He still contributes right away, and thankfully Traes game has a long runway of extremely high level play


thats just your assumption. Trae hasnt even acknowledged the draft lottery, how do you know he didn’t pull a Dame behind the scenes?


That’s why I said getting a third team involved to get more in the deal. Obviously we’d get more than the 4th pick for Trae. Thought it was pretty obvious


It was, this sub is full of over-reactionary Trae is best player in history truthers. The mere thought of moving on from Trae and they lose their minds. For sure we’d be getting at the very least a solid player back, probably #4 and a pick or two in the next two drafts / further down the line.


I think the big problem is that nobody (myself included) trusts current ownership to do this properly. I think a Much more likely scenario than a Trae trade/successful rebuild would be Trae trade, failed rebuild -> years of terribleness


Exactly, thank you fam


Problem is you still need to sell tickets, in this town without star power it ain’t happening. Especially for the Hawks


The way this ownership group has been operating, I don't believe they deserve to sell tickets.


This is Vit erasure and I won’t let that stand


If the Hawks sell a 2nd round pick that is not likely to amount to anything, then fans riot. If the Hawks trade a good but flawed player, fans complain about the financial implications. Pick a lane, folks.


Totally fair




Those are fair points


Agree.  Its like the rhetoric out there got worse since we won the pick.  Espn and all these “sources” are no better than typical joes.


Yeah. Cause Brunson, Luka, Hali and Garland play such good defence.....get a grip dude. Trading Trae would set us back years and be a big mistake.


> Trading Trae would set us back years Set the Hawks back from, what, exactly? They haven't been successful for years.




Cavs aren’t a real contender. Pacers aren’t either IMO. Brunson and Luka are serviceable when they want to be. Honestly I think Hali too. I think Garland is on par with Trae in terms of defense


You skipping Cavs Boston series, right? Cause......


Cavs are built a lot like the hawks and the same issues are showing up for them. If I was them I’d be looking to move Garland with the same urgency I think we should be looking to move DJM. MUST get a high level POA defender even if it’s not fair value coming back.


They were also unfortunate with injuries. Allen still didn't come back & it's speculated he actually has a fractured rib not just a bruised one, plus Spida was playing injured for like half of the Magic series. Wade thankfully came back but Spida went down a game later... All that to say that Garland didn't do anything in either of the series & his best game was with Mitchell out but they still lost. He's overpaid & won't be easy to move... If someone wants to shop from Cavs they would go for Mitchell, Allen and Mobley before even looking at Garland.


How are they built like the Hawks? You do realize the cavs are one of the best defensive teams in the league right?


Two small guards and an inability to defend at the point of attack


"Look at all these points I made! I was right!!" Man gtfoh and go watch the pistons if you want to be in a constant rebuild


Trae x Sarr x JJ is damn near best case scenario for any rebuild anyway


*Now is the time to move off of Trae and Dejounte and get peak value* you are seriously suggesting that we move both ? ... now ?


When people wanna blow it up and don’t realize that we don’t own our picks, you just gotta ignore the idea.


That’s how we would get our picks back. Think we are just going to trade them for nothing?


I mean you didn’t really spell a trade out, so that’s on you lol.


You just need to laugh at takes like that lmfaoo


But guys this is why he doesn't come to the sub... Be nice 🥺😫😫😵😩


Oh, that's right, excuse me lol


Hawks aren't in a position to have the luxury of rebuilding for a myriad of reasons. Hawks just need to draft Sarr, trade Clint, DJM, and improve the wings and bench.


>  We can’t win a championship with Trae as our best player This kind of statement, regardless of who it's about, is *always* a bad take. Being criticized for it is warranted and I would think less of any other opinion you'd have for espousing it.


> This kind of statement, regardless of who it's about, is *always* a bad take. It would really help your argument if you actually took the time to explain why. Instead, you huffed and puffed.


Man, I’m not for another rebuild. They just take too long. I’m OK with revamping the roster to get more cohesion but that doesn’t include dealing Trae. We should have the pieces to be a 45-48 win team. That’s not Championship caliber but can make some noise in the playoffs with the right match-ups. Don’t have confidence that this front office can do another rebuild regardless. Last thing we need is to be stuck like Washington and Detroit and be annual loser hoping for a number one pick in a good draft.


I think that at least offers hope. I’d rather be picking high in the lottery potentially than 45-48 wins. It’s so hard to get that piece to take the next step when you’re 45-48 wins. But I digress, I get what you’re saying. Rebuilding is rough.


Horrible take. Trading Trae would set us back so many years. He's till very young and has a lot of time left in this league. Someone who is averaging 25 & 10 is rare to come by. We struck gold with drafting him, even if we had luka at first. The chances we get someone back as good as Trae are slim to none. Now I know why you were attacked for your viewpoints, because they sucked lmfao.


>set us back so many years I'll ask you as well --- set them back from what? They're a treadmill team.


Where exactly are we going with Trae? You can say my viewpoints suck, but I think the problem with many viewpoints on this sub is we’re cool with being mediocre and too afraid to start over. It’s hard to totally rebuild with the pick situation, but you could recoup some of those picks back with San Antonio. No need to be rude.


>I stopped frequenting this sub because it seemed like I was attacked for every viewpoint I had If it smells like shit everywhere you go... You might have shit on your shoe, bucko Edit: lolol homeboy reported me for self-harm


I didn’t report anyone.




Absolutely not. We are not far off. Find a taller center. Clean up the wings and bring in some defense. Bring Bogi and the rooks off the bench. Get some vets to fill the roster. Run it.


We should just get the trades that make us better or not trade at all (no Brandon Ingram, no Austin Reeves, etc). The First overall pick is non-negotiable, the organization should pick who they want (Hopefully, Sarr). When you let the inmates run the asylum, bad things happen. Honestly, the 1st overall pick is a grace saving thing for the Hawks. Now you can move on from Trae or Dejounte or both, collect picks and start the Sarr era. I'm not saying that's what should happen but now you can reign in Trae and see if he can grow from being a DIVA. I said it, he's a diva. From shooting logo threes, being a turnover machine to not playing defense UNTIL the USA team refused to let him play and all of a sudden, his defense gets better after FIVE years. Every off-season he goes to LA. He's the point guard, stay your @#$& in Atlanta and get synergy with the players. DJM and Trae can work but you have to put the work in for it to happen. That said, the perfect scenario would be Trae(his best version), Mikal Bridges, Hunter, Jalen/OO/Sarr. I WANT TRAE to stay but he has to want to be here. STOP all the, I want to win crap. The city has been behind him from DAY ONE. IF you want to win, improve yourself. Prove it.