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I too am sick and I don’t care if it makes me a hater. Either Luka gets a ring and it’s held over our heads for the rest of eternity or the Celtics get a ring and who wants that fuck the Celtics this sucks man


Even if they lose, it always will be held over our heads, it doesn’t matter. I am not gonna hate on Luka for our FO’s decision, he is a gamer and I enjoy watching him play. I love Trae too, it’s a pleasure to watch him, I don’t care that we could’ve head Luka, fuck the past.


I don’t want to be reasonable or magnanimous I want to be salty


Same, he’s fun as hell and I’m not bitter. #anyonebuttheceltics


Literally anyone but the Celtics, I’d be so happy to see continuation of Boston media suffering.


I really must hate Dallas a lot, because i hate the Celtics, but I want them to win.


especially after them coping after those two losses to us like yeah we may not make the playoffs but we all know the Celtics are unserious…i want to see that unfold and stay true


Luka has a much better cast of characters around him. Trae has never played with someone like Kyrie.


I was trying to tell people that the other day and if you think about it he’s never played with anyone like Porzingis or Brunson either. Honestly the mavericks getting gafford and Washington has really helped them defensively


Yup. Trae literally carried us on his back to the ECF, and we had a chance at the finals before his injury.




> I don’t care that we could’ve head Luka, fuck the past. This is the part I’m sick of. Like FOs all across the league made questionable to outright god awful decisions all the time. It’s life, draft scouting isn’t perfect, even Michael Jordan himself got passed on by 2 teams.


This is a great take and perspective.


Yea i was gonna some thats some wierd ass shit to just hope a player never gets a ring because you dodnt draft him? Corny


Luka is the man and the Mavs are so fun. Just try and enjoy the game, man. Stop letting the narrative and media fuck with your opinions. Fuck the Celtics though.


Seriously lol I'm 100% rooting for the Mavs. It helps I have a friend from Dallas but that team is honestly fun to watch and easy to root for. Don't let narratives affect your ability to enjoy good basketball folks


Brother Luka went to our crib and dropped 73 on them. It will be held over our heads even if he were to blow a 3-0 lead. He’s just miles better than what we have and Trae rn and that’s saying something…because Trae is also really fucking good.


Having Kyrie surely makes a difference


I mean sure it helps the Dallas Mavericks. He isn’t the reason Luka is just a better all around basketball player than Rayford. He has always been. He likely always will be. That’s okay too. We lost a trade… it’s sports, it happens. Move on.


But to finally win that ring, Kyrie makes all the difference. Even Michael never won shit without Pippen.


Luka may end up with a couple rings. I'm not going to blame the guy for playing ball. I'd like to see the #5 seed Mavs pull it off over the #1 Celts.


We just have to let that trade go, Trae has shown he can make a deep playoff run just gotta surround him with the right pieces


Luka would be asking out of Atlanta long before Trae so don't feel bad.


Hey fuck the heat too bro get out of here


Have yall considered getting a better team? ☘️


Fuck off


Why is it that the people who hate the celtics the most are mid teams like the hawks stuck in play in limbo


Buddy idk why you’re in this sub but I hate to tell you that everyone hates the Celtics


idk why either. honestly i dont even visit this subreddit, but the algorithm makes it pop up on my feed because it's basketball related. its fun to look at all the hate sometimes


You played one series against a worse version of this Boston team in the opening round 2023 and they STILL have you acting like this? Forever rent free lmao


I don’t hate Luka as much as I hate the Boston Celtics. Bill Simmons (massive Boston fan) has taken every opportunity to trash Trae, as has his website. So fuck Boston.


This. I actually love Luka I just hate The Narrative


Idk why I got downvoted lol. Why do people in this sub hate Luka? Hes never said a shitty word about the Hawks. He and Trae are friends. The narrative sucks but he doesn’t control that.


>Even when he dropped 73 on us and they asked him about the trade he said “it worked out well for both sides” I can't be the only one getting "bless your hearts" vibes form this lol


They can’t appreciate the greatness they are seeing because they’ve been told that draft night trade was even. It wasn’t lmaoo. If they didn’t realize this in 2022, they’re forced to realize it now. As huge Luka fan myself, it’s still a bit painful but this is one of the best basketball players I’ve seen in my lifetime. I will appreciate this greatness for as long as I am blessed to see it.


Well, I'm not a huge Luka fan, so we have different views, and that's ok.


I still can’t believe your team passed on LukaLegend for fucking Trae Young, it’s honestly hilarious and such an ATL thing to do, let’s get this flashy ugly mf’er instead of the kid who’s winning MVP’s in the second best Bball league in the world


Fuck boston because this guy loosely affiliated with the celtics trashes my star player when he does some clown ass shit. Makes total sense...


You, an Atlanta Hawks fan in the modern era, have no fucking business hating Boston. A worse version of this team dogwalked you in the opening round last year sure, but it's not like there was any kind of rivalry? Boston doesn't think about Atlanta so why the other way around? Bill Simmons isn't the entirety of the Boston Celtics franchise also🤨


Why don’t you, a Celtics fan, get out of our sub telling us who we’re allowed to hate. Just making me hate the Celtics more.


You don't hate the Celtics you hate fans of the team who correct your Bullshit. You're welcome. Now move along Junior


Buddy I don’t hate the Celtics because of one series. The Bucks beat us in a far more important series and I still respect and appreciate them. I hate the Celtics bc they have one of the most entitled fanbases in the country. When your own players call out your fanbase for being racist you should know that something ain’t right.


Nah we hate the celtics




Unnecessary foul language. Hateful language. Attacking a player, the team, and/or a user with hateful language (fagg*t, p*ssy, g*y, n****r, etc etc etc).


Bc we can have whoever we want


I mean you’re here right now. Why? Still not over the back to back blown leads here?


I love Atlanta hawks been in this sub a long time lol


I don't even hate Luka, it's not his fault the FO traded him plus him and Trae don't have any beef. I would much rather them win over the Celtics


See how long that lasts with Daddy Trae having his little twitter meltdowns.


While I absolutely hate all Boston sports and will not be cheering for them at all. Jaylen Brown is a local Marietta boy who is loyal to Atlanta unlike their Center *cough cough* Al Hordford who spent 9 years in Atlanta and cheered on the Pats over the Falcons in the Superbowl So if Celtics win ill be happy for Jaylen Plus would be a little hilarious to see the team that gutted their locker room culture to get Kyrie get one over him. They loved Isaiah Thomas on those early teams and Jaylen openly asked about what kinda culture they are trying to build after shipping Isaiah out.


I’d rather Dallas win, if the Celtics lose again they might blow it up. If we get the team constructed well we’d have as much of a shot as anybody in the East


And a shot at JB..


it was only a matter of time he started racking up some finals appearances and i guess this year is wide open


If you’re a diehard Hawks fan you don’t give a f—k about the 29 other teams. Gotta hope the Hawks have a great offseason.


If you’re a die hard hawks fan it’s FUCK Boston every day of the week


If you’re a decent person it’s fuck Boston


This right here is it chief


Lmao Atlanta and Boston doesn't have a rivalry. Certainly not in the NBA


Thank you for your opinion Celtics fan, but I didn't say any of that


The comment is implying that being a hawks fan means you have to say "fuck Boston". You clearly agreed to that sentiment emphatically. And why wouldn't you, you're a fan? Buts it's funny because there's no rivalry so what are you getting worked up for lol


Most of us Hawks fans are also Falcons fans. We don’t like Boston. We don’t like the Boston fan base. You can’t understand our misery as sports fans because you haven’t ever lived it. You’re spoiled sitting on a mountain of championships asking why the have-nots are bitter. We hope the Celtics lose again and become a poverty franchise like the Patriots have become. Since we’re already out this year, the Celtics demise is what we’re rooting for.


See that's the kind of trash talking I can get behind. It's kind of weak to hit me with outcomes from other Atlanta sports on this Hawks sub though. But if that's you're reasoning I guess it is what it is


Boston and Atlanta don't have a rivalry at all. What are you on about?


This right here. I don't give a fuck about the other teams.


why do hawks fan hate luka? not bashing, genuine question.


they seem to believe you can't like Trae and Luka at the same time because of the trade. But neither of them have anything to do with that decision, the only ones we should be hating are the Hawks FO I'm hoping Luka fucks the Celtics up in the finals.


I hold no animosity towards Luka because of the trade. But let's not act like there aren't legit reasons to dislike the guy.  The whining and complaining every time he doesn't get a call or gets a foul called on him. The fastest I saw him get back on defense in game 3 was to run back and yell at the ref for not giving him a whistle. His game isn't that fun to watch either. Dribble, dribble, dribble, step back three. Drive into the lane and flail your arms to get a foul call. He's like a less athletic 2018 James Harden. Great player but he does nothing on the court that's must-see and he's easily the biggest whiner in the NBA. Still a great player, but there are legit reasons to not like the guy.


His passing is the arguably the most enjoyable facet of his game to watch.


And? He's not Jason Williams or something where you're glued to the TV waiting for highlight reel passes.  Not taking away from his greatness, but he's not fun to watch in my opinion. The dude plays basketball in slow motion. If that's your thing, more power to you.


I also loved watching the human turnover machine white chocolate.


Jason Williams Career - 2.6 turnovers per 36 minutes Luka Doncic Career - 4.1 turnovers per 36 minutes 🤔


You take a simplistic view Williams 2.8 ast/TO Doncic 2.1 ast/to And your view ignores all that Luka is asked to do I like Jason Williams but let’s be honest…his 10 year career features about 6 amazing pass highlights that clouds people’s judgment about how good of a passer really was


Oh, wow. Are you slow or something? You just posted a stat validating my point that Williams was a better passer. You do realize a 2.8 assist to turnover ratio is better than a 2.1 assist to turnover ratio, right? That means for every turnover, Williams averaged .7 more assists than Doncic. Anyway, you're the one that veered into the Jason Williams slander calling the guy a turnover machine, when Doncic turns the ball over at a far greater rate than Williams did. You're just clowning yourself at this point.


Thanks for the math lesson but I understand how the stat reads and I certainly understand adding and subtracting decimals. You missed the point of my post. If it’s your take that those stats make JW a better passer than just understand that we watch the game in a completely different way.


As much as I dread how annoying being a Hawks fan is going to be for the foreseeable future, I’ll pull for the Mavs in that series because # FUCK AL HORFORD AND FUCK THE CELTICS


Fuck Al Horford? Dude is all class all the time. Gave a lot to the hawks and city of Atlanta. This is weak man, and it's exactly why this shit fan base deserves the current purgatory they're in. Karmas a real bitch, the lesson will hit hard.


Horford is snek.


Karma’s a bitch just like Al Horford lmao


In a few weeks you'll have to address him as champion Al Horford. But sure, calling him on a bitch on Reddit is probably just as meaningful and totally masks the pain.


Bitches get rings everyday; the diamond industry is built off of it. It’s a pointless hypothetical anyway, Luka’s putting y’all in a blender


Boston is one win from the finals how is that a pointless hypothetical 😂 BOS is your 2024 champion bro. Been a long time since 08, it's deserved. I love Luka can't wait to see him cook


The pointless hypothetical is calling Al Horford a champion because the Mavs are winning regardless. May that bald snake retire ringless 🙏🏾


Go Mavs. Screw the KKK.


For me it's fuck Al Horford, I'll never forget the way he and his sister trashed Atlanta on his way out.


We honestly did the worst trade in NBA history. Luka is him and we literally traded him on draft fucking night


It’s not even the worst trade that impacted the NBA finals matchup. Brown and Tatum both came from that Nets disaster trade


Luka clears them both, if a team had Luka they wouldn’t even trade him for both Tatum and Brown.


Even with Luka being him we've not shown any evidence that our FO/Owner would've constructed a team that gets him in the finals either.


Don’t forget PHX drafted Ayton and Memphis drafted Bagley III. We ended up with a multiple All Star player who has been All NBA. Sucks that Cam did not work out, but we did get a top 10 pick and Trae who is getting crushed in spite of averaging damn near 26/10 last season. I hated the trade and whined about it on Hawksquawk that night, but Jesus wept this was not the worst trade in “NBA history”.


At least we got a HOF talent out of it, Brooklyn could have had Tatum,Brown but ended up with nothing


my only hope is that kyrie clearly outplays luka and gets fmvp 🙏


Honestly I’d rather Dallas win. F Boston.


Fuck Luka as well. Still wish Minny makes a comeback


Username got me 🤪


On the flip side, one of them will lose and be completely heartbroken


Y'all fanboys miserable 😂 . Enjoy some good hoops


Celtics lesser of two evils so thats what I'm going with. I really hate it but it is what it is.


Rooting for Boston idc I can't live with Luka winning a ring


You hate us cause you ain’t us


Thank god


Yeah, it sucks being from Titletown


I actually like this year's Mavericks. Fuck Boston/Pacers


Maybe a Dallas / Luka championship lights a fire under Trae?


It’s gross but you’re gonna watch lol


Technically the Mavs making it is fun. Functionally I'm saddened by it. The Celtics were, are, and will continue to be the favorite. They were like +10 vs league average without garbage time. The next best was +6.5. Even if you think there is a weighted difference because of the east west thing it's still unbelievably good.


Man Luka… Luka… Luka… that’s been over! If we had him we still wouldn’t have a chip. 😐 But what about Kyrie!!! Going back to Boston! Got to see it!!! Hawks pls pick Sarr!🙏🏾


If i was our FO i would have called Lukas bluff and just dealt with it. I would have made him either stay in Europe or force his way out after his second contract but im getting a massive haul from it personally. This ain’t how most teams think tho so i would have been fired but schlenk was as well so who knows


This is an easy one - root for Dallas. I get the Luka angle, but Trae has been great in the playoffs too. The Celtics are the Celtics


It’s gonna be fouls every 4 seconds


Fuck Al Horford. Go mavs.


The was an old slogan “never say never.” It rings true for me. I never thought I’d pull for the Celtics in any series but the perfect storm has forced my hand. I swallow my pride and root for Al Horford. He chose a team that not afraid of the luxury and values winning over swag. Hey, Jaylen Brown is Ga native too. 🤮🍀☘️🤢🤣😂 Go Celtics. Until next season


Luka and Trae like each other. Luka hasn't done anything wrong to the Hawks. Why the hate?


serious question how do y’all feel about horford? i know it’s hard because it’s the celtics but is nobody secretly rooting for him to finally win a ring?


If you guys are really sweating other fans holding this over your heads, you take this stuff too seriously.


It really is a doomsday scenario


I wouldn't root for Boston if my sons were on the team.


I mean I really don’t hate Mavs or Celtics. Luka has never been rude about the Hawks, not his fault the media still obsesses over the trade years later. Especially since the kings and suns should get way more shit as they fucked up more than us. And who gives a fuck about the Celtics in 2024. Plus I still really like Atlanta native Brown. I would not be mad to see him get a ring, in fact I just wish the Celtics were dumb enough to trade him to us a few years ago.


Fuck Boston, I got no beef with Luka so hope the Mavs win


I want the wolves to make a comeback and fuck Both dallas and celts


What did Al Horford do? -Mavs fan


Our FO is/was/will always be ass. Especially now with baby Ressler calling the shots we are fucked for the foreseeable future. Watching Luka ball out like this hurts so much.


Don't watch. Better shit to watch. Get ready for Olympics hoops and continue to support the WNBA


Just gotta smile through the pain


Honestly I'm just gonna be rooting for a Jaylen Brown legacy series and FMVP


I’m genuinely curious how the majority of you are going to handle Luka leading his team to a championship appearance (and possible title) while still doubling down on Trae being the future. Maybe some of you will finally realize we made a bad choice, and it’s time to move on from what would be a second or third best player on every other team. Doubtful, but maybe. Either way, excited to see the mental gymnastics to still think we should keep building around trae fucking young lmao.


literally what does Luka's success have to do with Trae's ability to lead the team. This changes absolutely nothing about where the team stands.


Because this is what a real player does. We have something to compare Trae to. We constantly see how actual superstars lead their team to wins, and somehow constantly make excuses for Trae. Is it because you were so adamant that the Trae - Luka trade was good for us? I genuinely can’t understand still thinking Trae is good.


Why root agains Dallas? The Mavs winning has absolutely no bearing on us. If Luka wins a championship, that doesn’t impact us one bit.


At least Horford might get a ring. A lot of ppl here are fucking babies who will hate that, and tbh that makes me even more happy for him


Fuck Al Whoreford


Hawks fans talked so much shit when Luka was struggling with this shooting earlier in the playoffs, that this is the only thing that happens with the mavs getting to the finals. One day ATL fans will learn.


Aw damn that’s our bad we forgot the outcome of basketball games is the Hawks subreddit we will do better


The sub won’t do better.


Fuck Dallas. And Boston.


it's the ideal for the fan demographic the nba is trying expand tbh