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Hi there, I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time with this, but I don’t see a problem here. It’s amazing that your daughter is so attached to her grandparents and that they are nurturing, safe and involved in her life. Attachment isn’t a competition; preferring one caregiver in the moment doesn’t mean the other caregiver isn’t giving enough. My son is obsessed with his nana (my mom) too; when she’s around it’s like I barely exist to him and honestly it’s GREAT. I love their close bond, I love that he’s always excited to spend time with her, and I love getting a break from being the primary caregiver. My advice would be to try to take a step back from your feelings about this and look at things from your child’s perspective. She’s happy and secure in the love of the adults in her life. That’s the goal.


Yeah maybe she’s just excited nana is there? Like something “new” and “different “


Yes I hope that is the case!


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. Made me feel more at ease! I just have to try to appreciate their bond instead of freaking out about it.. it’s just that this is my first kid and I’m insecure about myself and if I’m doing a good job, so I guess I over-analyze things a lot of the time too..


I'm not 100% sure, but I think having multiple secure attachments is successful by the standards of attachment theory.


Yes! I’m just afraid that this means that her attachment to me is not 100% secure :(


I could have written this post about my ten month old! I'm a sahmn and we live with in-laws. My daughter prefers me to everyone except grandma. If grandma is around I might as well not exist. If grandma even walks by she jumps out of my arms. I think the day it really hurt was when she didn't want to come back to me from being with her grandma. It really hurt my feelings but I try to think she's just a baby. If your child is happy and not being hurt there's no reason to distress. A child is their own person and they love other people but that doesn't mean they love you any less. Grandparents can be a novelty, they're exciting. Your child feels so securely attached to you that they're able to explore attachments with others. You're not doing anything wrong and nothing abnormal is happening. Kids also lean towards grandparents because they have less rules, they're not the ones upholding rules and making them do things they don't like, like brushing teeth. At the end of the day you'll always be mom and moms have a special place in the heart of a child that no one can ever take or replace. You're doing great.


Thanks for sharing. I love that she has a great relationship with her grandparents and I just have to try to appreciate that more and avoid over-analyzing these small things too much.. It’s reassuring to hear that other toddlers are like this too!