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You’ll lose cell reception in most cases just fyi


Isn't that only the case for the heated windshield? Also, side windows are the regular ones in the a3, so the sig al could travel through them. GPS would be a problem for acoustic/heated windshield. Had to put my dashcam into the special area where no coating is applied to get the GPS signal again. I don't know if the a3 has such an area, a4 does not, a6 does. Had the acoustic windshield once in an A3. No difference in cell phone reception, but I also had the phone box, which, according to the description, repeats the mobile radio signal into the car via the antenna of the car itself. Did not use my current dashcam in there, so I can't say anything about GPS. For the general functionality: my A3 was a diesel, where the acoustic windshield is the default one. Engine sound was pretty good muted, still audible, but not that much. However, with the missing side windows, you still hear the noise of the surrounding traffic.


Exactly, for every windshield except the heated ones the dotted area is meant for GPS and highway badges and stuff like that. So he'll be fine, and if OP puts the Audi Phone Box option he will be just fine with cell reception


Heated acoustic windshield in the A6 has the dotted area. A4 explicitly not (at least in europe, it is stated in the configurator that there is no such area for the heated acousric windshield). For A3 there is nothing mentioned with the special area, but acoustic windshield is not compatible with the HeadUp-Display.


Idk, on B9 A4 i've read on official options catalog that there's no passthrough on the heated windshield, and I've had mine replaced with a heated one despite not having the heat function because that's all that they had and there's dotted areas but it doesn't work with highway badge, exactly like mentioned on the catalog. So it can be different on other cars on the line. Edit : of course it's an official windshield with Audi logo


Do you mean the black dotted areas? They are just sun protection. There is a a special area, a little bit larger than a credit card that is visible from the outside, but not the inside, right to the rear mirror. There is no heating (or coating) applied to get radio signals through. Is is slightly dotted with transparent dots (if I remember correctly). But afaik this is o ky available in the A6/A7/A8/Q7/Q8


No, it's specified that these are areas that aren't thermally protected to let radio through, and yes they're next to the rear view mirror. But not on every windshield, like you and I said earlier. And what do you mean by it's visible from the outside ?


When I wanted to put my dashcam into the area, I had to search for it because I did not know the exact position. From inside the car it is really hard to find if you don't know where to search. But from the outside, it is pretty good visible.


Like it's deforming the vision ? Or is it changing colors ?


Hard to explain, other type of reflection i would say, so it is visible because it reflects the light different.


also if you get a cracked windshield will it give you headache exchanging it?


Are you saying there could be also drawbacks with the acoustic one for example if it cracks somewhere?


Anecdotal, gut acoustic windshields are much quieter and even mainstream brands include them now on many cars. Unless it's super expensive and breaks your budget I feel it's well worth it