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This is why I online shop. It’s risky but I just can’t find anything in store anymore Maybe I’m getting old, because when I was in my 20s (20 years ago) I found so many good clothes in stores like Temt, valley girl etc.


Same here. Though I was skinner 20 years ago lol.


They were better 20 years ago


I cannot stand what’s in stores today. Boxy, shapeless, heinous patterns, heinous lines. It pisses me off so much


Not to mention the PRICEEEEE of these fugly garments




Yes absolutely! Shein quality acrylic pilling balling crap that makes you stink like BO. I can’t believe this is the era we live in where every product we have access to is low quality and high price


Literally this. Even dresses from bloody target can be 80 dollars now. Like.. what??




At the moment there’s nothing over $70. They’re also majority made from cotton, using the Better Cotton initiative which aims to be more sustainable, or linen, which is an incredibly superior fabric that only softens over time and is durable and so breathable and perfect for all seasons in Australia. So a lot of things are actually well worth the price. Just always check the composition to see if its made from a natural fabric if you prefer that.


There is nooooo thought into the design or shape… honestly, it’s like we are being forced to settle for boringness and shapelessness.


Ikr. I shop mainly second hand and we've started to get Commonry stuff come through. Omg the dresses are like flour sacks. Why would anyone?


One of the reasons why I’m saving up to take a sewing course. Yeah maybe it’s not going to be all that cheaper, but at least I get to control the pattern, material, fit etc etc.


The other week I went to a discounted fabric store and bought a loose weave, large brown plaid cotton for $15 (3 meters) and a $2 zip from a box near the register. Made myself a long pencil skirt that actually fits my hips and my waist on a lazy Sunday. I've worn it non stop. You will love making your own clothes!


Pro tip you can often find fabric in op shops and patterns too. Also, the first time you make a garment freehand out of a bedsheet...pure happiness.


I read a book set around the beginning of WWII and one of the characters loved sewing. She would buy cheap men's coats, unpick the seams & then do a pattern for a women's coat and sew it out of the fabric. New winter coat for the cost of barely anything


Ohhh what’s the book? It sounds interesting


It's only a very small part of the book, but it's called The Woolworths Girls. Set in England before & during the war.


Agh you already commented op shop! They are so good for finding fabrics to practice with!




How good is Super Cheap Fabrics 😭


I definitely recommend sewing! Be warned, you will come to learn that fabric shopping and sewing are complete separate hobbies that are both expensive 😂 Side note: don’t feel the need to take a class. I learned on YouTube during lockdown, with no one but the internet to ask for help.


Youtube is one thousand per cent a fantastic place for in depth tutorials and I often find that tiktok is great for sewing inspo or to give a low down on what sewing this or that will be like. I also heartily recommend the large Australian sewing group on Facebook if you use that platform. It's got a lot of rules which is a bit of a snore but there are some damn talented sewers in there.


Hey, me too! Slowly getting better and better and recently bought paper patterns for the first time (need to figure out what the bloody hell to do with them when I have some free time!). I started with face masks then graduated to oven gloves and pyjama shorts lmao. Alterations and patterns and are my end goal!


For me the next step is to compare the finished garment measurements of “your size” to your actual measurements and decide if you agree with the amount of wearing ease. Then choosing the sizes you match at key points (shoulder, bust, waist, hips etc) and tracing your new pattern onto baking paper or an almost cloth like paper from spotlight that’s with their interfacing fabrics (“shape to create pattern trace” or “trace and toile sew on interfacing”) which I just learned you can use to make a wearable toile from. This saves the original pattern to be used again, and the new pattern is more durable (and the right size for you) Hope this helps! :)


I love sewing! But with the cost of patterns and fabric yeah it’s not cheap 😂 cheaper than buying hand made from other people though!


Watch out for the pattern sales in spotlight. Sometimes they are 4 for $20.


Yeah I’ve been teaching myself for a couple months and I’m already getting compliments on things I’m making and loving


how do you pick your fabric please? when i go to spotlight, im always dubious of the fabric i see, whether or not they will be comfortable to wear. not sure if im doing something wrong?


Have a good look at the pattern you’re making and use only what they recommend. An even better idea is to go to a specialised fabric store (NOT SPOTLIGHT) and have a chat to the staff there. Let me know what city you live in and I can give you some recommendations. Online stores should be able to help you by email even. Yes they’re more expensive, but you’re about to put in a heap of your time so don’t waste it with cheap inappropriate fabric!


If you wanna keep it cheap and low risk, the poplin in the apparel section is like $2.75 and pretty decent. I’ve also searched the bin for scraps and made simple tops from there. I’ve found it’s easier if you get cheap fabric and also you’ll never know if you don’t try


I am mostly self taught but did end up doing the free class that came with my sewing machine and then overlocker. They showed me some tricks I hadn't come across, helped me get past my fear of overlocker threading, and taught me about maintenance. I found it worthwhile (and would have if I'd paid the $35 too), even though by the time I did it, I was miles ahead of most of the participants.


I bought a book from Dymocks called 'how to sew clothes' and it is for complete beginners and has sewing patterns in it. I've made a few things and they came out great!! Last year I didn't know how to thread a bobbin!


Bobbins used to make me sooooo angry in grade 9 sewing oh my god


Oh God. Flashbacks to Design and Tech class. And making a crappy canvas tote bag ahahaha


I'm in one now. Worth it.


This is what I did. It’s the best hobby I’ve ever had because it actually saves me money by not buying over priced rubbish and then I get a new wardrobe and a fun activity to do


Glad to have feedback from someone who’s done it! Just solidified my opinion tbh! Thank you!




This is exactly what I'm doing now too! Isn't that funny? Some of us have just given up completely on Australia fashion retail haha


I did fashion design at TAFE and it was the best choice for my wardrobe. I can make my own patterns and alter any item of clothing to fit me perfectly. I also agree that the shops are so uninspiring and boring. Now 90% of my clothes are from the op shops that have been altered or self made. It’s the best feeling


About 80% of my wardrobe is made by me, and I thoroughly recommend it. I get styles I like in my colours when I want or need them and they last.


I've been sewing since I was 11.I still enjoy freaking people out when they compliment my outfit and I say 'thanks, I made it myself ' 😂😂


Another vote for sewing! Just made a STUNNING dress to wear to a wedding. Cost me well under $100 for supplies, but I could not have bought it for under $500


You will pay yourself over and over with these skills, trust me!


I’m so glad it’s not just me that is so entirely bored and blah about everything on offer lately


Same here, it has been therapeutic


I’m over neutrals and office wear


Same!!!! Or old money / quiet luxury. So boring!!! Like give me colour, patterns, and interesting silhouettes. Same boring designs


It’s like the buyers / designers aren’t even trying. They know it will just be bought.




The worst thing is that everything is also at least $100 now for fast fashion cheap shit 🫠🫠🫠🫠


When did it become accepted for a dress at Cotton On to be $100?


I bought a sports bra and t shirt from cotton on a while ago and it came out to like $90 I was ready to end it all


It's still not accepted but they just do it anyway 😭


the women's clothes at cotton on have been shit quality for like a decade too. I would always buy from there when I was a teenager because it was cheap and cute but it always fell apart. Insane to see the prices these days :(


Basic cotton shirts becoming $90 🥲🥲🥲


Totally agree. Found myself having to update my work wardrobe after working from home the last 4 years. I've come home empty handed after more than one occasion which is super frustrating. Can't trust buying online as no idea what size I am brand to brand. Also like to feel the quality of the fabric I am getting for my money too so needs to be an in-store experience for me. Got a few random things when I decided to look in every single store, even if it wasn't where I would normally shop but I'm still having to use old clothes that are past their use by as the choice is so poor.


I am exactly the same, have needed new clothes since the beginning of Covid, gone out numerous times with money to spend, come home empty handed. There are no clothes around that makes you “feel good/beautiful” anymore. I have no favourite jeans, or dresses, or tops, or anything. They are all just “fine”.


Yep. I’ve basically just bought black pants from target and shirts from online stores or op shops. It’s a sad day when target is the best option


Agree. I have a colleague who I know spends decent money on clothes, but whatever she is in, I’ve always seen the almost exact same in target. Everything is just same same everywhere


I’m a texture girl too so I understand having to feel pieces. Sometimes something could look nice and as soon as you feel it… hard no.


I’m plus sized, so it’s really hard for me to find clothes in stores. Plus sizing here is a joke. This what I do for when I buy clothes online: First of all, I set a budget. And think about how many outfits I want and what I need them for. Get some measuring tape, take my measurements and write it down. Bust, waist, hips. Inseam if they’re jeans or something. I keep them in my notes app on my phone. I go for online stores that take afterpay or Klarna. I always make sure they’ve got a good refund policy. I’ll order a crapload of stuff, checking the size guide as I go. I get the same items in different sizes and colours. With Klarna and afterpay, I only need to initially pay for a quarter. So if I’m ordering $400 worth of stuff, I only pay $100 when I checkout. When it arrives, I try everything on. I’ve got a system where if I order multiple items in different sizes and/or colours, I try them on consecutively. I take photos of in front of the mirror wearing each item. When I take something off, I put it back in its original packaging and make 2 piles: stuff that that fits and stuff that doesn’t. I set the stuff that doesn’t fit aside to be returned. Then I’ll through the ‘it fits’ pile. I’ll look at the photos and price of each item, then decide if I should keep it. I make two new piles: yes and no. The no pile gets set aside with the other stuff to be returned. Then I go through the yes pile. Look at the photos, price and think about how many outfits I can make with each item. If the whole pile costs more than what I budgeted, I’ll have to get rid of some. I usually try to keep pieces that are more versatile if I can. Once everything’s sorted, I go through the invoice and make sure everything is accounted for. Then pack up everything that needs to be returned and pop into the post office the next day. I take a photo of the receipt from the post office just in case I lose it. If I’m due a payment on my afterpay/Klarna, I report my return on the app. It’ll delay payment date for 10 days or something. This whole process takes ages, but it’s so worth it for me. I always end up getting clothes from shein, but that’s what I can afford and I don’t feel guilty about returning 90% of my order. Good quality Aussie brands are way too expensive for me, if they even have my size to begin with. If anyone has recommendations of Aussie brands that have plus sizing, lmk lol


Get a measuring tape and measure your hips, waist and bust, then compare to size guides per brand. There’s a huge discrepancy between brands but if you know your own measurements it’s usually much easier to figure out sizing.


Hard agree. The mid range brands overseas have so much more interesting designs, better fabrics and general range eg J.Crew, Banana, Reformation, Anthro, Doen, Sezane. I’m also sick of those brands offering only the boring clothes to the Australian market, or with a steep Australia tax. I have money; give me a reason to spend it!!!


I’m quite petite and cannot wear the boxy, shapeless, puffed sleeve design, I look atrocious. I’m now shopping online, Gaala and Boden.


I have a long torso and I cannot wear the boxy shape and puff sleeved design either. Nobody can


I'm an AU18-20 and also cant wear the boxy shapeless puffed sleeve design. Who are these brands designing for??


I'm a size 12-14 hourglass shape and 5ft nothing. I too can't wear boxy. Puff sleeve yes but it's such a fleeting trend I'm not keen. Boxy is for very tall, very slim, athletic builds and my god it looks incredible on them. I just wish there was a little more variety for everyone else. I also have a theory that boxy cuts are easier/cheaper to make so clothing companies love that.


Does Boden do free shipping on returns? I asked their bot the other day and it said no =(


I don’t think so, and their shipping is pretty exxy - but I do find the (seemingly completely unfiltered!) reviews helpful.


I feel the same way. Every store buys from the same fast fashion child labour factory, the only difference is the price. It's disgusting


Check out some Indigenous designers! MAARA do gorgeous colours and prints for suiting and special occasion wear. Miimi and Jindaa, Kirrikin, and Myrrdah are also brands I own and recommend. Beautiful fabrics, locally made and the tailoring is perfect.


Yeah when I was in the NT some of the locally designed indigenous printed fabrics were just gorgeous. You could tell some brands would swoop in and turn them into high end pieces.


Oh Thankyou! Just checked out your suggestions and they are so beautiful


I could’ve written this. I prefer somewhat alternative stuff but definitely shop in mainstream stores too. Lately I’ve been lamenting some of my long lost/gone fashion items and shoes of the past and thinking to myself that I never seem to find ANYTHING with that wow factor that some of my stuff used to have. Maybe it’s because I have less to spend now but even so, I remember buying this really gorgeous, stand out, purple velvet blazer at cotton on in the mid 2000’s. For $30. Nothing gives me those types of strong feelings anymore!! It sucks. Bored bored bored by it all. Everything fits weird or makes me looks weird. I am size 6/8 which I thought would make buying stuff fucking easy finally, but no. Same shit, different size. I’ve bought a lot of stuff in op shops lately, that’s been my saviour. I still love Dangerfield even though I’m possibly heading into mutton dressed as lamb territory with it. But at the moment everything there is cropped, my c-section stomach is in no condition for that. Same with shoes. BLAH. I favour Doc Martens, coloured ones especially. A few years ago I got some sparkly red ones for about $200. Now they’re all pretty much black or brown and $400. Gimme some fun stuff please! Edit- typos


For me it’s not so much there’s nothing new but the QUALITY of clothing has had a serious decline in the last 10 years. I know Valleygirl, Supre, Dotti ect were always fast fashion stores but their clothes used to last. My sister even handed me down some of her old Supre dresses with not one stitch coming undone. The quality is shocking now. I remember someone saying Australia is just a dumping ground for poor quality goods and I have to agree.


Same! In my 20s… lived in those brands. They did last. I went into a valley girl a few weeks ago and nothing looked remotely quality. Even the fabric from a distance just looks meh.


I think valleygirl is very hit or miss nowadays, if you search hard enough you'll find something good quality with nice and at least seemingly long lasting fabric, but everything else looks like it's going to fall apart at the seams and like they're just pumping out as many trendy clothes as possible


Preach, sister.


I so hear this. Also in WA. I have way more luck in op shops than regular stores. 


I got a aje dress ( aje oasis olive leaf dress maxi - research maybe from 2019? ) for $60 in subi the other day. It’s got to be from at least. Worn it twice and got so many compliments both times. It’s fun and frilly. It’s a bit big but it’s FUN!


I mostly just buy stuff from op shops in wealthy areas now - granted you may not always find anything in your style or size but at least there’s some sort of variety and you can find unique pieces. I couldn’t believe how expensive basic stuff at Target is now $50 for a plain pair of black pants , $70 dresses etc


this is the way


Leo Lin is an exciting brand if you're into patterns/prints! So is Muma World. 😊


While I agree, it is an unfortunate realisation as an adult that the more unique brands with nicer materials and construction are $350-$500 for a blouse! Luckily they often go on sale.


Yeah I op shop those, which is more fun. Like a proper treasure hunt. Lately there’s been so much high end new with tags for a steal.


Remember when Australian fashion was exciting? Collette Dinnigan, Akira, Sass and Bide (before they sold), Alannah Hill, Cue (when it was good), Lisa Ho, Lover (what happened to them?), Alice McCall... I know some of these are still around, but it just felt more feminine and with a lot more attention to detail back then. Maybe I'm looking at it through the retrospective rose-tinted glasses of my youth. There are still some modern Aus designers doing lovely things, just not accessible to most due to $$$. As a uni student, I used to wait until Myer had "75% off the already reduced price" sales to buy some of these lovely clothes.


I was going to say something similar. 2000s Australian fashion was great. So many of these and other labels have either gone bust, been sold or had a huge change of direction.


I've been interested in Australian fashion and textiles manufacturing history and apparently all that shit DIED because of rapidly decreasing tariffs (down to $0 for most big manufacturing countries like China today) and the 2008 financial crisis. Aussies still had money to spend due to faring better in the financial crisis, so fast fashion stores from overseas started flooding the market here. I was a tween when topshop opened up in Melbourne and I remember being so excited to buy clothes that I heard about on the internet from the UK/USA. A lot of the old aussie designers sold or closed their businesses due to being unable to compete with the fast fashion retailers and moved overseas. I was too young to understand the 2000s good fashion so I don't know first hand but apparently that's what happened to it. I am really passionate about the need for laws that protect and grow the australian fashion market again because fuck me shopping sucks and we have so much fast fashion waste that gets shipped overseas it's really not good enough. Also as a consumer options are obviously extremely limited.


It might be worth looking for consignment stores? There's a really good one in Ardross that carried designer and high end fashion for really reasonable prices, I've found some absolute treasures in there.


Yeah it was actually impossible to find a flattering/interesting top to wear on a night out at the shops! I order online a few weeks in advance of an event now in multiple sizes and hope one of them fits, return the one that doesn’t! Much more choice this way


When shopping with the wife for her clothes we ALWAYS rant together about the sad beige polyester garbage that effing EVERYWHERE has. We went to some fancy pinup store, $270 trousers, 100% polyester. Absolute arsewipe. We managed to get a big score for her Princess Highway though it was kinda pricey, but cotton/viscose, nice patterns and colours. Never seen her happier coming out of a shop.


I agree with you, everything is so samey, bland and generally poor quality. I tend to frequent vintage markets to look for statement pieces. Try the boutiques in freo and south freo - usually better though for summer clothes as they tend to have a beachy vibe. The last lot of winter clothes I bought was in Melbourne as they have actual warm clothes which you don't find a lot of here due to the climate


Yeah Perth is pretty bad for options. I live in the Eastern states now and it's so fun with all the different brands. Shop online I guess? I used ASOS a lot.


Man, WA must be bad if you are finding things appealing over east bc it's just a sea of black and beige over here imo.


I don’t like how personally I see a shift in work wear and casual clothing for nights out or dressing up slightly morphing into the same high neck tank, asymmetrical top, tailored pants, jeans, loafers/birks. It’s honestly just boring. No shade on anyone’s style if they like it but I hate seeing people unless they’re more out there with their fashion (eg alt brands) just wearing the same outfits. Which honestly I don’t blame people for wearing the same outfits when everything in store is just all the same store to store.


Depop is my new favourite! I too am sick of overpriced basic fashion, like $65 for a plain black shirt I could get from Vinnie's? No thanks




I know what you mean. I’ve found lots of success on Depop though. Found some serious gems out of sellers in WA!!


yeah I avoided depop because people try to sell fast fashion on there but if you take time to like things you think are good the algorithm starts coughing up the good shit. So many great vintage pieces being sold for reasonable prices, and even handmade knitwear too.


So much this! If you search by brand instead of by clothing you’ll start getting good quality stuff.


I hate shopping these days. Everything looks the same and it’s just awful. I’m on the east coast and I think shopping centres are just cookie cutter versions of the same recycled fashions. Definitely try op shops for things and sadly going online might be your best bet. I guess it also depends what sort of clothing you’re looking for? Beserk has some great alternative options, they used to have staples of things they actually made here in Australia (they are in Brisbane)


I have recently discovered [Dear Little Panko](https://dearlittlepanko.com.au/) which is an online consignment store that is based in Melbourne but specifically sells fun pieces made by Australian and New Zealand brands. I got a [Pretty Parcel ](https://www.prettyparcel.com.au/) top for $50 which would've retailed for around $150 brand new and it was extremely well made. They do drops of clothes all the time so you never know what you might find.


Australian Day-to-day and street fashion is some of the ugliest, most boring stuff I’ve ever seen. In general the Asian, European and even many central and south American countries dress so much better than us at the moment.


I just moved to WA & oh dear it's dire over here. I have a choice of Sussans, Rivers & Kmart. I can't even get shipping from half the stores I love out here. I look like a lumberjack. It's not good.


Rip to your style, congrats on your $$ savings


I agree! I went to browse the Country Road spend and save today… what an absolute waste! The cotton cardigans looked like cotton on quality from 2 years ago. I tried it on because I’m desperate for winter wear and it was so shapeless. I tried a few different tops on and it was the same. I looked incredibly frumpy. I’ve had better luck at Target lately with their clothing. I think I’ll sit this winter season out and make do with the clothes I do have and see if there is anything better next season.


You've put all my frustrations into words! In other news, I have spent the past 8 years being incredibly burned out after studying fashion, but I'm finally so effing over the crap that's been in stores the past few years (at mega $$$), I'm actually excited to start sewing again just so I have some basic skirts and shirts to wear that aren't misshapen unflattering blobs of beige. Like, retail has come to the point where sewing actually feels appealing. And sewing is a nightmare. That I'm willing to put myself through so I actually own clothing. Gahhh!


Sewing is fun… it’s the cutting out of the patterns and pinning that’s not .. and then the accidental oh crap I just sewed this sleeve the wrong side out…. Wait… Change my mind… sewing is not fun 😂


Could not agree more. Is really frustrating. Is been years and only wear my raggedy old clothes because I can’t find anything good. I wish there were nice flattering for everyone clothes. I can’t online because I’m between sizes and return policies here are the worst.


Have you tried searching for people who make clothes here in Aus? You will find some really cool stuff!


This is why people shop on Shein and Temu. You want colour? You can find it there. Interesting outfits? Yep. Search by material? Yep. You can confirm the measurements, read reviews and send it back if you don't like it. Cheap? Yeah especially with the discounts. And you can get shoes. So I'm not surprised that people ignore the ethical factors and shop there because they want something *different*.


The clothes don't last though, so it's a vicious and endless cycle of waste.


Clothes don’t last from Witchery either, may as well not pay out the nose for the same stuff from the same factories.


Maybe just don't buy crap clothes full stop.


But let’s be real they look cheap. Fabric and manufacturing is cheap. I just prefer quality over quantity. I want some signature pieces with nice fabrics, great design and that are flattering. I have got shein and Aliexpress and while they are wearable they look so cheap is no joke.


Come to Sydney!


I feel like this is a side effect of recessioncore


The sad reality is that if you shop in generic chain stores you'll get generic clothing. Stores like Myer aren't interested in selling a couple of amazing dresses every week, they want to sell hundreds of "goes with anything" jackets.


David Jones stock Farm Rio and Ganni but only in a few stores, because people aren't willing to pay for it in your average local Westfield. Same for Alemais. It may be true that in person shopping has got worse since people are buying so much online, and I suspect, are particularly likely to buy 'fun' stuff online, leaving Westfield stocking basic work outfits for people who desperately need a new pair of pants. But it's not the fault of 'Australian design'.


I went shopping for a winter coat with my sister and played ‘spot the same tan coat!’ I think we got to 20. Other options are light grey or black. Even my colleague, an Indian dude in his 50s, has commented that everything looks the same and the quality is uniformly blah. Menswear is equally generic. The only good thing is with shopping centre fashion in the $200-600 I feel better about buying from designer brands.


I remember being 20 (20 years ago) and walking around the shops and there was soooo many nice clothes and it was depressing because I didn’t have the money to buy anything but now I have the money and I’m like where are all the nice clothes gone?? I’m in WA also.  I tend to buy a lot on eBay now but that even depresses me because it makes me remember what clothing used to be like, when the cuts were flattering, the prints etc were unique and interesting and you just can’t buy it now, you have to hope something pops up on there in your size that’s not damaged and old. 


Ohh my god finally someone said it. It’s so fucking bad here in Perth right!! Overpriced as hell, made of fucking plastic, ugly / boring / generic / unflattering. Truly the trenches out here 🥱🥱


Really? I live in WA and do not find that the case at all. Try Alemais, Aje, Lee Matthews, Johnny Was - in DJs - a store you discounted as not having Australian Designer. When they have lots.


Yeah but all these designers are expensive AF.


OP is comparing to Aussie fashion to ganni and FARM Rio. It's similar price points [https://alemais.com/collections/midi-dresses/products/piato-one-shoulder-midi-dress](https://alemais.com/collections/midi-dresses/products/piato-one-shoulder-midi-dress) $AU425 [https://farmrio.com/products/off-white-tropical-destination-midi-dress](https://farmrio.com/products/off-white-tropical-destination-midi-dress) $US260 + tax [https://www.davidjones.com/product/aje-reframe-logo-shirt-dress-26553011?nav=941904](https://www.davidjones.com/product/aje-reframe-logo-shirt-dress-26553011?nav=941904) $AU495


That's... the whole thing. If you want good quality, decent construction, it's going to cost more. If you want interesting, unusual designs that won't sell in large numbers, that is also going to cost more because the manufacturers are taking a risk and don't have the economies of scale. Everyone on this darn subreddit wants it both ways.


Love those brands, but for Booragoon… tiny selection in djs of Aje, and if you’re lucky, there’s a return of Alemais. I don’t want to have to travel nor to Karrinyup or Claremont just to find something. Booragoon Myer lost their consignment stand of sass and bide too sadly.


I have no solutions, just here to say that I agree with everything you said. Went shopping in Miranda (huge Westfield in Sydney) with a friend a few weeks ago and left with a Glasshouse candle because all the clothes were uninspired shit with prices that didn't match the quality, and I felt I had to buy something to make the trip seem worth it. Not sure about mens' clothing, but womens' fashion at the moment is in a terrible state.


Went shopping on the weekend and was very disappointed. Just looking for something with bright colours, decent thickness, no brand names and isn't cropped up to my belly. Ended up buying a mens aqua blue sweater from Lowe's 😂


I've thought about shopping at YD because their jumpers and hoodies look so thick and comfy. I agree with you - so tired of the crop top trend and all these thin, see-through fabrics. God forbid you want a white t-shirt these days. Not a fan of the exposed back trend, too. I'd like to be able to wear a bra under my tops.


Yes 110% The retro/vintage inspired stores that were my go-to are also incredibly uninspiring.


EBay is still good lol


I couldn’t agree more with you. I’m so sick of frumpy shapeless shit that costs a fortune. No shape & nothing flattering. Jeanswest & cotton on produce the same shit year after year. I could go back into those stores 10+ years ago & I reckon the pieces would look the same. I started to learn to sew but I find patterns scary & so overwhelming. I have really low motivation & give up on things very easily. Running joke in our house is “mum’s starting another HFP” HPF= Half-Finished Project.


Patterns are scary to look at, but there are indie brands that have walkthrough videos and tutorials for each pattern. That way you can see and hear what they’re doing for each step, instead of having to decode the symbols like you’re a secret agent reading a stolen blueprint.


Pattern Emporium are an Australian pattern brand. They are pdf patterns but have extensive tutorials and the loveliest facebook support group for fit advice. They also do a big sale when a new pattern drops and again at Boxing Day.


A large element of this is what's trending. The plain/ oversized/ monotonal sort of style is what's in fashion so that's what you're going to see everywhere at the moment. I agree it's a shame that more brands don't just do their own thing, but they're likely chasing the dollar and what's selling. I'm also interested in some brands that are stepping outside this and being more creative. So I'm super interested to read this thread


Exactly. I'm 23 and would like some interesting but decent-quality clothing that isn't insanely expensive. For some reason, that's too much to ask for in WA so I end up buying a lot of my clothes online which I dislike. I actually enjoy going shopping and getting to try on items before purchasing but when there's nothing worth trying on in the stores, what's the point? I have to shop at Revolve, Free People and The Iconic to find anything interesting but it's still a grind. If anyone has any suggestions please tell me. I'm willing to spend Country Road range prices for reference so it doesn't have to be cheap.


Absolutely agree. I’ve become obsessed with Depop, there’s a lot of people selling items from your regular shops (H&M, sports girl, ghanda, cotton on) but if you search “vintage” or “handmade” then you can find some really cool stuff. It’s also great because you can set it to be Australia wide, or include items being sold from the UK and US. I’ve found some awesome random jackets and dresses for great prices. You do have to dig deep but once you find a few good accounts and follow them, the app starts to suggest similar “shops.” I’m also making more of an effort to dedicate time to properly go op shppping, and I’m looking into learning how to hand stitch/embroider and looking at iron on hemming tape and iron on embroidery patches to make things more unique/suited to my style tastes. My fave thing is that these options are somewhat more sustainable which is something I am definitely willing to invest in. Recently I got a H&M hoodie from Depop for $10, RRP is $29 I think? It’s literally still on sale in store and is just a basic beige hoodie but this way I’m not supporting fast fashion directly and I saved money :) try search on Pinterest or YouTube for DIY thrift flips if you’re interested in customising clothing to your size/styld/shape preference :)


This. The shopping choices in Australia is abysmal. Same brands everywhere. Ever since I was a teen, this is exactly why my family has dedicated shopping trips overseas. You pick up great bargains and the variety of stores in Asia is insane


I m from WA too and have ended up in tears as there was nothing worth buying at a physical store. I am 40 and it is either too young, too puffy or too old. It is no wonder that the biggest online spenders come from WA! When I went to QLD, Toowoomba, Bris, Sunny coast - all had items of clothing that I would purchase. Even in the likes of target and big w! Came home to purchase it and it was not in stock.


I save up my money to spend on the fashion overseas like London, Tokyo or Paris. It’s more worth it. I can’t stand Aussie fashion at the moment. I feel so uninspired.


Do you have any recommendations for Tokyo shops and areas for fashion? I’m going there later in the year!


Where are you shopping? Go to claremont quarter. Zimmerman, Alemais (at DJs) scanlan and Theodore, manning cartel, Camilla and Marc, Aje, oroton, Morrison, sass and bide. You should be able to find something there. If you can’t find anything and you want to up your budget and go European head out to bay view terrace to Adam Heath or Ricarda.


But they are all super expensive stores! I'm sorry but at $1000 + for a Zimmerman dress is not in many people's budgets. Plus they don't cater to those of us who are plus size...


Ok sorry, you didn’t specify. If you were looking at Ganni I thought this would be in your budget (Zimmerman aside, which is next level).


Zimmerman had this black tulle dress I for an event I tried it on. I was kinda shocked the dress even passed their quality control. The rest of the dresses 😍


Claremont is one of the centres I would go NOR for. Anytime I’ve tried Karrinyup it’s been horribly busy and I’ve just never gone back.


I liked kookai for basics and I just buy other stuff from free people but if u don’t like it we have to pay returns which sux, for fancy dresses items I liked Temu, pandabuy


how do i upvote this twice. im in my mid-20s now and haven't been inspired by australian fashion since i was maybe in year 7? asia is where its at, nearly bought a whole new wardrobe when i was in japan and korea a few weeks ago


I'm not sure if Olga De Polga would be considered too boxy (I like that style though because here up North it is sooooo hot), but they have some beautiful and vibrant prints! Quite spenny but they usually have considerable discounts in their sale section. Very ethical company too, I found them on a website that rates sustainability and they were listed as an alternative to Gorman Edit: I FORGOT TO MENTION JERICHO ROAD!!! Such a cute brand with so many fun prints and they're having a crazy sale fun. Just bought a dress with seahorses and corals all over it, 10/10


I couldn't agree more! Everything looks like it's fresh out of the depression. Or maybe it's just giving depression. Colour, variety and beauty semes dead. Maybe try op shops and hope for some vintage outfits?


If you into vintage/preloved, try the Piazza square in Freo. There’s heaps of different vintage shops of all different eras. Good quality as they come not source and sell the best. And you’ll be supporting some great small businesses :) To name a couple: Vintage Lily, Freo Di janero (also has a store in Margs)


HAHA you are on fire with this


I'm over polyester and cheap fabrics, and clothes with cut outs. Horrible! And I don't suppose the girls on Farmer wants a wife are any more fashionable than anyone else, but slip dresses, midriff tops, spaghetti straps, chunky sandals, silky cowl neck tops, etc? I guess the 90s are back - shame... they aren't flattering. And they're totally inappropriate for our UV levels! Not to mention no hats!


I like Obus, Kowtow & Kholo. I also op shop a lot and have no problem finding good quality pieces.


I went to Japan and I was amazed how well everyone dressed, all the flattering feminine silhouettes, interesting fabrics and designs. It made me feel super self conscious in my typical Aussie uniform of white sneaks, shapeless plain shirt


This is why I tend to shop on Depop and at markets now. It’s annoying not getting to try things on, and that it’s not new, but I seem to find much more interesting pieces this way. I only started enjoying fashion again once I got hooked on the second hand market.


I’m not sure what your budget is but some of my fav Aussie brands are: * Alemais * Sir * Wolf Gang * Venroy * Viktoria & Woods * Manning Cartel


I live in regional WA and I get excited to visit Perth every few months to try find a new outfit only to be left disappointed every time these past few trips


Clothes for little girls have better fabric than for women. Floral stuff is either huge and ugly, or tiny but so many repeats. No fun colours, stripes always go sideways even though that is the biggest fashion no-no for 3/4 of the population. Everything is shapeless for a bigger women - then when we lose weight - everything still fits wrong


This is sad to hear. I’m an Aussie living in the US and thought I’d find great shopping here but it has mostly sucked. I have been holding onto hope that when I next go back to Aus I’d be able to add some fun pieces to my wardrobe.


It is saving me a lot of money though.


I read an interesting [article](https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/ng-interactive/2023/jun/06/how-australian-fashion-fell-to-pieces-history-timeline) earlier this year about exactly this!


Such a good article. So many things spoke to me. “In 2023 money – not talent – rises”. And definitely the local skilled labour issue. That’s an issue across a lot of industries. And the cost. I wonder what the future of locally made will look like if it keeps up like this.


Went into David Jones on a Sunday, it was deserted, probably 25 assistants to 15 customers. Not a pretty sight. But i disagree, Myer is middle to upper middle class brands. David Jones caters for the Upper Middle to Upper class brands. Both equally drab stores though.


Do you have access to Uniqlo? Some better fabrics and colours there. Also I was suggested somewhere called Elise Design


Yup. Now most of my clothes just come from H&M but even those are blah.


Melbourne, Melbourne, Melbourne! Perth has nothing! Either jump on a flight for a crazy week of shopping or just shop online. You should know your body by now, in the way of what suits you and size ranges. It’s so easy to return these days… don’t waste anymore of your time!


Keen for a trip to Melbourne. So keen. Soon I hope!!! I love online shopping but also like to feel the material too.


GREIGE lol perfect, I am so sick of the greige. I love colour!!


Craving something a bit more exotic than Tommy Hilfiger aye


If you like Gorman but want better quality, have you checked out Leonard St, or Variety Hour?


> but with a waist where no one would naturally have a waist… we want customers to feel as if they have something wrong with their body… Right in the gut, there! Granted, I’m not in shape, but still! I can find pretty vintage dresses at Savers that fit beautifully. Dresses *can* be made to fit a human. I went thrift shopping with my MIL for bonding time and I kinda like the experience. I’ve gone back twice and now have 5 really nice dresses. Scored a cute Hell Bunny dress for $18 which I fell in love with at first sight. MIL said that‘s a good brand (I didn’t know it); I looked them up a few days later when I got to wear it, and found their dresses start at $130. Welp. I really fell in love with the dress and even more looking at the website, but my eyes love more than my wallet can spend 😅 I did shop at Shein too (not anymore), and they have nice designs and cuts and I do still love what I bought (the no-wire bras were actually the best of my 2 orders), but I make sure to wash them separately in delicate bags in cold wash. Just extra effort to plan the laundry. Most times I’ve shopped at outlets I leave empty handed, because of non-appeal, not fitting, or the price tag/value ratio.


Agreed. Maybe try Claremont Quarter? I haven't been there for a while but they seemed to have a few interesting shops at the time


There's some amazing Australian designers-but you aren't looking in the right place. Heres a few I like: Magpie goose Aulieude Seagrass design clothing Obus Vow studio Reigner clothing Great fool


Over here, it's lululemon


I wear 1940s style vintage dresses for special occasions and Dangerfield for casual wear. All shopped online, Marketplace or pre loved on FB groups. I cannot find any satisfactory clothing for my size 18 body other than frump.


try perks and mini. it is expensive, but definitely not beige


Could fashion be being designed by Ai? It feels like there’s a certain homogeneous look about every brand. Just googled the common retailers - Witchery, Country Road, Marcs, Camilla & Marc, Trenery, Saba, Seed, Unison, Cue, Veronica Maine, Forever New - and they all might as well be the one brand. Nothing to distinguish it from each other. (The only brand that looks any different is good old Sportsgirl and the pricing seems to be reasonable. The quality is not as good at 90’s Sportsgirl but it’s my pick for something a bit more fun) Like they’ve all used Ai prompt: women’s fashion, relaxed, oversized, minimal detail, no patterning, greige colour range, average height 5’10”.


There’s lots of small interesting boutique brands but they normally have very few stock lists and wouldn’t be in your local Westfield. But these are also not cheap. Everyone is used to fast fashion prices + when it’s not mass produced it costs more to make. Edit: I’ve never been in WA so not exactly sure what it’s like there but maybe try online


What’s wrong with purple paisley? What about sage + Paige? They have some good variety.


Look I love a good paisley, but this particular paisley witchery had late last year… darn awful. It was like they murdered the poor paisley.


I can’t agree more! I hate shopping but now I hate it even more. Everything is a bag shape or an old lady pattern. I have boobs and a waist and a bum and I’d like to wear clothes that look good and will last without having to pay thousands for a designer outfit full of logos that I don’t want.


I pretty much only buy off asos and theiconic at this point


Totally get this! I went to Carousel (which was sad as heck) and then ended up getting a shirt, pants combo for a wedding from Sheike in Karrinyup, I felt Sheike and Gormon were the only stores with any unique flavour. There were a few things I liked in the Myer but out of my price range haha, and there was very little stocked of the more unique brands in there. Its so bleedin sad! Especially after reading 'The Dressmaker' with her descriptions of clothing then.


Not sure if it’s been mentioned yet, but have a look for any vintage fashion stores or op shops. Tends to be a better range of clothing styles, and it’s really exciting when you find something from an Aus designer at a good price!




I am in total agreement. It's fucking bleak. I really don't understand the current obsession with natural tones for everything, fashion, interiors, personalities. Sigh. I don't bother in store anymore. I'm in regional NSW, and also plus sized, so all my clothes are ordered online now. My favourite is Made590. They do have a bricks and mortar store in Sydney, but I haven't made the trek there myself. I don't mind Gorman, though I'm at the upper end of their size range and honestly they appear to have gone down hill a bit lately. Same for Dangerfield (and associated brands), though I don't often have fit issues with them, they have really embraced the 1990's goth/witchy vibe which, as a former 90's Goth wannabe teen, I have no plans to revisit. The best Gorman and Dangerfield stuff I have found recently been second hand. I know how to sew though, so if I get stuck or know what I want (and can find good fabric), I can make it myself.


Alemais is lovely, definitely not beige! Acler is also bright. I love Nine Lives Bazaar. Sheike tends to have bright colours and prints. Auguste the Label often has lovely prints (sometimes they’re a bit grandma’s curtains though). Peppermayo has lots of bright, patterned clothes. I like BAABY, although they have a very small range. For winter I love love love Wah Wah Australia’s amazing artistic jumpers. Weed through Camilla for the good pieces (eg: palazzo pants, blouses, bomber jackets) and buy on sale. BlackMilk clothing has a rocker chick aesthetic. Oroton does some fun (if very expensive) stuff. Marcs does some fun prints. I love bright colours and prints and I usually find loads of options out there. Keep looking!


Oh I love nine lives. I have a few of their pieces. I do wish they were lined for the price you pay tho.


Bro you’re going to Westfield what do you expect. Real Gen X coded post


If you don't mind driving to Carousel I always find lots at Sheike.


Totally agree, AJE in Karrinyup and Zara are pretty much the only local retailers I look in for going out outfits!